
National Security , Newsline

Border Security Is National Security: It’s Past Time We Take It Seriously

Posted on Friday, April 1, 2022
by Outside Contributor

border biden MIA disasterBy – Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL-03)

For the last 15 months of the Biden presidency, the American people have endured crisis after crisis. On his first day in office, Biden and his administration took several steps to undo the hard—and long overdue—work President Trump and his team crafted. No sector under the Biden administration has been safe from the gross overreach.

Take, for example, the domestic energy sector which has been under siege since Biden’s inauguration. On day one, Biden killed the Keystone Pipeline and more than 11,000 jobs. Why you ask? Because the Keystone Pipeline didn’t fit within his Green New Deal agenda. Structured to provide more than 850,000 barrels of fuel per day, the pipeline would go a long way in keeping our economy humming and our prices low.

On national security, Biden halted Title 42 and the Migrant Protection Protocol (MPP) and stopped construction of the border wall. The resulting border crisis is manmade and could be easily fixed, but Biden refuses to secure the border, instead doing everything he can to stop construction of the border wall and give Customs & Border Protection agents the resources they need. In speaking to Border Patrol agents firsthand during my trips to the border, they’ve repeatedly told me that they need the wall as a force multiplier.

But unlike the border crisis, energy crisis, the Americans left behind in Afghanistan, Ukraine, rising crime, or inflation, we simply cannot walk down the street without tripping over one of Biden’s messes.

As a member of the House Homeland Security Committee, I also know these issues well. Since I was sworn in to represent Florida’s Third Congressional District, I’ve had a front-row seat to the many homeland security crises we face. I’ve traveled to the border three times and listened to the harrowing stories of young women targeted by Facebook’s cartel advertisements. I’ve listened to stories about young women with Plan B in their backpacks, preparing to be sexually assaulted during their journeys to the U.S.

In fact, it’s estimated that close to 80 percent of women and young girls are abused during their travels to the border. In one case, I spoke to a young, nine-year-old girl who could barely tell me her name after screaming so loud that her vocal cords had given out while being gang-raped by cartel members. Her story is horrific, but sadly, it is not unique. The awful, careless disregard by this administration for what’s happening at the border is heartbreaking.

In response to the horrors that we’ve seen, we’ve forced Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to answer for the long list of failures in his critical role before our committee. His lack of empathy is shocking, but more than that, is his lack of knowledge about the role he’s played in this crisis. At every turn, he deflects and misdirects committee questions, leaving us with one conclusion: he simply doesn’t know and he simply doesn’t care.

During my first two visits to the border, I was joined by several of my Homeland Security Committee colleagues. Even after our visit and those by House GOP leadership, the liberal media still has not taken the border crisis seriously, failing to seriously cover the crisis there, choosing to focus on everything instead of the heartbreaking stories happening on U.S. soil.

On one of my visits to the border, we toured the processing facility in Donna, Texas that is used to process and house illegals crossing the border. It is not unusual for these facilities to take in more than 40-50,000 migrants per week. Here we met “borrowed” or “recycled” children under the age of six, repeatedly used to gain entry into the U.S. for immigrants without children of their own because the policies won’t permit anyone with a young child to be deported back to their home countries.

The facts are not easy to ignore: since President Biden took office, there have been over 2.1 million encounters at the southern border. In just January 2022 alone, CBP agents countered 153,941 individuals—a 21-year high and a direct result of this administration’s aimless, thoughtless, unserious approach to our border and our national security.

Fentanyl seizures will only continue to skyrocket, and in FY2022, CBP has already seized 3,569 pounds of fentanyl, or enough to kill millions of Americans. The number one killer of Americans 18-45 in 2020 was fentanyl. It wasn’t COVID and wasn’t climate change like this administration loves to claim; we’ve recorded the highest number of drug-overdose deaths in a 12-month period, eclipsing over 100,000 Americans according to the CDC.

Because anyone doubts this administration can competently handle any of the crises it creates, it has never been more important to have thoughtful, pragmatic conservative leaders who care about this issue and will work hard to put an end to it. Despite the heartbreak, anger, and madness we all feel, my Republican colleagues and I will make drastic changes when we regain the House majority.

Border security is national security and it’s past time we take it seriously.

Congresswoman Kat Cammack proudly serves Florida’s Third Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. She is the youngest Republican woman serving in the 117th Congress and sits on the House Homeland Security Committee, Agriculture Committee, and Select Committee on the Economy.

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2 years ago

Border security is dead in this country. We had 2.4 million illegals stream into this country last year. Another million plus illegals got away from Border Patrol and made their way in the United States last year. The Biden administration is about to eliminate Title 42 and are expecting at least 500,000 illegals to stream into this country every single month going forward. That’s a minimum number, NOT a maximum number. All being shipped around the country by the United States government to alter the voting demographics to favor Democrats. Understand the complex game the Democrats are playing to ensure elections no longer pose a problem for them.

By the government’s own new estimates, they are projecting upwards of potentially 30 million new illegals to have crossed into this country from our southern border by the time the 2024 Presidential elections roll around. That’s in addition to the over 40 million illegals that were already in this country before Biden took the oath of office. What do you think the odds are of any Republican ever being elected President again, if only half the total number of illegals manage to cast a vote? Answer: ZERO. By the way, the Democrats are already addressing that issue as well in various ways.

2 years ago

If the Democrats have their way it’ll only be a matter of time before We the People will be addressing each other as “Comrade”!

2 years ago

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then the candidates should show us what’s going on at the border and the consequences of the liberals’ open border policy. It’s one thing to read the headlines; it’s quite another to witness the tragedy in living color. If those impressions should accompany each of us into the voting booth, I daresay a few democrats and independents will vote for candidates who pledge to secure the border and thoroughly vet every person entering our country.

Awful as it would be to see, show us pictures or video of people dead from drug overdoses, children being dropped over the wall, dead bodies in sealed trailers or desiccated in the desert, the heartache of losing a father or a sister, and the tears and anguish of those young girls gang-raped or sold into sex slavery.

Show us bar graphs which depict the stark difference between a secure border and an open one, numbers of illegal crossings, and the burdensome cost to the American taxpayers (“You!“) to feed, house, and educate illegal immigrants. Be sure to include how liberal policies favor the undocumented while plenty of hard-working American citizens can barely feed their families or keep the lights on. And don’t fail to mention the president’s wacky idea that a child separated from his parents deserves to be given $450,000. Be sure to punctuate this narrative with the insane notions of various democrats in order to drive home this unimaginably sad state of affairs.

Here’s an immigration story that makes no sense whatsoever. A friend of a relative is about to be deported back to India, where he was born. He has lived in the United States legally for about 20 years, and has earned a few doctorate degrees. This man has contributed a great deal to the field of computer science and security, and has grown wealthy due to his dedication to work. He loves living here (in Miami, Congressman Cammack!), and wants to make his life here…not in a country where he would feel like an outsider. Comparing this man’s story to the caravans of people crashing our borders disgusts me.

Our leaders in Washington D.C. have turned everything topsy-turvy and are putting our national security at great risk. This must stop. Pictures, Ms. Cammack…we’ve heard the words and a few have read the stories, but nothing makes the point as well as seeing the footage.

Phillip Gram
Phillip Gram
2 years ago

When are true American Patriots going to get fed up form a convoy to go down and defend the border? Have we As Americans lost our nerve. Are we a patriot fathers sons or not?

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Congresswoman Kat Cammack is a JR Congresswoman, however I can appreciate all of her concerns on our disastrous southern border with ZERO security, i.e. a wide open border & the cancellation of the last remaining Trump policies, i.e.  Biden halted Title 42 and the Migrant Protection Protocol (MPP). Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas should be REMOVED immediately for his feckless attitude & his tone deaf responses. This man is a walking/talking disaster…
We have been in a National Security situation from Day ( 1 ) from a Coup D’état 2020 election that is STILL being allowed to stand, despite our southern border crisis…A deliberate presidential administration hellbent on destroying this nation of Freedom Loving people…
Effectively shutting down the Keystone pipeline on day ( 1 ) & putting 11,000 Americans out of work with the stroke of a pen…We continue to get the Canadian oil, but in the most dangerous manner possible, via truck & rail heading south to Oklahoma & Texas refineries, all under the guise of ” climate change “, i.e. The Green New Deal. The entire reasoning behind it is FAKE…
I appreciate Congresswoman Pat Cammack’s concerns in a otherwise well written piece, but in all honesty we can’t afford to depend on regaining both houses after the Nov. midterms to effectively reverse all of the insanity coming out of Washington, DC. Invoking the 25th on this sitting faux potus is every bit as problematic too as this would explain why a VP of questionable intelligence and/or experience was installed as Biden’s VP…
Keep ’em coming AMAC!
Bill… :~)

2 years ago

Border security is a partisan issue twixt the Republican and DemocRat parties. The DemocRats want unfettered immigration because that is a source of illegal voters they can use to rig elections. The Republicans know this but are too shy to forcefully point if out and take stronger measures to nip it in the bud. An d of course the Media in general promotes illegal immigration as favor to the Democrat propaganda. It seems like the Media is the darling of the DemocRats … and has been since WW I.

2 years ago

What border security? I’m still waiting for serious border security and it has been well over 50 years now. Trump came closest with his wall and I give him credit for that, but all politicians outside of him for the past 50 years did nothing of note to stop the illegal invasion in our country except to BS us. Legal immigration —- good. Illegal immigration —- bad. What’s so hard to understand about that? Just stop illegal illegal immigration no matter the cost. Our country would benefit from that in so many different ways going forward.

2 years ago

Biden is too busy worrying about Ukraine’s border and security to worry about the border and security of the United States.

2 years ago

Americans do not understand why Republicans have not fought back against Bidum’s illegal immigration policies, I sure do not understand that. America has immigration laws that our ancestors had to follow to come to America and become citizens. Bidum has violated all those laws and more since entering the WH and he and his administration should be tried for treason. They have created or utilized one crises after another to divert and keep America’s attention away from what they are doing. Meanwhile America is going down the drain. I seriously doubt Russia would have attacked Ukraine if Trump were president. Bidum created the atmosphere for Putin to attack.

Joanne Daley
Joanne Daley
2 years ago

Cammack gives a lot of words but typical of Congress critters offers no viable solution. Until American citizens start raising hell with their legislators from city councils, County Supervisors, state Legislators to federal House and Senate NOTHING will stop Biden. It starts with YOU,!! I live on the border NOBODY gives a shit about the border andxwe are fighting for our lives. They dont listen because we live on the border. People in metro areas where the power base is have yo get in the fight NOW because a month from now is TOO LATE. Title 42 is dead as of MAY 23 and so is America.

2 years ago

Biden has committed treason. His whole wicked administration should be put on trial.

2 years ago

If for no other reason that we should control the border is the sad state of the drug problems plaguing our country from one coast to the other. The incompetent sad socialist/democrats should be ashamed. Of course they are not. We will suffer the consequences big time, even if many don’t already see it happening.

2 years ago

DemocRats have been taking border security seriously for well over a century. It is just one tool in their political ethics that they have institutionalized in their voting tactics). If one studies the Lincoln County, TX (Laredo) area you can study and verify they for decades seriously have been taking BS (Border Security … altho a more mundane interpretation of BS that might also apply in this case). It is a KEY tactic that allows the DemocRats to control and rig voting outcomes (local, state, and National). LBJ’s first election for his Texas Senatorial seat was accomplished with an unbelievable rash of votes for him in the closing hour from DemocRats in Lincoln (and surrounding areas) to overcome a huge lead by Pappy O’Daniel. NOTE: this occurred in the DemocRat primary …, at the time the Republicans didn’t bother use primary voting to nominate their candidates (a bit of Civil War hangover). So that is a good example that the DemocRats feel that rigging voter counts illegally is good politics unless you get caught (and/or the news media won’t cover it honestly … the DemocRats have that covered too!)

2 years ago

We are being govern by the 3 stooges (Biden, Harris and Pelosi). None of them can express with clarity their ideas of how to benefit the people of this beautiful America. Nancy P. keeps telling us that Biden is “a genius”; genius of what? Genius of destruction of America and the rest of the world is my guess. Please God have mercy on us!

2 years ago

Why can’t each state protect/close its own border with the national guard ? Why can’t we send the illegals to the hidens home state ?
Drop them off in the area where the hidens live. Our pres is just as bad as Putin.

2 years ago

It’s all by design. The Nazis, I mean Democrats, want this, all of it!

2 years ago

What we need is the truckers and thousands of Americans to show up at the boarder and form a wall with trucks and people and not let anyone through.

2 years ago

Border security is dead in this country. We had 2.4 million illegals stream into this country last year. Another million plus illegals got away from Border Patrol and made their way in the United States last year. The Biden administration is about to eliminate Title 42 and are expecting at least 500,000 illegals to stream into this country every single month going forward. That’s a minimum number, NOT a maximum number. All being shipped around the country by the United States government to alter the voting demographics to favor Democrats. Understand the complex game the Democrats are playing to ensure elections no longer pose a problem for them.

By the government’s own new estimates, they are projecting upwards of potentially 30 million new illegals to have crossed into this country from our southern border by the time the 2024 Presidential elections roll around. That’s in addition to the over 40 million illegals that were already in this country before Biden took the oath of office. What do you think the odds are of any Republican ever being elected President again, if only half the total number of illegals manage to cast a vote? Answer: ZERO. By the way, the Democrats are already addressing that issue as well in various ways.

2 years ago

If the Democrats have their way it’ll only be a matter of time before We the People will be addressing each other as “Comrade”!

2 years ago

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then the candidates should show us what’s going on at the border and the consequences of the liberals’ open border policy. It’s one thing to read the headlines; it’s quite another to witness the tragedy in living color. If those impressions should accompany each of us into the voting booth, I daresay a few democrats and independents will vote for candidates who pledge to secure the border and thoroughly vet every person entering our country.

Awful as it would be to see, show us pictures or video of people dead from drug overdoses, children being dropped over the wall, dead bodies in sealed trailers or desiccated in the desert, the heartache of losing a father or a sister, and the tears and anguish of those young girls gang-raped or sold into sex slavery.

Show us bar graphs which depict the stark difference between a secure border and an open one, numbers of illegal crossings, and the burdensome cost to the American taxpayers (“You!“) to feed, house, and educate illegal immigrants. Be sure to include how liberal policies favor the undocumented while plenty of hard-working American citizens can barely feed their families or keep the lights on. And don’t fail to mention the president’s wacky idea that a child separated from his parents deserves to be given $450,000. Be sure to punctuate this narrative with the insane notions of various democrats in order to drive home this unimaginably sad state of affairs.

Here’s an immigration story that makes no sense whatsoever. A friend of a relative is about to be deported back to India, where he was born. He has lived in the United States legally for about 20 years, and has earned a few doctorate degrees. This man has contributed a great deal to the field of computer science and security, and has grown wealthy due to his dedication to work. He loves living here (in Miami, Congressman Cammack!), and wants to make his life here…not in a country where he would feel like an outsider. Comparing this man’s story to the caravans of people crashing our borders disgusts me.

Our leaders in Washington D.C. have turned everything topsy-turvy and are putting our national security at great risk. This must stop. Pictures, Ms. Cammack…we’ve heard the words and a few have read the stories, but nothing makes the point as well as seeing the footage.

Phillip Gram
Phillip Gram
2 years ago

When are true American Patriots going to get fed up form a convoy to go down and defend the border? Have we As Americans lost our nerve. Are we a patriot fathers sons or not?

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Congresswoman Kat Cammack is a JR Congresswoman, however I can appreciate all of her concerns on our disastrous southern border with ZERO security, i.e. a wide open border & the cancellation of the last remaining Trump policies, i.e.  Biden halted Title 42 and the Migrant Protection Protocol (MPP). Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas should be REMOVED immediately for his feckless attitude & his tone deaf responses. This man is a walking/talking disaster…
We have been in a National Security situation from Day ( 1 ) from a Coup D’état 2020 election that is STILL being allowed to stand, despite our southern border crisis…A deliberate presidential administration hellbent on destroying this nation of Freedom Loving people…
Effectively shutting down the Keystone pipeline on day ( 1 ) & putting 11,000 Americans out of work with the stroke of a pen…We continue to get the Canadian oil, but in the most dangerous manner possible, via truck & rail heading south to Oklahoma & Texas refineries, all under the guise of ” climate change “, i.e. The Green New Deal. The entire reasoning behind it is FAKE…
I appreciate Congresswoman Pat Cammack’s concerns in a otherwise well written piece, but in all honesty we can’t afford to depend on regaining both houses after the Nov. midterms to effectively reverse all of the insanity coming out of Washington, DC. Invoking the 25th on this sitting faux potus is every bit as problematic too as this would explain why a VP of questionable intelligence and/or experience was installed as Biden’s VP…
Keep ’em coming AMAC!
Bill… :~)

2 years ago

Border security is a partisan issue twixt the Republican and DemocRat parties. The DemocRats want unfettered immigration because that is a source of illegal voters they can use to rig elections. The Republicans know this but are too shy to forcefully point if out and take stronger measures to nip it in the bud. An d of course the Media in general promotes illegal immigration as favor to the Democrat propaganda. It seems like the Media is the darling of the DemocRats … and has been since WW I.

2 years ago

What border security? I’m still waiting for serious border security and it has been well over 50 years now. Trump came closest with his wall and I give him credit for that, but all politicians outside of him for the past 50 years did nothing of note to stop the illegal invasion in our country except to BS us. Legal immigration —- good. Illegal immigration —- bad. What’s so hard to understand about that? Just stop illegal illegal immigration no matter the cost. Our country would benefit from that in so many different ways going forward.

2 years ago

Biden is too busy worrying about Ukraine’s border and security to worry about the border and security of the United States.

2 years ago

Americans do not understand why Republicans have not fought back against Bidum’s illegal immigration policies, I sure do not understand that. America has immigration laws that our ancestors had to follow to come to America and become citizens. Bidum has violated all those laws and more since entering the WH and he and his administration should be tried for treason. They have created or utilized one crises after another to divert and keep America’s attention away from what they are doing. Meanwhile America is going down the drain. I seriously doubt Russia would have attacked Ukraine if Trump were president. Bidum created the atmosphere for Putin to attack.

Joanne Daley
Joanne Daley
2 years ago

Cammack gives a lot of words but typical of Congress critters offers no viable solution. Until American citizens start raising hell with their legislators from city councils, County Supervisors, state Legislators to federal House and Senate NOTHING will stop Biden. It starts with YOU,!! I live on the border NOBODY gives a shit about the border andxwe are fighting for our lives. They dont listen because we live on the border. People in metro areas where the power base is have yo get in the fight NOW because a month from now is TOO LATE. Title 42 is dead as of MAY 23 and so is America.

2 years ago

Biden has committed treason. His whole wicked administration should be put on trial.

2 years ago

If for no other reason that we should control the border is the sad state of the drug problems plaguing our country from one coast to the other. The incompetent sad socialist/democrats should be ashamed. Of course they are not. We will suffer the consequences big time, even if many don’t already see it happening.

2 years ago

DemocRats have been taking border security seriously for well over a century. It is just one tool in their political ethics that they have institutionalized in their voting tactics). If one studies the Lincoln County, TX (Laredo) area you can study and verify they for decades seriously have been taking BS (Border Security … altho a more mundane interpretation of BS that might also apply in this case). It is a KEY tactic that allows the DemocRats to control and rig voting outcomes (local, state, and National). LBJ’s first election for his Texas Senatorial seat was accomplished with an unbelievable rash of votes for him in the closing hour from DemocRats in Lincoln (and surrounding areas) to overcome a huge lead by Pappy O’Daniel. NOTE: this occurred in the DemocRat primary …, at the time the Republicans didn’t bother use primary voting to nominate their candidates (a bit of Civil War hangover). So that is a good example that the DemocRats feel that rigging voter counts illegally is good politics unless you get caught (and/or the news media won’t cover it honestly … the DemocRats have that covered too!)

2 years ago

We are being govern by the 3 stooges (Biden, Harris and Pelosi). None of them can express with clarity their ideas of how to benefit the people of this beautiful America. Nancy P. keeps telling us that Biden is “a genius”; genius of what? Genius of destruction of America and the rest of the world is my guess. Please God have mercy on us!

2 years ago

Why can’t each state protect/close its own border with the national guard ? Why can’t we send the illegals to the hidens home state ?
Drop them off in the area where the hidens live. Our pres is just as bad as Putin.

2 years ago

It’s all by design. The Nazis, I mean Democrats, want this, all of it!

2 years ago

What we need is the truckers and thousands of Americans to show up at the boarder and form a wall with trucks and people and not let anyone through.

Hud Home pole sign. LAS VEGAS NEVADA - June 3: Hud Home sign in a suburban neighborhood on June 3, 2011 in Las Vegas Nevada. HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is a department of the government responsible for a number of federal housing agencies and programs.
Handcuffs on the floor at night. Open handcuffs on the street pavement at night with police car lights / high contrast image
tariffs stamp over a lot of cars waiting to be imported

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