
National Security , Newsline

Fauci and the Left’s “Right to Lie”

Posted on Wednesday, February 9, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan


Believe it or not, there is at least one American who has managed to plummet even faster in the polls than Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, the most cumulatively unpopular president and vice president in recent history. Though reaching such high levels of national unpopularity is far from an easy task, the man who has succeeded in doing so represents nearly everything wrong with the federal bureaucracy and the Washington, D.C. ruling class. This man is none other than Dr. Anthony Fauci, who much of the country has now come to see as the symbolic face of an endless pandemic.

Fauci—who routinely brushes off legitimate criticisms of himself as “attacks on science,” has likely never turned down a television interview, and has a shrine with prayer candles dedicated to himself in his own home—has done much to forfeit the trust of the American people since the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the more notable examples of Fauci’s untrustworthiness in the public eye is his deliberate flip-flopping on the efficacy of masks: in March 2020, he claimed “there’s no reason to be walking around with a mask” and that although “wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet,” it would not provide “the perfect protection that people think that it is.”

Fast-forward to July, Fauci freely admitted to the Washington Post that he had consciously lied to the public about the usefulness of masks in his earlier statements, now insisting that masks were essential and conceding that his primary concern back in March was merely to “save the masks for the people who really needed them.” In other words, according to Fauci himself, he believed all along that masks would protect people, but simply deceived the public for what he believed to be ‘the greater good’ – in this case, the good of his peers in the medical community. In Fauci’s mind, he—as a member of America’s elite ruling class—was exercising what he believed was his right to lie.

This phenomenon of a left-wing “right to lie” did not begin with Fauci; rather, it has long been a defining feature of the progressive left in their pursuit of power. One of the most notorious examples occurred just over a decade ago with the promotion and eventual passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Former President Barack Obama notoriously claimed that the ACA would “cut the cost of a typical family’s health insurance premium by up to $2,500 a year” and that “if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it” – something Obama himself knew was false and earned the “lie of the year” award from even left-leaning PolitiFact. Nonetheless, Obama’s speechwriters later casually laughed about their blatant dishonesty in an interview with 60 Minutes.

Shortly after Obamacare’s passage, Jonathan Gruber—widely seen as the chief architect of the legislation—infamously told a panel that “lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.” He went on: “And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.” Thus, according to Gruber and other like-minded Obama administration officials, telling a series of bald-faced lies directly to the American people is entirely permissible—and even encouraged—so long as doing so furthers their own goals and favors their own political fortunes.

The left’s reliance on the “right to lie” as a means of expediting their political priorities reached its apex during the years of the Trump presidency, which the left saw as an existential threat to their goals, their agenda, and their conception of a properly ordered society.

The crowning example of the left’s politics of dishonesty was their intricate Russia collusion hoax, in which they contrived an elaborate series of fabrications trying to pin former President Donald Trump as a “Russian asset” who was in the pocket of Vladimir Putin. This strategy ultimately culminated in an attempt to remove Trump from office—an ambition that, in the mind of the left, was so important that it had to be accomplished by any means necessary, even if that required constructing the fantastical story of Donald Trump as a secret foreign spy.

Although virtually everyone involved in the hoax—from the FBI, to the media, to Democrat politicians like Hillary Clinton and Adam Schiff—was fully aware that Trump was not, in fact, a Russian agent, they nevertheless spent nearly three years trying to use the lies to throw Trump out of office. And when the truth finally came out, the mainstream media simply carried on as if nothing had happened. As Amanda Milius—director of the film The Plot Against the Presidentnoted, “It was the blueprint for how they lie to us” and “how they turn the whole country in the opposite direction of reality.”

President Joe Biden is also a prime example of a man who believes his political interests are so important that he has a “right to lie”: for nearly his entire career, he has unashamedly plagiarized speeches and fabricated details about his personal biography, from fibbing about his law school grades, to claiming that he was arrested for trying to see Nelson Mandela, and most famously, ripping off the family history of a British politician to flavor his 1988 presidential campaign stump speech. He has also lied consistently about the tragic death of his first wife and child in a car crash, embellishing the story with false details about the driver of the other car, painting him as a drunk driver—even though he was not drunk and likely not even at fault for the accident. As Kevin D. Williamson wrote for National Review, “The casual cruelty with which Biden is willing to subordinate the lives of ordinary people to his political ambitions—for the sake of a petty tear-jerker line in one of his occasionally plagiarized stump speeches—is remarkable.”

Since he took office as president, Biden has also lied about key details surrounding his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, his plans to mandate COVID-19 vaccinations, and countless other issues of major concern to Americans—thereby further cementing his status as a serial liar. As recently as January, he falsely claimed he was “arrested” during a civil rights protest, something for which even the Washington Post granted him four “Pinocchios.” But as with Fauci, Obama, and every other prophet of the Radical Left, Biden’s lies are either ignored or explained away. They’re in the service of the right political agenda—so they’re perfectly okay.

Of course, the left’s lies can only withstand the truth for so long. Americans quickly learned the facts about Obamacare and swept Democrats’ congressional majorities away in 2010. And now, a recent poll found that only 31 percent of Americans trust Dr. Fauci on COVID-19 while only 15.5 percent trust Biden. People want leaders who give it to them straight. If Biden actually wants to stave off disaster this fall and resurrect his image, he might start with telling the truth, as uncomfortable as it may be.

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3 years ago

Dr. Fauci will be asked to retire, at full government pension of course, only when he is of no further use to the left in this country. Until such time, the media and the administration will continue to prop him up as “the authority” on all things Covid.

As for Biden, the man is NOT running anything. He has early onset dementia and at times can’t even complete simple sentences or read what is prepared for him off of a teleprompter. Stop expecting him to do anything different from what he has done since Day One. He doesn’t make the decisions for how this country is being run.

As for the Democrats, their leadership is NOT stupid nor unaware of their lack of popularity with the general population of the United States. Which is why they are so focused on removing the voice of the people, the vote, from the equation ASAP. The focus of the Democrats remains on somehow getting “election reform”, the federalizing of elections, enacted into law by any means necessary. That is why they keep trying to insert the language into every bill the House generates. Once they accomplish the passage of that, the Democrats will never lose a Congressional or Presidential election ever again.

3 years ago

Fauci is getting rich off of tax payers and I have no doubt off the moderna vax. He is bleeding the virus to keep it going. I wish President Trump had fired him when thinking people figured him out.
I don’t know if he really has a shrine of himself at home but he sure thinks that highly of himself. As I’ve heard the statement, he is a legend in his own mind.

Andrew Porter
Andrew Porter
3 years ago

The Left is full of Cardinal Richelieu Clones. They all deserve the Guillotine!

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
3 years ago

The arrogance of “doctor” Falsie is matched only by his sanctimony!!

3 years ago

Not only should the lying POS be FIRED with no pension, he should be arrested and spend the rest of his life in prison for killing thousands of people around the world. He created, or at least helped create the covid virus….then lied about it. May he die a slow painful ‘covid’ death. And he knows the so called vaccines he’s now pushing DO NOT WORK and actually do the opposite and are killing people too.

3 years ago

I don’t think Biden can tell the truth he’s been lying to long. Same with Pelosi, and Fauci etc etc

3 years ago

Fauci will do everything it takes to perpetuate their constantly mutating genocide virus that he , obama , biden , soros & gates FUNDED in 2015 at Wuhan , to eradicate 6 BILLION of the world’s populations , per THEIR NWO agenda goals . Another of those goals is to destroy America – ANY WAY POSSIBLE , which biden has been blatantly obviously busy doing for over a year now .

Gregg H Lambert
Gregg H Lambert
3 years ago

Gotta stop regarding biden-ites as people – they are vermin and should be treated as such

3 years ago

Eternity is forever. All of us will one day be judged by God. He loves and wants to save everyone, but will only save the ones who ask His Son, in sincerity, to save them. Then He sees us in His Son. There is nothing we can do otherwise to obtain forgiveness. This has to be done while we live here, as there is no second chance after we’ve died. It is so simple, but pride prevents a lot of people from accepting His grace. Grace is a gift undeserved, but freely given. Ask for it. You’ll be so thankful you did.

3 years ago

This is all fine if you are conservative or an independent who leans right; but I live in a VERY far left city and these people think Fauci and Biden are great. They think everything they say and do is because they deeply care about the people. Are they tired of some things yes. But overall they say it’s because this was all new. So the allegiance and thinking is still to them.
It’s fine if conservative media put this out there but somehow the right message is not getting out to everyone.
Is everyone tired of mask? Just about everyone. Parents and kids tired yes. But school boards, teachers and medical community still push the agenda.
That is what needs to be focused on, the power agenda.
The border crossings scare me more mask fauci yet hardly anything is out there saying they’re tired of it.
I drove by a building the other day that has been painted with the huge letters VOTE. Surely people are getting ready and shuttles will be too. Yet again, mask conversation overdoes the vote conversation. If conservatives don’t win next time around AND in the future, we may as well kiss this country good bye tired or not.
I notice more than ever with the mask situation how the left have sports, news media, teachers, large businesses, school boards and more than ever hospitals in their pockets. The mask situation will end but the leftist thinking and actions won’t.

jake the snake
jake the snake
3 years ago

Fauci led the effort to create the virus,
Fauci coordinated the funding for the virus,
Fauci led the fake covid response designed to create fear and panic.
Fauci worked with the CDC and WHO to have all congestive deaths call covid deaths.
Fauci convinced the CDC and WHo to use non-valid testing to test for covid.
Fauci worked with the pharmaceutical companies to create the death shot fake vaccines.
Fauci worked with the democrats to create the vaccine passports.
Fauci worked with the CDC and FDA to oppress use of anything but the death shots to fight covid.

Is there any sane person who would not believe fauci planned the release of the virus?

Fauci, and his democrat cohorts, Obama, biden, Daszak and Pelosi have killed millions. they all need to be put on trial for crimes against humanity.

The virus was not the Chinese fault: fauci and the democrats did it.

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
3 years ago

Fox News this morning was a delightful exposure of all the dastardly exploits of the democratic party. The democrats are behind a whole chronologic assortment of crimes. Everything ranging from A-Z. They have been busy devising one lie after another. It seems, they delight in scaring us all to death. Devising some way of killing us all. Then, making us feel guilty, that we don’t want to go along with their devious plans!

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
3 years ago

Lenin said it was all right to lie, cheat, steal, and kill to advance the communist agenda. What difference is there between the Democratic Party of today and the Party of Lenin? Jesus said that Satan is the father of lies and a murderer from the beginning. Who is the master of the Democratic Party?

3 years ago

Fauci is Good For NOTHING. He has lied from the beginning & was part of the control tactic of “shut downs” to take over our lives. It is time for him to step away and let our country get back its freedoms from these “di**tators.

3 years ago

I never watch TV news, I don’t take a newspaper. If I see a Democrat talking on TV I mute it, assuming he’s lying. The only concern of the Demo/Globalists is their agenda of a one-world government. They have no concern for people since they are controlled by Satan. The masks do nothing but are only for control. The entire party from Biden on down is evil & satanic.

Spade David
Spade David
3 years ago

O’Biden and his dancing group of Marxist Democrats are the biggest liars in American political history. Fauci is part of that group, and he single-handedly lied all the way through the pandemic. He bamboozled our citizens more than anyone else in the administration. Using the smoke screen of “science” as his cover, he used his position to cover up the political inaccuracies of the administration. Is it any wonder that the American public is skeptical of any message coming out of Washington, D.C.?

3 years ago

If you have never heard Dr .Falsie speak is it a lie ? Please don’t give him print time at Amac . Uncle Joe and sidekick are quite enough .

3 years ago

Tomorrow in NY State masks are no longer required in businesses; however, children in schools must wear them…know why? So that young children be vaccinated..this is very wrong. Parents need to push back…vacs should not be given across the board…there are exceptions re: health issues. Time government stop mandating vacs when they have no info on individual health of kids. And while I’m on this subject: vac cards should only be required re international travel and your personal medical records provided to your physicians.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 years ago

it’s not a lie but the truth of the day

3 years ago

Fauci has always been a useless leech on taxpayers just like joebama and anti american democrats.
They ALL need to be REMOVED!

3 years ago

“Fauci” spelled backwards is “big fat liar”…isn’t it?

3 years ago

So many citizens of our country still believe Biden, Obama and Fauci were telling them the truth. They have their heads in the sand. The fact is that many people are just too lazy to find out the truth OR do not want to believe the truth. What a tragedy. This may well be America’s undoing.

3 years ago

How can the left get away with so many lies? The late Malcolm Muggeridge put it this way; “People do not believe lies because they have to, but because they want to.” Think about this one example; the left and their media allies have terrified our children and ordinary citizens so much about COVID that they desperately want to believe masks and vax mandates are the only solution.  Therefore, anyone who disagrees must be silenced, socially destroyed or even allowed to die by disallowing them access to life-saving therapeutics like ivermectin or denying organ transplants to the un-vaxxed.

Robin Boyd
Robin Boyd
3 years ago

Socialist minded people such as Fauci have a tendency to have a god complex about themselves. They believe themselves to be so superior to others that they believe they should have a right to dictate how others are allowed to live.

3 years ago

The left has to lie. It’s the only way they get their programs passed. In fact, at its most fundimental level, leftism must unanchor the general population from the truth. Once you reject the truth, there are only lies left to believe in. This makes the population controlable, as one lie is just as easily “proved” as another, where the truth is difficult to get people away from. (How many genders are there? Once you reject the truth of two, one number is as good as another.) Once truth is rejected, all that is needed to steer society into another direction is a change in propaganda or a new “scientific” study “proving” the “new truth”. This is what leftists want.

Sean Richman
Sean Richman
3 years ago

Wishy washy fauci is far from the only criminal in the current cult that is trying to destroy AMERICA,the fact is that the cult is very good at what they do.Patriots really need to step up and take our country back,easier said than done.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
3 years ago

That’s because they have the “interest” of the people at heart, bless THEIR hearts.

3 years ago

farakan fauci and wrecking ball biden

JJ Johnson-Smith
JJ Johnson-Smith
3 years ago

Is it just ME, or is anyone else more than a little bothered that they can get AWAY with all this?!?!? I mean REALLY….is this America or the Twilight Zone? WHY are these people NOT being taken down?!?!?

3 years ago

The atrocities of World War II that were, very very horrendous, Asiatic theater, Germany, Russia death murder tolls. Compared to what Fauci and his taxpayer funded gain of function Wuhan virus murders, Biden his mandates, and more deaths from Wuhan since he has been in office, than the previous administration. The lies of the DemocRats, their nursing home deaths, destruction of our schools and the lost generation of Children and let`s not forget the China Communists genocide by spreading the Wuhan around the WORLD. These Mass Murders from the Wuhan most likely out did the Murders that went on during World War I, World War II, Korea, Viet Nam, the Desert Wars.

Just Asking, maybe I am wrong, but what the heck, may as well throw it at the wall and see what sticks..

3 years ago

Back to the subject which this article begins, I lay Dr. Fauci’s continued existence in his role at the feet of President Trump who should have fired this guy immediately. I know that criticism of President Trump is not well received on these pages, but too bad, President Trump had several people on his staff that needed the boot, and Dr. Fauci is at the top of that list. The damage this man has done is probably incalculable.

Steven H
Steven H
3 years ago

What’s of bigger concern is there are no limits to their situational ethics. How easy it will be to progress to murder because it furthers their goals. Eventually, they are going to reach a point where their lies become ineffective. When that happens, it will be an easy transition for them to make to kill people because their ethics will be non-existent and will not have any boundaries. Until the ethics (or lack thereof) of politicians are challenged, their integrity will continue to spiral out of control until we become a Third World Country.

Jorge L Rios
Jorge L Rios
3 years ago

The thing about Fauci is that he is THE highest paid person in the US government and he is an unelected bureaucrat so he has NO ONE to answer to, therefore he is laughing all the way to the bank. He is untouchable and will never be held responsible for anything.

3 years ago

Concerning Stephen H’s comments: what do you mean by”progress to murder”. They already have passed murder.
Remember Vince Foster, Hilary Clintons law partner in the Rose law firm in Little Rock. He supposedly committed suicide just before he was to testify about Bill and Hilary’s illegal involvement in the Whitewater scandal. Suicide, no, murdered by the Clinton mafia, yes, yes, yes!

3 years ago

Absolutely true: Biden and “truth” are contradictory concepts. That also goes for the rest of his administration cohorts. I hope Americans continue to wake up to the left’s radical reality

3 years ago

Biden, Fauci, Pelosi, Schumer, Harris, Schiffer- just a few on the key ingredients to the lie stew that is the Democratic left. It’s lucky there are lies to tell otherwise the DNC and most of the national press would be speechless. Use your loudest voice and vote in you believe really care about you.

JT Carson
JT Carson
3 years ago

They’ll keep doing it as long as they control the Justice Department and 3-letter agencies.

3 years ago

1st of all..Fauci is a mad scientist…never trusted that tyrant! If we need medical advice it should come from someone who is actually qualified to give it. Fauci is in it for the $$$$$$ and nothing more. To my fellow Americans: if you value your Freedom…vote this administration out of office. They have done so much damage to our young especially…and my God…they call giving addicts free drugs etc as rehabilitation is a travesty and inhuman. They have emptied the jails..Id much rather see renovation of jails into”real” rehab facilities to attempt to help and save these lives. Then our tax money would be good for something instead of just providing a way for those people to commit suicide. This is sickening.

3 years ago

Let’s go Brandon

3 years ago

I do think Anthony Fauci would have been head scientist for Adolf Hitler. He will do whatever a government official tells him to do. Loves money and attention. Been around too long. Just another bureaucrat creep that should be FIRED! Make Fauci RETIRE!

Lee S McQuillen
Lee S McQuillen
3 years ago

Can’t tell the truth if you don’t know how!

Rich C
Rich C
3 years ago

There’s nothing “legitimate” about any of the left. As for Fauci’s statements about the masks, just look around you, a huge number of people still think the masks will save them. Almost comical.

Rich C
Rich C
3 years ago

American “sheep” don’t want to see the truth. Too many “Americans” think America couldn’t possibly become a third world country. The communists just wouldn’t allow it. So sad.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
3 years ago

For many years, I have been trying to explain a very simple fact to people. For more than 200 years (actually, since the French Revolution), Leftist ideology and the Leftist agenda have been based on lies, misinformation, and deception. The greatest enemies of the Left are truth, facts, and reality. The Left never wants to discuss or debate any serious issues because they would immediately be exposed as the liars and frauds they are. This is why the Left always seeks to silence those who do not agree with them or dare to speak out against them. It is also why they will resort to violence whenever necessary to ensure that no one challenges them with truth and facts.

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