
National Security , Newsline

Do As I Say, Not As I Do: Guatemala Edition

Posted on Tuesday, June 8, 2021
by Outside Contributor

guatemalaIn Guatemala yesterday, Vice President Harris begged the people of Central America to stop causing her administration such political problems at the border. She managed to get through her speech without breaking out into one of her cringe-inducing laughs, but I don’t expect Guatemalans were likewise able to keep straight faces. Here’s what she said on the issue:

”I want to be clear to folks in this region who are thinking about making that dangerous trek to the United State-Mexico border: Do not come. Do not come.

She said it twice, so she must be serious!

The United States will continue to enforce our laws and secure our border.

Cue guffaws.

There are legal methods by which migration can and should occur. But we, as one of our priorities, will discourage illegal migration.

Where, among their priorities, is that? And how, exactly, are they discouraging illegal migration? (And isn’t that supposed to be “undocumented”?)

And I believe if you come to our border, you will be turned back.

Here the guffaws turn into belly-laughs. She “believes”? Maybe if she’d visited the border, she’d know that this is poppycock, as wave after wave of rafts cross the river unimpeded.

So let’s discourage our friends, our neighbors, or family members from embarking on what is otherwise an extremely dangerous journey.”

She said “dangerous” twice, as well, so it must really be true.

Kidding aside, people respond to actions, not words. When all children and teens traveling “alone”, and virtually all adults traveling with children are released into the U.S. with a de facto guarantee that they will never be made to leave, more will come. Only by changing that fact can the flow stanched.

That would require returning the successful policies of the Trump administration, especially the Remain in Mexico program. But Trump’s approach must, by definition, be wrong, so embracing it is inconceivable.

Guatemalan president Giammattei, like his countrymen, knows perfectly well what caused the Biden Border Crisis: Regarding the change in administrations, he told CBS News, “The message changed too: ‘We’re going to reunite families, we’re going to reunite children.’ The very next day, the coyotes were here organizing groups of children to take them to the United States.”

Giammattei added, “We asked the United States government to send more of a clear message to prevent more people from leaving.” But such a clear message can only be sent by plugging the loopholes that incentivize mass illegal immigration, not with photo ops.

But photo ops were the main point of Harris’s trip. Even the folks in the White House can’t seriously believe that a speech by the vice president, or even some more aid money, is going to make any difference at the border. The real purpose of the trip was twofold: First, to create the impression that the administration was doing something about the border emergency. Despite the disdain of those of us on the right, President Biden’s approval ratings have been holding up reasonably well, with one exception: immigration. The border is Biden’s main political vulnerability right now, and it’s imperative that the administration be seen addressing the problem (without actually doing anything to stop it, which would lead to a revolt among Democrats in Congress).

The second purpose of the trip is to give Vice President Harris the appearance of foreign-policy experience. When she runs on 2024, she’ll need diplomatic activity to point to as evidence that she’s ready for the big job, and that will require more than a vice president’s customary role of attending the funerals of foreign leaders. And when the numbers at the border dip in the summer, as is likely because of the brutal heat down there, expect the White House to declare Harris’s efforts a success.

At least until the numbers start rising again in the fall.

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3 years ago

I nearly did a backflip when I heard VP Harris say “Do not come. Do not come.”

And then the words “secure the border” hit the airwaves, and I thought, “Wow…play that over and over between now and the mid terms and just watch us take back the House and Senate!”

Incredible. Did she think we wouldn’t hear her speech in Guatemala? I was half listening this morning to a local radio broadcast of an interview with Harris. She was asked if she had been to the border, to which she replied, “Of course, we’ve been to the border.” But she had to fess up and admit that she herself had not been to the border! Reminds me of the “Who’s on first/What’s on second” skit from many years ago. People still are so funny.

3 years ago

Typical democrat posture, the right hand does not know what the left is doing. VP Harris to run for president 2024? Trying to get foreign policy experience? She has not been able to do anything right for her own country. She is playing T-ball and it will be a long time before will be ready for the big leagues (Russia and China). She has absolutely no leadership ability so she will continue to be a pawn.

Randall McCraney
Randall McCraney
3 years ago

Harris is nothing but a joke! In fact after President Trump the whole Biden administration is nothing but a joke!

Lee S McQuillen
Lee S McQuillen
3 years ago

People in this country need to realize that all these people coming in illegally will take away resources from those actually entitled to them. In other words, free and assistance is for the illegals and there won’t be anything much left for the legals.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

If her mouth had 3 sides she would talk out of it too, and up the volume on the laugh, but there is an explanation for it, She’s a dumb B##CH, only the mentally ill laugh at everything, but hers and hidden Biden got the most AFTER election votes.

3 years ago

V.P. Harris is a really bad joke. She speaks, the world laughs at the USA
Wait till you hear the laughter, Bidens European trip produces!!

3 years ago

This woman has no business representing America on this issue! They are responsible for this whole mess and neither of the “Dumb Duo” have the back bone to do what is necessary to stop this influx! They were so upset over Trump’s leadership they wanted to erase his work now they have a mess and the citizens will pay for it!

3 years ago

VP Harris has not visited the border even tho Biden assigned task to her, but she went to Guatemala & Mexico. this week. Her message os “Do not come, Do not come” was so weak it is probably worthless. Also, reporter asked her if she has visited border & she gave an arrogant grin & answer of I have not been to Europe either. The border crisis is getting worse while they fiddle around.

3 years ago

VP Harris did not do herself any favors in her weak speech in Guatemala . How weak is statement “If you come to border, I believe you will be turned away” She is in charge of border & she throws out the word BELIEVE. Very disappointed in Biden & actions on border & immigration.

Al Perpente
Al Perpente
3 years ago

joe and the ho got to go !

Gull A Bull
Gull A Bull
3 years ago

I don’t disagree with you, I don’t think anyway but I have to say you have a way with words.

3 years ago

1%harris is an embarrassment to this country the fraudulent office she holds and the democrat party so keep it up our chances of taking both houses increases every day every time one of them opens their mouths with ridiculous statements but the biggest refusal to go the border shows just how cold callus and cruel these evil people truly are they hate America!

3 years ago

Spot on!

3 years ago

WOW! What an embarrassment that b—h is! Giggle puss struck out big time!

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

The best part of the Camel Toe visit to Guatemala was when the planes door opened up after landing, I wish they opened up before landing, truth be told, however upon exiting the plane she was greeted with huge ” KAMALA GO HOME & KAMALA – TRUMP WON ” signs…Thus began the VP’s 1st & only foreign visitation…Yes it was a disaster & a complete waste of taxpayer dollars…
Since we are on the subject of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, check out MonkeyWerx as he uses Flight Aware keeping a close eye on US military aircraft around the globe, that includes AF1 which Biden doesn’t use btw, it is NA1 according to the flight logs…
For the last several weeks empty flights of various US jets have been flown into Honduras & returning to El Paso, Texas fully loaded with tourists, i.e. immigrants, processed & moved around the nation via buses & planes…
We are in a State of Emergency at our southern borders at this very moment which is a National Security crisis & last night Texas Gov. Abbot issued Executive Orders to close the southern borders of Texas with every resource he has at his disposal. He will be working directly with the other southern states to work cooperatively with each other on this dangerous crisis all the while we have a cackling VP & a faux potus on vacation in Europe & applying Vaseline to lips before he kisses the derrière of Putin…
Meanwhile we have a nation getting flushed down the toilet because of these ( 2 ) useless as tits on a boar hog POS’s running this nation…
God bless America…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

3 years ago

She and Joe are tough! She might as well have said: but if you DO come over we will take GOOD care of you cuze we pretty much destroyed any border policies. Then she could have laughed.

Judy Coombs
Judy Coombs
3 years ago


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Trump pointing

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