
National Security , Newsline

Biden Orders Census Bureau to Include Illegal Immigrants in Apportionment

Posted on Thursday, January 21, 2021
by Outside Contributor

Census BureauPresident Joe Biden in his first day in office issued an executive order mandating the Census Bureau include illegal immigrants in its apportionment.

Former President Donald Trump sought to exclude aliens.

The secretary of commerce “shall report the tabulation of total population by State that reflects the whole number of persons whose usual residence was in each State as of the designated census date in section 141(a) of title 13, United States Code, without regard to immigration status,” the order states.

“In addition, the Secretary shall use tabulations of population reflecting the whole number of persons whose usual residence was in each State as of the census date, without regard to immigration status, in reports provided to the Governor and officers or public bodies having responsibility for legislative apportionment or districting of each State,” it added.

Apportionment is how the number of U.S. representatives is set; states with a higher population get more. Excluding illegal immigrants stoked fears that several states would lose seats, including California.

Trump through two executive orders directed executive agencies to give data on citizenship to the Census Bureau and the bureau to use the data to determine who is in the country illegally and then exclude them from the apportionment report. The orders were upheld as lawful by the Supreme Court.

The Census Bureau was supposed to hand in the report by Dec. 31, 2020, but missed the statutory deadline. The bureau soon after stopped complying with Trump’s orders. Bureau Director Steven Dillingham, a Trump appointee, resigned on Jan. 18.

Virtually all Democrats in Congress opposed Trump’s orders. Cheering Biden’s mandate, House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) wrote on Wednesday: “The Trump admin’s efforts to exclude noncitizens from the census was both illegal and rooted in hate. I’m proud to see that @POTUS is acting decisively to reverse that decision and ensure that federal resources can be fairly and accurately distributed over the decade to come.”

Biden’s order claims that at no point in U.S. history “a person’s immigration status alone served as a basis for excluding that person from the total population count used in apportionment.”

Trump’s policy “broke from this long tradition,” the order added. “It aimed to produce a different apportionment base—one that would, to the maximum extent feasible, exclude persons who are not in a lawful immigration status. This policy conflicted with the principle of equal representation enshrined in our Constitution, census statutes, and historical tradition. The policy further required the Census Bureau to inappropriately rely on records related to immigration status that were likely to be incomplete and inaccurate.”

No deadline was outlined in the new order, and it’s still not clear when the bureau will have the apportionment data ready.

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4 years ago

There you go. That will increase the number of Congressmen from California, Illinois and New York to off-set the loses of people fleeing the high tax blue states for the lower taxed red states. See, more Democrats to be “elected” in future elections.

Next up with be legislation, that is already being drafted by the House, to grant ALL illegals immediate permanent residency and then a quick path to full citizenship. Checkmate! 40 million existing new Democrat voters for all future elections.

Oh sure the msm and the Democrats keep saying the number is 11 to 12 million, but that is the same number that they have been using since 1995. With approximately a little over a million new illegals successfully avoiding capture and making into the United States each year for the last 25 years per the Border Patrol, that brings the real number up to approximately 40 million today per government data at the end of 2019.

4 years ago

Actually, Usurper Biden and the rest of the anti-American Democrats, including illegals in the count when doing the apportionment actually VIOLATES the principal of equal representation because it makes actual American citizens lose some of their constitutional representation by giving it to people who don’t belong here, shouldn’t be here and are criminally present.

John A Bird
John A Bird
4 years ago

Biden has usurped our Constitution to legally count illegals as Americans, we are no longer a Sovereign Nation!

4 years ago

Just another piece of evidence that Quid Pro Joe has problems with the cognition of the term “illegal”. A nation of laws no more, at least as long as they would apply to Democrats.

Keith S. Clark
Keith S. Clark
4 years ago

The man is a TRAITOR, Period.
Trump won in a landslide and the whole world knows it!

4 years ago

What I don’t understand is why Biden’s EOs aren’t challenged immediately to a federal judge. Every time President Trump issued an EO the left didn’t like they found a federal judge to issue a stay which usually tied it up in court for years. There are plenty of conservative judges on the court thanks to President Trump. I know one can be found to issue a stay.

4 years ago

Get ahold of Jesus’s knees !! We are going for a hell of a ride !!

Richard Hennessy
Richard Hennessy
4 years ago

Once again, Biden and the Democrats prioritize illegal aliens over the citizens of this Country. There is no reasonable basis to include non-citizens in the census. When the census was established, there was no expectation that huge numbers of persons would be allowed to enter and remain in the Country illegally. Only citizens should be represented.

Sharon Anders
Sharon Anders
4 years ago

Lord have mercy on our nation. ❤️????????????

Ruth Sidow
Ruth Sidow
4 years ago

Has there ever, in the history of Earth, been a country that counts NON-CITIZENS in their census? This is just another ploy by the Democrats socialist party to overtake America not just now but in the future also! Disgusting!! Shame on them for casting away our Constitution & Bill of Rights!!

4 years ago

Of course anything to do with “illegal” is right up the dems alley. They consistently break the law with no consequences. Why not give that privilege to those in the country illegally. Hold onto your hats!

Anthony Dell'Isola
Anthony Dell'Isola
4 years ago

This is nonsense and must be stopped or we have no country!

4 years ago

President Trump was right! He predicted this to happen. It didn’t take lying Joe long to destroy all the accomplishments of President Trump. If we don’t do something quickly, it will be the end of us.

Richard Arveaux
Richard Arveaux
4 years ago

More proof that Biden and his Commies hate America. 2022 please hurry .

4 years ago

Oh goodie, more votes for the Democrats! They must be very happy.

4 years ago

Since when is Biden above rulings of the Supreme Court? Seems to me their rulings are the final say so. They ruled President Trump could exclude illegal aliens from the census. Biden and company are above the law!?!?!
My President followed Law and Order!

Mike S
Mike S
4 years ago

Again, the Democrats are trying to benefit from illegal immigration by including them to determine the number of representatives in the House each state has. Nadler says this was done due to hate. That’s a lot of bull. The Supreme Court has already declared President Trump’s original executive order to exclude them as constitutional. Now Biden is trying to reverse that decision. What he forgets is that we are governed by the Constitution not executive orders.

4 years ago

This makes me very angry. The illegal population should not be counted as residents when they are not citizens. How can we conservatives stop this garbage.

4 years ago

Biden thinks that since he played the role as VP under an illegal undocumented racist muslim, he can do what he wants since the muslim impersonated a US president and got by with it for 8 long years. None of the documents signed by the undocumented half-breed muslim are legal. And as I write this message, articles of impeachment are being documented and signed against Shine-ez Jobama.

PS Do you think Congress will require Shine-ez as a third language to be implemented into the schools of all our Communist China II schools?

4 years ago

I think the concervative leaders must circle the wagons and put their heads together to organize and come up with a duable workable plan that they can get out to concervative America so we can start doing something constructive that accomplishes something instead of sitting on hands and whining and complaining day in and day out and the communist agenda continues to get implemented.

Roger K
Roger K
4 years ago

The census is already taken for 2020 and locked in for ten years, right? So I think there might be time to reverse this by the time 2030 comes around. In the mean time, can some court please rule on the legality of counting non-citizens as citizens and put this topic to bed?

Gunny Joe
Gunny Joe
4 years ago

It will be a waste of time but but I shall write to my Senators and Congressman (RINO Blunt one of his crew will do as A Woman Cleaver will do throw it out), Senator Hawley will do his best to shovel pop with a tooth pick. So God please help us!

4 years ago

Illegal immigrants aren’t supposed to be here! Counting them is just another cheat scheme for Democrats to boost numbers so they always remain in control! Democrats don’t give a rat’s behind about the citizens of this country! It’s all about them controlling everyone and maintaining power and then always saying the other side “hates”! I think Democrat leaders are the haters! They hate America and everything freedom stands for or they wouldn’t have to cheat at every turn!

Kathryn DiPiazza
Kathryn DiPiazza
4 years ago

This is just another power grab by the Democrats. They never give up on trying to destroy our beautiful America.

David B.
David B.
4 years ago

Why, oh why would an illegal foreigner be included on any counting of CITIZENS?!? This clown cabal must be stopped before they destroy our Country.

4 years ago

Agree with Carol. It’s no secret, Biden and the Dems are allowing the illegals in our census to get cheap labor-paid under the table people, give them benefits our citizens deserve and have worked hard for. Paid for from our hard earned tax money all this done to secure their vote-yes they will allow them to vote-probably already are voting. Biden has sold out America long ago. He and the Dems do not have our Great Country in mind. They are corrupt. Unfortunately, we only have a few Republican Reps who will stand up to them. If the Dems want to impeach someone, they need to look no farther than J. Biden who has taken money from our enemies like China.

4 years ago

This is an abomination, as they can not vote, they should not be counted to determine the number of electoral votes each state receives. Bad bad bad president to set.

David Spade
David Spade
4 years ago

This is chapter 12 of the Marxist playbook authored by O’Biden, O’Bama, O’Clinton and the rest of the socialist rummies. They want the leftist states like California to be the beneficiaries of more population growth so that they can put more of their political hacks in place to care for and pay for the illegals immigrants. I can’t imagine this growth in numbers won’t be filled with fraudulent census data. When the country is dealing with inflated population numbers, there are states whose representation will be skewed because of inflated census information.

Ronald L Troia
Ronald L Troia
4 years ago

The dems were just handed another avenue for effective cheating. Pray for our nation.

David B.
David B.
4 years ago

We are all in agreement here that this illegitimate criminal cartel stinking up the WH needs to be stopped somehow, right? The question is, how? Writing to the feckless RINOS seems ineffective. I see the potential for real ugliness.

4 years ago

Biden is a bad bad man. We need to send him to the corn field. along with the rest of his cronies.

4 years ago

What would happen to me if I crossed over into Mexico with no documentation?

jim robinett
jim robinett
4 years ago

The sleazy, mindless, and apparently very corrupt joey biden must be imprisoned forever in Cuba without any visitors or benefits. He is absolutely worthless to the people of this country.

4 years ago

The Republicans need to do what the Dems did for the last 4 years–sue about each executive order. Since the Supreme Court already declared President Trump’s original executive order to exclude illegal immigrants as constitutional, would the supreme court reverse it’s own ruling?

Michael l Javick
Michael l Javick
4 years ago

Enjoy the destruction of the American Republic…

4 years ago

The death of a nation….

4 years ago

Now you are able to se just how this (Illegal) POS president got elected.
It is as plain as the nose on your face.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

If illegals are to be included in the census, then they can start paying taxes and everything else like the rest of us!!

4 years ago

Why would non-citizens be included in a census that is used to represent U.S. citizens? The only reason is manipulation of districts and the types of voters who would put the Democrat scum in office.

4 years ago

Useless corrupt biden,and socialist harris begin the fleecing if American Citizens.
The failed establishment SWAMP is coming for everything including your freedom!

4 years ago

If people want to move to America, do it leagally. If not, please leave..

4 years ago

How can Biden enshrine himself in the Constitution while stating that he’s going to tear it apart? I believe Joe stated “No amendment is absolute!”
Actually, Joe, I believe inalienable means that it is absolute. Just throw out that pesky bill of rights.

4 years ago

His education was a myth.

Bob L.
Bob L.
4 years ago

Representation in Congress is supposed to be of U.S. citizens of their State of residence, not of everyone just residing there, non-citizens and I assume untaxed Native Americans are not counted to this day. This is another wink at the laws by crooked politicians to gain undeserved and illegal seats in Congress.

4 years ago

All the comments that I just read are just rhetoric, they tell and explain what the problem is in our country, but do not express any solutions or course of action. The biggest obstacle we face is MSM, who are right now calling for the main cable and satellite providers to remove NEWSMAX, OAN and FOXNEWS,for reporting false news, how ironic is that? So far the providers are resisting. I don’t have a solution right now, but we know who the enemy is, and need to focus on how to neutralize them. . .

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
4 years ago

Another typical and very wrong mandate. Essentially they are allocating congressional representation to people who are not legally allowed to vote while diluting the value of legal votes for others. Congressional allocation should logically only be based on legal voting populations. The left does this knowing that additional seats go to the leftist states who embrace illegal immigrants. After the 2010 census, California gained five congressional seats while more conservative states like mine lost seats. This is just one more way that Democrats help gain and maintain majorities in Congress, and it is simply wrong. In fact its dishonest (no surprise), but I have yet to meet an honest Democrat. For them all, the ends always justify the means.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Wont work:
o No address fixed
o mobile
o hard to track
o fluid population
o No ID
o Mess up Count

4 years ago

Once an idiot //Twice a stooge/and 3 times a moron/ but Biden is the real koooooooooooooook//

Rexford Ames
Rexford Ames
4 years ago

I guess the Supreme court and its response nor the U.S. Constitution can be usurped by: President Biden and the entire Democrat Controlled Congress. Illegal now are legal. Voting by illegals are of course at the advantage by evil and the destruction of the entire voting system regardless of State sovereignty. Oops only 19 States are considered ” Democrat” Out of 50 States that leaves : 31 States listed as Republican? Here’s the problem: The States have their own Constitution, Legislatures. They are self ruled. The only think that will keep them in line is: $$$$$ Yep, The almight, not so Mighty Dollar. The Bankers ( FED) is and has been a member of the (NEW WORLD ORDER) for a long, long time then add the U.N.! On the Soil of the United States. Who, also have Diplomatic Immunity. mmmmm

Allan Brem
Allan Brem
4 years ago

No way can that demand be made.

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