
National Security , Newsline

Biden Begs the UN to Lecture Americans on Racism and Human Rights

Posted on Tuesday, July 20, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive by Seamus Brennan


In a move that further highlights the Biden administration’s warped vision of America, along with its zealous commitment to the tenets of Critical Race Theory, the State Department recently announced that it intends to issue a formal invitation to the United Nations to advise the United States on its “shortcomings” in the realms of “human rights” and “systemic racism.” Following months of foreign policy missteps and diplomatic humiliations, this invitation is the latest indication that President Biden’s international relations strategy is rooted in weakness, aimed at redefining American identity, and ultimately antithetical to American interests at home and abroad.

In a recent statement from July 13, Secretary of State Antony Blinken gave notice that the United States “intends to issue a formal, standing invitation to all UN experts who report and advise on thematic human rights issues.” According to the statement, the Department has already contacted the UN Special Rapporteurs – a title given to so-called “experts” to whom the UN gives special investigatory missions – to explore “contemporary forms of racism” and “minority issues,” including within the United States. Blinken went on to say that he “urge[s] all UN member states to join the United States in this effort, and confront the scourge of racism, racial discrimination, and xenophobia.” Blinken also noted that this effort was being undertaken as part of an effort to “strengthen our democracy” and “give new hope and motivation to human rights defenders across the globe.”

In the same statement, Blinken also celebrated the UN Human Rights Council’s (UNHRC) adoption of a resolution to create a panel to address “systemic racism” in law enforcement. The resolution was presented by former President of Chile Michelle Bachelet, the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights and a member of the Socialist Party of Chile, whose views on race are largely in sync with Critical Race Theory advocates.

Under President Trump, the United States withdrew from the UNHRC, citing its “disproportionate focus” on criticizing nations like Israel rather than other member countries that clearly violate human rights. “If the Human Rights Council is going to attack countries that uphold human rights and shield countries that abuse human rights, then America should not provide it with any credibility,” former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley said in 2018.

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo issued a statement in June of 2020 on the UNHRC that echoed Haley’s comments and directly countered Blinken’s recent announcement. The Council, Pompeo wrote, “has long been and remains a haven for dictators and democracies that indulge them.” He concluded: “If the Council were honest, it would recognize the strengths of American democracy and urge authoritarian regimes around the world to model American democracy and to hold their nations to the same high standards of accountability and transparency that we Americans apply to ourselves.”

The Biden administration quickly reversed the Trump withdraw, reentering the Council just weeks after Biden took office.

Upon introducing her resolution, Bachelet insisted there exists “an urgent need to confront the legacies of enslavement, the trans-Atlantic slave trade, colonialism and successive racially discriminatory policies and systems, and to seek reparatory justice.” Though the resolution purports that the panel will investigate alleged systemic racism on an international level, it refers to the 2020 death of George Floyd several times, suggesting that in the eyes of the United Nations, the United States faces a more severe problem with racism than other countries and will be a focal point of the panel’s work.

Yet, as has been consistent with the UN’s handling of so-called “human rights” issues for much of its existence, this initiative is steeped in hypocrisy. The UNHRC, which is tasked with enforcing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, includes countries like China, Cuba, Russia, and Venezuela, all of which have miserable records on human rights.

Communist regimes such as China’s and Cuba’s killed an estimated 100 million people in the last century, some of the greatest mass murder in history. They are in no position to be lecturing the United States on human rights.

In addition to China’s genocide of Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang, the Chinese Communist Party has also used military force to stifle free speech, end democratic governance in Hong Kong, and it continues to threaten an invasion of Taiwan. The Cuban regime, which has for years quashed any dissent and subjected its people to harsh treatment, violently suppressed pro-democracy protests just last week. Hundreds have been arrested, and internet access is still restricted across much of the island in an effort to stop the spread of pro-democracy demonstrations The Russian and Venezuelan governments have long been known for the unjust imprisonment of opposition leaders and movements. Just ask Alexei Navalny, whom the Russian government attempted to poison and subsequently imprisoned for speaking out against the government, or Freddy Guevara, who was similarly unjustly imprisoned by the illegitimate Maduro regime just last week on vague charges of having ties to “extremist groups.”

Blinken’s invitation to foreign dictatorships to criticize the United States is a sharp contrast to the Trump administration’s absolute refusal to kowtow to a thoroughly and transparently corrupt body of the United Nations. Blinken’s embarrassing statement also suggests a sharp departure by the Biden administration from the law and order policies of the Trump administration. In noting that the Biden administration is committed to addressing “systemic racism…in the context of law enforcement,” Secretary Blinken is clearly taking the “Defund the Policy” movement international. Judging by what has been happening with crime in American cities in the wake of adopting such woke ideology, it won’t be long before crime rates skyrocket in those countries around the world that sign on to this nonsense coming out of Biden’s State Department.

If Secretary Blinken actually wanted, as he says, to “lead by example,” he would do well to follow the example of strong leadership on human rights shown by the Trump administration, rather than heeding the criticism of the United States by the hypocritical and anti-American countries in the United Nations who have appalling records on human rights.


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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Ignore this act, Ignore totally BS

3 years ago

With all the “human rights issues” going on through out: China, other asian countries, Africa, South America, etc that’s really rich biden. Joe you are a piece of s–t puppet to narcissists who should be locked up!!!!!!!!!

3 years ago

So Idiot president #1’s handlers want this POS to address the UN on human rights violation in our country when the UN disregard the the human rights violations in China, his partner in crime, the sh** happening in South Africa and the other places around the world. The only human rights violations in the USA is on our southern border which is the direct result of this idiotic administration. It’s to bad we don’t have the CIA of the 60’s when we really need a Lee Harvey Oswald or 2 or maybe perhaps 2 dozen.

3 years ago

Good Grief! A shame there is no cure for STUPID, it really needed now.

John D. Beach
John D. Beach
3 years ago

The Democrat Party is an improbable mixture of disparate, often incompatible diversity whose perceptions and opinions of one another’s belief systems have forged a political alliance of numerical majority devoid of an appreciation for the history and heritage or a regard for the constitutional purposes, laws, or financial realities of the country. They lash out against those on the right who represent principled positions and opposition to the irresponsible, partisan-motivated strategy and tactics of the liberals who could care less about anything else but their taxpayer-financed positions and the power to maintain them, as was demonstrated by the content of the recent “Corrupt Politician’s Act” which attempts to federalize the election processes of the nation.
Needless to say, Democrats must be stopped in the pursuit of their lawless agenda.

Lindsey C Goff
Lindsey C Goff
3 years ago

I want to know why there is NEVER any mention of the BLACK slave owner who brought slaves to America and sold them????

RJ from Az
RJ from Az
3 years ago

Biden needs to be impeached.

3 years ago

Biden – a typical socialist Demorat – blame your opponent of that which you believe.

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
3 years ago

Now this is really over the top!
The U.N. lecturing the U.S.A on moral and ethical conduct. That’s like the Madam of a bordello lecturing on chastity.
There are any number of nations in that institution who should properly be tossed out on their fat corrupt butts.
What is with Mr. Biden?
He reminds me of the flagellants of the Middle Ages who whipped themselves into a bloody frenzy to show how pure and righteous they were.
Lately I have taken to grinding my teeth involuntarily at the sound of the words ” CRT”, “Institutional Racism” among others.
At this rate I will be down to my gums in no time.
Are there any good dentists out there?

3 years ago

I just want to make sure I’ve read this correctly; The United States Government is offering an invitation to the most vile and unqualified organization on this planet when it come to human rights, racism, intolerance, and abuses to lecture us about human rights, racism, intolerance, and abuses. WTH?

3 years ago

What an insult to America and a disregard for all the changes we have made to combat Racism. America has created many opportunities for minorities to be successful and many of them have used these opportunities to do so. These people are winners not whiners like Blinken who ignore the good of America and it’s People. Blinken is a total Embarrassment to the greatest Nation on earth. Maybe he should ask the UN to investigate why he is ashamed of his Country?

3 years ago

Currently, the lack of leadership in this country is mind boggling. Everywhere you look in gov’t, there is a complete absence of pure leadership.

3 years ago

So critical race theory divides the races all while NOJOE Biden pretends to bring us all together. What a clown…and we are falling for this crap!

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

This is O’Bidens backdoor attempt to get the United Nations & NATO to do his dirty work for him in America…Basically what he wants is to use them to militarize our nation into going WOKE… FORCED vaccinations, Federalize the elections, get as many people as possible on the gov’t dole,
total & complete gov’t control in every aspect of our lives. This is what totalitarian regimes do as they take over our minds & bodies, we become a nation of sheep, unable to think for ourselves…
If this isn’t a WAKE-UP call, then I don’t know what is!
The current INSURGENTS need to be REMOVED ASAP… The b******t has gone on long enough!
Once we get the proper leadership back in place, the indictments served, the scofflaws arrested, this includes the Marxist groups, i.e. BOTH that have ripped our cities apart for the last ( 18 ) months…
When POTUS gets some semblance of order back gain, we as a nation need to seriously consider dropping US membership in the UN, furthermore, since they are on US soil in Manhattan, NY, we should consider emptying out their building of people & then implode the building to a dust pile, just like the Surfside building in Miami…The United Nations can rebuild in a more hospitable environment such as Venzualla or perhaps China will take them in… :~(
Bill on the Hill… :~)

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
3 years ago

Biden and several states in the north are the ones that have a problem. Put the focus there. The UN has a problem, not America.

3 years ago

Biden is now inviting Marxists to inform us on how to be better Marxists! We are in the end times!

3 years ago

Not on the subject at hand, BUT open borders is an impeachable offense. How do we get him out?That should cover all he is doing to hurt America.

3 years ago

This guy and all in his admin are nuts beyond belief! As if I would listen to some foreign whack job tell me what is wrong with this country! Beyond belief!

3 years ago

*Xiden needs to understand that the UN Despots and Communists who imprison and kill political opponents and use their own citizens as slave labor, have not one thing that I care to hear. Get US out of the UN NOW.

3 years ago

All this out of the mouth of the man whose son is a drug addict that abuses little girls, and Biden does nothing about it. Let’s talk about human rights, Biden, and your close ties with China, and their out right murdering and genocide of religious groups. Don’t lecture the American citizens on racism and human rights. They are the most generous and least racist people on earth! Biden, on the other hand has been racist his entire life and his so called policies are just more of his racist, hatred of minorities and America in general, to keep us all enslaved.

3 years ago

Remember Charlie McCarthy and Edgar Bergen? That’s the problem.

3 years ago

It is interesting that most of the rest of the world wants to be like the US and so many people dream of having all that we have here ie: FREEDOM and yet THE NUT at the NUT HOUSE in Washington wants the rest of the world to change the US to be like them. No one else on the planet can fix whatever needs fixed, we have to do it ourselves and it needs to start soon with the ultimate removal of the nut(s) in the nut house (formerly the White House) and a lot of the ones located on the ant hill where Congress is supposedly working. The clock is ticking and the time bomb is slowing exploding all around us. Our collective conservative strength and values are all that will see us through the ongoing liberal leftist nightmare.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

I don’t know where to begin on how un-American Joe Biden and the scum on the left really a hate this country so much that they will sic the un-American Dogs of the U.N. on the American people. The U.N. is not our friend, I REPEAT THE U.N. IS NOT OUR FRIENDS, most of the countries that belong to the U.N. are Socialist / Communist countries and the worst offenders of human rights set on the committee that revues human rights abuse, you can’t get any stupider than that .
We need to get our butts out of the U.N. and refuse to give them one more dollar that the American people have worked hard for and is being used against them to destroy America.

Laura Thomas
Laura Thomas
3 years ago

I think often….what country am I living in! The stupidity of it all boggles my mind. Why in the world would we ask the UN to critique/lecture America on anything, much less human rights. This administration surely has its head up you know where. I have doubts that the country can survive this debacle. So sad.

3 years ago

MY, MY, MY OH MY! Is it possible that We the people could have this guy put in a Nursing home where he belongs?

3 years ago

Would someone please tell the President and his minions, he is President of the United States and is charged with acting in the best interests of the citizens of the United States. This does not include being a lackey for every clown that comes to the door.

3 years ago

I amazed at how we complain after we vote for Biden in office. What happen when the vote counted.

3 years ago

Biden is begging for the UN to come in here, they all know he’s senile. It’s bad enough they made past comments that US needs direction and help from the outside, this dope will end up bringing in the blue hats if he keeps it up. And it won’t be for lectures.

Jesse Tiede
Jesse Tiede
3 years ago

Ask the UN to lecture US on Human Rights and Racism? Now, THAT’S funny, I don’t care who you are! Only the Liberally warped minds of the Democrat Elites could conceive of something so blatantly hypocritical as asking the UN to judge America on anything!

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

The UN needs to keep out of the USA business. Biden needs to figure it out without unwanted and bad input!!

Barry Courtnay
Barry Courtnay
3 years ago

Welcome to world rule. Please don’t believe me. Research what the government is doing somewhat right in front of us. This is being planned by the Elite left and the Elite Right for many years. Covid was the spark that they, the elite needed to further their plans. The New Great Reset is here. They have a President that doesn’t care about what haft the nation thinks. And if he did care he can’t remember what he cares about. We are doing this to ourselves. By allowing this last election to be stolen without any real investigation and still sitting on are hands, they the powers to be know they can do anything they want. I guess its time to take a stand or bend over and let them have their way. I prefer to keep freedom, the right to free speech, the right to make my own adult decisions. With the least amount of government interference as possible. It’s up to the America people time is running out. God Bless!

3 years ago


Captain Crazy
Captain Crazy
3 years ago

If beijing biden doesn’t want to do the job of President of the United States of America he and his entire posse need to resign retroactive to January 20, 2021 noon. We are a free country and should not give ourselves to the worthless UN and more worthless NWO.

james michalicek
james michalicek
3 years ago

The shining light at the end of the tunnel is that Crooked Joe is forever going to go down in American history as a crook who did not deserve to be president. Worst president EVER!

3 years ago

Biden is an idiot and should not be out without his keeper. Just what we need to have the Communist-run U.N in our business!. But, there is a solution to our problem, as indicated in the Declaration of Independence. There is no other choice. But, unfortunately, the courts filled with liberal anti-constitutional judges and  Congress are only interested in how much money they can stuff their crooked pockets, time for a change. We need to take back our country before it is too late. 

3 years ago

Got no use for any of these worthless marxists. What i have to say about them is mostly unprinatble!

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
3 years ago

Excellent article. Leave it to the Democrats/Socialists/Communists to waste billions of dollars on irrelevant, immaterial, and delusional drummed up ‘see through problems’. Instead of addressing the real problems of the Western States being in a devastating drought, the Southern Border with no rhyme, reason, or management; and our economy teetering precariously; ‘Democrats’ waste time and money on: gobbledygook! Wasting millions on new brainwashing books and tools for our schools, the cost of the ‘Communist Indoor and Outdoor Redecorating Project’; removing our ‘Founding Fathers’ off of the American Landscape. How does one teach history when all the landmarks have been removed? (Those landmarks belong to ALL of America not just to those who are under the spell of the ‘Communist Zombies In A Coma’!) In contrast, look at what President Trump was planning to do for the preservation of our history and heritage. Trump was promoting patriotism by the: ‘National Garden of American Heroes’. This project was put to a halt by ‘Biden & Company’. It didn’t quite go with the ‘Communist Redecorating Scheme’! ~ George’s Admirer

3 years ago

I swear this man could not be any stupider if he tried! The UN to lecture The USA on racial crap and human rights! That is nothing but a joke! ????????????????

Peter Dawson
Peter Dawson
3 years ago

Are you kidding me? The old segregationist, plagiarizer, and Jim Crow supporter thinks we can’t remember just because he can’t? Give me a break.

Jay A.
Jay A.
3 years ago

Old potato head is not in charge and making these moronic decisions, the communist left is calling the shots for him. He couldn’t find his butt in the dark with both hands!

3 years ago

Don’t make me tell biden, the jacks that pull his strings, and the united nation bozos what they can kiss!

Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

Gee, let’s ask all those countries in the UN who have such stellar human rights embodied and in place at home in their countries to lecture the US on what is essentially a NONPROBLEM here in the US.
Is racism present in the US. Of course there is some, but not nearly as much as the Demsheviks and Lamestream Media would have us believe, or is it anywhere near as severe as some would have us believe. You can’t control what some people think or how they may act in this regard, but they are increasingly in the minority.
However, it is only the Demsheviks’ constant ranting, raving and breast beating about the issue that has elevated it to the center of national attention – a position that it does not deserve.
All of this propaganda and presentation of “pseudo-reality” is the epitome of Fake News in all of its ugly ramifications. My surmise is that it is being enthusiastically embraced by a subset (as in, minority percentage) of our population who can be characterized as the “Free Lunch” crowd who are being sucked in to its support.
For the Libtard politicians, it is an excellent mechanism to divide Americans on a pseudo-issue, with the result that these politicians can then pander to the whims of this group by granting more “free stuff” and curry more “votes” for themselves in future elections.
Overall, this is but another example of Bidense and his Demshevik cohorts following their motto, “We will snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory!” and exercising their dystopian efforts as Charter Members of the “180º Club” (i.e., whatever position they espouse or embrace, the exact opposite is usually true or an eminently more optimal, reasonable, efficacious and productive solution).

3 years ago

It appears we have a problem in DC that is many times worse than systemic racism – systemic stupidity. I have a feeling that once this problem is dealt with most of our other pressing problems will disappear.

robert manfre
robert manfre
3 years ago

nobama is running this show, it should be obvious to any one, he got away with so much in 8 years, and with 4 more, he can fund. change us even more, into a 4th world shithole ! Even stevie wonder can see this,, why can’t a lot of Americans? If we don’t act now, we won’t be able to later.

3 years ago

The United Nations is an outdated relic that sucks tons of US tax dollars (on our soil no less) and trashes America every chance it can. If the democrats and their leader, China Joe, feel that America is too racist, take the first flight out of here to a socialist country of their choice and see first hand, how life really is under socialism. They wouldn’t last a week. Mid terms can’t come soon enough for me.

3 years ago

More worthless senseless posturing trying to gin up an issue from idiotic gratuitous assertions that sound like a impassioned demand for justice. It amounts to your basic red herring. This is the kind of schlock we get when a mentally bankrupt political hack takes the presidency on name recognition alone.

Free American for now
Free American for now
3 years ago

There is not one behavior by the once democrat party that can redeem itself form it TREASON and complete transformation into the Communist party! THEY ARE THE COMMUNIST PARTY so’long donkey hello hammer and sickle!

Bob Olden
Bob Olden
3 years ago

Since Trump left, I guess we don’t talk about religious freedom any more, nor do we worry about killing the unborn. But let’s be sure to promote trans genderism, homosexuality, and all those “human rights” that are favored by the left.

3 years ago

This is such an old subject, and I bet many are tired of hearing about it. If you want to live in this country and work, contribute good values, take care of what you own, be a good and law abiding citizen who desires their freedom, then who the heck cares what color you are. We need to focus on getting rid of the leeches and troublemakers who contribute nothing and never will..sometimes generational laziness and no concern for anything is more of a problem regardless of color of skin…something to ponder on.

3 years ago

Another error from the Biden administration. They keep on piling up

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