When the next pandemic hits, President Joe Biden wants the World Health Organization — a puppet of the Chinese Communist Party — to have more power over the U.S. and other countries. Among other changes, WHO is pushing for “equity” in access to vaccines and medicines, meaning the U.S. will be hindered from rushing new vaccines and treatments to its own population until poor countries are supplied, never mind who develops and pays for the drugs. Should the U.S. surrender its ability to care for its own population for the sake of global “equity”? The answer is no.
Anthony Fauci, Biden’s top delegate to WHO, is behind the dangerous idea of enlarging WHO’s power. We should all vigorously oppose it.
WHO lost its credibility early in 2020, when COVID struck outside China. WHO parroted China’s false denials about human transmission, delayed declaring a global health emergency and advised against travel restrictions — all in service to Beijing, instead of offering unbiased advice to the world. Georgetown University professor and globalist Lawrence Gostin said the agency and its director-general were “caught in an awfully difficult position between what science dictates and a very, very powerful country.” Nonsense. The morally correct course was obvious, but WHO kowtowed to China instead, jeopardizing millions of lives.
No wonder President Donald Trump moved to sever connections with WHO. But Biden reengaged them on his first day as president, putting Fauci in charge of rejoining WHO. Fauci, in turn, promised the move would produce transparency on COVID’s origins and reform of the agency. So far, there have been no answers and no reform. WHO keeps taking America’s money while taking orders from China.
WHO’s pro-China bias was on display last week at its annual meeting in Geneva. WHO spurned the U.S.’ request to admit Taiwan as an observer — on orders from Beijing.
WHO also reelected Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus for another term. He ran unopposed. The U.S. made no attempt to replace him, despite his subservience to China at the expense of America’s safety and well-being. Why? Misplaced loyalties. Ghebreyesus calls Fauci “my brother,” and Fauci considers Tedros “my dear friend.” American interests be damned.
Even more troubling, the assembly voted to begin revising its regulations, which spell out a country’s legal obligations if a disease outbreak could spread internationally.
It’s unclear how the revisions might impede the U.S. from making decisions about travel bans and other issues. But Reuters already reported one red flag: African nations supported the revision effort only after being guaranteed vaccine and therapeutics “equity” for poor countries. Tedros has been pushing “equity” since 2020, insisting that wealthy countries should not be permitted to meet the needs of their own populations before sharing with underdeveloped nations.
As troubling as Taiwan’s exclusion, Tedros’ reelection and the proposed rule changes are, the worst is WHO’s failure to produce information on COVID’s origins. The first WHO-sponsored investigation allowed China to dictate the terms, barring access to Chinese doctors and patients’ medical records and discounting evidence of a lab leak. Fauci has touted WHO’s promise of a second investigation and report, but so far, it’s come to nothing.
Fauci and Biden seem willing to forget 1 million American deaths from COVID, but the rest of us want answers. There should be no cooperation with WHO or funding for WHO until we get them.
WHO “failed the American people and the world by working hand in hand with the Chinese Communist Party to conceal the origins of COVID-19,” said Sen. Rick Scott (R-Florida).
Congressional Republicans launched measures last week to block further entanglements with WHO. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) introduced legislation mandating that any new agreement with WHO be deemed a treaty requiring advice and consent of the Senate. Meanwhile, several House Republicans demanded Biden explain capitulation to Tedros’ reelection.
The world needs a global institution to man an early-warning system, track disease outbreaks and coordinate an international response. WHO is disqualified from that role. Biden is endangering our health security by entrusting it to Fauci and his WHO cronies.
Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and author of “The Next Pandemic,” available at Amazon.com. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey.
garden gnome need to be cracked.
At the end of the day, Biden will sign onto whatever his handlers tell him to do. He signed onto the Paris Climate Accords and now tells the American people that if they don’t like $5, $6 or $7 a gallon gasoline, they should buy a $60,000 to $80,000 electric vehicle. When, not if, Biden signs onto this WHO fisaco, furthering eroding our national sovernty, I’m sure his handlers will tell him to say something like “If you don’t follow the mandates from the WHO, then you are a racist”, as he turns slowly from the podium and shuffles off for his afternoon ice cream cone as reporters yell unanswered questions at him. We’ve seen this show enough times now to know how this will all play out.
As for Fauci, he will continue to finacially benefit from all the inside deals he continues to do from his position of power. Even as he continues to provide inconsistent and often completely wrong medical information to the public. As long as he serves a useful purpose to the Democrat Party, his position is secure in NIH.
I clearly remember how Fauci denied his role in funding the Wuhan Lab in China. However, it was proven that he did actually continue funding controversial research, even after legally he was supposed to stop. Fauci was never punished for his lying and criminal activities, even though it can be logically argued that he is greatly responsible for the deaths of millions of people. I am totally speechless that so many people still admire and believe Fauci.
we got the message, you toenail! your budget is OUR MONEY, NOT YOURS! little people like fauci have no big good ideas – just longstanding criminal behavior and deceit.
The ONLY thing that brings a tyrant under control is their death. Read the history of the world, example after example exists. Their reign of terror ends upon their death.
DO U want WHO to dictate your HC needs??
Fauci? Is that little rodent still alive and hanging around government to help screw things up? Dump him.
Why isnt fauci in prison?
He is 100% responsible for /he covid plandemic and now the monkey pox plandemic..
The US needs to get out of the UN, WHO and any other ‘world wide’ controls…and get rid of Fauci, Pelosi, Harris and Biden (and obama). Until those are gone, it’s the same old sh**.
W.H.O. has failed everyone Biden has failed everyone. Fauci has failed everyone. They all gotta go!! the sooner, the better! How about we set yup a spiritual wall around them, a wall of Holy Spirit Fire, which they will not be able to breach, nor go around, under or over. And that they will fail on all fronts.
That is one nasty lilliputian gnome!
“Among other changes, WHO is pushing for ‘equity’ in access to vaccines and medicines, meaning the U.S. will be hindered from rushing new vaccines and treatments to its own population until poor countries are supplied, never mind who develops and pays for the drugs.”
GOOD!! That means it will take longer to kill off the US citizens with these so-called vaccines. Sorry about the other countries, though.
I’m glad you recognize this and will FIGHT VIGOROUSLY AGAINST THIS!
Fauci makes Mengele look like an amateur.
Fauci and Avenatti: Is there a method for being excommunicated by fellow people of Italian descent? Both so disgusting!
Once a FASCIST, ALWAYS a FASCIST and Little Dictator Fauci is right there with DICTATOR Beijing biden.
PRESIDENT TRUMP should have FIRED that COMMUNIST Fauci since he’s been getting KICKBACKS from pharmaceutical companies spewing his CONSTANT LIES about the China Virus from Day 1 and is in Communist China’s back pocket.
Great Example: The American Journal of Medicine just released a report on a Study that MASK MANDATES INCREASE DEATH RATES as OPPOSED TO NOT WEARING MASK.
Remember, CHINA VIRUS is 0.125 microns.
WE THE PEOPLE, ARE A LOT SMARTER THAN YOU Little Dictator Fauci and DICTATOR Beijing biden.
The globalist are failing the world. Their money is the only thing that keeps them in power.
After watching “Cracking the Prophetic code” and listening to several “ end time” prophecy scholars, medical professionals and longtime news commentators that are not censored by liberal media outlets,,,,,, this comes as “No Surprise”!,, Fauci is one of many leftists pawns to keep the frightened sheep under the control!!!!
Fauci..Biden..China are among the top most dangerous to our Freedom..Vote responsible this November to make a change.