
National Security , Newsline

Beware: Another ‘Cataclysmic’ Border Surge Is in the Offing

Posted on Monday, December 19, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Dec 19 — The border crisis has reached cataclysmic proportions. Unless there is a way to resurrect or replace the Trump era Title 42 protocols the invasion of illegal migrants will go well beyond anything we’ve seen thus far in President Biden’s come-one-come-all tenure. 

Title 42 gave the Border Patrol the ability to instantly send some 2.4 million illegals packing over the past two years.  It expires this week and, while efforts are under way to come up with an effective substitute as of Wednesday, December 21, it’s already resulting in increased surges of migrants at border towns such as El Paso, TX. City Manager Mario D’Agostino told CNN just a few days ago that some 2,500 have been crossing into El Paso every day; the town’s authorities are openly concerned that things will get worse once Title 42 is ended on Wednesday. If and when that happens, he told reporters that the illegal surge could increase to as many as 6,000 a day. It’s been reported that 7,000 migrants crossed the border into El Paso over this past weekend.

Things are getting so bad that even the ultra-Left governor of California, Gavin Newsom, has had a wakeup call, lamenting that “What we’ve got right now is not working, and it’s about to break in a post-[Title] 42 world unless we take some responsibility and ownership.”

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are scrambling to chisel out a solution. Senator Krysten Sinema of Arizona, who recently left the Democratic Party and is now an Independent, is working with Senator Thom Tillis [R-NC] on a legislative deal. It’s a long shot, according to the Washington Post. “It reportedly would retain Title 42 restrictions on asylum claims, or something like them, for a year or more until new processing centers are built to contain the disorder along the border and accelerate decisions on admitting or expelling migrants based on their situations.” It might also include a way to legalize so-called “dreamers” — migrants who entered the U.S. when they were children, a controversial element that could be a deal breaker. 

Townhall’s Katie Pavlich says the Sinema-Tillis was doomed to be scrapped from the get-go.  It “won’t solve even part of the problem,” she says. “Border barriers like a wall and funding for additional agents have been proposed, but both are worthless with current asylum rules still in place. The only real solution to the current crisis is to reform the asylum process and raise the bar for asylum qualification beyond a simple statement of ‘I’m in fear.’ The vast majority of illegal immigrants crossing into the U.S. are pursuing economic opportunities and are not ‘in fear.’ Instead, they’ve been coached over and over again by cartel smugglers to fraudulently repeat the line, which is accepted as ‘proof’ of an initial asylum claim.”  

Newsmax reports that Congressman Henry Cuellar [D-TX] estimates that there are some 50,000 migrants who could surge their way into the U.S. in one fell swoop once Title 42 is canceled and that the Department of Homeland Security [DHS] is getting ready for the worst. They are getting ready by adding “personnel, transportation, medical support and facilities to help border officials ahead of the expected surge once the policy lifts.”  

So, what will happen once Title 42 is terminated? The Wall Street Journal says the Border Patrol will reinstate traditional processing practices.  Most of the illegals will be allowed to stay in the U.S., seek asylum and wait here for as long as it takes courts to rule on their fate — “a process that most often takes several years amid a backlog of more than two million cases pending in federal immigration court.”

The Journal went on to explain that President Trump’s Remain in Mexico policy that required migrants to wait for court decisions in Mexico was challenged by the Biden administration but was dismissed in court, which found “the administration didn’t follow the proper administrative procedure in ending the policy. The effect of the ruling isn’t yet clear, as the Supreme Court ruled last June that the government had the right to end the policy, and Mexico hasn’t yet agreed to cooperate with the U.S. to once more restart it…Under Remain in Mexico, formally known as the Migration Protection Protocols, asylum seekers were sent back to Mexico to wait for their U.S. court process to be completed.”

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2 years ago

This is ridiculous. All this is is an invasion of our country. Illegals getting a free pass. Even immigrants who came in the legal way are strongly opposed to the way the Biden Administration is not conducting proper border security. Then there is Kamala Harris. She was a pointed Czar by Biden. Neither deserve OUR respect to be called President and Vice President. Both are do nothing’s. In the meantime OUR borders are a disaster. We’ll never be able to gain superiority in control of OUR border or remove illegals in the future. The United States needs to be renamed Spanish America. Might as well let them rebut the Louisiana Purchase.

2 years ago

This will continue to happen because we don’t have the stomach to stop it. We dont even care to vote those in office that will attempt to end it.

Kirth Gersen
Kirth Gersen
2 years ago

Unfortunately, once these people enter our country, they will never leave. Any politician who suggests that they be forced to go back to their home country will be ridiculed and criticized for suggesting such a “heartless” policy. No, these folks are now here permanently, whether taxpayers like it or not.

2 years ago

What bothers me most is the number of people who don’t feel there’s any explaining to do here.

2 years ago

Title 42 being scrapped is a done deal at this point. No last minute reprieve is happening, so stop hyping it as a possibility with ANY Democrat in the WH AMAC.

We are about to go from 2.5 million illegals streaming into our country each year under Team Biden to 6.5 million illegals each year. With already 5 million additional illegals already crossing in the first 2 years of Team Biden (that’s already approximately the total population of Ireland for context), the additional surge of at least 13 million over the next 2 years will bring us up to a grand total of an additional 18 million new illegals by the end of Biden’s first term. That is in addition to the 40 million illegals that the federal government estimates were already in the United States at the end of 2019. That 40 million number covers the time period from just after the Reagan amnesty up through the end of 2019 when the federal government issued a cumulative number for all those years. So by the end of 2024, we will have a total of about 58 million illegals living in this country ( a 1/6 of our total population count at the end of 20202) and being supported by the American taxpayer in one form or another. If Team Biden or any other Democrat sits in the WH in 2025, that number of illegals streaming into this country will continue to explode upward until the economic strain on our economy turns us into a third world country.

Of course the ultimate goal is for the Democrats to grant all these illegals amnesty and full citizenship, so they can vote Democrat in every single election going forward.

Harry Guzaliak Jr
Harry Guzaliak Jr
2 years ago

These Politicians better do something soon, We have already been overwhelmed at the border,We can’t even take care of our Veterans and homeless. Too many lawyers and not enough common sense!

LetsGo Brandon
LetsGo Brandon
2 years ago

Border states need to call out the National Guard in their state. And let’s take care of our American Dreamers before worrying about “dreamers” from other countries

2 years ago

This is so frustrating for anyone who believes our nation deserves to be protected. What will it take for these idiots in office to understand that not everyone is crashing the border looking for a job? It’s bad enough that no one is following immigration protocol, let alone that more than 100 people on the terrorist watch list have been apprehended (that was months ago). “I’m in fear” is not good enough!

If I hear cute-as-a-button Karine Jean-Pierre or dishonest Mayorkas repeat once again that the border is “secure”, I’m going to demand that they draw pictures for me, because I just don’t see what they’re seeing. The only solution is to get every patriot to the voting booth in 2024. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US MUST VOTE!! This is what happens when too few people bother to vote. Throw all the traitors out in 2024, and start hunting down and deporting the invaders ON DAY ONE of the new administration.

What will it take? A march on Washington? A terrorist attack that kills thousands? Oh, wait…they’re already doing that when drugs made in China get over the border and kill 100,000 people each year. This makes no sense whatsoever. Shame on you, biden.

2 years ago

Get ready for increased crime, diseases, medical supplies wasted, more tax increases, less food, schools invaded, neighborhoods invaded, Americans kidnapped and killed from Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion with TERRORIST getting their free cellphones and 10 year work visas shipped all over the country in middle of night at tax payer expense thanks to DICTATOR Beijing biden giving Illegal Aliens more Rights than Americans and our Sovereignty being DESTROYED on
All VIOLATIONS of the U.S. CONSTITUTION and Oath of Office.
And to add, they don’t speak English and are Uneducated.
DICTATOR Beijing biden is awarding them to INVADE OUR COUNTRY
ILLEGALLY and bribing them to vote for FASCIST liberals in 2024 by letting ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST in who ARE CRIMINALS entering in ILLEGALLY.
Each one that crosses Illegally commits a Felony.
Each one DICTATOR Beijing biden let’s stay Illegally is a Felony he commits.
But DICTATOR Beijing biden is too much a coward to go to the Border to see his DISASTER he created.
He has more important things to do like eating ice cream.

2 years ago


2 years ago

This is not surprising with this “Administration.” Biden stopped listening to “we the people” a long time ago. Something drastic needs to be done. Maybe he should be impeached.

2 years ago

Beware eh. Then do what? Calling reps as i used to do frequently avails nothing. Vote R? Dem robots are still voting their trump hate and overwhelmed us. Sorry to say this so close to Christmas but dem robots and squishy independents are going to hold the reins for at least two more yrs. My conclusion- much more and much deeper suffering will be required in order to shock the robots into new operating systems. This means vastly higher energy prices as well as rampant crime where the robots cant miss it. It also means that we who live with the robots are going to suffer for their idiocy.

2 years ago

The main job, and about the only job, the federal government actually is responsible to do is to protect our borders/defense of our nation. Everything else is just a means of control, including your ss checks. This invasion is an intentional assault on our nation by our own government. IF we still had law & order in our former representative republic many would already be charges thru military tribunals. Sadly, the oath of office is meaningless and they have made our constitution meaningless. Our current national course spells out a very sad and painful future for our children and grandchildren.

2 years ago

Finish building the wall…and keep guards all along the border. Pull our troops out of wherever they are around the world and put them at the border.

George M
George M
2 years ago

What would happen if they got organized and decided to take back the land they lost to America? California, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, etc. 40 to 50 MILLION people revolting against the USA !!! Talk about a Civil War…….

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
2 years ago

This is all Biden’s and his VP and the person that always lies that the border is secure people in this country are going to have to support all these people this is the fault of everyone in Washington for not building that wall and increase the border agents and keeping them in Mexico when Mexico gets over run they will ship them back but no they know we have a weak government.

The United Nations UN official flag. Sign of the international community of world
a clock thawing in the spring after a snow
Logo of world health organization WHO on mobile phone screen. Blurred flag of USA background
California Governor Gavin Newsom speaks during a press conference at Raleigh Studios unveiling a vast expansion of California’s Film and Television Credit Program on October 27, 2024 in Los Angeles, California.

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