
National Security , Newsline

Biden Doesn’t “Have a Clue” What to Do at Our Southern Borders, says Illegal Caravan Organizer

Posted on Tuesday, December 7, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Dec 7 – As thousands upon thousands of illegal aliens continue to approach and seek ways to cross our southern borders; the mainstream media seems to have lost interest in the slow-motion invasion of America. Meanwhile, left-leaning politicos have been doubling down on the goal of swinging open the doors and letting them overwhelm us one way or another.

Ironically, the Biden administration and its progressive cohorts in Congress, which have been encouraging the assault of unprecedented rush of illegals, are now beginning to take the heat from the invaders themselves. Irineo Mujica, a U.S. citizen who organizes migrant caravans, took a shot at the president and his cohorts recently when he told reporters that, “If I tell you the truth, I believe at least with Donald Trump we knew what we had. With Biden, we don’t know. He doesn’t seem to have a clue what to do with immigration because he says one thing and does another.”

Meanwhile, Mr. Biden can’t seem to win for losing, no matter what he says or does. A recent Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll shows that Americans are unhappy with the way he is handling the illegal migrant problem. To quote the results of the study:

  • 81 percent think illegal immigration is a serious issue;
  • 65 percent think Biden’s immigration executive orders encourage illegal immigration;
  • 54 percent think he is creating an open border, not just trying to enforce the immigration laws more humanely; and
  • 73 percent think the current surge in undocumented immigrants at the border is a crisis that needs to be addressed immediately.

Todd Bensman is the Texas-based Senior National Security Fellow Center for Immigration Studies, and he recently exposed a little-known element of support for illegal immigrants – a cabal of U.S.-allied governments. In a report he published on the Center’s Website, he revealed that Panama, Columbia, and Costa Rica have been aiding and abetting the creation of illegal caravans headed for the U.S. border.

As Bensman put it: “More international migrants are crossing through the gap than in anyone’s recorded memory now, all heading to the U.S. border. The Associated Press said so. Axios said so. Now, of late, on the front page of its Sunday editions, the New York Times has said so … But nowhere in any of this profoundly belated coverage was it mentioned that the U.S.-allied government of Panama is the primary official smuggler … Nor has it been mentioned that the U.S.-allied governments of Colombia and Costa Rica are just as complicit in materially facilitating the movement of migrants out of their territories toward the American border … Both Colombia and Costa Rica allow criminal smuggling organizations to operate mostly unfettered to achieve the national objective of clearing their countries of a potentially expensive problem. With friends like these pushing 70,000-plus immigrants to cause chaos and crisis on the U.S. southern border, as happened recently in Del Rio, Texas, and now Yuma, Arizona, who needs enemies?”

Bensman points out in his article that President Trump got the Mexican government to help control the flow of illegals through the country by getting them to deploy troops on its U.S. border. Now, he says, America needs to use its “diplomatic muscle” to confront Panama, Colombia, and Costa Rice and force them to cease. He says that we must bargain an end to their support for illegals heading north and encourage those governments to take them back.

“As a deterrent, there is perhaps no more powerful a tactic than repatriating immigrants back to home countries or designated safe third countries. We saw just how powerful a deterrent air repatriation was during the Del Rio migrant camp episode when President Biden ordered that at least 2,000 Haitians there be flown back to Port-au-Prince. Thousands promptly fled the camp to get away from even the prospect, as I reported, and all those on their way to the U.S. border suddenly stopped in their tracks and turned around.”

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3 years ago

He has a clue alright. He’s just following the Deep State orders to kill the USA and infiltrate every aspect of our free society so they (The Deep State NWO) can take full control of our lives and assure themselves election victories from now on.

3 years ago

Biden knows what to do but HE WON’T. The very powerful domestic and foreign enemies of America have bought him lock stock and barrel. He cannot and will not go against their directives on destroying the American economy, military, social structure, and last but most of all, the Constitution of the United States.

Jim Jolly
Jim Jolly
3 years ago

This is one more way to bankrupt America. After awhile this will create vigilanti groups that are tired of Biden doing nothing

3 years ago

Completely compromised POTUS , biggest puppet ever for the END GAME! Marxist to the bone ! Never would have thought this sabotage was possible?

Scott gee
Scott gee
3 years ago

I would like to see those little boats in the river like we had in Vietnam, you know those patrol boats. Open up X number ports of entry. Uut the patrol boats to “discourage” crossing other than a port of entry

3 years ago

The mans is a disgrace to the office. Nothing more than a puppet mouthpiece for the far left loons

3 years ago


3 years ago

Mr. Potato Head, the dementia dumbass

3 years ago

A walking puppeteer of the far left doing their bidding to transform America into a 3rd rate hell hole.

How is that these so called representatives of the people earning $174,000 a year plus benefits can only find fault with the very foundation that made it possible under the umbrella of freedom? Sick people driven with an insatiable drive for power and greed!

Robert Gentner
Robert Gentner
3 years ago

Because the whole Biden Administration and 3/4 of Washington are way too liberal.

3 years ago

He doesn’t have a clue about anything, except maybe his favorite flavor of pudding.

Eddie Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen
3 years ago

This article ? Biden ? Knows what to do ? NO ! !
It is what soros, obama, and the CFR want to do.
Biden = the queen of britain – merely a ‘figurehead

3 years ago

Just like Eddie Van Halen said. It’s all on purpose by Soros, Obama, and crew to destroy America. Eventually, all those immigrants will vote and always vote Democrat, and then socialism will be here to stay. You think “taxes” are high now, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Wait until you have to pay for all the free programs for the so called “immigrants”..

David Lyday
David Lyday
3 years ago

“Slow motion invasion” is precisely right. The plan is to bring in millions of illegals; give mass amnesty to them all; give them money, so they become dependent on govt handouts; then legalize them to vote. They’ll vote to continue the golden goose. They need this new constituency because black Americans are fed up with the “all-talk-no-action” Democratic Socialists.

Robert Belcastro
Robert Belcastro
3 years ago

Biden administration and Democrats know exactly what they are doing! Their policies are intentional. They are bringing down the country, covertly, to make way for installation of the One World Order. The person pulling the strings on Democrats and on the Biden Administration is none other than George Soros. He’s contributed to each of their campaigns. he holds trainings to teach them how to gradually get their insane policies to become acted upon. This catastrophe is NOT by accident, it is by design!

3 years ago

Everything Biden touches turns to ????

James Thompson
James Thompson
3 years ago

He doesn’t know what to do in the restroom!

Richard Hennessy
Richard Hennessy
3 years ago

Biden doesn’t have a clue because anything that would work would be contrary to the Democrats’ radical socialist agenda which they want to force on the US. The solution would be something that would be good for the US, such as President Trump’s policies.

3 years ago

People, this is bigger than many of you know. This is a war of powers and principalities. God created this universe and all that is in it. He gave our race laws to live by. First to love Him, then our neighbors, then several involving moral behavior. He knew we couldn’t follow them perfectly, so He sent His only Son to shed His blood for our sins. If we accept His son as savior, He sees us through Christ, and forgets our sins. It’s ending from what is predicted in the bible. Too few love Him, and too few want a Savior. No human politico or party can turn things around. The church will soon be removed and the antichrist will rule. Make your choice now. Eternal good (God), or eternal sorrow.

George Carter
George Carter
3 years ago

First, they are NOT Undocumented Immigrants, they are Illegal Immigrants! Second, why has Irineo Mujica, not been arrested for assisting Illegal Immigrants to cross the border?

3 years ago

That Biden doesn’t know and is not consistent does not make him innocent. How can “the ship of state” be piloted by a person who does not know the way?
We have many well-intentioned citizens who would like to be in charge of government or business. We should be thankful that in most cases they have to show they are qualified, and people who know what to look for decide who takes the wheel.

R.J. from Arizona
R.J. from Arizona
3 years ago

This bafoon needs to be impeached. Does not know what to do at border? He does not know what to do anywhere! All he talks about is masks and shots. He could give a rats butt about our country.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Has had No clue since 1-20-21

3 years ago

Biden is a bobble head. I agree with Robert Belcastro. Biden reads scripts and don’t answer questions, nor is he physically or mentally fit to run our great nation. Who was the DR. that gave him a clean bill of health? I would like to know, because I would not go to him, nor should the American citizen taxpayers pay this doctor-Are You Kidding Me!!! Bringing in Illegals Is Illegal-what don’t the lawmakers understand. It is the law. They made the laws. It seems they are simply bringing these illegals into our counties to beef up the Dem Voting. And to ensure the vote, they give these Illegals Housing, Food, Medicine that we the American citizens have worked so hard for and must pay for them. Frankly, I am tired of this. And by the way, America has been the most generous Nation in the world forever. The Communist Dems are buying their votes at our expense-this is Illegal!! Illegals should not be allowed to vote in our Great Nation. We all know this. Illegals should be yes rounded up and sent back to where they came from at their home countries expense. There is a legal way to enter our Great country. Can there be any doubt that these Illegals are bringing in COVID, drugs, criminals, sex predators etc. And not a damn thing is being done to stop it. American security and our Constitution have been at risk with the Bobble Head Biden and his Congressional Dems and RINOS. Where is our representation? These corrupt politicians are not defending our Constitution. Our heroic troops are overseas protecting other countries borders and we are left not defending our border. What a travesty! What more will it take for us to take back our Republic, defend our Constitution and protect our Citizens??? These corrupt politicians from Biden on down need to be in Prison.

3 years ago


3 years ago

Ol’ slow joe having a clue?! About ANYTHING?! That ain’t going to happen anytime soon… anytime. Nah. Ol’ slow joe’s oblivious to anything. His mind’s mush and he’s a major embarrassment to our country. I can only imagine how he fared with ol’ Putin’s visit. Vladimir most likely was playing him like a cheap ball of play dough. IMHO

MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!

3 years ago

How about immediate trade sanctions/embargoes and discontinuation of aide against these supposed friends. Money talks , you know what walks.

3 years ago

I think Biden has no idea what’s going on. He is just doing what his “handlers” tell him to do. His handlers goal is to see as many illegal aliens (invaders) brought into this country and given the rights of citizens as possible, to dilute the many conservatives who are opposed to Biden’s garbage.

3 years ago

Our President and his gang of empty suiters have no clue and one needs only listen to Majorkas to figure this out. We are in big trouble.

3 years ago

We’re going go to Ukraine to protect their border.

3 years ago

ha they have no idea how to do anything worthwhile – look what they are doing to trash this country! this is considered good among the dumos supporters – no common sense

3 years ago

biden and his fellow dummycrat’s have been planning this for years. they want all these illegal Hispanics to come here so they can register them to vote as soon as possible because they know they will vote for dummycrat’s

3 years ago

We’re not framing this correctly. It is not just Biden who is nuts on immigration policies, it’s the Democrat Party;

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
3 years ago

One should shut it down except for commercial traffic, passport-possessing tourists for a while, and reinstitute all former immigration laws. Comprehensive immigration reform is the code for making citizens out of ILLEGALS. Since we have to do something with 20 or 30 million strangers we could give them green cards but they DO NOT DESERVE citizenship!!! Check google sometime and see the HUGE number of countries that have populations of less than 30 million.

3 years ago

First he could finish the damn wall and secondly he could negotiate with Mexico about keeping them there and lastly, he could start deporting ALL illegals in this country…all 11 million of them. This is intentional to hurt the economy and destroy America…..that is what Pelosi and Schumer want…I don’t know if Joe actually understands anything….after watching him sleep through the Climate Change Summit I realized he needs to be in a nursing home, not the White House that he cheated to get to in the first place…and illegal president.

3 years ago

The only thing we MUST do is finish the damn wall the Communists swapped amnesty for in 68.
Then, we must round up and deport ALL illegals, including their children. Illegal parents have ILLEGAL children, not citizens.
But FIRST, we need to elect politicians who are AMERICANS!
Deport all those who have been involved in ruining America.

Papa Doug
Papa Doug
3 years ago

I have a clue, the same thing we should do to anyone who invades our country.

3 years ago

Anyone who doesn’t know or have noticed Joe Hidin’ Biden’s ineptitude as POTUS either doesn’t care, or is a brain-dead Democrap, or a lying Democrap (I know, that fits the great majority of Democraps).

3 years ago

Okay, as I see it Biden has never been known as a good decision maker, straight shooter or someone who had integrity, to say the least. Having said that, I believe he is not at all running the “show” and is put up there every day making a fool of himself by those who are.

3 years ago

Before I render my two cents, I would like to make mention to the AMAC monitors, that so far after my texted protests of what I saw as total disrespect for their contributing members by judging our comments, that over the last few days commenting on the articles has resumed to what it was before COVID-19 began. None of my comments so far are being held for approval. I began believing in the AMAC Conservative organization, and I was happy to become a member. Things got a little rocky for a bit, and hopefully I’m not being premature in my assessment at this point in time, but I want to thank the administrators at AMAC for straightening things out. They do good things, but I was about to dump them. I feel glad I don’t want to do that now. So thanks, AMAC, (and please don’t make me eat my words).

Rick Maisto
Rick Maisto
3 years ago

I don’t care if the illegal alien is a proud person or not. We have legal ways for them to apply to enter legally. Biden and his cohorts want an open border. A Nation without borers is not a nation. This is a globalist strategy to demoralize the citizens of a nation in order to create a larger governmental and corporatist regime!.

Philip Augustyn
Philip Augustyn
3 years ago

This is killing our once great country,

Dar Klontz
Dar Klontz
3 years ago

This is the same political party that in the 90s was against illegal aliens coming across and abusing our system. They transformed somehow over the years. They gave up their values for votes. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. We need the wall and we need to follow the laws as enacted.

3 years ago

Hmm, does Biden know what an illegal caravan is, because he an his administration are so incompetent. The democrat ADMINISTRATION is so so incompetent, and the news covers for them. How can anything ever get better?

3 years ago

The simple truth is, “Biden doesn’t have a clue” PERIOD! He’s a braindead, worthless pile of ????.

Stephen Lykins
Stephen Lykins
3 years ago

“Biden Doesn’t “Have a Clue” What to Do at Our Southern Borders” – Biden doesn’t have a clue, PERIOD!

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
3 years ago

Biden doesn’t have a clue about anything! He’s lucky he remembers who he is when he gets up in the morning! Did you see Putin snickering to himself on that video call? Biden is a joke! So scary that we have this for the next 3 years!!! It’s terrifying!!!!

3 years ago

Biden is not clueless about a “solution”, he and/or his handlers don’t WANT one! This is a plan that is working flawlessly for the Marxist Democrats following the principles of Cloward and Piven; overload a system to the point of collapse and then rebuild it the way you want it. BUILD BACK BETTER

3 years ago

The huge flood of illegals started when Biden took office. Why aren’t Americans more outraged and taking action to stop this illegal flood that Biden and his idiots are using to destroy America. This is part of their plan for socialism, financed by Soros.
This isn’t Mexicans flooding America it is people from all over the world, many who do not like America and will do us harm.
Citizens have been put under mandates, many lost jobs or businesses and couldn’t visit dying family members due to Covid restrictions, but all these illegals are permitted to sneak into America and be bused or flown anywhere in America with no vaccination, quarantine or vetting at taxpayer expense. America has immigration laws and regulations and Biden has violated all of them since his wrongful election. He should be impeached and removed if America is to survive!

3 years ago

Braindead Biden just simply has no clue, PERIOD!

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