
National Security , Newsline

Biden’s Misery Wave

Posted on Monday, March 15, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

waveRaw facts suggest the Biden Administration is creating a “misery wave” unlike anything we have recently seen. The wave – a six-fold crest – involves same-time spikes in illegal immigration, drug trafficking, lockdown overdoses, drug legalization, police defunding, and homicides. The wave will begin showing up in national data within months.  Here is what we know.

Based on current data, six trends are afoot, with no indication of slowing.  Each is a separate concern.  Taken together, they represent a unique threat to public health and safety.  While different, they reinforce each other.  That is the sober truth – which should concern all.

Trend One:  Illegal immigration is being fanned.  Biden policies promptly halted border security construction, welcomed unaccompanied minors in unlimited numbers, reversed Trump-era regulations discouraging minors’ placement nationwide, ended Mexican holding of asylum applicants, restarted “catch and release” – setting court dates years out (seldom met), providing “tax funded stimulus checks” to illegal aliens, defending sanctuary cities, reversing ICE retention of sex offenders, curbing deportation of convicted criminal aliens, ending country-specific visa bans, and lifting Trump’s restriction on green cards for aliens on public welfare. See, e.g.,;;;

Result of Trend One is Spike One, a massive increase in illegal immigration – no end in sight.  On the numbers, within six weeks, Americans have seen an explosion. Attempted illegal crossings in February jumped 28 percent, according to CBP.  Other numbers are more sobering.

In one month, CBP has “apprehended 100,441 illegal border crossers,” with “another 26,000” evading capture, and by March as many as 4,700 were seeking to enter daily. These are triple numbers from a year ago, a disproportionate number are unaccompanied minors – a 61 percent increase in one month.  Word is out, so parents send minors north – many abused in the process – to get into America, then bring them along.

Compounding the problem, many have COVID-19, a fact not discovered until released, as Biden does not test at the border.  Under federal law, minors must be moved from CBP to HHS custody within three days, from there to Heartland hosts, further fanning COVID’s spread via illegal immigration.  See, e.g.,

Further agitating this public health and safety crisis, many intercepted are known criminals, including sex offenders and gang members, and holding capacity is maxed out. See, e.g.,;;;

Trend Two.  Cross-border drug trafficking is surging.  While Biden refuses to acknowledge a “crisis” – or take responsibility – drug trafficking is surging.  Mexican cartels are running heroin, fentanyl, cocaine, meth, and synthetics as if no tomorrow.  As one headline proclaimed, “As Cartels Get Stronger Due to Border Chaos, More Violence Expected in US.”  Why?  As one law enforcement officer explained, “they do not fear us.”  Biden is a paper tiger. See, e.g.,;;

Trend Three.  Lockdowns are pushing drug addiction and overdoses. Even as trafficking surges, lockdowns push depression, isolation, alienation, and escapism.  The link is not theoretical, cross-border trafficking reinforcing a spike in addiction and overdoses. As DEA confirms: “Illicit fentanyl coming across the Mexican border is chiefly responsible for fueling the escalating opioid crisis” with “overdose deaths … at record highs.”  Experts now predict “overdose deaths are not going to get lower,” but “go through the roof this year because of the migration issue.”  There you have it.

How bad is this addiction and overdose wave? Bad.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report “fatal drug overdoses nationwide have surged roughly 20 percent during the pandemic, killing more than 83,000 people in 2020.”  In another untold story, arguing a fast end to lockdowns, minorities are hit hardest.  Not only are job and education gains clipped, but minorities are being swamped by lockdown addiction. Where is Biden?  Nowhere to be seen. See, e.g.,

Trends Four, Five and Six.  Democrat-driven drug legalization, police defunding, and spiking crime – especially a 30 percent increase in homicides in 34 major cities – add layers of misery. Democrat-led states and cities legalizing marijuana watched addiction, crime, drugged driving, and health costs rise, yet now toy with legalizing all drugs. Police defunding is a reality. Homicides are going vertical. See, e.g.,;;;;

Bottom line:  These six trends, taken one by one, would be arresting. Taken together, they are a six-fold crest – a massive “misery wave.”  They reinforce each other, amplifying effects. Runaway illegal immigration, “catch and release,” not deporting criminals, invites drug trafficking, reinforces addiction, challenges underfunded police, escalates crime. Lockdowns spur addiction and reinforce trafficking. Police defunding hurts homicide deterrence, while drug legalization – we now know – raises drug use, addiction, overdoes, and crime.

In short, Biden is presiding over a “perfect storm” of his own creation. Advancing failed policies, not taking responsibility, “Biden’s Misery Wave” is coming. While states, cities, towns, and individuals fight back, Biden owns it.

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David B.
David B.
4 years ago

All the pain and suffering this clown-show is causing real Americans needs to be turned around and experienced first hand by these evil, arrogant, corrupt, socialist political Hacks. “They” think they’re above it all.

G Schalk
G Schalk
4 years ago

Reminds me of the ‘misery index’ we had under Carter. That one was interest rate + unemployment rate + inflation rate. Then Reagan came along and saved the day!

4 years ago

Not so much multiple waves as a concerted effort to attack the country from multiple points simultaneously to further destabilize it as a the Democrats enact legislation to undermine and transform the republic. While the public’s attention is focused on what you’ve outlined, all of which the Democrats and their backers have engineered purposely, the Democrats in Congress and the WH are busy ramming through the necessary legislation to both transform the country and also enrich and reward their backers and friends. Just a thought.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Biden is a misery day 1 Have U enjoyed his decisions & Ex Orders to date?
Look to see whats ahead

4 years ago

I have given up reading anything about Biden. He is beyond clueless.

Deplorable in GA
Deplorable in GA
4 years ago

Since we have a newly constructed “fence” around the capitol – why don’t we house some of the criminals in the offices there. They can pull out air mattresses at night and sit on the lawn during the day. You voted for this bafoon – now we all have to live with him until camel takes over – and then who knows what happens?

4 years ago

It has become evidently clear as to the Democratic Socialist agenda. Flood America with illegals; over turn the states’ election law rights; then demand the illegals vote democratic socialist party. What is so interesting about this, is it is opposite of the typical socialist party plan for the proletariat class. But all to do with the wealthy and increased power to the ruling class.

RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
4 years ago

This article alone should be grounds for impeachment but that will never happen. I fear for the future of our Republuc.

4 years ago

Biden and the rest of his trash administration are guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors, or, in other words, TREASON on a very high level for trying to destroy our country. They need to brought to justice NOW!

J. Farley
J. Farley
4 years ago

Simply explained , BRAIN DEAD COMMUNISTS,
God Save America !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michael Minogue
Michael Minogue
4 years ago

The people who voted for the Liberals are responsible for the decay and destruction of America.

Ginger Lymbery
Ginger Lymbery
4 years ago

Where is the military to take control of this fraud and his minions? They took an oath to protect us from enemies both foreign and domestic and these are domestic enemies of the people. Get your @zzes in gear and do something before the American people have to do it for you….it is coming

Ginger Lymbery
Ginger Lymbery
4 years ago

Four sharp shooters could end this communist reign.

4 years ago

They are well on their way to meeting their primary goal; F*uck up this country so bad
that it can never be put back together again. Only one action is going to save this country,
but if you spell it out you are censored, so think about what saved the union and you will
the answer to the problem.

4 years ago

I know we can make a difference in 2022, but somehow I think that will be too late. We are working on it on a local level, a place to start. Pray for the best, prepare for the worst. Our children, grand children & grear grand children will suffer!

Todd Wagner
Todd Wagner
4 years ago

I can not even comment anymore. I hope all the useful idiots the created this Biden debacle are the first to feel the pain. We may have to use our 2nd.

4 years ago

The military needs to step in and remove this fraud of a government before these policies completely destroy the United States. This last election needs to be called null and void because of all of the fraud, A new election needs to be conducted and overseen by the military with trusted civilian oversight. All members of congress and senate also need to be brought up for reelection also to end this sham that the democrats and republicans have brought upon the american people because of their greed of money and power.

4 years ago

I own & run a couple businesses and by nature I have to be positive, however…….with the Left controlling information I’m afraid that average person will be unaware how bad it’s gotten until it’s too late.
Even then, what they are fed will be far removed from the real picture.
At the present trajectory, this does not end well.

4 years ago

Im just to sad We had it made with Trump, economy was moving, etc. I swear this pandemic was all they could use to get him out of office and Americans will feel the pain here soon im guessing. I in my own opinion believe this pandemic flu is nothing more than a badder flu due to people taking those flu shots and now they have destroyed their own immune system. Breaks my heart the dems and the nut jobs have won to take down the most beautiful and free country. Idiots all

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

This Biden Show has become the death of 1000 cuts. As long as socialism is served,anything goes. Never let a crisis go to waste. Now a crisis is deliberately created almost daily it seems. Every item in the article is true and to be attacked viciously. Lip service is cheap and the Biden Gang have big lips. Crisis! Crisis! We must do something to save the people. Notice the focus on OH MY! The Children! Bill Clinton started all this stuff about children with his thumb up closed hand and his rolled or bitten lip. This crew,controlled by the puppet masters, is out of control. Something has to give.

Kathleen Keegan
Kathleen Keegan
4 years ago

If the election isn’t proven to be massively fraudulent we are dead as a Free nation.

4 years ago

Just a perspective of the mentality of liberal, democratic, socialist, Joyless Joy from the view said, “I hope Governor Cuomo does not resign, because if a Republican replaces him, it could ruin New York'” What is the matter with these people?

Henrietta M. Foy
Henrietta M. Foy
4 years ago

Ya da, ya da…We have been told over and over again all that is wrong and dangerous about the Biden administration. When will someone tell us what we can do about it ! And, forget voting, that doesn’t seem to work, does it.

4 years ago

Yes, we have a glimpse of the agenda of the deep state. BUT GOD with His Righteous Right Arm is beginning to bring Justice and Freedom, Back to our Nation.! Look for the turnaround to start by Easter. Look for a great outpouring of the Spirit of God and revivals to change our nation! And so now then, Let us proclaim…” In God We Trust!”

John Paulk
John Paulk
4 years ago

I hope the Biden voters are happy! They think they got what they wanted. Wait until Biden digs very deep in their pockets as well! They have no right to complain when that happens. Remember they got what they wanted!

4 years ago

All the Biden administration is good at is
Taking away the money we earned And
Giving it to someone else who didn’t earn it
After the DC Swamp takes their cut off the top.
Leaving the rest of us with less, inflation and a lowered standard of living

4 years ago

You get it Will, and when those tens of millions finally decide they’ve had enough, the backlash will make the 2nd Civil War (yes, there have been two) look like a walk in the park…

4 years ago

An additional item if not one of the most important is the current proposals on gun legislation. I can remember when Biden was in the House of Reps. He was as anti-gun then as he is now! More though to the point. Any government as it took over with their agenda disarmed the populous first, Adolf Hitler and the Castro brothers are prime examples. Now the demorat communists (forget the socialist thing which is just a scapegoat word to avoid calling themselves what they are, communists) are going to all lengths to disarm us, the law abiding citizens as the criminal population thumbs their noses at gun laws. Then of course defund the police. How convenient, congress sits on their behinds with the national guard protecting them while they want to leave us with the criminal element as we are defenseless. I think nancy and chuck and the rest of those clowns should be taken to the worst area of Chicago and left there for 24 hours.

David B.
David B.
4 years ago

The O’Biden cartel hates us even more than we hate them. They are killing us, as we sit idly by and watch their Anti-America agenda play out. Oh,… what to do?

Allan Brem
Allan Brem
4 years ago

It has already been said by others and I have added my thoughts to their but it cannot be overstated, we must get this illegal election overturned. We need AGs and Attorneys to consolidate evidence and get it to the seditionists in our Courts until we get to the Supreme Court. Sydney cannot do it by herself and everyone else provide lip service.

4 years ago

Circle the wagons people, We are under attack only this time from within!!! … Treason needs to bring out the hangman’s noose and there should be a long line of offenders starting with Jackass Joe!

Pat Amyx
Pat Amyx
4 years ago

If we the people don’t stand up who will. Can start by calling your representatives and senators. Ask questions and speak to them on the bills that are being passed to encourage them to stand for what is right. Maybe some people don’t want to know what the details are, but if we do know then that makes our prayer more specific than just praying for our country. And they are making some progress today on the voting system in Georgia. Don’t give up on our country and our God. Stand up and stay strong.

David B.
David B.
4 years ago

As a side note, I keep seeing people mistakenly make references to “Democratic Admin., Democratic Party” etc., these fools are Democrats! There’s nothing “Democratic” about them! I know it’s just semantics, but don’t give them any beneficial adjectives please!

Patty Ann
Patty Ann
4 years ago

I have to ask, “how can anyone this old be this stupid”!

Susan McDonald
Susan McDonald
4 years ago

We need to close the boarder right now and get organized The Americans are going to have a horrific tax hike and for me that won’t due. No welfare, food stamps housing, or voting for any of these illegals crossing the border????

Robert J Turek
Robert J Turek
4 years ago

“We hope you enjoyed this article” You have got to be kidding!

4 years ago

Pelosi, Schumer, and biden are going to destroy the United States of America as we know it. I know some people say; they are smart and powerful. They got elected and out smarted the Republicans. The GOP are cowards and let them win. WHY?

Kathryn Di Piazza
Kathryn Di Piazza
4 years ago

Biden is a communist along with his group of cohorts. They will be at the top controlling all the money and the middle class is being erased. The poor and illegals will serve as their “serfs”. This is the end if we don’t resist at all levels. Go out , go to church, see your families, gather with friends. They hate this, there is strength in numbers, they want to crush us by eliminating our rights. I for one, will not go quietly, I will speak out when I can and educate others on this devious and evil administration.

4 years ago

“We the people of the United States in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States.” -Preamble

What is missing is GOD! We are so vain as to even think that what/who is created can create! And “form a more perfect Union”
than our Creator had already formed?!?!
Who do we think we are? Answer – gods.

“Vanity (Absurdity,Frustration, Futility, Nonsense) of vanities,” says the Preacher; “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.” (Ecclesiastes 1:2)

4 years ago

These Illegals are not just from south of the Border. I heard they are from all over the world yes including China. As an old Vet we defended so many other countries borders, why can’t we defend our own border? There is a legal way of entering our Great Country!.. Who the heck gave the Biden T-Shirts to the Illegals and who paid for them? Diamond & Silk read the laws and said this was illegal to do to foster Illegal immigration. I am certain this is true since illegal is illegal right, but what will this do just lead to another investigation with no one found guilty or given due jail time. I am tired of this BS, I still believe the only insurrection in DC is from the Democrats undermining and destroying our Constitution. More than ever, we need to take our Country back. Only 9% of our money os going for COVID Relief-what about that-something to think about-Money we do not have-where is the other 91% going-doesn’t make sense. No representation at all,

Mary Berg
Mary Berg
4 years ago

Dems in their GLORY…Obama left it too low, Trump nearly eliminated it so Biden will send the MISERY INDEXES into the stratosphere!!

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

“WE THE PEOPLE”are the government, we need to reassert our authority, recall and investigate the representatives they fail to defend the constitution, they took an oath of office to that effect, take them down individually and make them stand alone, no one has the right to interfere with another states political system, caliPORNia and new yuck need to keep thier evil to thier own states if that is what your citizens really want, I, for one, do not think they do, voter fraud has been around for decades, clean up the voting mess, NOW!

Gunny Joe
Gunny Joe
4 years ago

Some thoughts, This is the 2020’s. Look back to the 1920’s. The election was not won/lost, it was rigged by people that control the shadow government. What you see now has been planed by the people that made oboma, carter, and some rinos. Folks this is just the tip of the ice burg. As exampled by the Marine Generals comment to Tucker Carlson. The good officers/staff non commissioned officers are but a dream. They are WOKE, that was started in the 1960’s human rights, etc. The percentage that would fire on not join a movement to correct this, is at my best guess north of 70% now. Even if we were to take up arms to correct this, it would invite, Russia, China, Mexico, Cuba, and maybe Canada to invade our Nation at its weakest time. What needs to happen is, the last election to be overturned. Don’t know how that would happen or how it would look, as the safe grads put in the Constitution was erased by some States, and electronic voting. what ever way we go needs to be done asap. I may not be as lean or as mean but I’m still a Marine that believes in this Nation as it was when I was growing up! And want it back for the 74 + million that voted to keep it.

4 years ago

Obama all over, again. Now we have an illegitimate moron with cognitive malfunctions running the show. President Trump where are you???!!!

Ralph S
Ralph S
4 years ago

We need to BUILD THE WALL!!!!! AROUND Washington, DC! Absolutely no one in or out!

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
4 years ago

Biden should be impeached for dereliction of duty. Instead of going to friendly meetings trying to justify his overspending he should be on the border seeing what is really going on. He obviously does not care.

Kelly Couture
Kelly Couture
4 years ago

Nothing Americans can do. They stole the election and now they are canceling Americans for their own purposes.

4 years ago

It boils down to Biden having lived his life and with his dementia/alzheimer’s happening he just wants to appease the lunatics around him. He doesn’t have a long life ahead of him so he doesn’t care what happens going forward. His family is wealthy and set up for life. They will have armed guards and live in homes protected by walls and security. For us “peasants” that have to live in this mess it’s a different story. We need more good people to start getting involved in politics and to run for office. Start off locally and keep going. These insane changes are not what the majority of Americans want. The inmates are running the asylum and we need someone to give the nation a wake up call. Biden is a train wreck and will probably end up being worse than the worst POTUS we have ever had….Obama. Yes, he is an Obama clone but at least Obama had his faculties. God help us.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

Close the borders now! Send the children back to their parents!! USA is NOT their babysitter or provider!!

4 years ago

America can we talk .org site, yesterday’s video, also find Patrick Byrne video & interview on there also. Forums like this are great for venting, but if we don’t start getting together and doing something it’s over. Why do you think there is wire and high metal military wall around DC? They know we Know the Election was Stolen, Flat out No Question about it. So Far they’ve managed to silence many from spreading the Truth. I think it’s closer to 81 Million that voted for Trump, that many people moving forward would make a change. Patrick Byrne, Sidney Powell, The my Pillow Guy have the proof, they need are help. In above video Sidney Powell is planning to file for court hearing’s.

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