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Apocalyptic Environmentalism—Bad For Us, Bad For The Environment

Posted on Sunday, April 23, 2023
by David P. Deavel

AMAC Exclusive – By David P. Deavel


Yesterday was the 54th annual “World Earth Day.” Did you celebrate it? No? Ah, well, you must hate the earth. Or so today’s environmental left will tell you. To go against their plans is to court being treated as a climate criminal. But their plans, the full extent of which are now being said out loud and enacted in more places, are bad for America and the world. The reality is that those denigrated by the environmentalists are likely doing more for the environment than those who are so upset about it.

The slur on those of us non-celebrants is that we are “climate change deniers.” Yes, it’s true that nobody really denies the climate changes. But in the parlance of the left, this is a term of art applied to anybody who doubts the apocalyptic tales being shouted out by important climate scientists such as Swedish high school dropout Greta Thunberg or former bartender and current Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D, Tik Tok), who declared in a 2019 interview, “The world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change and your biggest issue is how are we gonna pay for it?”

Now, that the world “will end” is itself pretty laughable. How hot exactly does she think it’s going to get? And why does she keep traveling? Like all climate change celebrities, AOC never turns down a chance to burn some jet fuel nor does she stop making those social media videos that themselves have a carbon footprint. But the “how are we gonna pay for it” is the tip-off about what else “deniers” are denying. AOC was hawking the Green New Deal or, as a great many wags referred to it, the Green Nude Eel. This was another legislative spending extravaganza that would do very little to change the climate, even under the apocalyptic prophets’ own assumptions, but would certainly enrich a great many politically connected “green” companies and make our lives miserable.

In January of this year, John Kerry, fresh from having burned up thousands of gallons of jet fuel while traveling in his private jet (one of four hundred that arrived) to Davos for the World Economic Forum, talked about what was necessary to avert a Global Warmageddon: “So, how do we get there? Well, the lesson I’ve learned in the last years and I learned it as secretary [of State] and I’ve learned it since, reinforced in spades, is: money, money, money, money, money, money, money. And I’m sorry to say that.”

We deniers don’t just deny that the sky is falling; we deny the power of these would-be green Atlases to hold it up with these piles of cash going to Democratic cronies and with new regulations making it harder for Americans to drive cars, have gas stoves, live in their own houses, and even choose their own foods.

Choose their own foods? Surely the environmentalists aren’t trying to limit our foods!

They are. (And don’t call me Shirley.) This week New York Mayor Eric Adams “announced a plan to begin tracking the carbon footprint created by household food consumption as well as a new target for New York City agencies to reduce their food-based emissions by 33% by the year 2023.” (A pretty ambitious goal, given that a third of the year is already gone.) His target is, of course, meat and dairy: “City officials said New Yorkers can help the planet by eating more fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans.”

Ask not what your city can do for you; ask rather whether you have eaten enough kale.

It might be easy to laugh at the poor New Yorkers who haven’t moved to Florida yet and have to put up with this new indignity, but there is something deeply disturbing about all this “tracking” of people’s private habits. Yet it’s not nearly as disturbing as what’s being planned for the world. At stake is not just beef and dairy. At Townhall this week, Katie Pavlich reported on a since-deleted tweet from AFP News that introduced a video with these words: “Rice is to blame for around 10 percent of global emissions of methane, a gas that over two decades, traps about 80 times as much heat as carbon dioxide. Scientists say that if the world wants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, rice cannot be ignored.”

Pavlich noted, that according to National Geographic, rice is a staple for 3.5 billion people.

And this is the main problem with the modern environmental movement. Ultimately, the carbon they want to get rid of seems to be. . .people themselves. This has never exactly been a hidden part of the environmental movement. While AOC was giving her twelve-years warning in 2019, presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was telling us what exactly would be necessary to stop the doomsday clock in a town hall style meeting: abortion and population control.

One wonders what else will be deemed necessary. Particularly chilling is the fact that Eric Adams’s climate tracking will include “lesser known contributors [to carbon emissions] like health care.” Who will decide when Grandma’s CPAP machine or Grandpa’s oxygen machine has used too much energy?

The modern environmental movement’s danger to human beings has already arrived. As Pavlich noted, Sri Lanka adopted the recommendations of environmental activists to ban chemical fertilizer imports. Though the ban only lasted six months, it caused massive damage to the country’s agricultural sector, cutting rice harvests in half and leaving the country dependent on foreign aid to feed its people.

And even in places where there is still enough to eat, the movement has caused a mental health crisis among the young, who have bought into the doomsday narratives. 2021 polling shows a large percentage of America’s Gen-Z is suffering from “eco-anxiety” that manifests in “serious anxiety symptoms and disorders.” Dr. Catriona Davis-McCabe, president of the Australian Psychological Society, told the left-wing Guardian newspaper that down under, “Where climate anxiety used to be something only a small group of patients were worried about, it is now one of the most common issues psychologists are discussing with young people.” 

There is no doubt that there are environmental dangers in our world. But the real danger is from those promoting these horrific policies that are dangerous not only to our freedom but also to our very health and lives. Young people are particularly vulnerable to this because they know very little about how long these doomsday predictions have been made. Economist Mark Perry has collected eighteen of the predictions made in 1970 around the original Earth Day. They are all spectacularly wrong. The death of all freshwater fish, the dying off of eighty percent of animal species—it was all wrong. Though many figures predicted mass starvations around the globe, the only ones that happened were due to socialism.

Here’s the biggest kicker. Believing all of this apocalyptic rhetoric doesn’t merely get people to support bad and dangerous legislation. It also makes them less likely to do anything in their own lives either. A 2018 study by a team from the University of Michigan tracked 400 individuals over a year, asking them periodically about their beliefs about the environment and their behaviors. Those who doubted “the scientific consensus” on climate change, lead researcher Michael Beers wrote, “were most likely to report engaging in individual-level, pro-environmental behaviors.” Meanwhile, those who believed the apocalyptic narrative most and reported being worried about it “were most supportive of government climate policies, but least likely to report individual-level actions.”

“Deniers,” in other words, end up being the true environmentalists. That shouldn’t be a surprise. If we thought things were as bad as the climate cultists at the original Earth Day said and their descendants say they are, there would be little point to acting for the earth.

But there’s a deeper point here. Most of us deniers take care of the earth not because of the vain belief that we can control the climate, but because we believe that we are stewards of God’s creation, of which we are a part. We understand that the world isn’t perfect; proper care of the planet involves trade-offs. And most importantly, we understand that proper care will not happen if we get rid of the caretakers.

David P. Deavel teaches at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas, and is a Senior Contributor at The Imaginative Conservative.

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1 year ago

So how many more lies will the government throw at us to kill off the population, we all ready have open borders with fentinal killing thousands on other crap that come across the border like diseases, and teorrist, it just a bunch of lies to line their pockets and to control the population, thats why they want abortion

1 year ago

Yes, I did celebrate earth day. I set fire to a large burn pile I had collected in my back yard. It burned for about six hours, providing essential CO2 plant food to our atmosphere. And, I will spread the black carbon ash on my vegetable and flower gardens, thereby returning essential nutrients to the soil. I also topped off my bird feeders and fed peanuts to the squirls. Wild deer also visit my yard to snack on the bird feeder droppings.

George H
George H
1 year ago

If you really are looking for scams and outright left wing scams, look at AARP!

Carla Bryniarski
Carla Bryniarski
1 year ago

Thank you for writing this truth-filled article.
God bless you.

Michael S.
Michael S.
1 year ago

As I previously posted, the extreme weather conditions are a cycle that happens every 75-90 years. This is proven by the Framers Almanac and other documents and data. Back in the late 30’s the weather patterns created the Dust Bowl phenomenon across the midwestern states, cold weather across Northern America, and extreme heat in the southern states and includes the Gulf Coast of Mexico. Approximately 80 years prior to that event the same phenomenon occurred again. Of course no one wants to talk about this. They just want to cause chaos and panic especially in the gullible masses who aren’t educated about history. Oh that’s right, true history is no longer taught in schools!!!

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article telling the truth.

1 year ago

Decent article showing that those who are believers in God naturally tend to make decisions that are less harmful to the environment than those who are desperately trying to legistrate the care of The Earth to their way of thinking, and taking away the freedoms of God’s greatest creation, and that being man (and woman).

1 year ago

I was too busy watching the democrats/NWO/ globalists/Greta / gore/UN/ etc, chemtrail the skies !!!

1 year ago

Only God controls the universe and the climate, not men, who are worshipping the creation and not the creator. This is very bad news for our country. If you want anything, you need to pray ???? to God.

1 year ago

Only God will prevail over these people. He knows what’s going to happen and when.

Steven Coughlin
Steven Coughlin
1 year ago

Simply examine the ideology of these “watermelons” (green on the outside, red on the inside) and always follow the green, aka money.

1 year ago

Why are the news stations, both left and right forgetting to tell their audience about the fact that electric vehicles are also just as bad, if not worse for the environment because of the way the minerals are mined as well as the fact that the batteries are not recyclable? Not to mention the fact that the industry will be controlled by China. The news media needs to play this up more to show that it is NOT green in any sense of the word.

1 year ago

Great article!!! There are lots of 5 minute videos at PragerU that deal with the things this article talks about, good to listen too. Will help when engaging in conversations with others!

1 year ago


1 year ago

Beautifully written! Funnier than AOC’s resume. Brilliant observations on the self-interest of the oh-so-caring climate freaks and the government that wants nothing from you except to be able to controll ALL your actions as a (former) individual.

1 year ago

This time the left almost got it right,…accidentally and incidentally, “Susan” Rice shares a lot of the blame for the “Climate Change” insanity surrounding us, along with the likes of AOC, Schmucky Shmoo-mer, Jug Ears Obama, and Al Gore who is all about the “change” portion of “Climate Change”, and lots of it to the tune of billions of dollars. The “Global Church of Climate Change and its hobbyist inquisition of realists”, and other “Climate Change” deniers, those who “blaspheme” and call it weather, and weather cycles, is big business. All to gladly do the pharmaceutically induced “high” priests of “Climate Change” burn the incense of jet fuel each year as they jet to their Mecca in Davos with thousands of private jets, to meet their cocaine suppliers, and jet set call girls including pimps and bodyguards, to invoke the specter of doom and gloom unless we all repent, eat bugs, let them have all our cash and property, and sacrifice our pets, cars, and meat on their altar to their false god. Somehow I feel the urge, …meh, not so much! Fat chance Fat Alvin, and all the other Soros henchmen! Take a hike off a steep cliff, and when you arrive at the bottom you will feel nothing, own nothing, and the rest of the world will be very happy!

Bob L.
Bob L.
1 year ago

Eat more beans???? Beans in the human digestive tract create tons of methane, SMELLY methane.

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

50 years ago we celebrated earth day by planting trees in our cities and towns or even in our own backyard.
Now these earth fanatics do nothing but scream gloom and doom but no constructive acts.
Why? To make the people followers of these fanatics.
Being disrespected by a high school drop out that was groomed by the climate change fanatics is not going to change nothing. In the past we have picked up litter, we drive cleaner cars, we are conserving on electricity and gas, we recycle.
But it is never enough for these fanatics. As long as they are living in huge mansions and fly everywhere their agenda is false.
Little by little they will take away our transportation. No mobility for the people. That is only for the rich and privileged. Greta and Al and John and Joe and Hunter and Kamala. Not you. Till they have locked up everyone in cities will the climate change be declared over with.
It is a power grab and lots of money is changing hands but none goes to help the environment. It will go to solar powered panels and windmills companies. These don’t create enough power for what they cost.
And create more pollution by mining for all the parts needed.
We can throw trillions of dollars at it and nothing will change. Or they have to order a world wide lockdown for the rest of the century. Either the world burns up and the oceans will boil and drowns us, as these so-called environmentalists keep screaming, or the world blows up by the actions of the politicians, for the people are tiring of their mandates that never solve or help anything.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
1 year ago

Here in my town, they have quit buying soda pop cans. So much for recycling.

Barbara D
Barbara D
1 year ago

According to what Kerry told everyone over a decade ago, weren’t we all supposed to be dead by now? This hysteria is depressing our youth who think they won’t live much longer and are committing suicide. The mental distress you are causing our kids is unconscionable! Look up Melankovich Phases. Man cannot control the changes in our earth orbit around the sun, the changes in tilt of our axis, nor the wobble that occurs as the earth spins. Get use to it people. MAN DOES NOT CONTROL THIS UNIVERSE! The “global warming” crap is a natural occurrence in space but they are using it as a “money-maker”. Be thankful we are in a warming trend, as a glacial trend will eventually follow in a million years or more and more people die of cold than heat. Don’t believe all you hear. Always, follow the money!

1 year ago

I remember, a few years ago, visiting the Atacama Desert in Chile, one of the driest places on Earth. We were traveling with a university professor who told us that archeologists had determined that, long ago, people actually lived along flowing streams in that desert where now there are only dry gulches. Surprisingly, there were two distinct periods of agricultural pursuits separated by hundreds of years when the streams dried up for some reason. Yes, the climate changed. More than once. All of this happened long before the mining of coal or the pumping of natural gas or oil and centuries before the invention of the internal combustion engine. Pumping CO2 and methane into the air does negatively affect the climate. Despite the yammering to the contrary, we do not know how significant these activities actually are to climate change. There is not a consensus of scientific opinion.

Changing to renewable energy is a great goal for many reasons. We can do it by encouraging research and development of renewable energy technologies and allowing market forces work or, as Democrats prefer, by mandating change. The problem with mandates is that they force less than desirable products upon us without gaining public acceptance. And what if the impact of CO2 and methane on climate change is not as significant as believed? But forth we will go, getting minerals for batteries out of mines that pollute water in China, Africa and South America. I guess there is no concern about child and slave labor or polluted water elsewhere.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Time to vacate the Earth for the Moon or Mars??

Ron Sc
Ron Sc
1 year ago

ET please help us.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

I don’t think those who keep blathering about climate would be willing to forgo their lavish life style and gather in Lagos not Davos

1 year ago

Memo to the greenie socialist. One day the World is going to end. In fact, it will burn. But you don’t know when. But keep playing your guessing games.

1 year ago

These climate fanatics will die in a nuclear war a long time before a little CO2 or methane kills them.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

The late, great Rush Limbaugh predicted this years ago. The climate hoax can be used as an excuse for all kinds of Marxist policies. Cows and pigs exude flatulence–harms the Earth, Growing corn and wheat harms the ground. Having babies creates starvation. ALL LIES but believed by Earth-worshippers and idiots! Financed by Soros and Bill Gates.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
1 year ago

The COVID EAU worked so well that the left will declare a climate emergency next.

Paul W
Paul W
1 year ago

Excellent article. It’s no longer even rational to deny that the n.w.o. leftists want us either immobilized by the elimination of internal combustion engines and enslaved via ridiculous climate taxation, esg scores and a cbdc. Oh yeah…I said “either”; those not enslaved they want dead…period. That isn’t hyperbole…it’s a sickening reality that the left’s useful idiots celebrate in all of their ignorant glory.

Herb S
Herb S
1 year ago

Does AOC have a schedule for the end of the world?

1 year ago

Yes, it was an excellent article. I got to thinking while I was reading, what would happen if all the cattle/goats/pigs were killed off? The only thing I could come up with, besides starvation for meat eaters, is that the vegetarians would be included in the starvation. All of these animals produce manure that is used for helping plants grow. Get rid of them and you have to rely on chemicals. AND, everyone already knows that those will kill you as well. Just waiting for the rapture so I won’t have to deal with Bernie, AOC, John Kerry, and Eric Adams. I much prefer the place I’m going to . . .

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
1 year ago

every time the environmentalists get their way it results in disaster after disaster. look at all the wildfires resulting from the environmentalists forest management demands. Environmentalists are responsible for more carbon going into the atmosphere that all the cars each year for the last seven years. the environmentalists demanded much higher water releases for the dams and it led to dry dams and the claim of massive drought. it killed all the fish the environmentalists claimed they were saving. Environmentalists insist on no new dams and no flood control and the result is all the snow melt is wasted and floods everywhere.

We need to start suing the environmentalist groups for their pushes, legal action and brainwashing that leads to disaster after disaster.

IF you’re an environmentalist I now assume you hate the environment and everything in it.

J Dubya
J Dubya
1 year ago

I have been saying that Environmentalists have been ruining this country for the last 50 years. From their efforts in Northern California that completely destroyed the lumber industry and nearly bankrupted half the State. To those that got EPA the right to enter onto military bases and start fining the US Government over stupid issues. Now they are continuing their efforts against the military and the government by suing over contaminated water supplies. Good grief, show me one water supply in this state that isn’t contaminated in some way. So, me anything that we eat drink or ingest that doesn’t cause cancer or have the ability to be the cause of cancer. And to think they think we should ban cows because they FART OMG the lunacy of it all. Electric cars are not the answer, if the so-called highly educated ENVIRONMENTALISTS spent 5 minutes researching where the batteries come from for these electric vehicles they would choke on their own vomit.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

Fine article. Kyle L.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

Q!uote the words pof George Carlin, earth has been here 4.5 billion years. It aint goin nowhere. It’s we who is gonna take a little trip. Kyle L.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

Catastropic event. ! ! ! .. The enviros will be t6he firs6 to go. They dont know how how to survive. They had rather starve than kill a chickin. Kyle L.

1 year ago

This is the blind leading the blind. The “sky is falling” environmentalists fall right in line with the rest of the political mob by using scare tactics and fuzzy science. They appeal to the media to make their case look legitimate. Since 90 percent of the media is socialist minded they go along with it. And they want to keep it going because folks are making a lot of money from this just like the covid scare.

Robert Chase
Robert Chase
1 year ago

Need 1st annual people of earth day. We were not created to serve the earth. We are expected to respect and take care of our resources. That does not include not using those resources. Technology has improved efficiency of use, as it should. The activists think we should die to preserve the earth. Time and the universe will decide the fate of all planets. Meanwhile we need to live.

1 year ago

If people start eating more beans, won’t that contribute to higher methane levels? ????

Robert Dapper
Robert Dapper
1 year ago

Good luck, sat more fruit, beans, veggies? I’m in northern Illinois, what was farm land producing these commodities, is being turned into solar farms. You may be able to use your electric oven, but there’ll be nothing to make it cook. This brand of Marxism must be stopped. Vote them out.

Vilas Gamble
Vilas Gamble
1 year ago

First let me tell you that I am a climate change denier! Over my lifetime I have, as you probably have too, experienced mild winters and cool summers. On my tenth birthday (Feb.1955) I received a new ball glove. It was warm enough that day that I and my friends want down to the ballfield and played so I could try out my new glove. Is that climate change? My Mom told me about the time when she was a little girl, late 1920’s or early 1930’s, that it snowed in July. This all happened in the northern part of Ohio. Was this climate change? You who live in the Midwest can probably recall in the 1970’s the two winters when temperatures were extremely cold, and we had snow blizzards. And scientists were telling us we were entering a new ice age. How did those predictions turn out?

After the fall of the USSR leftists around the world, including the USA, joined in the mantra about global warming. They continued with that lie until they discovered that there were periods of cooler weather. So, what did they do? They changed their approach and started calling it “climate change”. If you think about deeply enough it raises the question of why it is leftists that took up this “cause”. My answer is because it has nothing to do with climate change! It has everything to do with control over our lives, as is the case with everything the left does.

Remember Y2K and how scientists scared everyone into believing that our computers were not going to change over at the turn of the century? Billions of our tax dollars were spent to try and overcome this. What happened? Nothing!! Then along came covid. We were forced to stay home, businesses were forced to close, and our children literally lost out on two years of their education. Now we are finding out all this was not necessary. Our government lied to us, but it demonstrated that they could control the population when they hide the real facts from us.

Take stalk for yourselves. Over the past two years can you name one thing the Biden administration has done to enhance our freedoms contained in the “Bill of Rights”? I doubt it. Everything they have done is to curtail them and ban things we use in our lives almost every day. Do you have a gas stove? Can you afford an electric car? Can you fill your gas tank in order to take a long trip? These things and more have been implemented in order to exercise more control over our lives and limit the freedoms we as a people have enjoyed for over 250 years.

Biden announced this morning his re-election bid. I had to laugh when he mentioned that the theme of his campaign will be “Freedom”. He claims that MAGA is the greatest threat to our freedoms, and he should be re-elected to protect them. Say what you will, but if he is re-elected and Democrats control Congress, they will finish the “Green New Deal” and we will become what Venezuela is today, a two-tiered society with the elites who will run everything and the rest of who will only be able to do what we are told to do. When the election comes next year, I urge to vote as if your freedoms depend upon it,,,,,,BECAUSE IT DOES!

1 year ago

All the plastics we have contaminate our oceans and seas and rivers. Just think of the pollution electric cars will cause and the foul windmills and the batteries. Do they care? Or will they make lots of money off of solar panels? BE CAREFUL when you park under solar panels after a rain. They dripped on my car and ate through my car’s clear coat. Left permanent spots on the hood.

1 year ago

Read the bible & it sounds like all of the natural climate disasters happening all over the world is one of the signs to watch for. God is talking to us & we should listen.

Steven Tapper
Steven Tapper
1 year ago

As with all government supported causes just follow the money to see who benefits at our expense and who gains further control over us, the citizens of this country. Through the use of paid for “experts” and comical scare tactics the liberal left has succeeded in promoting their continuing lies about “global warming”, “global cooling” and now “climate change”. They’re selling and I’m not buying! If I’m a “Climate Denier” than they are “Reality Deniers”. The use of convenient derogatory name calling to anyone who has the audacity to challenge their theories is juvenile at best. For every expert who claims climate change there are many more experts to dispute their findings.

I’m old enough to remember very mild winters and horrific winters here in the Mid Atlantic area. We typically average 16″ to 20″ of snow per year. Yet the last 3 years I have not needed to use my snowblower. Weather changes all of the time and it has little to do with Climate Change.

We are losing our freedoms incrementally due to government control. It’s time to stop the nonsense and return to reality. I’m certainly not in favor of polluting our oceans but we have the ability to use common sense to be responsible for keeping our planet as healthy as we can.

1 year ago

When I graduated from high school in the 1960s it was all about “global cooling”. No one really paid much attention to it and life went on. I remember once in about fifth grade the world was going to end the next day. My teacher told all of us not to assume we didn’t have to do our homework that night. Sure enough the next day we were back in our seats in school and handing in the homework we all had sense enough to do the night before. Even as children we didn’t pay much attention to this silly nonsense, but the main reason was that our parents didn’t. People were harder to fool back then it seems.

I am in no way and never have been an environmentalist. To me that is just someone’s way of trying to make themself feel important. Those pushing that agenda rarely even know what they are talking about and probably never spent a day out in the world they are claiming to protect. I am a conservationist and take that very seriously. We have single stream recycling where I live. Every two weeks we put out a trash bin full of recycling. Before that we had to make trips to the transfer station for each category: glass, paper, cardboard, plastic, etc., so single stream is a blessing. Even though we have weekly garbage pick-up we could go the whole month without putting out the trash bin if it weren’t for the ramifications of not putting it out more often. No one had to tell us to reuse, recycle or repurpose. It’s just what we do. We’ve often been able to help others who needed something we had saved but had no immediate need for. Maybe being raised by parents who had been through the Great Depression made me aware of waste not, want not. Or use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without. If everyone would do that much, that in itself would go a long way toward making the Earth a better place for us all.

1 year ago

They are worshipping planet Earth. This is nothing new under the Sun, friends. Look back in history at all the fallen empires that made animals (the creature) into Gods (idols). Not the One True Personal Living Creator God. Ancient Egypt worshipped over 2000 different idols (Gods)! Most, if not all of them, were in the likeness of animals, planets or made up creatures. The apostle Paul said, “for they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator”. 

1 year ago

Mr. Deavel, your last 2 paragraphs are right on. We can control very little but what we do in our lives. I read Bjorn Lomborg’s book, The Skeptical Environmentalist, years ago, and remain skeptical of most things i see and hear (on almost any topic). I’m glad i live in a rural area and am not subjected to all the nonsense that occurs in cities.

1 year ago

If the environmental left were correct, humans would have perished decades ago. Ever since 1970, humans have had no more than ten years of life left.

1 year ago

Pass this on…

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
1 year ago

If we take care of ourselves and our localized areas by not polluting excessively, nature will continue to take care of itself the way it has done forever since the creation of the Earth. The trillions of dollars wasted on environMENTALism is mostly a scam.

The United Nations UN official flag. Sign of the international community of world
a clock thawing in the spring after a snow
Logo of world health organization WHO on mobile phone screen. Blurred flag of USA background
California Governor Gavin Newsom speaks during a press conference at Raleigh Studios unveiling a vast expansion of California’s Film and Television Credit Program on October 27, 2024 in Los Angeles, California.

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