The Biden administration is currently considering paying over 1,000 illegal immigrants $450,000 each as part of a settlement in a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
The ACLU is representing just over 1,000 previously deported illegal immigrants and their parents in Ms. L v. ICE. The lawsuit was filed in 2018 after the enforcement of Trump’s “Zero Tolerance” policy. Since children under the age of 14 are not allowed to be imprisoned in federal criminal jails, Trump’s policy resulted in parents of illegal immigrants being separated from their children after they were caught violating America’s immigration laws. Trump’s “Zero Tolerance” policy also helped to contribute to Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s successful fortification of America’s southern border, whereby ICE reported the lowest levels of illegal immigration in 17 years during Trump’s tenure. However, according to the lawsuit, the policy inflicted “suffering and trauma” upon non-citizens and their families. It should be noted that the lawsuit fails to explain how the “suffering and trauma” that occurred due to Trump’s policies differed from the suffering and trauma that was caused when previous administrations upheld America’s immigration laws, or the suffering and trauma that is caused when any parent of a child is incarcerated, which ultimately separates them.
The Biden administration actively engages in settlement negotiations in the lawsuit and plans to settle instead of further fighting the case. Specifically, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and Department of Justice (DOJ) are in active settlement discussions and would be the organizations that ultimately administer the payments to the illegal immigrants. In total, the Biden administration is expected to issue upwards of $1 billion in settlement rewards to non-citizens that filed claims in the lawsuit, although the final amount could change depending on how the remaining discussions go.
While the $450,000 figure being considered is outrageous, it is just over one-third of what the lawsuit demanded. According to the lawsuit, the average family sought $3.4 million in reparations or over $1.5 million per person. For comparison, the families of American service members killed in combat are awarded a maximum of $400,000 in Servicemembers Group Life Insurance (SGLI).
Last week, Biden claimed that reports of the $450,000 payments were “garbage.” However, last Thursday, White House deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said that Biden is “perfectly comfortable” with issuing reparations to illegal immigrants that filed claims in the lawsuit. Most recently, on Saturday, Biden yelled at a reporter when they attempted to get answers regarding the situation. At this point, Biden seemingly flipped from his statement denouncing the payments that he had made just days prior when he told the reporter, “Because of the outrageous behavior of the last administration, you’re coming across the border, whether it was legally or illegally, and you lost your child—You lost your child. It’s gone—you deserve some kind of compensation, no matter what the circumstance. What that will be I have no idea.” It is currently unclear why Biden lied and attempted to dismiss reports of the payments, especially considering there is documented evidence to the contrary.
Republican leaders are rightfully speaking out against this insanity. To quote Senator Chuck Grassley, “We should not be paying anything to people who break our laws.” Senator Mitch McConnell added to the criticism by saying, “This absurd idea feels like a satirical policy proposal that Republicans would have invented to make a parody out of the radical left. Oh, and the next thing you know, they’ll be sending out million dollar checks to illegal immigrants! But this is literally what the Biden administration wants to do.” Both Senator McConnell and Senator Grassley recently sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding that he clarify what the Justice Department’s official stance on the payments is.
Nobody should ever receive compensation for violating America’s immigration laws. Offering such payments under any circumstances creates a terrible precedent and only offers illegal immigrants even more incentives to put their children in danger in the hopes of receiving a hefty sum of money from the government. The Biden administration should not even consider issuing these kinds of payments in the midst of America’s immigration crisis that they themselves have created with their disastrous policies.
It is what it is. One man-made crisis after another with the Biden administration causing all of them. I can’t say I was terribly surprised when I read this story over a week ago. It is consistent with the left’s philosophy that the United States, as founded and through out its entire history, has been the root of all that is wrong with the world. So therefore, it should have to pay all those that feel aggrieved, for whatever reason, vast amounts of money as “just compensation” for whatever perceived sins the left is accusing us of at the moment.
This reparations mindset is kind of at the center of most leftist organizations around the world, whenever you discuss what should be done to “begin to make things right” in their distorted world view. Money and power being their underlying goal, no matter how they dress up their grievance message. So it is no surprise that the ACLU is pitching the idea and the Biden administration is seriously considering paying it. Whether the amount is $450K or somewhat more or less, that really doesn’t matter. What matters is it will open the floodgates to similar lawsuits being files by dozens or hundreds or other supposedly aggrieved parties for their piece of the pie. It will also serve as yet another incentive for attract millions more illegals aliens to this country, with the prospect of them all becoming rich. All while also being completed supported by our various taxpayer funded social welfare programs for life.
Finally, what makes this all possible is the complete acquiescence of the vast majority of American people to continue to accept all this without any meaningful pushback. History provides us with numerous examples of how this all ends, if we continue on this current path. As long as the American people continue to act like sheep, the Biden administration and their allies in Congress and elsewhere will continue to systematically rip this country down brick by brick.
Absolutely ridiculous idea to pay these people a dime. They are already getting compensation for food, Healthcare and free education for their children. You break the law, you get 0.
To think it was like pulling teeth to get a $600.00 Covid stimulus check out to many Americans as 1st proposed by Mitch McConnell only to see it FAIL miserably as for many Americans NEVER got it in the mail. This was right around the Georgia senate runoffs if memory serves me correct, Trump was shooting for $2000.00 checks & McConnell comes up with the $600.00 joke that never materialized for many, myself included…Quite frankly I didn’t want it that bad & I chose NOT to pursue it…
The point being is now look at how the illegal immigrants are being treated, i.e. a $450,000.00 payoff for families that have already illegally entered our nation…
If this is NOT a wakeup call to ALL Americans, I don’t know what is…Clearly this man has lost all of his marbles…The senile old man is jumping, i.e. limping from one crisis to the next crisis with reckless abandum…:~(
Bill on the Hill…
Biden will not fight it he doesn’t think money is real it grows on printing press trees it was trump he would have fought the suit in court all the way to the supreme. you come in illegally your a criminal. and should not have all benefits under law and constitution. as citizens or legal residents and legal guests. when border patrol and ice catch illegals put on a bus or plane and sent home
Guess we the people may have to get used to we the government. They know better than the average person with common sense. And you are right, it is fall here in the Midwest and the money tree dollars have all dropped off. Oh what is Dorthy and Toto to do now that they are not in Kansas!
Hey, if the Democrat Party and DNC want to pay illegal aliens $450 K themselves then go for it!
Otherwise I could care less about their lawsuits. If we have money to burn then give it to the Homeless Vets and other American citizens who could use that money. It’s time for Congress to get off their lazy asses and come up with a true, common sense Bipartisan Immigration Bill that protects this country’s interests. It should not be written to allow a political party to import non citizens into this country.
Illegal means Illegal!!!!
So does this mean that we should start paying all of our inmates money as they did an illegal act and are separated from their family and kids.
This guy is out out of control!
Seriously??? We can’t/don’t/won’t care for our veterans but we’re going to give (buy) votes for ILLEGAL (criminal) aliens!!! Enough is enough!
So let’s add the illegal transfer of US Tax dollars given to foreign invaders to the lengthy list of criminal & treasonous acts. Foreign invasion, child trafficking, drug cartels all Biden run. The only thing left is for him to call a Chinese military strike on the USA.
Once again, the Biden administration is proving how worthless they are and the trash ideas they have as to how the country should be run. Bless all the fools that voted for this idiot and hope they see how their vote is being wasted on this POS!!!
That’s criminal! Paying criminals for their decisions to break our laws by entering illegally! This is sick! Think of how much good that money could do for our own citizens (like veterans, homeless, Social Security, etc)!
NO NO NO!!! This man and his fellow socialist are destroying our country
As an immigrant, now a citizen, it is a slap to my face by paying these illegals for entering the U.S. by breaking our immigration laws. It took years for me to come to the U.S. A lot of paperwork and documentation and being vetted financially, if having skills, and having good health. Yet, the Democrats want these illegals who are unvetted to cross the border illegally and compensate them. It is disgusting. I am ready for an uprising.
I agree with Senator Grassley, no illegal person should be conpensated for crossing our borders. How do we (the American people) even know it was there child? It could have been someone else’s child they brought into the USA. NO, NO, NO! No money for illegal aliens should ever be considered.
As long as it comes out of his own pocket we can’t stop him public purse is a different matter perhaps it’s the money he got from chinese
Thank you for one more reason why no legitimate American should pay a dime in taxes again. If we all refused, the golden goose would be dead.
What happened to all the reparations for blacks? Don’t like it either but….
Who came up with the $450K amount per person?! And can Biden do this via exec. order or on his own w/o Congressional approval? I cannot imagine enough Reps or Senators would approve this in numbers to pass it. Or is it Obama behind the curtain who is making his promised “fundamental change” ( read TAKE DOWN of OUR country) happen faster than was ever imagined? These people must be exiled to the scrap heap NOW. Obama is pure smug & arrogant disaster, and to think people are really considering running Michelle for President in ’24?! The entire corrupt cabal must be roundly and finally defeated.
This is absurd! How anyone would even consider giving them this amount has to be out of their minds!
Biden is a total effing moron who was voted in by morons. F these ILLEGALS!! They were/are here illegally. Why doesn’t Joe biteme take care
Of veterans? Hungry US Citizens? Pay this on SS a liveable amount? Instead he cares only for votes and NOTHING for American Citizens. He Needs be arrested and imprisoned for sedition to the people. F biden and his administration!!!
Sleepy has a giant hole in his head since his brain fell out a long time ago. This is just plain insanity marrying craziness. I do not know of any sane person who would agree to this coming out of their pocket. This takes integrity, respect, self-reliance, independence and throws it right out the window. This is a disgusting display of elitists playing with our lives and our pockets!!!!!
What about all the student loans of American young people? How about some relief for our own citizens?? Biden is not competent. Maybe Obama got his third term and he hates us and our country.
I totally agree. Your going to pay these people that have never work a day in the lives in the United States or who have never served as I did USMC, your inviting every immigrant to come to our border
and get $450,000 I am appalled who could even think that. I love my country! But I don’t know about who is in charge.
All those ( D ) communists KNOW that their time is about up.
I agree yet anything we do to show our disdain we will be tried in Court like the Jan.06 Patriots! We need a TOTAL uprising! A Revolution!!
If ol’ clueless wants to write them a check from the fiden family business account I say power to you, go for it.
It should come out of his and Hunter’s bank account.
How about Jail for Child abuse and sneaking into the Country. These “lost” children were sold or rented to the coyotes to move drugs or fake family units. What kind of a special sap is the idiot and chief?
“paying over 1,000 illegal immigrants $450,000 each” Where is this authorized in Art 1, Sec 8 of the U.S. Constitution
This is based upon parents and children being separated ? You know, thousands of fathers are separated from their children every day in our “family” courts, in divorce or court actions that are forced upon the fathers and children by some judge. Should we not also compensate these fathers?
I would like to comment on this, THIS IS A BUNCH OF BULLS##T, this idiot, moron, unamerican, scum-sucken, socialist, brain-dead, lair, weasel, worm poop for brain, loony tunes, sleazebag, socialist, fart for the prince, no one died and made this MOFO king.
INVOKE AMENDMENT 25 – sooner rather than later, INVOKE AMENDMENT 25
Illegal means here illegally! We do NOT owe the illegal aliens anything except a one way ride back where they came from!
These ILLEGALS already are getting free room and board, free medical care, and free schooling! Why in the **** are they even thinking about getting $$$ on top of that?
No words for how unscrupulous this is. ILLEGALS deserve NOTHING but a trip back home. Take care of our military and first responders. It is pure TREASON to give any money to ILLEGALS. Hiden is a criminal.
And we “The People” are made to bend over and take it up the rear. If this happens, I refuse to pay taxes. It is time for a Revolution. I’m 65, and I would like to be first in line to bare arms to defend My Country.
Why in God’s name have our so called elected representatives not started impeachment proceedings against this disgusting administration?
This is what these idiots are up to. Bankrupt our country and hand it over to the illegals. Impeachment is too good for these idiots. I have better ideas but can’t state them here.
this guy is a total moron! He has lost his senile mind! Why hasn’t anyone started the impeachment process? He is going to bring this country to ruination if we don’t do something fast!
Go ahead I d you
They came illegally. Why are those of us who came to the country legally, now going to pay for illegals money? ACLU needs to be investigated as terrorists trying to take tax payers money for their part in supporting illegals. Let Biden and the Democratic members of Congress give their money to illegals and let them live on their walled properties.
It’s a money laundering scheme to pay his handlers…and you can take that to the bank!!!
I would not want to be Biden when he faces GOD . Biden and his people will burn in hell they better enjoy life now.
Jail time for parents endangering their children!