
National Security , Newsline

Border Crisis and Harris Hooey

Posted on Monday, April 26, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

HarrisVice President Harris, tasked with reversing Biden’s ill-conceived border crisis – mass illegal migration prompted by ‘catch and release,’ no deportation, housing illegal minors, ending deterrence – has hit a new low.  Ignoring public facts, she blames Trump for the crisis.  This is pure Harris hooey. The facts are all with Trump.

Last week, Harris – AWOL on border policy correction – decided the best defense is offense, so claimed that Trump’s policies in Central America triggered the mass inflow after January 2021.  Problem is – facts say the reverse.  See, e.g.,

In contrast to Biden-Harris’ red carpet for illegal entrants, Trump’s policies on Central America were highly effective.  They involved carrot and stick, just like forcing Mexico to link law enforcement and trade worked to fortify Mexico’s southern border, retain asylum seekers, and assist on our border.

Specifically, Trump conditioned generous US support to three Central American countries on higher levels of cooperation in addressing illegal migration.  This is the definition of carrot-and-stick diplomacy.  Did it work?  In spades.

Unclassified reports on the Trump policy, and what happened afterward, are clear.  The Trump team adopted a highly proactive effort to engage Central America, codified in their “US Strategy for Central America.

Contrary to Harris’ claims, the strategy was focused on reducing illegal immigration and drug trafficking. It recognized that “the region is relatively free from armed conflict, politically stable, and a strong economic partner, importing over $27 billion in US goods in 2017,” yet “suffers from high rates of violence and crime” based on “weak judicial systems” and poverty.

Accordingly, the Trump team pressed a bipartisan plan – real, not in name only – that delivered hundreds of millions in aid, trade, security, training, and institution-building.  Like similar efforts in the early 2000s across Latin America – which produced measurable returns – the Trump team leaned forward.  They also required accountability.

As a result, three things happened.  US aid flowed, generating measurable returns in these countries.  US aid was halted, or tapered and made conditional when results lagged – then resumed when cooperation on rule of law issues ensued.  And – guess what? – illegal immigration came down.

Numbers tell the story.  In a State Department report filed with Congress – which Harris received – major success metrics were reported.  In 2018, Trump’s Central America Strategy boosted the region’s economy by $140 million in economic activity, generating 30,000 new jobs, reinforced rule of law with support to 1,000 civil society organizations, trained 1,700 human rights defenders, improved case management in 350 courts, trained 9,000 judicial personnel, “reached nearly 120,000 at-risk youth, primarily in high-crime urban areas, with social services,” supported law enforcement in seizing “over 106,000 kilograms of illegal narcotics,” and in urban areas where violence drives migration “reduced homicide rates” between 40 and 73 percent in two years.  See, e.g.,

Having established a baseline for support, including elevated trade, Trump’s team then insisted on accountability.  When that lagged, they acted.  “In March 2019, the President announced the suspension of assistance to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras to encourage these countries to do more to prevent illegal immigration to the United States.”

The effect was immediate.  A year later, State and USAID reported:  “Since then, enhanced migration cooperation with these governments has contributed to sharp declines in border arrivals,” adding “DHS encounters of Salvadoran, Guatemalan, and Honduran migrants along the U.S. southern border decreased from 623,666 in FY 2019 to 93,679 in the first eleven months in FY 2020 (October 2019 to August 2020),” and “the three governments have also signed a combined 15 agreements and arrangements with the United States to enhance border security, increase asylum cooperation, strengthen information sharing, and promote access to temporary employment opportunities in the United States.”

Endgame?  “As a result of the significant reduction in illegal immigration flows, the White House supports moving forward with U.S. assistance to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.”  In other words, once accountability was reestablished, the Trump team reinitiated major programs to support both economic activities and rule of law in these source countries for illegal migration.

What happened then?  Simple, Trump’s targeted, life-changing assistance and insistence on accountability generated – once again – major results.  Specifically, “between October 2019 and May 2020, the White House approved approximately $714 million in FY 2017, FY 2018, FY 2019, and FY 2020 foreign assistance to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras,” and the impact was felt.

Numbers again tell the story.  The number of US person-hours dedicated to economic training went from near 4,000 to more than 28,000. The dollar value of exports and domestic sales went from 92 million in the last year of Obama-Biden to 141 million in FY 2019, the same year the Trump strategy was credited with creating more than 31,000 jobs in the region.  The number of people with improved economic benefits went from 22,000 to 70,000.  Workplace development programs went from 2,400 to 19,000.

On the rule of law side, things were equally impressive.  At-risk youth trained went from 790 to 41,630 between 2016 and mid-2019, 52 times as many trained under Trump as under Obama-Biden.  Civil society organizations helped jumped from 713 to 1094.

Notably, the number of felony convictions in the three most troubled countries – all increased under Trump’s strategy.  In El Salvador, convictions jumped from 6,994 to 20, 707.   In Guatemala, convictions jumped from 18,536 to 56 481.  In Honduras, they leaped from 270 to 2,683.   So, by this measure, rule of law jumped three-fold in El Salvador and Guatemala and 10-fold in Honduras.

Do you see what this means?  At the same time Trump pushed border security, driving down illegal aliens entering the US by coordinated action with Mexico and federal law enforcement, he also drove up the economies, up the youth training, and down the crime numbers in the three leading countries pushing illegal aliens north.

Now – truth:  Harris just asserted the exact opposite.  Rather than admit Biden-Harris policies invite illegal immigration, reduce deterrence, undermine the region’s long-term economy, security, stability, and self-reliance; rather than admit these policies endanger US public health and safety; rather than admit these ill-conceived policies produce a train of human rights abuses; rather than admit Trump’s carrot-and-stick diplomacy worked – she said the exact reverse.

On one hand, the Biden-Harris Administration seems content to misrepresent reality, downplaying foreign, domestic, and border crises – this one of their own making- for political gain.  On the other, incontrovertible facts offer a strong testament:  The Biden-Harris border policies are a disaster.  Trump’s carrot-and-stick diplomacy worked and helped all countries involved.  How about we go back to what works – and ditch the Harris hooey?

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RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
3 years ago

Harris blames Trump for the border crisis, the bafoon Pelosi blames global warming for the crisis and China Joe says there is no crisis.
The United States is a ship with no rudder..

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

This new administration is a fraud! They don’t know what to do, don’t plan on doing anything, so, they just as soon as blame someone else!! Impeach them!!

3 years ago

The blind leading the blind.

Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

Gee whiz! Just another example of the Joe and the Ho Brain Fart Show, where “lies” become the “truth” for their minions and justifications for their misguided actions that are taking down our country. These “true believers” think one can truly put out a fire by dousing it with massive amounts of gasoline. 
My opinion is that we would probably have a better government from the Demsheviks if they were all on LSD rather that operating under the intoxification of the “power high” they are all wallowing in at this time. The 2022 elections cannot come soon enough so that the American people can take back our country from these idiots.

3 years ago

So who is Harris doing the horizontal hooey with down on the border? EVERYBODY!

3 years ago

Just off the top of my head, i’d say that Harris (and Biden) are delusional if they seek to blame Trump for the mess THEY have made of the immigrant INVASION from the South. The responsibility lies directly with Biden and Harris and their mob.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

Stupid is as stupid does, both are so stupid I am sick of hearing about both of them and now they have a fake poll out that he has a 53 % approval rating, what a bunch of BS, BS, BS, BS !

3 years ago

She’s a typical numb nut just like the entire dumbocrat party [yes you too Grandpa Muenster Schumer and the wicked witch of the west Pelosi].

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
3 years ago

I appreciate AMAC reporting facts, not an easy matter in this day. How do the censors automatically eliminate the material generated by our 45th president? I can see a link that claims to be to anything about him, click and find … nothing. There is a concerted effort to publish everything Biden/Harris want out there.
We can also subscribe to news whose producers are in Australia.
This country still has sober, thinking citizens so there is hope. Let us hope there is a high enough percentage of those (not yet in prison) who will stand up for freedom, take well considered action.
There are still people who can find a blessing in every adversity led by Mike Lindell.

Ralph S
Ralph S
3 years ago

Hyena Harris and Hair? Sniffin’ Joe are laughing at all the boobs that supported them…
Laughing all the way to the bank. Next, planning ways to steal from your IRA’s, 401K’s etc.
You won’t be able to protect yourselves, because they’re planning to take away your guns too.

3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago

The current administration is destroying America! They continue to push Communism, violence in our cities, racism, and the cost of goods and services, and weak display to foreign leaders! We need a few strong voices representative of the American citizens to stop this NOW! We love our country and the chaos needs to stop!

Judith Ann Patton
Judith Ann Patton
3 years ago

She is so inept and so deep in the illegal immigration mire that she could never get out of it. She is worthless, a liar and as unamerican they get. You only have to listen to her speak at the Democrat debates to see how deep her hate goes for the people here in America including Joe Biden who actually deserves it. America deserves better than these two far left wing nuts and their swineherd that Zuckerberg helped put in office.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
3 years ago

Bet this witch will blame Trump for her stupidity–why NOT–brain dead Biden will believe it!!

3 years ago

They are not stupid. They are not inept. They know exactly what they are doing. Chaos breeds communism. The result they want IS stupid. Also remember that the big shiny object splashed everywhere (immigration, riots, trials, etc.) by the media hides the worse damage they are doing behind the scenes. Do you know what’s in all those executive orders? No you do not and neither do I.

3 years ago

The Democrat Party is absolutely nothing more than a textbook example of Marxist Communists.ALL established by disarming their population,who were spoon fed Propaganda lies,until they believed the lies.Their intent is to destroy America. EVERY example of the “Democrat” Party Platform and EVERY action undertaken by them PROVES it, by FACTS. They control their Sheeple by controlling 90 percent of ALL Public Media.

3 years ago

Why put VP Harris in charge of border crisis? There must be someone in Biden admin that has experience with immigration at border. I say , send the best people you have. And, how did it work out when Trump put VP Pence in as head of Covid19 task force??? Border does not need YES people, people who can get results are what is needed.

Peter H Erenfeld
Peter H Erenfeld
3 years ago

She as President scares the dodo out of me.

Peter H Erenfeld
Peter H Erenfeld
3 years ago

The solution is simple. Close the border.

Art A
Art A
3 years ago

Kamel Toe can’t go to the border. What was she expressing when trying to be president elect??

Jay A.
Jay A.
3 years ago

Heels up Harris along with old plugs border policy is exactly what’s wrong with the border crises, they own it not Trump!! Everything they have touched has turned into a cluster hump!!

Jay A.
Jay A.
3 years ago

And they get their news from CNN and believe their crap!

Suzanne Harrington
Suzanne Harrington
3 years ago

Great analysis packed with irrefutable facts and well explained. I shared with many friends and family.

David Light
David Light
3 years ago

Harris should be prosecuted for allowing the rape

james michalicek
james michalicek
3 years ago

Here is the definition of “Carrot and stick”. Imagine a donkey pulling a cart. The cart driver has a stick. There is a carrot tied to a string which is tied to the stick. The driver holds the carrot in front of the donkey. The donkey walks faster to try to catch the carrot. Never is the donkey hit with the stick.

Jim H
Jim H
3 years ago

Unfortunately, the MSM will support Horizontal Harris in blaming Pres. Trump. Control the media = control the “sheeple”. We look like Germany 1928-1945 circa.

3 years ago

Well said Patriot Will. I have also observed friends who vote Democratic. They say I vote Democratic no matter what because I am a Democrat. Well observe and have a platform! They still say no. So very sad.

3 years ago

This repulsive human waste dump known as KAMAKA HARRIS is the scum of the earth ///////

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

Clown Harris went to the border over the weekend–the Canadian border! Are we getting a lot of ILLEGAL immigrants pouring over THAT border?

3 years ago

This nonsense is not “immigration” but a planned pogrom to remove the white majority by attrition. The plan of bringing non-white peoples into the country to make the white English population diminish over time.
Just listen to the statements such as; white supremacist, white privilege, and white people are systemically racist that come out of the mouths of the worthless anti-white Left socialist/Marxist.racists like Oprah Winfrey,

3 years ago

Oh, but the polls show that C’mon Man Biden has a 53% approval rating on how he is handling the vaccine and the economy, REALLY??? Those dead people that voted for him must have again crawled out of their graves at polling time and then retreated!!! And lets not forget Biden claims that “Climate Change” is a very important issue, I guess more important than what is happening at the border!? People better wake up and see what is going on, especially with the vaccines, I for one will not get a shot of an unknown origin into my body!

3 years ago

Biden continues make blunders and his first mistake was taking on Harris.

3 years ago

Biden-Harris team live in alter-reality. In their world there are no absolutes, not even when the Trump statistics gathered over the last four years say otherwise. It is really sad that so many Americans still don’t see the disconnect between truth and lies. How long can a party (Democrats) lie their way past reality? Americans who believe Biden-Harris are inflicted with a spiritual condition of pathological proportions requiring a large dose of discernment and common sense (and an intact conscience). Biden-Harris are post-modernists living in ‘no absolutes wonderland’.

The Rebel
The Rebel
3 years ago

So which one of the two is the BIGGEST bull$hitter:
the professional liar or the CA hooker??????

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
3 years ago

Harris is as big a liar as Biden. How in the world could Trump be responsible for the border crisis. I cannot believe anyone can HATE someone so much. In my opinion, the entire democratic party has lost their marbles.

3 years ago

Clueless harris and the failing democrats.
Not even smart enough to leave a working immigration program alone because of their blind hatred of OUR Country!

What a Great Article!

3 years ago

I for one would love to ditch the b/h hooey but how do we do it? Please let us know, Mr. Charles, what can we do to reverse or counter this administration short of waiting for the next election. And, after the last election theft how can we trust the next election?

Clark Morin
Clark Morin
3 years ago

Do we have to wait till 2022 to stop these idiots or at least control some of them. Jefferson it best, WHEN TYRANNY BECOMES LAW, REBELLION BECOMES DUTY. I’M ALL IN…..HAVE A NICE DAY

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Biden Border issue explained?
Pay back for Cartels or theyd act by now?
Obama did some things then.
Only explaination I have

3 years ago

How about that. Let’s dump harris and her hooey across the border

Chuck Gintz
Chuck Gintz
3 years ago

Harris and the Dems keep telling the same lies over and over. Naïve and uninformed followers buy these mistruths hook, line and sinker. And so we lose-lose – other countries see more poverty and criminal activity and export it to the USA. Nice going Harris-Biden!

3 years ago

You are so right. The WORLD does laugh at us. Joe biden, Kamel, Pelosi, Omar and the rest of the squad. Could it be more awful?!?!?!?

Geraldine McGann
Geraldine McGann
3 years ago

Harris, in denying the Trump
Administration’s successes in Central America has set herself up to basically come up with identical “new” agreements so that she can take all the credit.

3 years ago

I agree the world is laughing at us, and guess what they all are getting a check from the American Taxpayers via Biden & Harris. I truly believe then these misguided Left Socialist politicians like Biden, et. al are getting kick back money. Ref the Navy LT B. The only losers here are the American Taxpayers. Trump had the border under control. Harris & Biden want to put the cart before the donkey and go and talk with Central American leaders. How did these idiots get in office? You listen to your Border patrol & Homeland Security then shut down the border first, like President Trump did. You do not need to reinvent the wheel that already is proven. I suspect Biden and Harris will write out another big check to Central American countries–You cannot buy friends. Frankly, I do not want one more of our tax payer funds to support ILLEGAS or the crazed Democratic Socialist agenda. They are destroying our Great Country.

Jesse F Tiede
Jesse F Tiede
3 years ago

Harris is the typical Democrat! You know how to tell when she is lying? Her lips are moving…

Dennis patrick McEvoy
Dennis patrick McEvoy
3 years ago

what a bunch of Bull S t

3 years ago

Demencia JOE and the hoe need to go .

3 years ago

The only way to save the USA from the leftist commie takeover is to arrest, try and execute them all…There is a civil war coming and all the America haters will be destroyed!!!

Keith H
Keith H
3 years ago

Stupid Commie, Old Heels Up Harris !! That’s all that Cow knows. She’s as dumb as all the other Cow’s in that brain dead party. They put her in charge to do exactly what she does all the time, “NOTHING”. They don’t care. Those criminals are going to kill us, and these United States with the help of the Rino’s. If we don’t stop them. America and the World would be a better place. Without all that worthless trash !! “PRAISE GOD AND PASS THE AMUNITION”

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