WASHINGTON, DC, Aug 29 — Texas and Arizona governors declared their states under siege as the flow of illegal migrants continues to accelerate, bringing in fentanyl – the deadliest of drugs. Governors Ducey [AZ] and Abbott [TX] officially describe it as an “invasion.” But they are not alone. The majority of Americans across the country — north and south, east and west — agree with them.
A poll conducted earlier this month revealed that 54% of the “516 Democrats, 317 Republicans, and 141 independents” who participated in the survey believe “the U.S. is experiencing an invasion at the southern border.” Bearing in mind that while the poll was conducted by a credible organization, Ipsos, it was initiated by National Public Radio [NPR], a source noted for its left-leaning bias. Thus, the report seems to reflect that bias despite the fact that its findings are objective, showing that “Nearly three-quarters (73%) of Americans believe the large number of migrants apprehended at the southern border is a problem.”
As one observer put it, “to some of us calling it a problem is an understatement of the facts. But the Biden administration and its progressive Congress apparently could care less. Rather than finding ways to check the deadly invasion, they seem disinterested.”
Senator John Thune [R-SD] says Customs and Border Protection [CBP] personnel are so busy dealing with the more than 1,734,686 illegals who have crossed the southern border so far in the current fiscal year — with more than two months to go — that fewer agents are available for field work. “That, of course, leaves our borders wide open to illegal activity, including the drug trafficking that is flooding our country with fentanyl. It also means that even with all the apprehensions the Border Patrol has made, many more individuals are getting through unstopped. One source reports that so far this fiscal year, there have been more than half a million ‘gotaways’ – individuals the Border Patrol saw but were unable to apprehend.”
The gotaways pose the biggest threat; they are mainly bad guys — smugglers carrying fentanyl and other deadly drugs that are killing Americans, including our kids, at never-seen-before-seen rates. According to the Centers for Disease Control [CDC] fentanyl is “hundreds of times more potent than heroin” and 80 times more powerful than morphine. More than 100,000 deaths in the U.S. were caused by fentanyl in the 12 months from December 2020 to December 2021 and it is already on track to kill more than that number in the 12 months ending in December 2022.
Sarah Arnold, writing for Townhall, says that NPR acknowledges that “fentanyl overdose deaths are up in recent years, and that much of the U.S. fentanyl supply is smuggled through the border.” But she says, NPR “did their best to debunk those claims, blaming Republicans for ‘spreading’ false information. Nonetheless, Arnold points out that in a recent six day period the Border Patrol intercepted four truckloads of fentanyl — as much as 250 pounds of the stuff that would have been distributed throughout the United States, quoting U.S. Attorney Randy Grossman who said “A decade ago, we didn’t even know about fentanyl, and now it’s a national crisis… the amount of fentanyl we are seizing at the border is staggering. The number of fentanyl seizures and fentanyl-related deaths in our district are unprecedented.”
Meanwhile, the U.S. Attorney for Southern California, Adam Gordon, points out that fentanyl is so powerful that just a tiny amount will kill you. “People are overdosing by accident, with many unaware that they are even taking fentanyl. No drug is safe in this era. Do not experiment with any illicit drug, because it might contain fentanyl. And it just might be the last thing you do.”
We need non-DemocRat/Commie to take the POTUS reins. The Nation is hurting deeply as a consequence of the present Administration. My message to Beijing Biden … Thje Sourthern border is being invaded and you need to get off your rump and stop it.
While not a fan of Biden, this one may not be his fault. Aren’t drug users on the demand side of the equation and supply is just a marketing opportunity?
Death by drug abuse is as old as time, as many have gambled and lost. But what is this attraction to a drug that could kill you quickly and risk be damned? Is the lure too great not to start in the first place? But once hooked, poison enhanced fentanyl is adding russian roulette as an unintended consequence.
It appears, part of society that’s concerned prefers a slow drug abuse death over quick instant ones. Irregardless, the users choice of poison is now getting someone’s attention. The warning signs are there.
Where is the corrupt DEA and CIA.
We all know he’s in Communist China’s back pocket including with Russia.
He has practically wiped out our Energy Independence, Economy and attacked our Schools (using our children against parents), Constitution and American’s.
He brings in Foreigners to take over American jobs and has done NOTHING for the United States and American’s.
Not forgetting DESTROYING our Military and MILlTARIZE the FBI and IRS.
Has TAXED us to death and even when we die.
Has ATTACKED our Religious Rights, our Freedoms and Innocent American’s such as ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL RAID against PRESIDENT TRUMP.
This includes ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL Mask and Vaccine Mandates along with ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL lockdown’s.
Add paying ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST with OUR TAX DOLLARS giving them government benefits, jobs, and a FREE ride. Doesn’t even DEPORT the TERRORIST ILLEGAL ALIEN’S saying there’s no problem at our Borders.
Yesterday, DICTATOR Beijing biden THREATENED AMERICAN’S to give up our guns and 2nd Amendment Rights with the rest of OUR U.S. CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.
DICTATOR Beijing biden has done NOTHING but SELL OUT the United States and American’s by committing TREASON and ESPIONAGE
every single day since ILLEGALLY and UNCONSTITUTIONALLY occupying White House.
Now he calls American’s a threat to democracy when he is the REAL THREAT to ALL of us.
When you get a chance let me know if you got this article from AMAC News and their app.
There once were opium wars to take care of the problem this situation is no different but that would require determination to destroy that deadly business and put all mass murderers where they belong ,hard labor end of the noose what ever they deserve I can just hear the gasp and screech
Isn’t he a bit old to be fiddling? I didn’t say that!
Arrest and prosecute the whole biden administration for treason and threats against the American people!!
They are making the fentanyl to look like candy as well, which you are not reporting but thankfully, our officers and sheriff departments are getting a lot of this stopped. In fact, my own sheriff was shocked that I recognized a picture of it, until I told him I was a retired school nurse, and then he relaxed. Then he told me, they had actually captured a large shipment of the stuff, the previous week. Sadly, our border patrol, our local sheriff’s departments, and our towns along the border and 250 miles inland, are having to capture the men and women who come across the border with this Fentanyl. Many, pretend they are asylum seekers. They are NOT. In fact, they are cartel members and they have recruited many asylum seekers to bring Fentanyl across for them. They get the children and young men to bring it. They are getting these large shipments EVERY SINGLE WEEK. Fortunately, much of it is being caught, but how much is not?
Is ti,e for border states to take on their own and our safety. Implant land mines, state guard, and finish the wall.
The border is open only because the Chinese need a market for their drugs.
I am beginning to believe now that the United States is totally dysfunctional and with these democratic morons making all the wrong and illegal decisions, things will not get better anytime soon (we have two more years of senile Biden). With the Dems in charge, all branches, everything is going to sh**, they are always on the wrong side of every issue! A total foreign policy disaster with Afghanistan, killing 13 soldiers and maiming 100’s more, total open borders allowing the next terrorist to bomb another American city, funding CRT and now they want to change the gender of 3 years old! When will it ever stop!!!
I have said this before, “Wake up America”, 2022 and 2024 are pivotal elections, we need to vote the Dems out of office and elect commonsense conservatives. Be careful of what you here in the media and fake press, you cannot trust them anymore. Go directly to the source, if you can, and talk directly to the politician and find out what they really stand for and don’t believe all the misleading ads. Read as much as you can about who you voted for and make sure they hold yours same values. Just look at our senile fake president, he campaigned on unity and bring us together and just look at how divisive he is now. I call him the “Divider in Chief”.
One last comment, American’s has to get smarter when they elect someone. Democracies do not guaranty a smart or intelligent leader, the electorate does. Look at what happened in 2020, pushed by the fake media, we replaced President Donald Trump, arguably the most intelligent leader we have ever had in recent times, with a nincompoop!!! I rest my case….
The Fentanyl crisis is indeed , bad and fatal it is going to get even worse!!
Some fentanyl tablets showed up in Washington/Idaho states yesterday according to news, that is multi-colors & looks like candy. That is not good & appears someone wants to kill our children.
The answer is for all Americans to quit buying illegal drugs from unknown sources such: as on the street or internet. And quit using drugs unless your doctor is prescribing them. Not sure where this is at now as class action suits were filed against big pharma for opioid pain killers.
Typically, most politicians and most Presidents only take on the popular soft issues that are specific to vocal groups. It’s how they get the most bang for the buck. Illegal drugs have been death and destruction for decades. Nancy Regans solution was: just say no. Well, that didn’t work, then we tried to provide free needles and authorized drug usage areas – stupid is as stupid does. We as a nation are not willing to address the drug issues as other countries have done. Oh, we make a big bust every now and then and beat our chest and make sure it’s makes the nightly news. But that only one bust. We are not willing to stop it. Our talk is not our walk. On any given day you, me or our kids can buy drugs on the streets in the open without any problems. Drugs are sold in our neighborhoods, in our schools and everyone looks the other way. We, the people, are not willing to end the drug problem and we’re not willing to let the police end it. We like our drugs, they get us through the day, we can’t do without them. They’re like candy to us. No sir, go after those gun people and leave my drug dealer alone.
Joe Biden’s administration, by not enforcing America’s immigration law required by their oath of office are morally responsible for the deaths of those who overdose and the rape and abuse of children coming in the illegal caravans. Surely the corruption offends the nostrils of our creator.
Please pray with me that God unleash his vengeance on this corrupt, lawless administration?
Why is Congress NOT acting on this MAJOR issue?? Do not wait for a majority of Republicans in the Senate to impeach Biden, EVERY Senator should be taking an action to CONVICT this old man of TREASON!! He is in direct violation of his oath of office to defend this country from ALL invaders (the boarder crisis is TRULY an invasion), aiding and abetting the enemy with transporting and giving them food, medical assistance, money, and housing; furthermore, negotiations directly with Iran giving this enemy aid by suspending any relief put there to discourage their building a bomb (probably their next step to 9/11). I can well imagine what these new IRS agents are for, and it is not in the best interest of American freedom. Do not think of impeachment but CONVICTION so we can eliminate all this executive garbage he has shoved up our buttholes.
Funny, they built a wall around the capitol to protect themselves, but refuse to build a wall to protect the US from the Southern invasion.