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Democrats’ Push of Radical Gender Ideology On Children

Posted on Wednesday, October 26, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi
MUST WATCH: AMAC CEO, Rebecca Weber breaks down this article in an BFA AMAC Newsline Exclusive!

WASHINGTON, DC, Oct 26 — Thirty-four House Republicans introduced a bill called the Stop the Sexualization of Children Act last week. Lead sponsor of the legislation, House Republican Conference Vice Chairman Mike Johnson [R-LA], says “The Democrat Party and their cultural allies are on a misguided crusade to immerse young children in sexual imagery and radical gender ideology. This commonsense bill is straightforward. No federal tax dollars should go to any federal, state, or local government agencies, or private organizations that intentionally expose children under 10 years of age to sexually explicit material.”

It’s a timely endeavor. A growing number of news reports suggest that more and more teachers and schools are engaging in “gender disorder” activities aimed at children in elementary school, leading some to conclude that these teachings are sparking kids to think it might be “cool” to identify with the opposite sex in and out of school.

In an article written by the former Lieutenant Governor of New York State, Betsy McCaughey, for the New York Post, she said that “Children — as young as 5 — are being encouraged to disregard their anatomy and choose their gender based on their feelings.” McCaughey cited the case of a California woman who took two public school teachers in Salinas, CA to task, accusing them of secretly encouraging her 12 year old daughter to identify herself as a boy. 

“The girl’s mother and grandfather sounded off on the district, alleging that school staff altered her name and pronouns without their consent and called Child Protective Services when they objected to her social transition…The family said that teachers didn’t even notify them after finding out their daughter was suicidal,” according to a Blaze Media report.

This sort of indoctrination, says McCaughey, “offends many Christian and Jewish parents. Most Christians say that whether someone is a man or woman is determined by their sex at birth, according to Pew Foundation research (which did not cover Muslims, who’d likely agree), while agnostics and atheists are more likely to go along with gender ideology. In the document ‘Male and Female He Created Them,’ the Vatican rejects gender ideology’.”

The harm that can be done to our nation’s children is incalculable. For example, it is common among transgender advocates for teachers to encourage children to refer to their classmates according to their gender selection. Thus teachers may tell a boy to refer to a male classmate as “she” or “her” if they have “gender dysphoria.” Children’s Mental Health Consultant Teva Johnstone, who specializes in counseling young patients with psychological disassociation, told The Epoch Times that it can damage kids and put them at risk of psychological harm.

The issue of parental rights is emerging as a top issue for the November midterm elections. A report published by The Hill says that “Republicans believe…that they can convince voters that Democrats are a party that overreaches and makes decisions that are better left to parents.” AMAC CEO, Rebecca Weber says “The AMAC/Trafalgar poll shows 82% of those polled do not agree with the Biden Department of Education proposal that will require school children to attend mandatory counseling without parental consent if they refuse to use the preferred pronouns of their transgender classmates. A whopping 93.2% of Hispanics do not agree along with 68.6 percent of democrats. Parents are just not buying into it.”

House Republican Conference Vice Chairman Mike Johnson [R-LA] and 33 of his GOP colleagues have introduced legislation to prohibit federal, state, local governments, and private organizations from using federal tax dollars to expose children under 10 to sexually explicit material.  According to Johnson, “The Democrat Party and their cultural allies are on a misguided crusade to immerse young children in sexual imagery and radical gender ideology. This commonsense bill is straightforward. No federal tax dollars should go to any federal, state, or local government agencies, or private organizations that intentionally expose children under 10 years of age to sexually explicit material.”

The Hill says that a poll of 1,900 likely voters conducted by Heritage Action in September in Arizona, Georgia, New Hampshire, Nevada and Wisconsin found that roughly one-third of those voters agreed that the economy, inflation, abortion and age-appropriate schooling are the most important issues to them heading into November.

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Texas Belle
Texas Belle
1 year ago

Any teacher who brings the subject of gender change or homosexuality to young children should be barred from a classroom forever. Children will found out about such deviancy soon enough. How did this get started in schools? They are supposed to be in the business of “educating” children about the necessary subjects to succeed in life, not about “gender queer”.

Joe p
Joe p
1 year ago

Stupid a** DemoRats

Edwin Aviles
Edwin Aviles
1 year ago

Well let’s look back, we can’t preach about religion in schools anymore, can’t salute the flag or pledge of allegiance, but we can teach sex in classes where children five and over are present. How did this happen. This is a parents job not anyone else. Just as is the well being medically should be a parents decision so too is anything relative to sex. God Bless America. Oh I forgot, the left wants God Dead since they are non- believers.

Pat Grinnan
Pat Grinnan
1 year ago

Lock them up for Child abuse and child endangerment

N Giddens
N Giddens
1 year ago

Teachers who do this should be fired with no recourse. And placed on national register of non eligible to teach in the US.

Tom P
Tom P
1 year ago

When Hunter Biden becomes a Women then Let’s see what Happens!Other wise leave our children out of this WOKE ????‼️ Let them grow up with out the 2% LBGQ trying to be the new pedophiles of the world.With a pedophiles in prisons and jails why are we letting them get away with this now?

1 year ago

Aren’t there laws on the books already that address this? Showing or talking about sexual/adult content to minors. The only exception is sex ed in 7th grade with parental consent.

1 year ago

I’ve come around on this and am now woke. Next year, I will be a candidate for
Miss Universe. I am currently a 75 year old male but the dims tell me that I have the
right to demand to participate in this contest.

1 year ago

All Democrat Party politicians are responsible for this attack on American children. They all need to be arrested, put into confinement and hauled before a real constitutional judge and court to answer for their crimes.

1 year ago

What is the end goal of all the sex, gender, trans etc garbage?

1 year ago

Can there be anything more disgustingly evil than perverting children? This is the dem party today. Let us hope that this sort of thing becomes a political millstone dragging their political careers into oblivion.

1 year ago

It wasn’t long ago that the things being pushed in schools would have sent teachers to prison for perverted acts.

1 year ago

The idiots who are pushing this have no idea the future mental health problems this will cause. We have allowed liberals to replace common sense with PC and woke mentalities. This is not only in news and social media, every sitcom on TV has at least one LGBTQ character, the new normal.

1 year ago

Why is this bill leveled for only those under 10? This bill should be any child that is considered a minor!!! If kids are confused about gender it’s cuz of the leftist BS that’s being fed to them! If this bill passes, then any teacher pushing this crap should be brought up for child abuse!!!

1 year ago

The liberal left have believed for a long time that they are God. Now they are acting on it. There are three things they can’t change. 1) there is only one God and they aren’t Him 2) no matter what so-called doctors take off or add on, the God given DNA can’t be changed. 3) these people will stand before the true God and give an account as to why they abused the children.

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
1 year ago

I cannot understand people who can argue verity is not truthful!

Old Silk
Old Silk
1 year ago

Don’t forget that it was all unveiled after covid, so now you know the sorts of things that happen when the left put on “emergencies”…er… programming in your lives.

1 year ago

This is why my granddaughter sends her second grader to a Christian school and home schools the older ones.

Gunny Joe
Gunny Joe
1 year ago

Got a suggestion, there is a election in a few days, I bet down ballot there is a school board member or two on that ballot. Do the hard work find out where that person stands on this subject and vote based on that person’s reply!

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

These Rainbow flags should be cut into small squars ,and be used as Buttwipes. Kyle L.

1 year ago

I agree that there should be no age limit. Schools need to stick to Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. A student of any age can be referred to counseling or a medical doctor if they are confused about who they are.

James carlyle
James carlyle
1 year ago

There has never been a legitimate reason why children should be taught ideologies instead of basic knowledge. Ideology is not knowledge of fact. Reasoning power is only developed thru discipline, not wishful thought

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
1 year ago

Good thing for them I’m not in charge. I’d have every last one of these monsters arrested and when convicted, thrown in prison for life. Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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