
National Security , Newsline

Biden Is the Cause of Global Chaos, Not a Victim of It

Posted on Monday, May 20, 2024
by Outside Contributor

In 2020, Joe Biden narrowly won after selling himself as a moderate, stable, seasoned veteran who would restore normalcy domestically and abroad.  

Four years later, instability reigns.  

Biden is no unfortunate, snakebitten victim of that chaos.  He is the cause.  

Just as Biden’s domestic policy of heavier regulation and bigger government have weakened our economy and punished working Americans, his persistent incompetence and recklessness have invited and fueled foreign crises that increasingly bedevil him.  

Voters recognize the causal connection and have soured on him accordingly, even while Biden and his media chorus find that perplexing.  

They can claim that four years of conflagration under Biden following four years of comparative calm under predecessor Donald Trump is merely some cosmic coincidence, but it’s not logically plausible.  

Voters remember that before Trump, Barack Obama’s “red line” against use of Syrian chemical weapons was met with disregard by dictator Bashar al-Assad who proceeded to use them anyway.  They recall that ISIS metastasized across the Middle East under Obama’s watch, after he initially dismissed them as a “junior varsity” team.  They recall that Vladimir Putin responded to Obama’s embarrassing hot mic “flexibility” promise by invading Ukrainian territory.  They recall how Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was forced to plead to a joint session of Congress that Obama’s accommodationism toward Iran was sowing future peril.  

Obama’s weakness begat chaos.  

Trump, in contrast, immediately assumed a much more muscular foreign policy approach by boldly relocating the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.  The foreign policy establishment predicted chaos, but former Arab enemies gradually deepened diplomatic relations with Israel.  Later, the same establishment predicted the same chaos after Trump executed Iranian general Qasem Soleimani, after renouncing the Iranian nuclear accord crafted by Obama.  Biden himself maintained his perfect record of misjudgment by claiming that Trump had just “tossed a stick of dynamite into a tinderbox” that would trigger Middle East conflict.  Meanwhile, whereas ISIS flourished under Obama, Trump began to snuff it out.  

Americans also recall that, for all of the frivolous allegations of Russian “collusion,” Trump admonished European allies to increase defense spending, which obviously countered Putin’s interests.  Those nations responded by boosting defense spending from 2017 through 2021.  Trump also sanctioned the Russian Nord Stream 2 pipeline, and in 2018 personally ordered American troops to respond to a Russian mercenary attack on our base in Syria that resulted in hundreds of Russians dead.  Trump also delivered lethal weaponry to Ukraine for use against Russia, which Obama had steadfastly refused to provide.  

American voters note that Russian aggression trended conspicuously mute during Trump’s four-year tenure, just as relative rapprochement characterized the Middle East during his presidency.  

Enter Joe Biden.  

Less than six short months into his tenure, Biden assured Americans of a smooth withdrawal from Afghanistan and that the Taliban would not return to power.  It didn’t take even a full month for the Taliban to prove otherwise.  

In the wake of that show of ineptitude and weakness, Russia fully invaded Ukraine just one year into Biden’s presidency.  Notably, Biden had waived Trump’s Nord Stream 2 sanctions, virtually inviting aggression and then receiving an open Ukrainian rebuke for mumbling ambivalently about a “minor incursion.”  The invasion followed days later.  Since then, Biden has hesitated to send weaponry sufficient to defeat Russia while mouthing support, deepening the morass.  

This is classic Biden incompetence.  

In the Middle East, Biden openly alienated Saudi Arabia as both a candidate and president, while commencing a diplomatic shift in favor of Iran.  

Whereas Trump had conduced a “maximum pressure” effort against Iran that slashed its incoming oil revenues from $53 billion in 2018 to just $12.7 billion in 2020, Biden relaxed those sanctions.  During Biden’s presidency, Iran’s oil export revenues have reascended to $43 billion.  Iran used those revenues to fund terrorist proxies like Hamas, and helped plan the October 7 attacks.  

Since that attack, Biden has equivocated in his support for Israel, going so far as to withhold critical weaponry and intelligence in naked pursuit of electoral gain among anti-Israel voters in swing states Michigan and Minnesota.  

Biden initially warned Israel’s adversaries against further aggression with the simplistic “Don’t.”  

Well, they did anyway.  A bunch of ragtag Houthi rebels in rickety trucks proceeded to shut down Red Sea shipping under his watch, and Iran proceeded to launch unprecedented attacks on Israel.  

Collectively, these are crises of Biden’s own making.  Biden and his insulated apologists may not connect those dots, but American voters have, and seem increasingly unwilling to tolerate more.

Timothy H. Lee is the Senior Vice President of legal and public affairs at The Center for Individual Freedom.

Reprinted with Permission from – By Timothy H. Lee

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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9 months ago

First of all, butthead Biden didn’t “narrowly win the 2020 election,” IT WAS STOLEN. And now we know the rest of the story.

David Lee
David Lee
9 months ago

Joe Biden is the Barney Fife of all time U.S. Presidents!

9 months ago

Biden often and falsely presents himself as a ‘victim’ of anything. Fact is, and I’ll say it again to those who haven’t done the research or are too young to have witnessed: Joe Biden has been and still is an associate member of the Ku Klux Klan and friend to those who are segregationists. He professes to be a ‘savior’ to blaks and ethnic people, encouraging hate towards anyone white or white-blended. His and cohorts’ play is to have blaks/ethnics so angered against whites that they isolate themselves from anyone white or partially white. This makes them all cornered together and easy targets for KKKJoe Biden and his accomplices.

Lee Hood
Lee Hood
9 months ago

Joe Biden is nothing more than an Obama puppet! He and the Democratic party have turned the United States into a borderline third world country! He is now turning one of our closest allies (Israel) away from us.

Alen Gasper
Alen Gasper
9 months ago

AMAC is wrong……….biden is far to stupid to be the cause, BUT…The true head of the snake is OBAMA!!! FACT!!!

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
9 months ago

Very good, important article you wrote here Timothy H. Lee .The clarity and historical perspective is appreciated. Intelligent, responsible people recognize that evil forces are trying to attack freedom and wreck civilization – not only here in the United States of America, but everywhere in the world. To be prepared to defend freedom and civilization one of the important things that will be needed is intelligent , clear communication between allies.. This article is a good example of how to communicate in the proper way so as to make understanding vital issues matters to deal with in a timely and well planned manner.

David Millikan
David Millikan
9 months ago

And here at home thanks to his Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion, Measles has Jumped Over 5,000 percent in NY, LA, and other liberal states.
Leave it to Dictator Beijing biden and democrats to create chaos.

9 months ago

Next to the word BUFFOON in the Dictionaries, they need to put Biden’s picture!!!

9 months ago

Obiden as president, wars everywhere. Trump as president, peace everywhere and respect all over the world. Inflation, high gas prices, high cost for heating and light in our homes, gasoline prices more than 2-3 dollars higher, millions of illegals being supported by Obiden with our tax money, loss of face in the Middle East due to debacle of a withdrawal from Afghanistan, lies every day from the White House every day since Obiden was installed, mandates in our health treatments banning ivermectin during COVID, mutilation of our children all in the name of Trans, increase hiring federal employees to register people as democrats and spy on Maga voters, politicize the FBI, CIA, IRS, DOJ, dual Justice system, one for the dems and another for everybody else, mandates to take vaccine, lawsuits if they loose they ignore, student loan debt pay off is an example of that, ole Joe has dementia and what he says are corrected to what he should have said in official transcript which is illegal, ignoring the constitution, all this and more we are experiencing under Obiden. Then there was Trump. Low unemployment, great economy with low inflation at 1.4%, peace in the world, gas prices under 2.00 a gallon. Slowly withdrawing from Afghanistan by drawing down troops not pulling all the troops out at once and have the Taliban take over the country before the last troops had left like under Obiden. Illegals stayed in Mexico and were vetted before they came here, now they come from all over the world courtesy of Obiden who is flying them in every day or they walk over the border without knowing who they are or where they are going. It used to be families coming in. Now everyone is a young single male. Obiden wants all of them be given the right to vote and wants legal citizens, you know the Magas, to be stopped from voting. After all we are the biggest threat to America. That still 41% of the people think Obiden will do a good job for America have never lived under a tyrant like Stalin or Mao or Hitler. Obiden hates all republicans. The dems are the elite who can’t be bothered by decent moral, churchgoing people. We all have to hate one another and only obey and worship Obiden. God has been replaced. When abortion is the top campaign item for Americans. Not a word about what Obiden’s regime has done to do many Americans. The homeless, the drug problems, the neglect of our veterans. Trump got the veterans hospital problems fixed in 90 days. Obiden opened the border he can close it as well. But no he needs more money. Not for the border but Ukraine and supporting Hamas. How many of you Americans would have ever seen that an American president withhold arms to Israel and sends condolences to a tyrant that killed hundreds of his own people. Did America send condolences after Hitler or Stalin or Mao died? I am sure Obiden would have. He loves foreigners more than his own people.

9 months ago

Following Obama’s agenda to a tee, right, Biden!!! And if Democrats win in November, I will know that they cheated, somehow, they cheated!! I also know that America won’t survive another 4 years of Democrats!!!

9 months ago

Agree that Biden is responsible for much of world chaos & that his actions are being supported and backed by Democrat party. I cannot believe that the Dems refuse to come up with another candidate for 2024 election & wonder why.

9 months ago

feeble fool joe beijing biden, has invited millions of illegal aliens to vote democrat! Remember, the democrat/socialist/communist/marxist party will cheat, lie, and steel!

9 months ago

Biden has been chaos & a disaster for over 50 years that he has been in office. Obama, Soros & Soros’ son are the snakes. And Obama has gotten the 3rd term he wanted.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

Thanks for electing this moron, Democrat voters. DBs.

9 months ago

The synopsis of this atticle is a no- Brainer. Biden and Comrades choose to support global chaos. im not sure WHY? I view this as very questionable

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
9 months ago

Great article! President Barrack Obama began this mess with Joe Biden as his side kick. I believe Obama chose him as his VP because of Biden’s record in the Senate for voting on behalf of other countries and what was in their best interests vs American interests. He was known for this. Obama took full advantage of this and took Joe on as VP knowing that Joe would be instrumental in advancing his own agenda. In essence, Obama used Joe Biden. When Biden chose not to run at the end of Obama’s eight year reign, Hillary filled in the vacancy…lost to Trump. But Obama remained in Washington DC. I believe he was running a shadow government, shadowing and spying on Trump and administration figuring out how to get Biden into the White House to do his bidding. Well, success came….Joe Biden was elected president because many got sucked into his lies. And here we are today with 10 million plus illegal immigrants having joined the American population because of an invitation sent, an “open, unsecured border” resulting from that invite. The world is laughing at us because of what the Biden administration initiated and ignited all over the world! I believe that Biden and his Clacking sidekick are doing Obama’s bidding as well as their own thing. What a mess they all have made of the United States of America. May God have mercy on their souls when their time is up!

9 months ago

Biden and his Socialist Democrats have weakened our country so much, you have small countries trying to tell us what to do! Because the Socialist Democrats are afraid to be strong! They only know how to give in to any thing to be weak! They make me sick!

9 months ago

Hammer daily to Nov.

9 months ago

“President” Biden always finds political shelter among large populations of quasi-governmental types who likewise suck an unearned living out of their own “hosts”. It’s a mistake to assume he once stood on his own, and then became senile. He never was very sharp, just arrogant and “leaning”, opportunistically on anyone who would help him

El Cid
El Cid
9 months ago

A demented man doesn’t have the capacity to cause the ongoing chaos. The root problem for humanity and the world are the entities that sat a demented man in the WH.

9 months ago


Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
9 months ago

By whatever means, Joe Biden was installed into the presidency by Socialist billionaires such as Soros and Gates and Communist Chinese, all of whom Joe Biden has allowed to control his every move other than the lame gaff’s he commits all on his own.
Biden sold out the U.S. and American citizens along with his soul to finally become president. As president, as he did when he was VP under Obama, Joe Biden has amassed billions of dollars in personal and family member financial schemes he has abused his political position to achieve. Yes, Biden ultimately is responsible for the global chaos that is occurring, but worse, Biden sold out America.

9 months ago

Truth be told! Yet, he and his commies get away with everything.

9 months ago

Somehow, why can’t this be presented on national TV news?

Irv C
Irv C
9 months ago

I find it mind boggling how obiden and the democrats stay in power. They are a constant thorn in humanity’s side. When if ever will Americans be intelligent again?

Bob Chase
Bob Chase
9 months ago

Great summary of the foreign mess under Biden. Followup with a summary of the homeland disaster under Biden!

9 months ago

I still don’t believe Biden actually won the election. If you watched TV on election night you could see where Trump was way ahead then it goes to commercial and when it came back Trump had way less votes than before the commercial. Even my granddaughter who isn’t into politics that much called me and asked ‘what the hell is going on?’……she had seen the same thing.

Papa John
Papa John
9 months ago

The price paid for a stolen election

Ray Doyle LFP, WA
Ray Doyle LFP, WA
9 months ago

not just biden. biden, the democrats in government and the retarded college kids that have no clue how to think.

9 months ago

Biden is an ignorant Democrat puppet there’s nothing heard term of Barack Obama. Muslim that hates this country and he hates Israel. He will do anything he can to destroy this country.. canceling the Democrat Party is the best thing that could ever be done. They need to be classified as a domestic terrorist organization and banned. The government employees union needs to be destroyed all the members fired and every three letter agency needs to the leaders need to be put in prison. Then we can Rebuild this country as a Beacon of Hope for the rest of the world not a third world dumpster fire

9 months ago

This administration would f~~~ up a free meal, and a one car funeral. It all started the first day of his presidency with his executive orders. The Afghanistan withdrawal was next, and all the other blunders that snowballed into what we’re experiencing today. Turning your back on Israel ? Really Joe ? Just for votes? The clown show continues.

9 months ago

I cannot fathom how anyone in their right mind would vote for Joe Biden this November. He has almost bankrupted our wonderful country. Oh, he has had help. Soros with his band of leftest idiots have given Biden their money and resources to mangle America. Joe must go in 2024.::

One True American
One True American
9 months ago

Biden and Obama are traitors to this country. This is not accidental it is planned. The democrats have weakened this country for greed and power. They look to weaken the men of this country and emasculate our future. Both Biden and Obama should be sent to prison along with Schumer and Pelosi and the rest of the clown circus. This is a plan not a happenstance. The Clintons are just as dirty if not more. Confiscate their wealth and throw them in a deep dark cell.

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
9 months ago

Obama is the cause. Joe is just the scapegoat…and old goat as well!

9 months ago

My personal opinion is that Biden and many of his administration should be charged with treason for what he has done to our country and citizens. My husband is deceased and I attempted to retire and needless to say I had to take a part time position as a care giver which is difficult since I have had major surgery on my spine and in pain.
Biden is a narcissist, plagiarist and liar his entire life. I also question why he has not been tried for the confidential papers he had in possession in three different ares and also had taken information from the SKIF which is not to be removed. He has alienated most countries who no longer respect us, caused inflation which has taken me through my savings, our military is not prepared for war, he has helped illegals and insists on student loan forgiveness which is paid for by our taxes. These illegals have also brought diseases into our country; HIV, malaria, tuberculosis, hepatitis, Ebola , etc.
We did not have the racial issues as severely as when Obama took office. There are some voting only on unions and abortion issues and not taking into consideration the fact these are minor when you have an idiot rerunning your country. He has destroyed our country by taking away our energy assets, opening the border, and jumping into green energy without a plan. Another question is the fact the democrats continue to say they have a border deal but placing blame on the republicans for not passing it. What they are not telling you is it is contingent upon continuing 4000 to cross per day.

9 months ago

Biden: 50 plus years of foreign policy blunders.

9 months ago

Shame on the authors of this article, just now getting around to figuring this out. Shameful and sad for you.

Barbara Charis
Barbara Charis
9 months ago

How can any one say Biden is making decisions? As his lawyer said, ” He is an elderly man and his memory is not good.” So who is making these horrendous decisions that have jeopardized America? Many Americans would like to know?

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
9 months ago

Biden is Tweedle DEE, Harris is Tweedle Dum. Kyle L.

5 months ago

I wonder how many Americans were dropped on their head when they were babies which resulted in their continued support of a half ass , racist, ” buffoon” like president and his second in command Harris who has done nothing since in office except screw up everything to realize what Trump has done for our country and will do again if and when he gets a chance. I pray that people will realize who the only man for the job is , Trump before its too late !

9 months ago

We have an inmate running the asylum. Joe must go!

9 months ago

I blame the legacy media as well as Obiden for this mess we are in. If we were a well informed public Biden would be out of office and Trump would be in because we all know the cheating that took place is how Biden was placed in office. In addition this same media always puts Biden in the best possible light and Trump as the Dark Evil Bad Man that needs to be hated by every good American. Media in collusion with this Marxist Socialist Democrat Leadership is hell bent on ruining our great country. Trump will win the election for certain but cheating may take away that win again. Then a revolution by patriots may be the only option to regain our country and Make America Great Again.

9 months ago

May I first state FJB. WE have an election coming up and we can vote for prosperity and freedom or more tyranny. Democrat or Republican those are our choices, so I pray you all use your head this election.

9 months ago

This factual article describes the truth !

9 months ago

Thank you for history that matches what really happened. There are so many revisionists that it is vital to have some source to review reality.

9 months ago

Any comments on Biden plan today to take another million gallons of oil out of SPReserve. And has he paid back any oil borrowed couple of years ago. Write your representative and tell them that this should be an EMERGENCY oil reserve for all Americans.

David Nelson
David Nelson
9 months ago

I agree.

9 months ago

Joe Biden ISN”T running ANYTHING ———– He is a PUPPET!!! Dancing to the PUPPET MASTER!

9 months ago

Right. I just think that Obama is not weak, he is as malicious as they come, the worst. Biden is the executor of Obama’s carefully crafted plan.

9 months ago

george stephanopolus was on steven cobert and said if he was moderator of the upcoming debate the first question to trump would be “who won the 2020 election?”

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