
National Security , Newsline

Biden on Trump’s Wall – “Unbuild It and They Will Come”

Posted on Wednesday, January 20, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Trump's Wall“Build it and they will come.” You know the quote. From “Field of Dreams,” 1989 movie based on “Shoeless Joe,” a novel imagining baseball players flooding back from Beyond. Flew through my head this week, with a not-so-funny twist: “Un-build it and they will come.”

President Trump promised, blueprinted, and operationalized much of a 576-mile high-tech, high-deterrence “protective wall” along our Southwest border.  The effort was fought vehemently by Democrats in Congress, state houses, and in courts, yet Trump prevailed.  This week, roughly 475 miles are complete.  See, e.g.,

When direct appropriations to Homeland Security were blocked, derailed, and watered down, Trump prevailed in reprograming money from Defense to this security concern.  In December 2020, he secured another 1.375 billion for construction in 2021.  See, e.g.,

At the same time, Trump brought US immigration policy into line with existing laws, rationalized asylum and refuge policies, stopped Obama’s “catch and release” and “caging” plans, applied pressure to states harboring illegals in “sanctuary cities,” where crime and homelessness rose.

Finally, Trump negotiated with – and won concessions from – regional neighbors, reducing the inflow of illegal aliens through allied countries, including Mexico.  So significant were Trump’s domestic and international legal victories, that Mexico and Guatemala became destination countries – for tens of thousands who would otherwise have resettled illegally in America.  See, e.g.,

Those seeking refuge or asylum from outside Mexico could no longer slip through Mexico and claim an urgent need to escape persecution, since they were already in Mexico – not persecuted.  They were required to remain in Mexico, as claims were adjudicated.  Moreover, Mexico began deterring illegal alien caravans on their own southern border, with some 17,000 troops.  See, e.g.,

The result of Trump’s border security efforts – promising to build, building, and legally reinforcing a border wall, while discouraging sanctuary cities and deporting criminal aliens, was stunning.  Overall, he reduced illegal immigration by 60 to 80 percent. See, e.g.

In the first month after Trump ended “catch and release,” illegal aliens released dropped by 70 percent.  In April 2018, Trump decried thousands of illegal aliens – chanting leftist slogans – pushing north in organized “caravans.”  See, e.g.,

His policies put the kibosh on them. “Apprehension numbers… tell the story,” because “as the expulsion policies locked into place, arrests of families entering the U.S. fell from nearly 85,000 in May 2019 to less than 5,000 in February 2020.”  In effect, Trump ended the crisis.  See, e.g.,

Interestingly, after the COVID-19’s threat, 78 percent of Americans backed Trump’s efforts in mid-2020 to close the border except for essential travel.  That number – amazingly – is an NPR poll.  See, e.g.,

Now – Biden pledges to undo all this. He pledges to reverse Trump’s “remain in Mexico” policy, restart “catch and release,” place a “moratorium” on (read: end) deportations, open the door to refugees, support sanctuary cities, and if possible, freeze or “un-build” Trump’s Southern border wall.  See, e.g.,;;

Already, in November, 70,000 illegals were arrested – a 64 percent increase year-over-year. “Caravans” of Honduran illegals are forming faster than Chicago stickball teams in the days of “Shoeless Joe” – who may, after all, be the model for “Basement Joe.”  Biden seems non-plussed, unconcerned, and observers say the message is “We have open borders.” See,; see also,

So, where are we?  Looks like “back to the future.” Sorry, wrong movie.  This rerun seems custom made for a new quote, reflecting Biden’s hate for Trump’s wall. “Un-build it and they will come.”  Sounds about right.  “Basement Joe” will be a star.  Just when we had things figured out, they go south – or come north – again.  That is Hollywood – and new Democrats – for you.

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Richard Hennessy
Richard Hennessy
4 years ago

Yes, they will come, illegally. What this Country needs is more law breakers, right leftists?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Leave Wall AS Is & have Biden tear try to tear down.
Or leave section unbuilt?
& end the blacklisiting of 74M Trump voters.

4 years ago

with articles like this, the democrats (cancel culture) will soon be asking for AMAC to be banned.

4 years ago

Well I see the Dems will be putting legislation forward to not only grant illegals in this country permanent residency, but if the reports are true they will be granted immediate citizenship. The Democrats are wasting no time to ensure they will have a overwhelming majority when it comes to all future federal elections.

Oh yes, I would agree that Biden would most likely rip down the new border wall as it would make for great optics on the nightly news. The MSM would be endlessly blathering on about how compassionate and wonderful the Democrats are for inviting in an unlimited number of people from all over the world to live here on the taxpayer’s dime.

Rick Marlowe
Rick Marlowe
4 years ago

Unconstitutional changing of election law has to be the focus of every American.

4 years ago

Did we enjoy the Obama years so much with its corruption and lawlessness that we couldn’t wait to embrace this traitorous stupidity four years later?

4 years ago

Only a complete ignoramus would support this evil agenda.

Lorraine Paul-Noznisky
Lorraine Paul-Noznisky
4 years ago

I wonder if the other side would approve this if the Republican Party was at the border signing them up – like the Democrats at the DMV, Board of Elections, univ., naturalization ceremonies. Republicans need boots on the ground! PLEASE!

Doug Drennan
Doug Drennan
4 years ago

The unspoken part of the democrats plan to fundamentally change America is their desire to make America a third world country and that requires third world inhabitants. Low IQ and low skilled means easier to control and manipulate. The ruling class of the democrats mistakenly believes that they will become the new aristocracy over a serfdom.

4 years ago

Americans have to realize that the new Prez may not be playing with a full deck…….,
and Pelosi/Schumer are pulling the strings to open the borders.

4 years ago

God Help us!
Evil is present!

Dina Kim
Dina Kim
4 years ago

It was his and Obama’s administration that were bragging about how much they added to a physical border barrier and it was Chuck Schumer who said that it is wrong to encourage illegal migration! Look up his statements. Does Biden really think that it isn’t widely known that he was a part of placing those barriers ????

David B.
David B.
4 years ago

This Biden cabal will be the most destructive, anti-American, communistic style dictatorship we’ve ever been subjected to. All the morons that voted for this clown need to be “re-educated”, like they are saying about Trump supporters. It WILL be us verses them, like in the Hunger Games.

David Spade
David Spade
4 years ago

Have the folks line up at the boarder and earn a right to become an American. When they have completed the requirements, let them apply for citizenship. There are no exemptions for those claiming to be refugees. Maintain the sovereignty of the United States….control who comes and goes just like any other country in this world. Not a huge “ask”….but it separates those who are left-wing Marxists and who want to maintain the integrity of our boarder. This is what Biden means by making America last.

4 years ago

As President Reagan once said: “Mr. Gorbachev , Tear down this wall!” … I will NEVER RECOGNIZE OR ACCEPT JACKASS JOE BIDEN AS MY PRESIDENT!!! … America is NOW DOOMED to irrelevance! … And Jackass Joe will go down in history as America’s Worst President EVER!!!

RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
4 years ago

This is off the topic, but Newsmax ran a story yesterday where Nancy Pelosi requested “crew served automatic weapons” at the Capital for inauguration,,,,including .50 caliber weapons. If you don’t know the term crew served,,they are machine guns. The idea she wanted 50 caliber weapons is beyond belief. Any Veteran can tell you the power of a 50 and what they are capable of. Thank Heaven DOD denied the request. The fact she even suggested this makes me question her mental stability.

John Grimes
John Grimes
4 years ago

Actually, we have nothing to worry about. The democrats/left/progressives have been telling us for years what a terrible country the USA is. Therefore, surely no one wants to come to such an awful place as the USA, right?

4 years ago

I’m curious, what are pelosi and schumer planning to do with the existing CITIZENS of America that are dealing with UN-EMPLOYMENT, insufficient housing, and POOR or NO HEALTHCARE, not to mention LACK of JOBS.

Fairfield 59
Fairfield 59
4 years ago

The future will be interesting. Hopefully, Uncle Joe will not be able to undo the wall quickly. We ar ea country of immigrants – legal immigrants.

4 years ago

Today is a sad day for democracy

Paul W
Paul W
4 years ago

To clueless-joe, that’s a good thing. More dim voters and even more government reliance. They’ll just keep printing money until inflation rivals Venezuela’s Yeah folks…the U.S.A. is doomed. No…the ’22 and ’24 elections will NOT rectify anything. That’s a pipe dream. You have to be hittin’ on something “herbal” from a pipe to believe that.

4 years ago

Tyranny reigns in Washington DC! The left will stop at nothing to make sure they stay in power! All these illegals will be registered as Democrats. Schumer and the Dems are looking to do away with the filibuster so they can railroad every socialist policy on to Americans! I pray that all those leftist sheep that voted these clowns in office see the destruction these fascists do to the country and WAKE UP!

4 years ago

Conservatives do a lot of talking and whining, no action. Trump is who we need to lead us to take on MSM,I hope and pray for his safety, now that he is no longer President he and his family and supporters (75 million of us) are going to persecuted and “deprogramed” like this country has never seen.We need to step back, take a couple of deep breaths evaluate and support AMAC, Newsmax, and any fearless leaders , (not in the DC swamp), that come forward, for we will be threatened and attacked with out mercy..

4 years ago

That is the stupidest statement and one of many from Joebama, I might add. What a waste of money and putting Americans at risk again. I find it hard to believe that most Americans would approve. Write to the Congressmen and Senators and tell them not to do such a wastefu,l stupid thing. He is not off to a good start. Why would you unbuild and the money is already allocated to finish it. What idiots. That is like telling the illegals it’s ok not to respect our laws. We don’t owe them and we can’t support them. Are the Dims going to support all these people? Makes no sense whatsoever. God help us!

4 years ago

Clueless, socialist anti american, failed politicians and their lies…..that’s ALL hiden biden and hypocrite harris bring.
A SAD day for a Great America!

Free American - for how long?
Free American - for how long?
4 years ago

Will Biden will become the first leader of any nation on Earth, to open the border to invading armies? The betrayal of the Nation is blatant and criminal!

4 years ago

I am so disgusted. I feel like today we are saying goodbye to America and hello to socialism. Puppet joe will undo everything President Trump did. It’s such a shame, especially since the election was a big fraud.

J. Farley
J. Farley
4 years ago

They should put a wall around him ! WITH BARS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4 years ago

They should take the wall and make a prison with bars for Biden. He is an idiot.

Thomas E
Thomas E
4 years ago

Hey Joe!! how about you help our people ie HOMELESS, OPIODS, MENTAL HEALTH…..just saying

Douglas O'Donnell
Douglas O'Donnell
4 years ago

God help us!

Ed J
Ed J
4 years ago

The motto for Basement Joe’s tenure will be “We will snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory!” as he seeks to undo all the wonderful accomplishments that President Trump made during his Presidency. There must be a streak of masochism in the Demsheviks since they appear to want to restore, and then wallow in (as if they were luxuriating in), all the negative policies that have generated problems in our nation for decades. Get ready to embrace a dystopia on steroids, compliments of Empty Suit Joe and his Demshevik legions.

4 years ago

Sayonara America, We weep.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

Need to be stopped at the border!!

Preston Smith
Preston Smith
4 years ago

Hmmm…looks like we’re going from “Shoeless Joe” to “Clueless Joe”.

California Refugee
California Refugee
4 years ago

I’m still praying for the “miracle” to undo the fraud! The idea of Biden/Harris in charge of the future of our great country makes me absolutely sick. Between the illegals and China we are doomed. Very sad.

4 years ago

You shocked ??!! You like movies here is a quote , America you liked the eight years of you can keep your Doctor , your rates won’t go up ! You can keep your plan get ready for four more years . May even make Billy Boy proud and make his gun ban look foolish . All because Trump didn’t talk nice , well America gonna have more than hurt feelings .

4 years ago

Sleepy joe to Clueless joe

4 years ago

Left-wing did this because they can’t count on legal residents for votes.

David P Nelson
David P Nelson
4 years ago

This will not end well.

4 years ago

Biden, Keep on building the wall, you imbecile!

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
4 years ago

Let the revolution begin.

Kathy Wilcox
Kathy Wilcox
4 years ago

Yes the wall needs to keep going.

4 years ago

Time to get all the persecuted Christians in and all those escaping communism, socialism, and the politically persecuted in the CCP, Hong Kong and other places. Those hurt by socialism and communism. Those persecuted for their faith in Jesus.

aluminum head
aluminum head
4 years ago

The main reason for the ballot box stuffing that took place ? “IF” Trump had clearly won Obama would be in prison as would Hit-lery. Soros would be removed from the U.S. or imprisoned as a domestic terrorist too. I’m DONE with U.S. politics. Vote no more. And, stay heavily armed. MS-13 is coming in hordes.

aluminum head
aluminum head
4 years ago

Stay CCL. MS-13 is coming in droves. Hope they take down “Hunter” as he would become the HUNTED. Joe needs to feel real pain. Commie fk.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

The wall will be the first of many great accomplishments of PRESIDENT TRUMP to be taken down, next will be AMERICAN ENERGY INDUSTRY, what did you think all those deals with ukraine and chinese businesses were about, “helping” other countries people have a better life? hunter made deals that give the biden crime family stock in foriegn business just like the rest of the greedy politicians, they are in it for themselves, they went into politics to get filthy rich, not to serve “our” country, THAT IS WHAT THE SWAMP IS ALL ABOUT!

4 years ago

Why would anyone, in their Right Mind, ever want to support such outrageous and over the top thinking on Illegal Immigration ?!?!?! However, Obama started the idea and now O’Biden wants to further doing the same !!!! This Must be one of their ways to further Destroy Our Security and Our Economy and Our America !!!! These Illegal Immigrants include Terrorists, Criminals and most others who have no means of personal support !!!!

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
4 years ago

Now that Donald Trump is gone l am unsubscribing from all political websites. Good bye all.

4 years ago

Today I watched the coverage of President Trump leaving the White House and his speech when he arrived at Joint Base Andrews. What a sad day for our country, I cried just thinking of this great man and all that will now be lost to the Biden/Harris circus.

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