AMAC Exclusive – By Ben Solis

For the last four weeks, President Joe Biden’s Administration has been discussing with Russia its demands for “security” guarantees, which includes a ban on NATO expansion and the withdrawal of the U.S. medium-range missiles from Europe.
Although Deputy U.S. Secretary of State Wendy Sherman said the U.S. was firm in pushing back on these proposals, Russia’s negotiator, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, said it was “mandatory” that Ukraine never became a NATO member.
Despite the claims of some Western experts, foregoing an invasion of Ukraine in exchange for security guarantees is not the primary objective for Putin. After all, Russia already has a proxy war underway in the Donbas region in Southeast Ukraine.
Putin’s immediate objective is to create permanent conflict. Here’s how that would happen. Under a plan that Putin has been unsuccessfully pushing since February 2015 called the Minsk Agreement, Ukraine would be required to agree to a “special status” for the Eastern part of the country. The terms of the agreement would specify that these regions would only return to Ukraine after special elections were conducted, allowing Putin the time he needs to solidify Russian influence in this region. Then the Ukrainian Parliament members elected in the East would guarantee Ukraine firmly remain within the Russian sphere of influence.
Earlier this week, following talks with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko explicitly said that “[i]f the Minsk agreements are implemented, there will be no threat to Ukraine’s security nor to its territorial integrity.”
But the Minsk Agreement is only one element of Putin’s ultimate plan, which American policymakers don’t seem to fully grasp. Quite simply, Putin’s grand strategy is to dominate and implode the West.
To fully appreciate Putin’s motives, one must turn back the clock thirty years to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.
At that time, the whole of Europe, including former Soviet Republics, welcomed the news with fireworks, champagne, and the wild exuberance of dance. For these formerly captive nations, it was a new beginning. But for the communists in Moscow, it was a shattering defeat. The pride and hope raised by Lenin that a progressive and prosperous Soviet Union would conquer Europe and the world came crashing down and dissolved into bitterness.
But already during the pro-Western Russian presidency of Boris Yeltsin, pro-Soviet Russian diplomats led by a former top KGB agent, Yevgeny Primakov, sought to restore Russian pride with a new strategy of “de-Americanization.”
De-Americanization focused on four main objectives: prevent the success of the U.S. international missions, including in Iraq and Afghanistan; destabilize NATO and the European Union; remove U.S. influence from Russia, including Christian churches; and develop new Russian media with technology imitating CNN, and with a focused editorial line mirroring Radio Free Europe. That goal ultimately resulted in the creation of Russia Today. In other words, de-Americanization is about Russia fomenting chaos and instability in Europe and the United States.
One way the Kremlin has sought to achieve this is through regular attacks on countries like Poland, Lithuania, or the Czech Republic with bans on exports or an undersupply of natural gas. When those countries then struggle, “experts” from Moscow and abroad criticize them and portray the European Union as a failure. Similarly, Russia Today blames the U.S. and NATO for the atrocities committed in Iraq, conveniently leaving out Russia’s involvement.
Another early element of the de-Americanization strategy was Putin’s sudden desire for Russia to “join” NATO and the E.U., not as a member state, but as a partner with a voice equal to all the other members.
At a 2007 conference in Munich, Vladimir Putin referred to former NATO Secretary-General Manfred Wörner’s alleged promise to the Soviet Union after the fall of the Berlin Wall never to place a NATO army outside of German territory. During the speech, Putin fiercely attacked the United States’ supposed unilateralism that ignored Moscow. Putin demanded talks on a new architecture of global security.
For Putin, the foundation of the new architecture is Russia positioned on par with the United States on the global political scene. Last weekend, for the first time, he achieved it. Although Biden’s diplomats emphasized that the U.S. would not discuss European interests with Europe’s absence, no European diplomat was present in the room when U.S. and Russian diplomats discussed world security.
The Russians immediately portrayed the talks in Switzerland as successful negotiations between the equal powers. In the minds of Putin’s domestic audience, the Kremlin has won.
Indeed, the importance that Russia places on being seen as the winner is very deeply rooted. One historic example dates back to 1999 in a dispute between Margaret Thatcher and Mikhail Gorbachev in Prague. The last leader of the Soviet Union asserted that no side had lost the Cold War, and no single ideology had the answer. Lady Thatcher responded by saying that Gorbachev, like the Left, sought to escape all blame for communism while then trying to take credit for being more pragmatic, modern, and insightful about the world than those who fought communism. The Iron Lady reiterated that the anti-communists had won.
In the dark days of the Cold War, Ronald Reagan was convinced that the West could meet the Soviet challenge. Reagan echoed the words of ex-Communist and distinguished Christian writer Whittaker Chambers that defeating communism would require a faith in God and freedom as great as communism’s faith in Man.
Mr. Biden, a Catholic, is facing Putin, who likes to demonstrate his commitment to the Russian Orthodox Church.
President Biden should heed President Reagan’s example.
If Mr. Biden wants to defeat Putin’s current attempt to humiliate America and its allies, he must, as President Reagan did, publicly state the truth unequivocally. The United States, with its deep, historic commitment to the values of liberty and God-given dignity of the human person, defeated communism.
Biden must also publicly acknowledge that Putin’s goal is the destruction of the Western world that is based on these values, which values are the ultimate security guarantee of nations including Russia.
Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian, theologian, and researcher.
LOL. What does Biden need to unmask about Putin’s ultimate strategy? NOTHING. The strategy is the same that has been used since the 1917 revolution with Lenin, followed by Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao, etc. Misdirection, lies, and deception, just to name the most obvious ones, so the enemy can be lulled into a false sense of security before the main strike (Chamberlain and Hitler accord of 1938, for example.) What is worse is that Biden and his administration have been on the HOOK by Russia since the beginning. Biden and company have been playing straight into the Russian’s hand without them having to put in an ante during the game at all. Biden has so much egg on his face that it is no longer funny but the administration keeps rattling the sword thinking Putin will back down and quiver for fear. WHO’S LAUGHING? This author/commentator only goes back 30 years for his base so he is only scratching the service. Putin is just another dictator who is going to make Russia great again at the expense of the USA and its allies. Will Biden wake up in time to smell the roses or will it be gunpowder and destruction of another country falling into the hands of the Russians? UNFORTUNATELY, THE ANSWER IS OBVIOUS WHAT THE OUTCOME WILL BE.
This is article is nothing but old, discredited neocon lies about Russia. Russia is no threat to the West, open borders and free trade with China are the threat.
“Under a plan that Putin has been unsuccessfully pushing since February 2015 called the Minsk Agreement…”
Lie. The Minsk Agreement was signed by Russia and Ukraine and is supported by the EU. It’s not a “plan” pushed by Russia alone, as you falsely suggest. The rest of the article is just as bad. The author tries to rehabilitate the corrupt, incompetent fool Yeltsin who ran Russia into the ground.
Conservatives don’t want to hear to this neocon boomer cold war garbage anymore, just stop. Russia is not our enemy. Globalism and third world immigration are the enemy.
Putin’s Russia is enemy of liberty and the United States.
Moscow regime violates unalienable rights.
It is definitely not a friend or even partner of America.
In the old times, Conservatives understood the need to support freedom in the world because it is our moral duty. It was part of the Conservative consensus like a necessity of tax-cutting and budget-balance.
I appreciate this article.
It does not go back to Tsars and as Max and PaulE would like to. But it does not have to.
This article intelligently describes the panorama of the political situation in Europe vis a vis Russia.
PaulE, however, has not read yet the article. If he did, he read it too fast.
The author clearly writes about Putin’s goal to force Ukraine to fulfill Minsk Agreement’s existentially dangerous provisions. And Ukraine, rightly so, is unwilling to listen to Putin. It is also worthy to carefully the Agreement (which is linked to the text).
Ronald Reagan was generous and gracious individual, nothing like some of those who even with nil involvement (seeing him on television) are putting his name on their CVs. He would not bash Democrats but rather have a discourse with them. If you don’t believe that he would be shocked by some who call themselves Conservatives but love Putin Russia, and watch RT-Russia Today (and treat as Fox News) just read his memoirs that he wrote as President. Even better, take a compendium of his radio talks. You will understand that today’s bashing without presenting any alternatives or attempts to dialogue with Liberals contradicts intelligent, intellectual and deeply moral Reaganism.
I would like to read more such articles. I absolutely disagree with PaulE and even Max. Perhaps they have all the knowledge but I am open to learn new approaches.
We need among Conservative writers and speakers people, like Ronald Reagan, who would stimulate our thinking and provoke discussion not instigate conflicts and excel in bashing.
He would definitely advise Biden pointing at his mistakes but he would try to have a dialogue with Liberals even in extremely difficult circumstances like today. (Reagan did not have Congress that would support him as we know. He had to debate and maneuver with Democrats.)
Thank you.
I fully agree with Chrisy. I have enough of empty criticism and bashing. We need Conservative leaders who really strive to follow Reagan’s example.
I agree with Chrisy. We need more Ronald Reagans in Conservative movement. Intelligent, gracious and kind speech is more convincing than, as Chrisy said, the blind bashing.
I hope that people of logic and grace will rise to be leaders. Someone said (it might have been Reagan Advisor on Internal Affairs Ed Meese of Heritage Foundation) that camaraderie is lacking not only on the Hill but even among Conservatives. He also said we need more education. I believe this article is educating and written in gracious, elegant language.
I disagree with PaulE. This article should not be discarded but rather offered to be read to those who are willing. I am one of them.
I agree with Chrisy. Thank God for Ronald Reagan and his wisdom. I agree, Conservatives must learn from him how to approach Liberals.
We need to reason with them. But there must be also an area for discussion and common advice. They are not our enemies, they are Americans too.
I like Lady Thatcher approach described in this text. I did not know about that exchange with Gorbachev. She spoke to him the truth – historic truth, as Reagan did.
Thank God for Glen Youngkin! We need courageous and gracious Conservatives as Chris said.
I say we in the United States need to steer clear of the mess. Be that in the fringes of Europe, Africa, Middle East, or Asia – I say let those crazies slaughter each other by the millions if they want to. Sure we can sell them weapons and book our profits, but we should not send our troops there if there is nothing to be gained for our national security.
We can protect the homeland, most of Europe, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and maybe our backyard on the American continent. Sometimes, I think even that may be too much. Does it make sense to get into a shooting war with China or Russia? I think not. In a big war, these countries have a lot less to lose so it is more likely for them to eventually resort to nukes. We can chill out here and still have a good, prosperous life in relative isolation.
Around the day of Ronald Reagan’s funeral, Washington Times or maybe NYPost published an analysis of the President’s speeches. The author said that 85 percent of the message was intended to revive the American spirit – to encourage us. Around 10 percent was cultured debate including the critique of Liberals. What attracted my attention was the fact that Reagan would never resort to the political bashing of Democrats. One of Reagan’s friends, in commentary, said that he constantly looked for ways to communicate Conservative messages to Liberals.
I also fully agree with Chrisy. This text is superb, and we, Conservatives, need more constructive articles than an empty, emotional critic. We must reason more often rather than argue.
I think the comments from PaulE,Max and ATBOTL are unnecessarily harsh and unwarranted. It seems that they have skim read or read the article/title with a preconceived judgement without taken the time to fully process what the author was Actually conveying.
First of all, it is Erroneous for ATBOTL to believe that “Russia is not our enemy”. Putin is a KGB thug and that is how he runs his country and the other countries that are unfortunately under his influence. He and Communist China collude with each other to destroy the fabric of American democratic society, sometimes it’s not as overt.
It’s like the frog that sits in a pot of warm water and falls asleep, and eventually becomes boiled because it was not alert.
Americans must stay alert and be on guard to defend against the enemy, Communism, Marxism whether it’s Russia and/or China.
In regards to the comment that The Minsk Agreement is supported by the EU, that is Not completely accurate. There is The Minsk Agreement version 1. that the EU Initially supported believing that this would bring peace and avoid conflict in this region. However, once they realised what the True nature of this Agreement was, they did Not fulfil the terms of the Minsk Agreement. The EU have emphatically stated that they do Not support The Minsk Agreement version. 2.
The United Kingdom experts from the renowned Chatham House have warned in their report (you can find it on their website):
“Implementation of these measures would in effect destroy Ukraine as a sovereign country. The DNR and LNR would be reincorporated into Ukraine but as distinct political, economic and legal entities tied to Russia – thus introducing a constitutional Trojan Horse that would give the Kremlin a lasting presence in Ukraine’s political system and prevent the authorities in Kyiv from running the country as an integrated whole. Indeed, radical devolution to Donbas might well prompt other regions to press for similar powers, causing central authority to unravel and effectively balkanizing Ukraine.”
The problem with Biden’s foreign diplomacy is that his administration focuses on (supposedly) trying to achieve results, but they can’t (or don’t want) to see Putin’s bigger nefarious plans.
I believe this is what the author meant by “unmasking” Putin. The USA and the great President Ronald Reagan defeated the Evil Empire. It may not be under the current Leftist Biden administration, but I believe America will not only eventually defeat American Marxism but also win against the Evil foreign influences. Putin should get used to that idea.
I appreciate Ben Solis’s articles, they are intelligently written, informative and educative. I particularly like the old journalistic style of writing and references to the great leaders of our past such as President Ronald Reagan, Lady Margaret Thatcher and the inspiring stories of ordinary people who fought against tyranny.
Whether we agree with this author or other AMAC writers, let’s remember to politely voice our views and not be so unnecessarily harsh. We should use that passion and energy to fight back against the enemies of American democracy and freedom. GOD Bless my fellow patriots 🙂
Putin better be real scared when Biden talks. Putin….Putin…..Putin! Oh man, I don’t think he’s listening…. Again. Darn.
Finally an American explained correctly the Minsk Agreement. I do not think U.S. media did the job. Yes, the author is fully correct. He describes that deadly dangerous document for Ukraine and the West in very careful language. But it is indeed a Russian method to destroy the integrity of the Ukrainian state.
Putin was furious when Ukrainian President Zelensky refused to sign it in Paris. He fired his close advisor on Donbas. But the West forgot that Merkel and Macron also were troubled by what they found in it. Putin will wage a war if Kyiv keeps rejecting it.
U.S. and NATO need to understand how Putin wants to make harm also them.
The writer made an excellent job explaining the long-term Putin’s goal that the Western media do not report. I would like to join those who applaud, and appreciate AMAC for this excellent and timely article. I shared it with all of my friends here.
Let me begin by expressing my gratitude to AMAC for this excellent article. I also want to join those who praise the author’s effort to explain the causes of the current conflict. Through this article I learnt about AMAC. I intend to become your member and support excellent writing.
Thank you to Chrisy, Hannah, and Sally for reminding us of a need for a constructive and calm discourse in the Conservative movement, to refrain from bashing and return to the intellectual origins of our movement.
I would like to recommend ATBOTL and PaulE to take the writings of the distinguished Conservative thinker and journalist, one of the editors of the most favorite Reagan newspaper Human Events. His name was M. Stanton Evans.
Turn off RussiaToday, Alex Jones, and even OANN with young, energetic, but relatively ignorant journalists. Gain some insight from Evans’ last book he co-authored with late Deputy Director of U.S. Information Agency, during Reagan, Herbert Romerstein, Stalin’s Secret Agents.
I can see that this author is deeply rooted in the journalism of the original U.S. Conservative tradition. I miss that type of informed and elegant journalism. I appreciate AMAC for ability to recruit such individuals.
Putin’s immediate objective is to create permanent conflict. Just substitute NATO and CIA for Putin and you will have the answer for conflicts supporting The Military industrial complex!
Biden must unmask Putin’s strategy? Biden barely has enough working brain cells to take off his own covid mask without help. Putin plays Loopy Joe like the puppet he is. At his best 40 years ago Joe couldn’t have held a candle to Putin in foreign affairs. Joe has always been one of the dumbest men in government and I’m quite sure his rapidly progressing dementia doesn’t help.
NATO and the US promised to protect the Ukraine if they gave up their nukes. That promise has been broken by both. Return their nukes and watch Putin back off.
Biden is afraid of Putin
Biden has no clue of what to do
Biden only wants to lecture on covid
Putin is no dummy. He is intelligent, shrewd and dangerous.
Sorry to say, our President doesn’t have the presence to what the U.S. strategy is-never mind Putins!
Biden is and always was stupid. He’s easily cowed, manipulated and is brain dead. Putin was head of the KGB so he’s a crafty, clever man. Biden is totally out of his element. Heaven help us all.
President Biden should heed President Reagan’s example? you are not funny today
Biden and his family make millions off Ukraine every year. Biden will have the US at war to protect his financial objectives.
Dan W. why are you so rude to other people? You don’t like that they have likes? Write something and people will like it. It is a page for exchanging thoughts, comments and votes.
At the moment it is impossible to like your unkind comments. Best wishes.