WASHINGTON, DC, May 22 — Kamala Harris must be working in deep — very deep — cover at her job of dealing with the crisis on our southern border. As Senator John Cornyn [R-TX] opined recently: “It appears to me like President Biden handed her a hand grenade and pulled the pin, and she was quick to get rid of it as fast as she could.”
Cornyn is not the only one who is frustrated with Vice President Harris for her “do nothing” attitude regarding the assignment handed her by President Biden. Rep. Ashley Hinson, R-IA, has actually introduced legislation to cut off her travel expenses until she visits the southern border and provides a way to solve the crisis there. Hinson told Fox News that she was reacting to the fact that Harris has been a no-show at the border since the day she was given the assignment of handling the crisis.
The vice president’s job is to “deal” with the overwhelming onslaught of would-be undocumented immigrants trying to enter the U.S. and who sense it’s gotten easier to do now that President Trump is not calling the shots. After all, isn’t President Biden hell-bent on tearing down Mr. Trump’s wall?
Andrew R. Arthur at the Center for Immigration Studies has been tracking Ms. Harris’ progress or lack thereof, dubbing her the “border czar.” In a recent online post, he said that it really is past time that she got to work: “Given that most of the migrants claiming asylum at the southwest border allege that they are fleeing corruption and gang violence (and that smuggling is facilitated by Mexican drug cartels), you would figure that Harris would have sufficient familiarity with the situation in Mexico and the Northern Triangle to jump right into her new position.” But that hasn’t been the case.
Perhaps that is the reason media coverage of Harris’s progress has been sparse. It consists mostly of reports that she “finds herself navigating strained relations with the leaders of Central American countries,” as a recent Bloomberg story put it. However, news outlets are mostly left with noting what hasn’t been done instead of what has been done. They report about her apparent aversion to traveling to the border, or they make excuses for her as CNN did when it reported: “While aides work in the background, Harris has been busy getting up to speed on the region’s specifics.”
Can you blame the reporters for the skimpy coverage? Perhaps it is a reaction to the notion that Harris doesn’t like them. “The vice president and her team tend to dismiss reporters. Trying to get her to take a few questions after events is treated as an act of impish aggression. And Harris herself tracks political players and reporters whom she thinks don’t fully understand her or appreciate her life experience,” writes Edward-Isaac Dovere in a profile published in The Atlantic last week. He goes on to note that “At times, she comes off as so uninteresting that television producers have started to wonder whether spending thousands of dollars to send people on trips with her is worthwhile, given how little usable material they get out of it.”
Newsmen and women apparently are not the only ones who find Harris unlikeable. Last week the Politico magazine previewed a new book that Dovere wrote. It’s called Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats’ Campaigns to Defeat Trump, in which he describes how President Biden’s wife, Jill, apparently went ballistic after Harris beat up on him during the presidential campaign last year, virtually accusing him of being a racist.
Afterward, it seems Mrs. Biden vented on Harris during a telephone call with friends. She said: “With what he cares about, what he fights for, what he’s committed to, you get up there and call him a racist without basis?” Go f— yourself,” according to Dovere.
Harris is all about Harris! She is no leader and never will be. She isn’t there to solve problems but to make sure the minorities stay in their places and keep the race card alive until everyone in the country is under the leftist thumb. Then you will see folks like her telling everyone how hard she worked to help us all! Liars and thieves: the whole leftist lot!
Oooh…cat fight!
VP (that’s Virtual Politician) Harris won’t go to the border because she knows that anything she says or points to will be subjected to scrutiny. Already, the first question many (real journalists) will ask is, “What took you so long?” She thinks she’s smarter than anyone in the room, and will come up with some lame excuse. She’s a coward, and an arrogant, cold coward at that.
She doesn’t want to visit because it’s nothing she can control not to mention the fact she can’t say oh by the way they’re bringing over unhealthy medical they are bringing over children and just dropping them off they are cartels are bringing over dope sex slaves you name it she doesn’t want to be a part of any of that that way she could say oh I know nothing about it
She’s a good match for Mr. Potato Head our fearless leader!!!
As a former United States senator from California from 2017 to 2021, and as the attorney general of California from 2011 to 2017 she should be fully up to speed on this crisis since her home state is suffering a major portion of this crisis. I would like to submit my absentee ballot of “No Confidience” for this administration.
I’m sure that whilst their approach may be flawed, the Biden administration will approach migrants with more compassion than Trump, and will refuse to exploit and persecute migrants as if to throw red meat to you maga nuts
Useless btch
This is a Demonic government
Harris is nothing but the Commie Demon-o-crats ‘Hoe” for the party.
she has no ethics, credibility or conscience.
She stands behind Commie Joe to take his place once the CCP decides to remove him.
It amazes me how the communist propaganda networks attacked trump for the very same issues they let biden’s keystone cops off the hook for – the hypocrisy is mind blowingly blatant! And no one calls them on it!
Kamala Harris is incapable of doing anything constructive regarding the Border Crisis now in progress. Her visit would be turned into an opportunity to assail the opposition party or parties.
Of course commie harris the hypocrite won’t visit the border, it will expose all their lies!
This group of failures are an embarrassment and evil!
I’ve never seen a job as completely never done as her border job. Of course, I’m not sure that I want her doing anything because whatever she touches ends in disaster as far as I can see. The only reason I want Joe to hold out for 3 1/2 more years is that I certainly cannot stand the thought of Pres. Kamala.
How does a person go about getting this kind of work?
If the VP isn’t willing to do her job, then she should be fired!!
The only reason she wanted this job is to say she is the first women Vice-President & whatever nationality she says she is. She should go back to standing behind the President hiding behind her mask!
Ole’ Kumbucket Harris is all about herself and screw the American taxpayers !!!
The entire Biden administration is poison! I pray every day that God will bring us through their reign with as minor damage as possible.
She is a “no-show” because she incompetent, lazy, hateful and irresponsible. That about covers it all. When the lame stream Marxist media can’t stand her, she must really bad news. O’Biden only tolerates her because that is what his handlers said he should do. As much as O’Biden is problematic as president, she will be worse when he can be no longer serve because of his mental capacity. The American people should give her an ankle bracelet used by the justice system to track her every move.
Of course not then 1% harris would have to fix it and they dont want to they want trouble to be unleashed on America with all the trash coming in from collapsed countries all over the world!
The ONLY thing Hyena Harris is “half-good” at is laughing! Unfortunately, the joke is on US!
Here we have a woman who wants to be a leader. I’m told she spent some time on her back to do so. As the California Attorney General, she refused to endorse a 2015 bill calling for a special prosecutor to investigate deadly police shootings; she rejected calls from civil rights groups to investigate deadly police shootings in Los Angeles and San Francisco; following the 2014 police-involved killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, she required body cameras for California Department of Justice agents but didn’t support legislation mandating them for all police officers. Looks like she doesn’t do what she says, does she. Harris’ time in the Senate is a relatively unexplored and empty chapter in her record. Suddenly, after serving only part of her term in the senate, she suddenly decides she’s qualified and joins the very large crowd of 24+ Democrats who want to become President. Her party quickly says no thank you. So, after calling Joe Biden a racist, he invites her to join his coattails as his VP candidate. She accepts. (I guess he’s suddenly no longer a racist.). When her party wins the presidency, requiring voter fraud to do so, she finally becomes a national leader. Hurray for her. Then, when called upon to become the Immigration Czar, what does she do? Absolutely nothing at all, just like her time in the Senate. She’s been hidden from view and only makes appearances when Biden does, while the border leaks like a sieve. Did I miss anything? Am I the only one who finds something wrong with this picture? And THIS is the person who would lead us when Biden’s puppets finally get him to resign admitting his mental limitations. Anyone else, other than me, find this acceptable?
Where are all the democrats who go on rampages in schools with guns?
Camel Toe is afraid to go to the border as she knows the people coming across our border are loaded up with Covil and who know what other diseases.
She’s in over her head just like Biden. Neither one of them have a clue about what they’re doing. Their goal is to destroy America by whatever means necessary.
Obviously they are ALL in over their heads. All useless and worthless. Doing damage due to their incompetence, marxist ideology.
She was told she was going to be president, she is not going to take orders from this buffoon!
What can border states do about taking control of the border? I am sure Texas and Arizona would stop it ,but the blue states would do nothing in order to get funding from government.
Thanks to all the people that believed the Biden/Harris lies all because they hated President Trump more for his tweets
Trouble in paradise. Sounds like the honey moon was over before it got started. Soon it will spill out into the public’s eye. Msm will be last to report any of it