
National Security , Newsline

Even Dems are Distancing Themselves from the Biden-Harris Illegal Migration Dilemma

Posted on Thursday, March 25, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi
Photo by Adam Schultz / Biden for President Creative Commons Licesnse

WASHINGTON, DC, Mar 25 – As the surge of illegal immigrants at the U.S.-Mexico border intensifies, Americans express their growing concerns in two new polls. 

Rasmussen reports that 65% of respondents to its survey see border security as a vital national security interest for the United States.  “Sixty-two percent of voters say it is more important to gain control of the border than to legalize the status of undocumented workers already living in the United States,” according to Rasmussen.

Another poll conducted by Politico shows that support for the notion of a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants has declined dramatically, down 14% in the past three months, mostly among Democrats.  In fact, among respondents who identified themselves as Democrats, support dropped from 72% three months ago to 57%.

According to Politico: “The idea of giving illegal immigrants a way to become citizens has been popular for several years, but the new poll numbers show Democrats could be losing the battle of public opinion in the wake of GOP messaging.” 

The new border crisis, for which the Biden administration is taking heat, is at least partially responsible for these new numbers.  Even the Washington Post seems to put the blame on Mr. Biden.  As the Post put it, “He issued five immigration executive orders on Inauguration Day alone and promised an immigration policy far more humane and welcoming than that of his predecessor. His administration also began allowing unaccompanied minors into the country, a marked departure from the Trump administration’s approach.”

Rep. Vicente Gonzalez [D-TX] also seems to put the blame on the president.  The Post quoted him as saying, “When you create a system that incentivizes people to come across, and they are released, that immediately sends a message to Central America that if you come across you can stay.  It incentivizes droves of people to come, and the only way to slow it down is by changing policy at our doorstep. If they don’t change the policy, the flow of continued migration traffic isn’t going to stop or slow down.”

The president puts the blame for the calamity on former President Donald Trump, as does Vice President Kamala Harris, who has taken over the task of dealing with the crisis.  He says she will take measures to stem the migration to our border with Mexico, but he did not say how she’ll do that.  Nor has he said why he is not taking charge. 

Meanwhile, the news that Ms. Harris would be taking over the task of dealing with the border crisis was not well received in some quarters.  Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey was quick to call her “the worst possible choice.”  Ducey said, “If President Biden’s intent was to show that he’s taking this issue seriously, he’s really done the exact opposite here.  He’s completely trivialized this issue by putting someone in charge who flat out just doesn’t care.”

Biden seemed to contradict himself as regards his blaming Mr. Trump when he declared to reporters last Sunday that “We’re in the process of doing it now, including making sure that we re-establish what existed before, which was they can stay in place and make their case from their home country.”

Does that mean he will reintroduce measures that Trump put in place that successfully dealt with the border surges in his day? 

Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas. “They have created a humanitarian crisis down here at this border that you have seen now. And the reason why they [migrants] are coming is because he says words do matter, and they do. The messaging is that if you want to come, you can stay.”

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

U voted them in , its ON YOUR Party & RINOs & Never Trumpers 2 all hold blame for border fiasco crisis.

Patty Ann
Patty Ann
3 years ago

The last thing the “Republicans” should do is distance themselves from this administration! As they say, “keep your friends close and your enemies closer!”

Neil Schmidt
Neil Schmidt
3 years ago

Biden is completely and utterly NUTS! To the Dummocrat voters: Are you happy now?

Jerry Todd
Jerry Todd
3 years ago

The cowards will still vote lockstep for every socialist scheme that Nancy and her friends pop up with. Joe’s handler‘s are just Obama leftovers doing his bidding.

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

Anyone see the “Press Conference” fiasco? All you morons that think Clown-Biden did a fine job need your liberal heads examined. And “knees-up” Commie Harris is giddy at the coming prospects! I want all morons who actually did vote for this sh*t-show to suffer as much, or more, as us real Americans.

Allan Brem
Allan Brem
3 years ago

Politicians will be politicians. Biden is the master trader. Gayle pro Joe.

3 years ago

dems can distance themselves all they want but they are just as bad for backing biden and harris

Barbara Korsmo
Barbara Korsmo
3 years ago

Biden does NOT HAVE a CLUE! I do not understand why he and his handlers want to ruin a good Capitalistic system….why kill the golden goose????

John Douvillier
John Douvillier
3 years ago

Uninhibited migration is a recipe for national suicide. A country without border controls is no country at all. Only chaos will result.

3 years ago

We do not want people to come here thing they get to stay. You should have a passport, and shot records and a green card too stay in our country. You have to have this in Germany, England and other countries. Why should it be any different here.

3 years ago

I think Democrats are the party of chaos. They create it; they revel in it. Keep us all looking in different directions so we can’t focus on improving anything.

Todd Wagner
Todd Wagner
3 years ago

To all you Dumb A double S BIDEN voters his administration is looking for useful IDIOTS to volunteer at the boarder to help with his F up.

3 years ago

Didn’t the Democrats plot and plan to bring this man to the “forefront” for election? Especially standing behind a man that is not well mentally or physically to lead our country? Oh, so now they are turning away….did they smarten up somehow overnight? It is all disgusting to me. Biden is a pawn in the political game of getting the first woman president. She will be ten times worse than Biden already is. Democrats hang your heads in shame, and I am not talking to just those in political jobs in Washington! The Days of Democracy will be long gone very soon.

3 years ago

Now the people who voted for this incompetent fool are realizing there mistake. “TO LATE!!!”

Dennis G Mahood
Dennis G Mahood
3 years ago

All the Democrats see is more votes, why do you think they want HR-1passed so bad.

3 years ago

It’s terrifying to think that we have another 3 years and 9 months left with
these lunatics running the country !!! By the time their term has expired the
country will be destroyed or torn apart by civil war. Either way everyone loses!!!

3 years ago

Don’t waste your brain power trying to rationalize anything these two morons do or say. China is in control. Now that it is obvious how they stole this election, it explains why all the liberal hell holes continue to elect liberals. They cheat and have been for decades. Honestly, do you think there are that many stupid people who would continue to vote for the misery they bring?

3 years ago

Jackass Joe Biden will go down in history as America’s Worst President!!!
The only previous President he’s making Happy is that Muslim Communist Obama who is no longer the worst President. And Jackass Joe says he will run for reelection even though he referred to Commie Kamala as President once before! He needs to be put in one of those Nursing Homes where they also put Covid patients.

3 years ago

Lockdowns for US citizens, open borders for illegals, yep dems in charge!

3 years ago

At first I thought have Biden removed, but then Harris is in charge. WOW, that’s worse. But then if she’s removed, then pelosi is next. Oh God, we are screwed.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
3 years ago

In an interview with one of the immigrants done by CBS, the man clearly stated, he would not have undertaken this journey if Trump had still been in office. The moment Biden was declared the winner, they decided to come, only reason at all. It was aired by CBS news last night. He is absolutely in denial.

3 years ago

Its insane that people who were at war with America are allowed to Govern from the highest office in the land even knowing the 1.5 billion the Bribe from the CCP we watch as The Communist Dictator instructs Joe how to dismantle our Sovereignty.

3 years ago

definitely, I see poor management in Biden, Harris response. The team did not visit the crisis site? A half hearted Congressional team was to be dispersed to the site? The next thing I read is a “plan to move these minors to San Diego Convention site”?????? I am not aware if any health, sanitation evaluations done on these international travelers, any medical screenings?????? In contrast., the Trump team would have been on site. Same as what they did in cruises thru out the past 4 years ????

3 years ago

I feel sorry for the poor old man. Being used and abused the way he is by the “elite” Democrats who chose someone they could easily control. Shameful

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
3 years ago

Voter fraud HAPPENED! Prove it and all this madness goes away, put in office those that actually WON! THEY DO NOT GET TO STAY IN CHARGE IF THEY CHEATED TO GET IT! WE CAN RECALL, INVESTIGATE AT LOCAL LEVELS WITHOUT OUTSIDE INTERFERENCE FROM caliPORNia or new yuck, we can take them down individually and PUNISH THEM FOR THIER TREASON AND MAGA!!!!

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

Like every other position from Senile Joe & company. this makes no sense. Millions have waited in line, paid their dues, taken the citizenship test, and become citizens. Now, a bunch of “squatters” get a free pass (plus benefits) which is patently unfair to those who did it correctly!
How would like to pay $80 for a concert ticket, go in venue, and watch a bunch of fence jumpers get in for free AND take the best seats?

Preston Phillips
Preston Phillips
3 years ago

Are we “WOKE” yet? “IT” was in control, now it ain’t–and who should take responsibility for that? Biden doesn’t want to, so he is turning it over to a “scape goat” so she can take the blame. One problem with that is that there is no desert to turn her loose in where she can wander quietly carrying that load without recourse.
She does not impress me as one to be quiet and absorb the blame.

Charles Murrell
Charles Murrell
3 years ago

I find it very frustrating that fencing, razor wire and troops were deployed overnight to secure the capitol and yet the federal government is totally incapable (unwilling) of securing our boarder. Perhaps our installed government officials care more about illegal aliens than American citizens, our schools, our healthcare system or our poor and crime in their neighborhoods. 

Gregg H Lambert
Gregg H Lambert
3 years ago

Voter registration drive – it shall never cease

3 years ago

There is more to this open borders concept than just more Democrat voters.??/

3 years ago

The fence around the Capitol was hastily put in p lace overnight and troops held, without places to sleep, eat, or go to the bathroom was funded in the HOUSE, ordered in the HOUSE, and headed by the gavel holder in the HOUSE, buy the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE…PELOSI! She spends our money without representation as if it is ALL HERS.

3 years ago

Well they put fumbling bumbling Joe in office, what did they expect, a well thought out comprehensive plan? Not gonna happen with Joe in office. We had such a plan, just a few months ago developed by a sharp as a tack, go getter, get things done, named Donald Trump!! But they cheated him out of office, and now they’re getting what they asked for. A new idiotic plan with no guidance and certainly no thought for America or her legal citizens!! God help us!! Pray people pray!!

3 years ago

Yup, Doug Ducey is right, Harris doesn’t care. How stupid can they be when they say “Biden and Harris put the blame on President Trump” which everyone knows President Trump put it all in order and control….Biden is the one who opened the doors again. He seems to have no sense at all.

3 years ago


Ron Howard
Ron Howard
3 years ago

The reason Biden didn’t explain how Harris would fix the problem at the border is because he doesn’t know what to do, and hopes that she does. That was what he said in the announcement that she would take charge. When asked by a reporter if he would visit the border, his reply was that he would “eventually get down there”, and that they were going to be implementing a reversal of some of their changes to previous border policies. Apparently he thinks that gagging the Border Patrol, barring the press from taking pictures of the crises, and now deciding to house the detainees in hotels at a cost to tax payers of an estimated $72,000 per Border Crosser is part of the “FIX of the Problem”. The popular theory that running Biden instead of Harris, because Harris could not win the election, then her taking over when Biden was no longer able to continue, is looking to be pretty accurate.

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
3 years ago

It sounded to me like Biden assigned Harris to find out why people are migrating from the countries nearest the border with Mexico. Why they are coming will be some combination of the cartel sales pitches and poverty. This obvious and discovering any other reasons will not solve the problem of the temptation an open border presents.

3 years ago

Wish the election could be held today. Different outcome. Regardless, how we currently think. If Trump took the COVID-19 issue more serious last March and April, he would have won by a landslide.

David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

Hope everyone saw the news conference on Fox late this afternoon where 18 United States Senators spoke to the news folks about the horrible abuses that they witnessed on the US/Mexico boarder. This is why O’Biden does not want the media to view and film the way that illegal immigrants and children are being treated at the boarder. It sounded rather depressing that the administration has directed this treatment leading to untold abuses. O’Biden does not have a clue as to what is going on, and he is creating an even worse situation by now allowing the press to film this crisis and health risk in Texas. Further, the administration’s lack of action is putting the entire country at social, health and political risks each and every day. The entire country should demand action to stop this abuse. There is no blaming anyone but himself for this outrageous mess.

3 years ago

Where’s AOC and her reactions to this situation or has she been put in her place by a promise of some future position? If she thinks New Yorkers outside of her district think she’s great, she is going to be highly shocked. The way the situation is being totally ignored as it isn’t occurring means someone is getting a big payout out of all these people in cheap labor cost–maybe their all future Walmart employees or Bill Gates farm workers.

Danny Estridge
Danny Estridge
3 years ago

OH Heck,
I’m just waiting for the next Jihad terrorist to come from the southern border bringing a dirty bomb. What is their next project after 9/11? Dallas, San Anton. (5 US bases) or something maybe easier, Fort Knox? All they have to do is get close and pooff, dirty is dirty and who wants radioactive gold? Or take out 5 US bases? At least we’ll finally know if all our decon measures work or not. Of course who knows how many die right off the bat, then the cancers over the next 10 years, plus the clean up. Thanx Mr. Biden & Ms. Harris. Just sayin’

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

Since Biden has and is allowing the migrants in illegally, then he can pay for their expenses all by himself!! Their relatives will need to help sending them all back to their native countries!! Freeloading is NOT allowed or welcomed here!!

John Lunkes
John Lunkes
3 years ago

In the nearly 60 years that I have been voting, I have never seen an administration fail in such a short period of time.
Biden/Harris is a total joke, except that it isn’t funny.

3 years ago

Biden/Harris this is what the US of America politics has come to. Scary, what can you say. Unbelievable !!!

3 years ago

The Biden administration is the most incompetent, ill-informed, out-of-touch with reality of any administration in my adult lifetime … even Jimmy Carter seems to have been conservative compared to this mind-fogged administration. Our Constitution and continuity of laws and enforcement has hit the lowest in my adult lifetime (65+ years).

David P Nelson
David P Nelson
3 years ago

The Biden Administration is, totally, to blame for the crisis at our Southern Border! PERIOD.
These Left-wing Democratic policies are not helping our Country at all. This destructive of America has got to be reversed –> ASAP.

3 years ago

This administration is the very “WORST” in the history of our nation. You just knew, after 4 years of lies, costly & unjustified investigations of a duly elected President, that the criminal Dem party and their criminal RINO cohorts would absolutely STEAL the White House! We now have CRIMINALS running our nation “into the ground” with purposeful ‘evil’ intent. I’ve recently heard it said, that ‘this’ cannot be ‘fixed’ with words alone.

3 years ago

Most Americans know the dems have been ignoring the laws of our nation, especially since the 2008 election. We have allowed what will soon be 2 people who HATE our country, and do not qualify to be POTUS, to occupy the White House (obozo and, soon, harris)!! And worst of all, we have allowed the dems to steal the 2020 election by fraudulent means (we know it, the dems know it, the media knows it AND the courts know it!), but most Americans have sat on their backsides and done NOTHING about it! The founders of this country and our forefathers would NO DOUBT be very disappointed and ashamed of our lack of courage! What is not worth fighting for is deemed to be not worth keeping! Maybe we deserve to lose what was (and, so far, still is) the best country on earth!

3 years ago

They need to load those coming across into buses and deliver them directly to the White House.

miss maggie
miss maggie
3 years ago

I’m fed up with foreigner nationals pouring across our border illegally referred to as immigrants or migrants. They are invaders and should be treated accordingly. Jail them then send them back to where they came from.

3 years ago

It’s increasingly difficult to continue living in a nation under the out of control far left wingers. They are a bunch of sick dudes. Possibly when it gets worse the illegal immigrant situation will be alleviated such as North Korea , Cuba, Venezuela. With lack of Civic education we are loosing our way as a nation. The evacuation of the coast cities and the loss of their tax base will be the final blow to their now debt crisis. Our hope now is the 22 election and following 24 election. We are one nation under God. Let’s rise up to the occasion.

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