
National Security , Newsline

Evidence of Joe Biden Being Involved in the Family Business Keeps Piling Up

Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2023
by Outside Contributor
President Biden at his desk reading papers

Joe Biden defenders have been on a wild ride this past year. It began with them arguing that the president knew absolutely nothing about his family’s influence-peddling business to arguing that it’s no big deal that Chicom wire payoffs happen to have Biden’s home address listed on them.

The quality of the excuses, unsurprisingly, has been deteriorating rapidly. They largely entail repeating the words “no” and “evidence” in a perpetual loop. But, this week, when James Comer released financial records of Hunter Biden receiving two wire transfers totaling $260,000 in 2019 from Beijing with the president’s Delaware home listed as the beneficiary address, the White House jumped into action.

“Imagine them arguing that, if someone stayed at their parents’ house during the pandemic, listed it as their permanent address for work, and got a paycheck, the parents somehow also worked for the employer,” wrote White House spokesman Ian Sams. “It’s bananas. Yet this is what extreme House Republicans have sunken to.”

Speaking of bananas, the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in the United States wasn’t reported until January 2020, and shutdowns were still a year away when Hunter Biden used his dad’s house as a beneficiary address on a wire payment. According to Hunter’s memoir, he was living in Los Angeles with his new wife at the time.

Of course, even if the pandemic had been raging by summer 2019, Hunter Biden wasn’t a college student visiting home; he was a 49-year-old who had the wherewithal to craft numerous international million-dollar deals — not to mention allegedly evade taxes, buy firearms illegally, and score crack and prostitutes. Why would Hunter need to stay at Daddy’s house? Why do they keep talking about this grown man as if he’s a toddler? For God’s sake, this is an accomplished artist whose work goes for upwards of a million dollars.

And it wasn’t a “paycheck,” but a wire transfer from a Chicom investment firm that his father repeatedly lied about to the American people.

In an October 2019 presidential debate, Joe Biden incredulously claimed that Hunter never benefited from Chinese interests — “My son has not made money in terms of this thing about, what are you talking about, China.” It was weird, even then, that Biden could make such an assertion with confidence, considering that not long before he had claimed to “never” have spoken to Hunter about his “overseas business dealings.”

Perhaps one day the president will be asked by the political media why he made this claim, and whether he knew his address was being used on Biden Inc. paperwork at the time. And while they’re at it, they could ask him whether he was at his Wilmington house in 2017 when his son threatened his Chinese partner, Henry Zhao, with the words, “I am sitting here with my father.”

Let’s also remember that not only did Joe Biden fly his son to Beijing aboard Air Force Two during an official visit in 2013 to meet with potential investors, but the vice president met Jonathan Li, whose name is on the 2019 wire transfer, for coffee. The two would talk again on the phone — probably just some “casual conversations” or “niceties about the weather.” Joe was even kind enough to write college recommendation letters for his son and daughter.

It’s a really weird coincidence that the same guy happens to have Joe Biden’s address on a wire transfer. A cynic might start to piece together these stories and come to the conclusion that there’s actually plenty of evidence the president had created the “illusion” of access to the White House on his son’s behalf — at the very least, enriching his entire family.

David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist. Harsanyi is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of five books — the most recent, “Eurotrash: Why America Must Reject the Failed Ideas of a Dying Continent.” His work has appeared in National Review, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Reason, New York Post and numerous other publications. Follow him on Twitter @davidharsanyi.


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1 year ago

If we still had an honest DOJ and FBI, which we clearly no longer have, the FBI’s cyber-crimes unit, along with their forensic crimes division would have completely exposed every facet of the Biden’s little influence peddling operation within a month’s time. This is NOT rocket science, contrary to what the MSM, the Democrats in Washington and even a few Republicans are suggesting. The reason this is dragging on and on is that Congress has no real investigative skills beyond holding hearings and asking for cooperation. Congress has no real subpoena power with real teeth, because they are forced to rely on the DOJ and the FBI to cooperate and then push the matter with anyone that is the target of a congressional subpoena. Neither the DOJ nor the FBI have any such interest in doing so, because the administrative state is fully aligned with the Democrat agenda. Thus, progress is slow and those running Biden in D.C. are simply slow-walking everything ahead of the 2024 election, where the Democs hope they can “win” back the House of Representatives and / or the Presidency and then shutdown this investigation.

Seriously, from what has been disclosed to date, Hunter and his business partners didn’t setup anything that a law enforcement agency with international subpoena powers (our DOJ and FBI) couldn’t trace back every dollar ever paid to the family with dates, times and a physical date trail for each transaction and the routes taken to attempt to conceal the payments. Everything has a traceable digital fingerprint these days, so it’s just a matter of gaining access to the financial records (not just bank account data) of both all the Biden family members and the 23 LLCs that were setup to try and mask the money trail. We already know the names of some of the foreign individuals that paid money either to Hunter directly, his so-called business or the LLCs, so international subpoenas of all financial records of those individuals would provide the starting point for tracing the path of all the money to the Bidens. Again, this is exactly what the DOJ and the FBI do on a regular basis to trace down evidence of illegal financial dealings. Unfortunately, Congress has no such powers and must rely on the willing cooperation of foreign players to disclose their own illegal actions. Not going to happen in almost all cases.

What the Bidens have setup is your garden variety pay-for-play bribery operation in exchange for political favors with Joe Biden as “the asset” of value to foreign nations and foreign business leaders that Hunter and the rest of the family rely on for income. Not substantially different from what Senator Bob Menendez is currently being charged for. My sense is the DOJ and FBI decided to go after Menendez as a distraction to deflect attention away from the most recent disclosures involving Biden. So, I guess Senator Menendez has outlived his usefulness to the Party and is now considered expendable.

John Beach
John Beach
1 year ago

Nothing proves the fraudulence of the election of 2020 more than the consequences of the policies that have been allowed or implemented since Biden took office on January 20, 2021.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Dictator Beijing biden is a pedophile Communist criminal who SPIES on Americans and constantly violating OUR U.S. Constitutional Rights along with Selling Out the United States of America at the same time to his buddies in Communist China.
Keep putting his bank records out to the public with all his aliases.
Still waiting for when Dictator Beijing biden is going to PAY ALL those MILLIONS he owes the IRS and how many centuries he will spend in prison for tax evasion and the over 7 Million Illegal Alien Terrorist he’s let in not to mention the over 20 Million Illegal Alien Terrorist that weren’t caught. Under Federal Law, for each Illegal Alien he let in is 10 Years in prison for each one. So multiply the over 7 Million we know about by 10 years each and that’s how long Dictator Beijing biden will be in prison not counting ALL the other charges of Espionage and High Treason. Well, except High Treason since he would DEFINITELY get the Death Penalty because that’s the law.
Hunter will be right there with him.
Remember, SWAMP QUEEN pelosi, H. Clinton and Dictator Beijing biden himself said; No One is Above The Law.
So as more and more evidence keeps piling up as we ALL know he’s Guilty the Fake News will keep protecting their Corrupt Communist buddy. And we ALL know how CORRUPT Dictator Beijing biden is and it will go down in History as such.

1 year ago

Anybody with half a brain KNOWS that Jackass Joe Biden is REALLY CROOKED JOE and isn’t just “involved” in the Family Business HE RUNS IT! Tell me Exactly how did CROOKED JOE become a Multimillionaire on a Senator’s salary? I know, it’s how Senator Melendez was found with Gold Bars and $500,000 in cash in his home? Oh, I know, “the Tooth Fairy Brought It!” and if you believe that, I still have that beachfront property in Iowa to sell you!” But the Communist wannabe Democrats want to make the Impeachment Inquiry about Trump to distract the stupid general public that just might be watching. It’s just a proven Communist tactic to deflect the focas onto their main opponent President Trump instead of GUILTY CROOKED JOE BIDEN!
It’s pathetic that so many people fall for it, but they do!

John Beach
John Beach
1 year ago

It seems inappropriate that this article is under the category of “Society.” After all, if it were not for the fact of implications to and concerns for the national security, there would be no impeachment inquiry. The institutions of government, while, constitutionally, to represent the interests of the people, have as their primary purpose, the crafting of laws, the enforcement of laws and the determination by the judicial branch of the constitutionality of those laws. When people in government violate the law, they weaken the ability of government to enforce the law and provide security and justice for the people whom they represent. Again, nothing proves the fraudulence of the election of 2020 more than the consequences of the policies which have been allowed or implemented since Biden took office on January 20, 2021. He does not represent the views of traditional, native-born Americans.

A Voter
A Voter
1 year ago

So what? No one will be held accountable.

1 year ago

there could be 1000% hard, indisputable evidence, that leaves absolutely no doubt but it still wouldnt matter to the liberals and their minions, and as long as the corrupt federal law enforcement agencies are protecting them, nothing will ever be done.

1 year ago

Only the ignorant vote Democrat.

1 year ago

NO Punkydoodle, you vote COMMUNIST!

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

That explains your I.Q. fred flinstone since it goes all the way back to prehistoric times. Wait, democrats I.Q. hasn’t advanced in over 168 years. Wow! I’d be embarrassed to tell anyone that I was a democrat.

Roger F
Roger F
1 year ago

Hi, my name is Roger F and I just dumped AARP for AMAC because AARP has gotten more and more woke and liberal and it was just too much for me. I’m still a democrat but a moderate middle of the roader who doesn’t like that trans men get to play in women’s sports who haven’t even had the surgery and how everything is considered racist. I’m voting for Chris Christie this time and am even considering switching parties if the democrats don’t moderate. I will write in Chris Christie in the general election if it’s Biden/Trump again. Biden had his chance to lead but caved to the woke mob and am so disappointed.

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