
National Security , Newsline

Democrats Cook the Books to Sell “Success” on Border Crisis

Posted on Friday, September 20, 2024
by Kristen Ziccarelli

Facing mounting voter backlash over the disastrous consequences of the border crisis, Vice President Kamala Harris and her Democrat allies have now taken to claiming that the Biden-Harris administration is making progress on securing the border. But the government’s own data leads to the exact opposite conclusion.

The most recent update from Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) reports “58,000 encounters between ports of entry along the southwest border,” in August, representing a 68 percent decrease from August 2023. Those figures came on the heels of July data showing just over 56,000 crossings, the lowest monthly total since September 2020.

The media has been quick to pounce on this narrative, declaring that the administration is making “progress” on the crisis that it intentionally created. “Boost for Kamala Harris As Illegal Immigrant Crossings Drop 70 Percent,” declared Newsweek. “Illegal border crossings fell in July to lowest level in four years,” The Washington Post reported. “July Immigrant Border Arrests Lower Than Trump’s Last Month In Office,” Forbes announced (apparently ignoring the fact that border crossings typically see a dramatic spike during the cool winter months and bottom out during the hot summer months).

But is the situation at the border really improving? A closer look at the numbers suggests otherwise.

In its monthly updates, CBP primarily highlights border encounters “between points of entry.” This important detail immediately undermines claims about fewer illegal crossings overall because it does not include the corresponding surge in crossings at those ports of entry thanks to Biden-Harris policies.

In reality, the administration has actually made it far easier for migrants to enter and remain in the country. But by funneling them to ports of entry and reclassifying vast swaths of them as “asylum seekers” or under various other temporary legal statuses, it appears as if border crossings are down.

A more accurate picture of the illegal immigration problem includes at least four “buckets” of people: illegal aliens caught at the border between ports of entry; illegal aliens who enter at ports of entry, usually making an asylum claim and surrendering themselves at the checkpoint; the “gotaway” population which evades law enforcement altogether; and recipients of Biden-Harris parole schemes.

The latter of these categories has seen a sharp increase over the past four years – in particular through Biden’s egregious abuse of the president’s parole authority. Starting last January, the administration began granting parole to 30,000 migrants per month from Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Haiti. The program was notably resumed in August after a short pause due to rampant fraud.

In total, the Biden-Harris administration has granted parole to more than two million illegal aliens. Over the first nine months of FY 2023 alone, the Center for Immigration Studies reports, Biden “paroled in nearly 870,000 facially inadmissible aliens with no legal right to be here — one roughly every 28 seconds.”

For reference, Presidents Obama and Trump paroled just over 5,600 migrants per year on average.

Biden has also paved the way for flagrant abuse of the asylum system – a policy which has enticed illegal aliens to cross at ports of entry rather than between them. Under the Biden-Harris policy, virtually anyone can show up at the border, claim asylum, and then be released into the country with a court date, sometimes as far as 10 years in the future.

Moreover, the Biden-Harris administration has simply closed more than 350,000 asylum cases since 2022 – allowing those migrants to freely remain in the country without fear of deportation.

Unsurprisingly, crossings at ports of entry have skyrocketed as crossings between ports of entry have decreased. Exact figures are difficult to ascertain, as migrants are lumped in with everyone else crossing the border for travel or business in government data. But one good estimate is how many people use the CBP One app, which is essentially a platform for migrants to declare entry into the country. Through August 2024, more than 813,000 individuals had used the app to enter the country – none of whom were included in the administration’s data on encounters “between ports of entry.”

The number of “gotaways” under Biden is another enormous unmeasured part of the illegal immigration crisis, made all the worse by the fact that border patrol is stretched dangerously thin. The best estimates put the total number of people who have escaped into the country completely undetected north of 1.7 million as of May 2024 – more than the previous decade combined.

This group also isn’t included in official statistics. But if that 1.7 million number is accurate, it means that an average of 42,500 gotaways per month are flooding in.

All of this adds up to a crisis that is far, far worse than Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Democrat elected officials, or the corporate media are letting on. Whatever the administration reports about crossings “between ports of entry,” the actual number of illegal aliens entering the country each month is likely at least three to four times greater.

Even if the number of illegal border crossings were somehow reduced to zero overnight, there are still 10-20 million illegal aliens who have already flooded into the country over the past four years. If there were not even one more illegal border crossing between now and January 2025, Biden and Harris would still have the worst record on the border of any administration in American history.

Ultimately, the Biden-Harris administration’s claims about the situation at the border are not only misleading, they are intentional lies for political gain. Democrats and their media allies recognize that the contrast between Trump’s record of success on the border and Harris’s record of failure is one of the vice president’s biggest weaknesses in the upcoming election, and so they are shamelessly trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the American people.

Not only the American people deserve a secure border, they deserve honesty from their elected officials – honesty that is utterly lacking from the current administration.

Kristen Ziccarelli is a graduate of Christopher Newport University and the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.

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28 days ago

I’m shocked! You mean ALL Democrat politicians lie? Of course they do, because if they ever told the truth on any subject, not just about the Border, even the sheep might not vote for them then.

Yes, the American people deserve the same secure border that every other country ensures for its own people. Yet that requires that the American people seize the last opportunity this nation has to prevent the completion of the Democrats’ Marxist agenda. That means the American people have to have enough brains to vote for Trump. Anything else just spells the final end of the remaining remnants of our once great representative republic.

29 days ago

The continued lies, misdirection and deception continues as election day approaches. May the people awake from their stupor and realize the true dander that the Leftist present to the nation.

28 days ago

All of these rotten, lying traitors should spend several years in jail! If our judicial system were not corrupted by these people jail time would be in their immediate future.
If we don’t demand honesty and excellent behavior from our elected officials then we are no longer a Constitutional Republic. We taxpayers are paying them to do an honest job for the preservation of our country but presently all we are employing are liars.

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
28 days ago

Sadly, we all know that the politicians connected to our current regime lie. They are so embolden that they KNOW we know they lie and they are fine with that. The horrible part of this scheme is that no one can do anything about it while they are in charge. They have weaponized every agency in DC and they are laughing in our faces. They must be kicked out of our government.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
28 days ago

Ever watch the end of an NBA game where the team ahead in a close game simply dribbles the ball until the clock runs out? That’s Kumbuya Harris on every policy from EV mandates to fracking to gun confiscations to the border.

28 days ago

MSM NEWS FLASH! Harris team announces BORDER CRISIS is OVER!
All the illegals are already here.

Richard Hennessy,
Richard Hennessy,
28 days ago

Democrats have had success in reaching their goals. They have managed to maximize the number of illegal aliens that they have allowed, in fact encouraged, into our Country. In doing that, the President and VP have acted directly against our laws and their oaths of office.

28 days ago

all politicians LIE some are better than others do the math its closer to 50 million the great replacement of americans. have you had enough of gov telling us what to do eat drive cook heres what we need, YOU to stop cheating in the elections or is that the only way you can win

28 days ago

Kameltoe lied again on Oprah’s town hall by saying the CBP had endorsed her. No they didn’t. Ole Joe said the same thing in his debate with Trump. Immediately the CBP went on tv to debunk that lie. But they can’t monitor all her speeches. She brings up the immigration bill that the reps voted down for the failures at the border. It was a bill to legalize what ole Joe and Kameltoe had been doing the past 3 years. Ole Joe opened the borders he could have closed it. It’s all smoke and mirrors. Just like they lie about the economy, withdrawal from Afghanistan the debacle with the war in the Ukraine. The dems scream right away when something or their plans don’t work, oh they inherited it from Trump. Trump Trump Trump. If Trump did so much wrong why was the world at peace during his administration. America and its people were prospering. Now everyone is broke, people are going hungry or die because they can’t afford health care and medicine. The thousands of homeless in the inner cities. While the invaders live in luxury hotels. Those who are dying of Fentanyl and other opiate drugs. Never mentioned by Joe or Kameltoe in the past 4 years. But it is all Trump’s fault because they inherited the border disaster while for the past 3.5 years they have screamed the border is secure. Ole Joe said it, Kameltoe who has never been to the border says so and Mayorkas the greatest liar of all. How come we have millions of invaders everywhere. The country is in a mess and the democrats don’t care.

28 days ago

All MSM that have taken part in the lies and corruption since obama was elected to our White House up to the present that have an FCC license to operate on our bandwidths should lose their license and be shut down. The MSM was supposed to be America’s 4th rail to prevent political corruption but that has obviously failed. The MSM has been very clever to employ Soviet style propaganda that has misled many, many American voters.
Every American must realize that nothing is free, especially when it comes from the government because politicians must steal money from hard workers to give to those with their hands out for welfare.
America is so unique in world history: our Founders gave us a country with minimum government interference in our lives. You all must know that life is not and never has been kind. Religions should ocassionally help people to ease the pain, NOT government. Politicians and lawyers have twisted the concepts of our America to the point we are now in, $36 trillion national debt, severe overpopulation and near worthless money.
I think anyone who votes for a politician because that politician wants to give other citizens something should be ashamed of their ignorance.
If you want something work for it.

28 days ago

I am astounded at my neighbors who have Harris/Walz yard signs. What part of this dooshbag duo do they find worth supporting? The answer is none of it. It’s all about Trump hatred. All of it stoked by the left wing MSM stooges who mouth the same talking points daily.
Ever wonder what happened to the “weird” label that was being spewed about Vance 24/7 for about 2-3 days? What smoke is the MSM they blowing now? I think that the hatred aspect is solidly true. Look at how many Democrats would have liked to have seen Trump assassinated.
It is unfathomable to think that we have this many sheeple who have been steered hard left (do they even know this?) by the endless drumbeat of MSM propaganda. This is the very same mentality that weak minded Germans had as they followed Hitler.

Neil Gipson
Neil Gipson
28 days ago

They can’t cover up the murders of innocent American citizens

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
28 days ago

Instead of allowing total access across the border, the Senile One and Kackler are flying illegals over the border. Isn’t that a great improvement? Every city, great and small, is now being adversely affected by the illegals!

28 days ago

There are January 6 “defendants” whose only “crime” was being inside of a publicly owned building who are sitting in jail and yet these CRIMINALS are allowed in by the current regime only to disappear and most never be seen again. What has our country come to?

28 days ago

The Democrats are dishonest in the extreme. They lie and cheat as they are doing on the border and most Americans are so gullible, they believe whatever they are told by the MSM. We are losing our country! Pray and hope that this election period is being scrutinized for fraud and cheating. As Trump says, we must win so big that they cannot rig this election. If Trump doesn’t win the U.S. is gone.

28 days ago

Anything said by a Democrat must be parsed, word by word, to determine exactly what they are saying. They are excellent at making statements that sound one way, but can easily be taken as saying something else. And they do this intentionally. For example;
Border crossings are down between legal points of entry. Everyone hears “border crossings are down” but they don’t really pay much attention to “between legal points of entry”. But their statement was specific about 1 type of illegal immigration. They know, that few if any people will ask, “Well what about at legal points of entry?” or “What about those flown over the border?”, or “how many are coming in monthly using CBP One?”.
Another example is “inflation is down by 1.5%”. Sounds great! Let’s all cheer! Except it’s down from 9% and it’s still at 7.5%. They say it this way because people hear blah blah bla blah inflation 1.5%”.
So next time a democrat speaks, you need to parse each word and think about the literal meaning of every word they say to understand what they ARE saying and more importantly, what they are LEAVING OUT.

Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
28 days ago

The Biden Administration reported that “only” 58,000 illegal aliens invaded the United States in August? Multiply that number by 12-months would result in 696,000 new illegal aliens this year. And that is only the cooked books figures.
This is what passes for “improvement” in the illegal alien disaster that is being allowed to happen by the Democrats. No society can call itself a nation when its border is not secure.
The worst realization? Those who would vote for Kamala Harris don’t care, and they would vote for a dullard if his or her name had a “D” next to it on the ballot. ………Wait, I repeated myself didn’t I? Such voters care more about government checks than they care about the tens of millions of foreigners who are invading America.
This is exactly what the Founding Fathers feared. “When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the Republic.”

28 days ago

The Biden-Harris administration is really trying to destroy our country – wonder what they are getting in return. I cannot imaging They would not do this for free.

28 days ago

Democrat Politicians are like Jim Jones of today. They lie, they incite their followers to commit violence and blame it on the opposition. They make countless promises in order to win elections knowing full well they have no intention of following through on them and will actually go the other way. None of what they say is true and they get away with it simply because their puppets, Main Stream Media, says exactly what they are told and these lemmings eat it up as the truth. Heaven forbid they should question anything their leaders say or do. They have literally told their flock that Donald Trump must be stopped by any means necessary. If those words had come from a Republican, they would be crucified in the Press and driven out of Office.
The Border issue is just one of the many, many lies. How else could a Middle Class American Citizen enter Political Office and just a few very short years later become a multi Millionaire.

anna hubert
anna hubert
28 days ago

Another article, another summarization, another dead end. She campaigns on, counting on votes and he? Who knows. I don’t think anyone is at home. In the WH I mean.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
28 days ago

Been doing this since 2021

27 days ago

I notice that Harris and company are now running their humbug commercials in “giberish” oops i meant Spanish.When I immigrated to this country in 1986 my official papers declared that I must be proficient in reading,writing and speaking English in order to work and eventually become a PRODUCTIVE CITIZEN.That being the case I see no logical reason for these so called political commercials to be in any language but English.If you can’t read it,speak it or write it, get the he’ll out of the country or DO NOT VOTE. That sentiment also goes for voter guides and medical guides which should only BE IN ENGLISH.

28 days ago

This administration & their financial backers who have financial interests in how they handle business don’t care about Americans & our well being, only filling their pockets!!! OUR VOTES FOR THE RIGHT PEOPLE ARE VERY IMPORTANT! MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT! WE ARE IN A CRISIS!!!

28 days ago

And yet the republican’ts continue to do absolutely NOTHING about the demoncraps lying and ignoring standing laws on the illegal alien invasion created by the crooked Biden/Harris marxist regime………..

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
28 days ago

I guess when the Border Czar isn’t the Border Czar American security isn’t secure.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
28 days ago

If joey had Donald Trumps drive and had kept Trumps policies,AMERICA would be a better,safer place.I also feel that the weakness that the democrats in charge have shown maybe made the world less safe.The only thing that the democrats have accomplished is bashing and destroying our country.

Orion Bennett
Orion Bennett
28 days ago

What was that old joke? “How do you know if a politician is lying?” A: Their lips are moving …. It happens regularly, daily, probably by the minute. Everyone on the right blames the politicians of the left. The cold hard fact? If politician is on your resume … it is a guarantee that you lie. Along with Lawyers, Used car salesmen, and other criminals … if your career has been working in politics … You are a liar. Everyone lies … the criminal element, makes a career of it, an art form … and career politicians, lawyers, used car salesmen, are all criminals.

Richard Barnhart
Richard Barnhart
28 days ago

I’m disappointed that the Biden/Harris administration has not been held accountable by the Hose and Senate for fraudulent, unethical and immoral illegal actions of false reporting of these two!!
is this what is meant by deep state and we the people are supposed to continue to allow and accept this debauchery.
The bohemian nature and continued corruption of the governmental elites must end. It’s time for the American people to clean out this cancer and revive the intent of the founding fathers and return to the idea of the people and for the people and revitalize the American Way!!
Further those who have encroached on the tolerance of the American people from other places MUST embrace and adapt, assimilate, develop and contribute to the American Way. The first step is learn the language!! They no longer live in the country they came from!! If you can’t GO BACK!! And don’t group and develop it into what you left!! It didn’t work and won’t be accepted nor tolerated in this country!!

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
28 days ago

Amazing that all these cele’;s. could vote for someone like Harris. I consider them somewhat educated. It appears the more money you have4,the dumber you get. Kyle L.

Laura Bentz
Laura Bentz
25 days ago

I had a garage sale the other day. More than half of the people who came couldn’t speak English at all. Gee, maybe they just got here. Our schools are flooded with them too. And we are paying for them as taxpayers even in our local taxes… We need to vote correctly in the next election for the MAGA republicans or there won’t be a country left. We are on life support now. Please note and vote accordingly!

27 days ago

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”.Hosea 4:6 “Woe to those who decree unjust statutes and to those who continually record unjust decisions,to deprive the needy of justice,and to rob the poor of my people of their rights” Isaiah:10:1,2.

David Millikan
David Millikan
27 days ago

Diseases, Syphilis at record levels, Whooping Cough on rise, Measles (which we had eradicated), including all the other diseases, viruses , and Trash brought in by their Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion including ALL the Criminals and Terrorist they let in with their Invasion which continues daily since Dictator Beijing biden and Communist harris’s Open Borders. Yet, they still lie every day about our Borders being secured. The so-called Border Czar harris (Czar a Communist word) still hides and never answers real questions on their Open Borders on why they keep letting in Millions of their Illegal Aliens so they can vote Illegally and Destroy our economy and country by their Invasion.

27 days ago

It’s easy to “cook the books” when you have the communist media on your side to convince the weak minded this is right. But, what did we actually expect from the communist left.

David Millikan
David Millikan
27 days ago

Dictator Beijing biden and Communist harris saying and doing same thing obama did. Remember all we heard from obama and his administration was the Economy is great (lie, gasoline at $4/gal. or more) and the Borders have never been more secured (lie) Illegal Aliens pouring in. It’s always the same lies from democrats and WE pay for it with our money and their constant tax increases along with our Freedoms and Sovereignty.

David Millikan
David Millikan
27 days ago

Add that Arizona is allowing 98,000 unverified voters to cast full ballots to vote. More cheating and rigging from the Fascist liberals. Just like they did in 2020 election.

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
28 days ago

The lying media and the lying demoncraps all need to be rounded up and prosecuted for their lies and misdeeds. They’re all traitors to the United States and they’re doing their damnest to turn us into a third-world cesspool. They’re all so despicable.

28 days ago

Kamala supporters are always ready to excuse her lack of action on the border crisis (or anything else) by saying “she was just the Vice- President”, but during her Oprah Winfrey interview Kamala blamed the border crisis on Trump by saying he blocked the recent border bill. So, she’s saying Trump is more effective as a private citizen than she is as Vice President?

28 days ago

Ask yourself how many illegals does it take to conduct acts of terrorism, sabotage, subterfuge or assassination attempts? How many under the command of enemies of the United States would be a number that threatens the security of this country? 100, 1000, 10,000? Of the 1.7 million that have entered undetected it is a no-brainer that there are many thousands, if not 10,000+ that mean harm to the country and our citizens under the command of foreign regimes. It frankly scares the hell out of me wondering when they will be put into action.

28 days ago

We have organized crime with the WEF at the top all the way down to our government. The WEF has installed puppets in every position of power. We see insanity everywhere with illegal operations happening in every agency of our government and those who should do something about it are in on it, like the FBI, CIA, DOJ, etc.

Kathryn Davis
Kathryn Davis
28 days ago

Yea, I am totally shocked to see Harris signs throughout my community. Probably 99.5% of these folks have kids, grandkids, etc. Guess they don’t care that future generations might be fighting another war(maybe on US soil) and/or surviving under socialistic rule. No freedom! What a shame.

28 days ago

Yes! Biden and Harris have been lying about our border, economy, crime, “renewable” energy, and a whole range of other unflattering issues.
I think it’s just adorable that they lie so enthusiastically – as though they’re troubled adolescent twins, from one of nearly countless, non-educating school districts of the “Democrats'” own creation….

28 days ago

Yes, the Biden/Harris administration surely did “cook the books”, in so many instances, that using only the word “Lie” can save lots of personal energy. Just doing my own part to educate people.

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
28 days ago

I trust a Pfizer salesman more than I trust any data coming from the current administration.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
28 days ago

I’ll bet the traditional media “jumped” all over this.

28 days ago

Another day, another bucket of lies from the Biden/Harris administration. I’m not sure if ANY form of governance has functioned as designed under under the “leadership” of these two, and it’s not easy to imagine DC ever working again.
I hope Trump let’s a shot at fixing it this time… though, the “Democrats'” hatred of him surged 3-fold from the great job he did last time…!!!
Maybe Biden/Harris can run prisons, but never, no never, a nation.

28 days ago

even with “cooked” books how can anyone we, America< is not being invaded. just open your eyes. opening your brain would help too but many can not do that because of their brain washed education.

28 days ago

Sell that to Springfield, Oh. Keep your enemies close and your pets closer. ha

Bret Baier and Kamala Harris Fox News Interview
Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va

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