AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris

Nearly twenty years ago, with the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq in full swing, the public was introduced to Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf, Saddam Hussein’s Information Minister. As U.S. forces swept through the country, al-Sahhaf made a number of unintentionally comical appearances in front of news cameras to claim that Iraqi forces were actually winning great victories, earning him the nickname “Baghdad Bob.” While al-Sahhaf is now reportedly living a quiet life in the UAE, it seems that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has taken inspiration from the one-time cultural icon in making his own outlandish pronouncements and pushing for still more of the tax and spend legislation that is the primary reason Democrats face such a brutal electoral landscape this November.
For many Americans, Baghdad Bob’s colorful appearances at daily press briefings were a temporary reprieve from the otherwise heavy images and scenes emerging from the conflict. With U.S. troops on the outskirts of Baghdad, al-Sahhaf reported that “many authentic sources” had told him Iraqi forces had the Americans on the run and American soldiers were committing suicide “by the hundreds.” Just days before Saddam was toppled by the American invasion, and with U.S. tanks just offscreen, al-Sahhaf told the media that there were no Americans in Baghdad – full stop. Baghdad Bob’s bombastic rhetoric and blatantly false assertions helped him become one of the first ever “memes,” turning Saddam’s hapless sidekick into an internet sensation.
In the years since then, “Baghdad Bob” has come to denote anyone whose assertions become so out of touch with reality that they become almost laughable and have the opposite of their intended effect. During the disastrous U.S. evacuation from Afghanistan, for instance, many in the media likened President Joe Biden to Baghdad Bob for his claims that no Americans were having trouble getting to Kabul airport and that the operation was a “great success.” Biden Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo won a similar comparison for her insistence that the economy is actually doing quite well, while Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas has earned the Baghdad Bob title for his claim that the U.S.-Mexico border is “closed.”
Now, it seems that it’s Chuck Schumer’s turn to become the Democrats’ Baghdad Bob. Over the last several weeks, Schumer’s on-again-off-again negotiations with Joe Manchin have become almost as entertaining as Baghdad Bob’s old news conferences. As voters increasingly express alarm and anger about skyrocketing inflation – caused in large part by unprecedented non-emergency spending under the Democrat Congress – Schumer has continued to call for even more spending, bizarrely insisting that pumping additional money into the economy will somehow solve the inflation crisis. During a floor speech last November, Schumer claimed that “if we want to fight inflation, if we want to create more jobs… the best thing we can do is to pass Build Back Better”—Democrats’ gargantuan socialist spending bill.
Inflation stood at 6.8% when Schumer made those comments. But even now, with inflation topping 9%, Schumer has refused to back down, and now looks to be close to a deal with West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin on a reconciliation bill that is sure to send inflation higher still. Part of this new proposal reportedly includes tax hikes on individuals and businesses – another deeply unpopular policy that is sure to advance the recession and leave Americans even worse off.
At the same time, Schumer seems wholly oblivious or in denial about the effect that the push for more big spending will have on Democrats’ chances of holding the Senate this November. Even as polls continue to show that inflation and rising prices are the top concern for most voters, Schumer has continued Democrats’ race to the left, forcing endangered incumbents like Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire, Catherine Cortez-Masto of Nevada, and Raphael Warnock of Georgia to take votes that worsen the problem. Despite Schumer’s best efforts to convince Americans to ignore reality when it comes to the root cause of inflation, even Democratic voters blame rising prices on their own party’s policies.
With just over three months to go until Election Day, it seems that Schumer is determined to stay the course, doubling and tripling down on assertions that are by now ridiculous to the vast majority of Americans. But come November 9, Schumer, much like Baghdad Bob, may suddenly find himself out of power and fleeing the capital, no longer able to deny his ever-more obvious failures.
Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter @Shane_Harris_
Neckties for every imposter, usurper, traitor, enemy of The People and Their Constitutional Authority.
Let them swing from the nearest flagpole! ONWARD—->
Senile Joey is another incarnation of Baghdad Bob. “the border is secure” “inflation is temporary” “there is no recession” “raising taxes and spending more will lower inflation” and on and on!
It appears, as of the news today, that every politician has a price and can be bought if the price is right! I have wondered when Joe Manchin would cave in.
Congress should be wiped off the map. Except for those few conservatives (the real ones), they seem to be focused on destroying the middle class….and America.
DC is a dinosaur that must become extinct like the rest of them did.
Evidence has shown for many decades that they have handed off all of their legislating duties to corrupt bureaucrats. They have essentially made themselves useless.
Stop paying them for no honest work.
The name Senator Joe Manchin makes me sick to my stomach, this lying Weasel that the people of West Virgina keep sending to Washinton, Keeps caving to the Left’s destructive thinking, I correct that statement, Joe Manchin’s destructive thinking, how is it that the good people of West Virginia cannot get it through their heads that this Lety Joe Manchin is every bit a weasel that the rest of the Democrats are, he just has the ability to tell the good people of West Virginia to go to Hell and they look forward to the trip. You might consider a nickname for him, maybe always — Cave’s Joe!
How about calling him Dems’ Oracel
Moutain Mama goofed big time when they voted Manchin to represent them. Mountain Mama can’t take WV people home, but he will take them and their wealth and welfare to the cleaners. Wake up WV citizens … with Manchin, you’ve “been had!”
Schumer and Pelosi are so far removed from from the reality of the everyday American it is so sad. They need “to walk a mile in our shoes. “ (the common American). Really it is something all politicians need to do. Climb down out of the money tower and get real.
Listen Schumer is what used to be called an old style machine politician. His views and actions reflect whatever the agenda of the Democrat Party happens to be at any given moment. He will say and do whatever he thinks will keep him in his Senate seat. Whether or not he is the majority leader of the Senate isn’t as important as whether he gets constantly re-elected by the people of New York State to the Senate.
Schumer is a third rate hustler who will do anything for a buck (always has been) and is terrified AOC or some other younger, more aggressive rising Democrat politician from New York State will unseat him and then he will have to try and maintain his lifestyle by getting a job in the private sector. Most politicians went into politics specifically because they couldn’t land and hold a real job in the private sector that affords them the ability to make the kind of income that being a politician can. Much less have the opportunity to do all the side deals that add millions to their income over the course of their careers. So Schumer will say and do anything that the Party or AOC tells him to say, because he is terrified he will lose his seat and all the “perks” that go with it.
Now I just want to briefly address the much more important issue of Joe Manchin completely flip-flopping and agreeing to a scaled down version of BBB. I can’t say I’m surprised, because at some point I fully expected Manchin would either cave under political pressure from the DNC ahead of the midterms or be bought off by them. Whichever is the case, this is why you can NEVER rely on any Democrat to stand up for the best interests of the American people and why we need the Senate to be held by a unified majority of constitutionally conservative Republicans. That means we have to purge the RINOs that consistently vote to support socialist Democrat legislation like the recently passed Chips Bill that is wholely unnecessary and just spends over $200 billion dollars to grow the federal government.
By the way, the BBB bill that Manchin just agreed to vote for will devastate business investent in the United States via its tax provisions. So if you wanted another leg down in the economic growth of this country, this bill will deliver that.
Imo, the dems plan seems to be this: kill the job market, make people poor, take our self defence away by taking our guns, weakening our military and then go to california and welcome the chinese when they invade.Totally worthless government in our history.
You can contact Joe Manchin at DC office 202 224-3954, Charleston WV 304 342-5855, Eastern Panhandle 304 264-4226, Fairmont WV 304 368-0567, Call them ALL, this MUST NOT pass.
Schumer best be careful, just saw an article that protesters in Iraq just stormed Parliment. Appears people the world over are restless.
My question is where are the economic experts in all of this? Maybe they’re afraid to speak up. Today even grade school kids know basic economics. These left-wing Democrats couldn’t possibly be so out of touch that they are unaware of what they’re doing to this economy and this country.
Build Back Better was just redefined.
Too bad that Schumer is not up for re-election this Fall. The dishonest, sleazy guy could be ousted. As it is he will hopefully be relegated to minority leader and have to give up most of his power..
It’s not that he actually believes that passing this bill will help inflation. He realizes they are going to lose no matter what so in true Democratic fashion, he is going to burn the house down on his way out the door. Mine as well get what he wants even though that’s the exact reason people are voting them out.
Too many voters like these bloated bills. I suspect the Democrats will not be whipped this November like some have so blithely predicted.
Any time they say “democracy”, think “idiotcracy”!
Hate the sin but not the sinner.
The Reprobate Minded Donkeys have never understood what inflation is caused by. You can’t keep spending money when you don’t have money to spend. These Bills on the surface are window dressed to sound like they’re for the betterment of the United States And Her Legal Citizens. Digg deeper and you see they’re full of recluse spending. Most of the Donkeys are Old and are closer to meeting their maker. Facing Father God is not going to be pleasant for Any of them. They’ve Lied And Cheated The Legal Citizens Of The United States. They’ve Worked Against Christians And Jews. For That There’s Definitely A Downward Spiral From Father God.
As forrest gump said, “Stupid is as stupid does.” As in this case “schumer is as Schumer does.”
Unfortunately Manchin fell for the Schumer, Pelosick BS. Hopefully WV voters will turn Manchin out, they are aware of how this will raise inflation and make their struggles even worse.
Maybe “with just over three months to go to Election Day, it seems that Schumer is determined to stay the course” could mean that dems know the election will once again be stolen from republicans. Seems funny to me that none of the dems appear concerned about their jobs.
Every mobster family needs its godfather.
Is there any way that we could send Schumer to Baghdad? Permanently? Just say’n.
Why these people are in office and who continually puts them in is a scary thought in itself!!! either people just don’t care until it’s too late or are too stupid and believe this propaganda machine at work!! This Nation is DOOMED!!!!
as much as it pains me to say this Schumer is my senator. He is completely out of touch with reality just like the rest of the democrat party. The only thing the democrats care about is power and they think squandering more of the taxpayers’ money than they already have is the way to keep it. We need to vote the entire democrat party out of office before they do even more damage to the country than they already have.
The dim “dems” in my opinion are putting on a show .!These people are operating as if everything is in the bag come November. Why pass all this bills spend billions knowing it will be reversed in 2024? Sounds like a fox in the hen house. Smart folks are in Washington and I figure if there was a way to stop the “Dems” they Would. Must be a way to arrest traitors but it sure is sad to see America this way
Briefcases left in closets cause Democrats to vote the right way Not many poor elected folks in office especially since the bills being passed contain so much mone to be spread around. My opinion zzz. Dad always said follow the money and it looks right again
Yup. We have the best Congre$$ money can buy. They just don’t stay “bought” as long anymore…..