
National Security , Newsline

Democrats Encouraging Violence?

Posted on Wednesday, June 15, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Hypocrisy, irony, unabashed contradictory behavior now defines modern politics.  Call it duplicity, disregard for truth, honesty, consistency.  Sometimes it becomes too much. As Democrats play at show hearings around riots on January 6, 2021, they now boldly push pro-abortion violence. That must stop.

Bad enough, during 2020 there were race riots in 200 cities, encouraged by Democrat politicians. These ended in vast personal and property damage, the death of innocents – including police officers, weak prosecution, few convictions, and leading Democrats – including now-VP Harris – helping bail out violent offenders.

Downstream effects of ignoring violence are always bad.  Violence in the past three years has spiked, with effects almost incalculable, partial assessments rising to billions in property damage (often in minority neighborhoods, Atlanta to Chicago, Detroit to Seattle, New York to Portland), hemorrhaging of public trust, rise of public fear, a shaken belief in public safety, new concerns for life, limb, and liberty. Only two in ten Americans trust the government to do what is right in 2022.

Democrats pushed police defunding in the name of social justice, reverse racism (later codified in CRT), shadowy groups espousing Marxism, neo-socialism, communist, anarchist, and social reengineering credos. The effect was to demoralize police nationwide, reduce response times, recruiting, and retention.

At the same time, violence against police officers rose – exponentially.  By 2021, with Biden and Democrats running the federal government, police ambushes hit records in 2022.  Police found themselves fighting for their lives, less well equipped or supported, suicides spiking.

Many outspoken Democrats, inconceivably, did not care.  They continue to block Republican police reform efforts, intended to reduce distrust, improve respect, properly fund the police.  They have continued to push jingoistic anti-police rhetoric, and they have strived for racial polarization.

Ironically, record numbers of Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians seem to be leaving the Democrats, instead speaking out as parents, citizens, and defenders of free speech, worship, and gun rights. Record numbers of minorities – and women – are buying firearms, signaling disenchantment with Democrats.

But the big Democrat push for violence that boggles a traditional constitutionalist’s mind is happening right now, this month, this week, in recent days.  Leading Democrats are pushing violence – seeking to inflame passions, invite anger, and place the idea that we are a non-violent republic, to the side. Some call for a “Summer of Rage,” others for a “revolution” in the streets.

Why? The claim is that violence is somehow now permissible – because the Supreme Court is returning abortion to the states, and likely to restore original meaning to the 2nd Amendment.

Rather than respecting High Court decisions, leading Democrats in Congress and White House are doing the reverse, the unthinkable, stirring violence.  Their words are hard to misunderstand.  They push “pay” back for justices who rule against Democrats, “righteous anger,” and “revolution,” are silent about violence, have held up a bill to better protect justices, even when passion-pushing nearly killed one.

The question must be asked – do they want all this? If not, why are they not universally speaking out against violence? Do they want more street violence? Are they inviting overreaction? Do they nurse the idea that, while radical and unfortunate, a dead justice would potentially delay reversal or Roe? Do they see some political advantage, national distraction from Biden’s disgraced leadership, in violence?

These questions are, in one sense, absurd – How can any national leader wish for violence in a society premised on rule of law.  To encourage the breakdown of civil order, in any degree, is to start a process hard to stop, and to win a pyrrhic victory at best, when the civil order itself disintegrates.

Having said this, evidence continues to mount – from 2020, 2021, through mid-2022 – that some in the Democrat Party, particularly those beholden to or seeking favor from the far left, are either indifferent to the effect their reckless words can have on the civil order or intend to trigger violence.

Let us be clear.  No one who lived through the 1960s, when America saw the death of a president, death of a presidential candidate and former Attorney General, death of an iconic civil rights leader, loss of billions in physical property, productivity, educational quality, and public trust – could want that again.

Only those utterly unaware of what they are doing, or wishing the worst for this country, could press the cause of violence in the streets for political gain.  Not only is that approach anathema to our Constitution, and federal statues, it is the bold promotion of public fear and personal insecurity.

So, what should every public leader do right now – to dispel that idea that violence is an answer to anything, as we await Supreme Court decisions, a fraught election cycle, fight inflation, and watch the world in tumult?  They should strongly advocate AGAINST street violence, strongly encourage public restraint, support for police, the Supreme Court, civil dialogue, rule of law, and their fellow citizens.

Having watched societies become unstable around the world, when serving at an Assistant Secretary of State and in other capacities, this much is clear:  More societies collapse, become unmanageable, go from order to chaos, spiral downward … from violence and public corruption, or from ends justifying means, than any other cause.  Let us not be one. Democrats should wake up, not encourage violence.

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Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Thanks RBC… It pleases me that you gave the VP of this nation some credit she so richly deserves for playing her part in getting those violent people released from jail in Minneapolis I believe, only to return to doing what got them arrested in the first place…Harris set the example moving forward on how to keep the mayhem & violence going across the Democrat run cities throughout the land, soon followed by the George Soros money making substantial donations to the bought & paid for District Attorneys in all of those extremely violent Democrat run cities & once again getting their clients released from jail in short order to once again return to the extreme violence that got them arrested in the first place…
So my comment is concentrating on the 2nd paragraph of an otherwise well written piece that covers substantially more material…
All the best,
Bill… :~)

2 years ago

The problem is that Democrats are too lazy to take harder road of leadership and choose to rule, as all tyrants do.


Steve M Weidert
Steve M Weidert
2 years ago

I am an innocent and I am thoroughly disgusted by politicians calling themselves leaders. Perhaps they are, they have led us into the most destructive and shameless administration ever. Until these half-wits are removed… will continue with a total Un obstruction. I flushed a Biden mailing……and my toilet was so disgusted that it threw up. That’s Bad!

2 years ago

Communists ALWAYS resort to violence to get their way when all else fails!

2 years ago

SAVE THE U.S.A…..Exterminate all demonrats, commies, and nazis….It’s time for a new civil war against the leftie loonies!!!

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

It seems pretty obvious to me that the occupiers in our government are not ordinary by any means, but most of them are ‘Activists’ of every sector of complainancy. They themselves believe violence is necessary to accomplish their twisted goals. They’re godless degenerates who will do anything to obtain and hold onto power. They don’t care who gets hurt or maimed in the process. When I think of them in imaginary terms, I see a fallen dark place filled with small in stature, hunched over, nimble fingered ugly demons flitting around on the scene snarling and growling, spewing their vile expletives and cursing God and his believers.
And I think I have it right. They are sickening and loathing to the core.
We need to all be praying for ourselves and our countrymen, that the Lord God will turn the hearts of this people back to him. This is my constant prayer!
May God see fit to help us and save our country…..and pray for Israel.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

The National Democrats are vile and that makes the local parties that support them even worse.

2 years ago

Democraps encouraging violence? A rhetorical question

2 years ago

The Anti-christ awaits on the LEFT of the stage ready to enter. The Democrats/Liberals are finishing up for his entrance. The supporters of Biden and Obama are so full of hate,hardened hearts they don’t even realize their aiding Satan and are He’ll bound.

JJ Johnson-Smith
JJ Johnson-Smith
2 years ago

No, it is no longer enough to politely “Ask” the Democrats to tone it down. We have BEEN there, DONE that! NOW it’s time to start arresting the Democrat Officials who are and have been calling for chaos and violence, because they are BREAKING THE LAW! That is the ONLY way to bring an end to their dangerous rhetoric before someone like a Justice or more Police Officers, end up dead. WHY is this illegal incitement being tolerated?!?!?

2 years ago

And they call the GOP violent and racist? Ha! What a lot of BS! Go home Dems, you’re doing a crappy job.

David Bundy
David Bundy
2 years ago

Democrats should be charged with inciting violence like they are trying to do to Trump.

2 years ago

Let’s face it, RBC, the ELITE own everything and are pushing this agenda(s). Cause as much distraction and diversion as possible and blame it on the conservative and anyone else who are not on their band wagon LAWLESSNESS is the name of the game and the ignorant will be continued to be used so that the goals of this agenda will be achieved at the expense of the innocent.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Remember the Vietnam War protests basis for & then race riots in cities

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

Adolph had his “Brown Shirts,” Mussolini had his “Black Shirts,” and the DIMMs had the KKK. All were adjuncts of their leaders’ party. Now, DIMMs have switched to antifa and BLM. Notice these same people belonged to “Move On” and “Occupy Wall Street.” It’s a constant barrage by PAID agitators and hoodlums!

2 years ago

Well RBC, you and I have essentially seen the same things occur in different places around the world with the same predictable results. Not only that, but history offers us many more examples to choose from. When you wrote “More societies collapse, become unmanageable, go from order to chaos, spiral downward … from violence and public corruption, or from ends justifying means, than any other cause.”, you articulated the issue of one political party leveraging artifically engineered civil unrest and societal instability to achieve power and financial gain perfectly.

This playbook, as I like to call it, has very specific phases or benchmarks, with points all along the way to potentially defuse or dial back the situation at each stage. Of course left unchecked, as is occuring now in the United States, there is also the very predictable outcome that will result. Unfortunately, the Democrat Party has been cultivating this playbook in the United States, for their benefit, for literally decades. With their rhetoric, vitriol and actions becoming more and more incendiary over time.

While a few, very few actually at this point, of the older members of the Democrats in Washington may be highly concerned about the direction all this is heading, the vast majority and especially the younger members of the Democrat Party in Congress and elsewhere in D.C., seem concerned that things aren’t being ratcheted up faster to produce the desire massive societal changes they want brought about now. To them, a view of the ends justify any means, seems to be operational standard. So far, the actions and the rhetoric of team Biden are aligned to those of the younger Democrats, who want to stoke even more change faster by any means necessary. In order to dial back from the course we appear to be on, it would be necessary for this group to want to avoid the outcome it will ultimately produce. So far, I see no tangible evidence that they wish to do so.

2 years ago

Thanks RBC, this one of the most truthful and well thought out articles ive seen lately , im not sure why except to take complete control of the nation and people but the democrat’s are really pushing for the sixties to happen again , all of the crazy things that are happening around the country now , were brought on by them and i started years ago , im not sure we can really get away from or recover from it now but i do know we sure need to try and the first way is to VOTE and if that dosent work then we will have to fall back on old school ways to get it done ,,

MARK FROM GA. a proud state that is moving backwards according to DEMORAT’S

2 years ago

Democrats are Encouraging Violence as Both Democrats & Republicans pass Laws to disarm Americans..

2 years ago

I must have missed something when studying history in school. A Senator openly threatened a sitting Supreme Court Justice but he didn’t incite someone to violence or potential murder? WOW, I must have missed something.

2 years ago

Who will stop them? Rinos? A guilty conscience? Currently there is no counterforce strong enough to stop them and this isnt a lord of the rings movie where ghosts or elves appear. I dont think enough people have been personally hurt yet by the communists. As well, there’re still millions not paying attention, tacitly assuming ‘this too shall pass’. While that ancient saying is true, it may take a century. Reagan spoke of a thousand years of darkness if evil wins. Hyperbole?

2 years ago

The DemocRats will use ANYTHING to maintain RULE over this Nation. To wit: lying. legal and illegal cheating, using the media to put out false negative data about oppositions, breaking the laws, allowing illegal immigration, unjustifiably putting our military personnel in avoidable harm’s way, rigging elections, plagiarism, lying, feathering their and their family’s nest; allow illegal immigration, etc. They are the Communist Nightmare Party which has only the goals of feathering the nest of their hierarchy, ruling when governing doesn’t fit their partisan goals, etc. I could add other examples, but the point is made.

2 years ago

The DemocRat Party has made it imperative for the good governance of the future. To fix it: (1) Pass an amendment limiting term of office for Congresspersons and high-ranking Exec Branch heads (e.g. FBI, IRS, All major Cabinet heads, etc.; {incumbents not included the first two terms} (2) Pass a balanced budget amendment that has penalties to Congress and Executive Branche members when it fails to stay within budget; (3) Fix the voting system to eliminate rigging.

2 years ago

When George Bush Sr. was elected president many years ago included in his acceptance speech were these words:”We must usher in the New World Order.” I saw that speech. To those who don’t understand that the Bush dynasty is part of the destruction of this nation, get educated. As a politician said decades ago:”There’s not a dimes worth of difference between demorats and republicrats” with a few precious exceptions.
Our nation is dying. As one of our now hated, but brilliant Founders said: “When a nation forgets it’s God, tyrants soon forge it’s chains”. The first people to arrive on the eastern shores of this country were strong God fearing people who held to God’s commandments. They lived in peace with the Native Americans for a half century. But the generation after decided to do as they pleased…and it’s been a down hill since. Ben Franklin was asked what the best form of government is:”A Republic if you can keep it.”
Sadly American citizens have been to busy pursuing the American dream and left the care of this nation to politicians who may have started out gung ho to save the nation but were bought off quickly.
Our Constitution is specific: OF the people, BY the people, FOR the people…but the people were to busy and left this nation to the self serving “politicians”…see “Traitors”.

Teresa Lowe
Teresa Lowe
2 years ago

These are as the days of Noah spoken of in scripture. The Democrats know what they are doing. It is part of their agenda and God’s plan.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

Nazis had the brownshirts and the SS… Democrats have Antifas, BLM, and paid protesters. Yes many organizers are paid. Years ago I “Yoohoo-ed” it. The “job position” is called “community activist”.

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