
National Security , Newsline

Americans Need Answers About Biden Corruption—and We Need Them Now

Posted on Tuesday, April 12, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott


Even as the media now reluctantly admits that they were wrong on the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, many questions about the Biden family’s foreign entanglements remain unanswered. Yet the same voices which blasted the New York Post for “misinformation” for breaking the story ahead of the 2020 election now insist that there is nothing else to learn about the business dealings of the First Family, even while evidence of wrongdoing continues to mount.

Earlier this month, a chastened Washington Post Editorial Board published an op-ed with the headline “The Hunter Biden Story is an Opportunity for a Reckoning.” In it, they concede that the media is guilty of actively “suppressing accurate and relevant stories” about the business dealings of the Biden family.

At the same time, the New York Times has now conceded a “broad federal investigation” into Hunter Biden’s business dealings. This includes a Grand Jury investigation into his “pursuing deals and clients in Asia and Europe” while his father was vice president. They acknowledge that there are “questionable” dealings regarding Hunter’s work in China and Ukraine.

However, even though the media has been forced to admit the authenticity of the Hunter Biden laptop and the information it contains, they are still trying desperately to run interference for the president. Since Joe Biden is not the primary subject or focus of these investigations, they insist that Americans should not be overly concerned about the investigation. Having been caught in a lie about the laptop itself, the media is now hoping to make that lie the story, not the actual contents of the laptop and what they suggest about Joe Biden’s potential involvement in seemingly corrupt business deals with his son and brother.

This new effort by the media to obscure the real story has drawn the ire of many Republicans, most notably Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson. Senator Johnson blasted the deception on Fox News, accusing the media of participating in a “limited hangout.” He explained: “When you get caught in a cover-up…You let out just enough information, just enough truth to try and get you by the moment.”

As Johnson went on to detail, the media’s strategy following several waves of breaking stories about what Biden did or did not know about his son’s business dealings has been a “diversionary operation to try and take the American public’s attention away from their wrongdoing, their lies, their cover-ups.” Notably, a 2020 Republican investigation documented “about $13 million of flows—between Russia, between Burisma, between members of the Communist Party regime in China”—to the Biden family.

President Biden has repeatedly denied having any business dealings with his son or discussing his son’s business. But in one of the Hunter Biden emails outlining how the equity of a business venture will be distributed, he states, “10 held by H for the big guy.” In another, he says, “I and my family is that we would also be partners in [sic] the equity and profits of the JV’s [joint venture’s] investments.” Multiple emails reference vague, unnamed individuals like a “chairman,” with no other identifying characteristics.

Hunter Biden’s former business partners have also offered evidence of the president’s involvement, another story that most mainstream outlets have refused to cover. In 2020, Fox News Host Tucker Carlson interviewed former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski, who revealed that “I one thousand percent sit here and know that the big guy is referencing Joe Biden. That’s crystal clear to me because I lived it. I met with the former vice president in person multiple times, and I had been meeting and talking with Hunter Biden and Jim Biden and Rob Walker and James Gilliar.”

The media’s recent admission of the laptop’s authenticity has not been accompanied by an equal admission that Tony Bobulinski’s testimony was highly credible.

Senator Johnson pointed out in a recent interview that there are “plenty” of photographs of Biden meeting with Hunter’s business partners, including Bobulinski. Johnson also referenced multiple examples of the FBI “dragging out” the delivery of documents relevant to the investigation until after the 2020 election was complete – apparently unwilling to release information that might damage Biden’s chances of winning the election.

Most unsettling about the accusations against the Biden family are their potential ties to the Chinese Communist Party. At a minimum, Hunter Biden was apparently paid $4.8 million from CEFC China Energy during these international dealings. CEFC is one of the world’s largest oil and gas companies. It also has extensive ties to the Chinese Communist Party and the People’s Liberation Army. While it is a “private” company, experts say “it is unlikely that it operated independently of the government.” Hunter Biden himself wrote that one of the company’s top executives was “literally the f***ing spy chief of China.” In other words, the president’s family was paid millions of dollars by a company controlled by the Chinese government.

Many of these dealings occurred in 2015 following the tragic death of Hunter’s brother, Beau Biden. In his autobiography, Hunter states he relapsed into heavy crack and drug use during this time. This raises further questions about how the Chinese Communist Party, via CFEC, may have manipulated or even compromised the president’s son amid his most significant drug relapse.

The Biden administration has deflected legitimate questions about the president’s potential involvement in his son’s transactions. But the denials are not enough—and the excuse that the Justice Department cannot comment on an “ongoing criminal investigation” cannot be used to continue the coverup.

The Bidens have forfeited the benefit of the doubt. The American people need to know the truth—and they need to know it now. This is no longer just a political matter. This is a matter of national security.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.       

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2 years ago

This is what happens when msm is biased, no search for truth, no honest reporting!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

But Dems cover for Biden thus NO answers to Hunter

2 years ago

Not protecting our borders is grounds alone for impeachment. The rest of this Biden family mess is
the final straw for a treason investigation and justice. A real Justice Department would move swiftly on this state of affairs.

2 years ago

we need answers about the 2020 election FIRST. it’s always “the next thing” we need answers about.NO! we need answers about about what happened to put brandon in the white house, FIRST!

2 years ago

Lol!!! I hate to break it to you, but both the Justice Department and the FBI will continue to slow-walk this whole matter for as long as possible. The FBI had Hunter’s laptop months before the 2020 election and just sat on it, because they wanted Joe Biden to win. The Justice Department did NOTHING to expedite the investigation or take a more active role in looking into the matter.

Now we’re like 19 or 20 months later and the MSM is starting to admit the laptop is real and maybe Hunter did something wrong. A potential income tax violation, NOT peddling regular access to Joe Biden for favors from the United States government. All while continuing to claim Joe Biden was completely unaware or uninvolved in receiving any of the money Hunter collected for selling access to Joe Biden on a regular basis. Yet we are supposed to believe Joe Biden has become incredibly wealthy off of a government paycheck. Amazing how that works isn’t it? Should be believe in Santa Claud and the Easter Bunny while we’re at it too?

At the end of all this, the worst that will happen is Hunter is charged with an income tax violation. A potential fine and maybe some minimal jail time. Joe Biden will announce in early 2024 that he will not seek re-election. Clearing the way for the Democrat Party to put up either AOC or some other “Progressive”. That solves how they can dump Harris overboard with no fuss or muss. The case will be slow walked through the legal system until after the 2024 election and then Joe will pardon Hunter before leaving office and before a verdict is rendered. The Biden crime family then sails into the sunset completely skating justice. This is how the justice system works for high level Democrats in this country. So sorry if this is how many of you think this will actually play out. The Clintons are still walking around free. The Obamas not only escaped justice but were elevated to billionaires for their contributions to moving the progressive agenda forward as much as they did.

William F. Dondanville
William F. Dondanville
2 years ago

The media caused Trump to lose the election by withholding the news on the Bidens dealings with China. That includes Microsoft, Twitter and Facebook. Sad thing is politicians and the rich rarely go to jail. The corruption in our government and its agencies has gone beyond that of China, Russia, etc. It is a sad day that we gave up being a REPUBIC to be a democracy and no one seems to care.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

There are still too many Americans who do not listen to the more moderate or conservative media commentators. Consequently, this country is about evenly split, Many Americans are horrified as to
the rampant corruption of the Bidens, and many Americans are totally ignorant of the need to investigate the Biden family. It’s very disturbing to see a country so divided in its knowledge of the news concerning Biden corruption and potential treasonous activities. The Democrats are still talking about Watergate. Watergate is like child’s play when compared to the deviate practices of the Biden crime syndicate.

2 years ago

Sadly, the question remains: Who will care?
Answer? Not the demonRat Communists. Not the media. Not even our own RINOs.
Why do these stories? When you have arrests, imprisonment, and hangings to report, as the consequences of all this crime, then report.

John A Bird
John A Bird
2 years ago

Evidently the “rule of law” only covers the middle class however that is not in accordance with our Constitution, Bill of Rights, Rule of Law, our Sovereignty, and our Freedoms. The Biden, Clinton, Obama, and the Bush cartels need to be arrested, tried, and when convicted of tyranny, hung by the neck until dead.

2 years ago

This is the third or fourth (Today Alone) articles about this moronic president and what he has done to America. Take your pick where to start?? The Border, The Oil, The Pipeline, The Empty Shelves,The Immigrants free and/or secret movements, The Weekends ++ in Delaware, The States Rights issue and his crushing of the States, Hunter and do not forget Jill, Ukraine, NATO (the joke in itself), Putin, China and on and on and on. And like this article IT’S ALL TALK!! NO One does a damn thing. Republicans remain near useless, McConnell (or droopy drawers as I prefer to call him) ARE WITHOUT A CLUE or side with the left and Biden continuously?? Put it off to the 2022 election?? B/S!! NOW – this man is killing us and we are letting him and someone in the position of leadership must pull up the pants by the straps and take this A-Hole on NOW. And if you sit there and let the generations behind you float and drift and not give a damn – YOU are the biggest part of the problem. I write my Senators and Congressman often but I do not believe they know where to turn or they are concerned about their re-elections. B/S!! Somewhere we need a strong man or woman to unite the right – a task the Republicans cannot seem to be able to do. The Tea Party flopped?? My Friends – AMERICA cannot flop. We are in dire straights. If we do not elect Republicans you know what will happen, but we must get this ball moving and moving it can do if Americans are Americans and push, pull or shove that ball. If you have any capability at all, CRUSH the Cheney’s, the Romney’s etc, etc. – At every turn take the legs from Cortez, Presley etc – do as they do don’t let them get a word in edgewise. And Biden and Harris and that false redhead at the podium. PUSH that reporter or news outlet in your local any way you can to ensure they ask the questions. If Biden Trips up the steps, tell him any way you can he is tripping America. Any B/S move or statement he makes – ensure your Representatives that they know you are watching. If donations are requested – tell them the proof is in the action they take. They are the inside track and wanted the job – Tell Them “Now do it, damn it”!!! Start by telling them to stop the money for the immigrant transfers!! NO BUSES, NO PLANES, NO TRAINS – NOTHING!! – That is my money, not theirs!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!

My Lord We are sorry we drifted but we are still the best, Help us

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
2 years ago

There are two problems here. Even if we get the proof and the truth, the media will simply refuse to cover it and publish it and virtually none of the public will ever hear about it. Second, we have the most corrupt DOJ of all time, and they will simply refuse to prosecute or do anything about it. As I have been asking for a year now: Where do we go, to whom do we turn, when those who are supposed to enforce our laws (the DOJ and the AG), not only refuse to do their jobs, but are themselves involved in breaking laws? Where do we go for justice?

jake the snake
jake the snake
2 years ago

WE need someone to publish a list of democrat and biden mistakes and corruption and keep publishing it every week for the next 5 years.

john a crouse
john a crouse
2 years ago

Obama’s 2.5 Presidency keeps getting worse and worse under Harris-biden.. when are the

amerishepple going to wake up? DemoRats tried to destroy this nation in 1861-1865, and they might

this time !!!

2 years ago

Not only concerning are the ties to China by the Biden’s and the President being compromised because of these financial ties, but Hunter has Child pornography on his laptop as proven by Tony Shaffer. Shouldn’t Hunter be arrested for this? Immediately!!!

John T.
John T.
2 years ago

Face it folks … the “Legacy” media is without integrity on any subject. They have buried the long ago established pillars of journalism and are now simply parrots for an anti-American political party and any half-baked radical presentation i.e. “you chose you sex”.

Tracee Farmer
Tracee Farmer
2 years ago

This is not new news. Conservatives have known this from day 1. Are the American people really this easily hoodwinked by the fascist media? This just proves that Liberals, Leftists etc… are just blind and stupid.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

The way that Senile Joe pimped out Hunter probably explains why Hunter turned to dope! Plus “Beau” was obviously the favored son and Hunter got the “leftovers” of daddy’s love and attention!

2 years ago

Biden family is the corrupt family and with senile Joe in the highest office their crime can literal world is open, this probably include Pelosi.

2 years ago

I don’t like to paint broad pictures about people, but so many democrat politicians are associated with the depravity of sex scandals, unethical money deals, disregard for the people, arrogance, and many questionable and assorted criminal activities. It’s true other politicians from other parties can be/are the same. But it seems to be most acute and most severe in today’s contemporary democrats. For example; just the idea of exterminating infants up to the age of one is one of the sickest proposals of any political party I think, in the history of the USA, maybe in the world. Lets face it, they are just as sick and demented as any of the Nazis were. Actually, Soros, Schawb, Vyess, are Nazis controlling the democrats. Evil, just pure evil..

Let's Go Brandon
Let's Go Brandon
2 years ago

First you have to stop the election theft, then all these issues MAY be solvable!

2 years ago

When are the liberal loonies going to throw this scum bag out of the Dark House in D.C.//Biden is a thief and has sold out the USA as well as the regime in Washington known as Democrats//If anyone ever votes for the Democrats again check out the rocks between your 2 ears dumb ass/////////

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

The Biden crime family scandal has ALWAYS been a National Security issue that goes back to his vice presidency at a minimum… Now with the release of “The Laptop From Hell ” to Congress there is no escaping the facts of Joe Biden’s intimate knowledge of son Hunter’s nefarious business dealings in both Ukraine & China…
Once again, thus far, this man, i.e. Joe Biden is walking a tight rope with respect to his never ending trail of lies…The Big Guy is a now a known commodity, we as American citizens are stuck listening to this man talk out the side of his mouth on a daily basis for ( 15 ) very long months now for I just can’t imagine 2.5 more years of this CLOWN turning America into the laughing stock the world over…
Thus far, ZERO accountability from potus, his son Hunter, with MSM skipping over the facts very quickly. Here we are ( 15 ) months into a rigged presidency & still NO convictions on how Joe Biden got here, how his immediate family got rich off the American taxpayer’s dime that I believe goes well further back than his nefarious ( 8 ) years as VP under his former & some say still Master, Barack Hussein Obama…
It is long, long overdue for heads to roll in Washington, DC & it starts at the top of the Executive Branch along with current & former CIA ( Brennan ) & FBI ( Comey/Wray ) Directors & former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper…
All of them played their parts in getting rid of Trump at any cost, & getting Joe Biden fraudulently elected, no matter the cost & at this late date, it has cost them ZERO, other than the fact most Americans have to hold their noses from the stench at the mention of these Deep State scumbags…
Bill… :~)

2 years ago

If this had been a kid of Trump, all this would be non-stop news items! It’s time the media is investigated in this cover up also. Heads need to roll and a lot of folks need to be in orange jump suits sitting in REAL prison not camp prison for putting our country in an unsecure position and helping to destroy our republic!

Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
2 years ago

We zero in on Biden son what happened to Obama administration?

Tim Thompson
Tim Thompson
2 years ago

Biden worked for and was part of the Obama push to destroy our Republic and he enriched himself into a multi, multi millionaire and didn’t give a hoot that his VP was fleecing the countries he was put in charge to help (Ukraine) being one of them. Obama had to have known he was dealing with China, Russia and whoever he was able to put his son in charge of to make money deals with.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Wonder why Biden gave away eighty-five-billion dollars of our military equipment to our enemies:? Why Biden is not providing Ukraine with offensive weapons; why he is dragging his feet and being nonresponsive. Why is the Russian butcher, Putin negating the idiotic Iranian nuclear deal for Biden? Why is China free to take over South Asia? Simply follow the money. The most dangerous weapon against the United States in the history of our country is Biden.

2 years ago

… we know, the election was rigged. No question about it. The most corrupt politician since Boss Tweed, why would Democrats rig the election for drop-deap stupid guy like — Joe Biden?

2 years ago

Tired of hearing all the proof and evidence of the crimes of this compromised democratic administration but talk is cheap. With all the turmoil this beloved nation is goin through its time to do something and act before we don’t have a country left. Christians continue praying because the Lord will answer our prayers, history is proof

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
2 years ago

To understand the media’s complicity in helping Biden and the democrats in general you need look no further than just 2 – 4 years ago and the media’s treatment of Trump and Trump’s family. If any of Trump’s kids spit on the sidewalk it became a huge media scandal and screams for Trump’s impeachment began. They still demonize Trump today! It has been a very one-sided media for many years now and it is seriously damaging the nation. I support an HONEST media watchdog over government regardless of the political party in power, but we do not and have not had that for years. Sadly it grows worse, not better, to the point that much of our media have become partisan propagandists.

2 years ago

Agree, we need answers to the corruption. We also need to know if joeblow is playing with a full deck. Shame, shame, shame on jillblow, great example of a gold digger. She knows he is not ok.

2 years ago

Dream on! The Demoncraps are going to keep their puppet as safe as they can.

Ruth Pierce
Ruth Pierce
2 years ago

I don’t trust the media. I think the anchormen are just a bunch of entertainers looking for sensationalism!! I rely on articles from sources like AMAC. I don’t think the 2020 presidential election was even legal! I can’t, in good conscience, even call Joe Biden our president!! Thanks for the article.

Darius Medina
Darius Medina
2 years ago

The way I see it, all the Biden clan are criminals in one way or another. Joe Biden deserves prison for his attempts to put the blame on President Trump. His family, meanwhile, is getting extremely rich from their association with graft and corruption via the nations of the world.

2 years ago

The public may get an answer or two, but nothing will be done about the Biden family corruption. They are just as crooked as Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Shifty Schiff, FBI, CIA, Garland, etc. I could go on and on to include Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, Comey, Page & lover, etc. It appears the only one who had any little punishment was McCabe with his retirement taken away, only to be given it right back.

Deploreable Sam
Deploreable Sam
2 years ago

First, boycott msm and social media. I see absolutely no reason to waste my very valuable and limited time listening to BS.
Next, vote ALL these libbies and rino asshats out of power. Term limits anyone?
If that fails, we could always employ the more DIRECT way of cleansing DC. Anyone like to guess what that is?
Fjb and company. etc etc

PS kamaltoe was chosen as a worse alternative to fiden, thus making it really unpalatable to remove the dementia ridden clown.

2 years ago

This is a problem, but the top priority should be tackling high inflation & energy costs & also the Crisis at Southern Border. Biden was on again today blaming Putin for the high price of oil & gas & he refuses to do anything about Keystone or work with oil companies. He reminds me of someone in the past that tells a lie so much & many times that they actually believe the lie.

2 years ago

We all knew this before the corrupt takeover through a fraudulent election. We knew that too. These thieves and evil dooers shouldn’t be allowed to keep their power.

2 years ago

Let’s see…….corruption, lies, corruption, deceptions, corruption, complicity, corruption, under-table deals, corruption, lobby games, corruption, more lies, corruption, shady deals, corruption, bribes, corruption, collusion, corruption and of course, corruption. Most likely a general description of nearly all political types who have been in office more than ….say, two terms…..the longer the worse they get.
Nothing new to see here…..and meanwhile, the nation gets sucked down the drain with all the idiotic decisions being made that wipe out our incomes, raise our taxes, risk our lives with border chaos, and risk our national security with world wide stupidity and kissing up to our enemies…..never mind crime in the streets, inflation off the charts, wokeness, sexual orientation pushes,election games and all the rest that can be chalked up to elected officials NOT doing their sworn duty. Can’t imagine a bigger mess….with practically no end in sight.

2 years ago

I’ll not be holding my breath waiting because it’s NOT gonna happen!
We haven’t even seen the Clinton’s brought to justice!

2 years ago

AMAZING !! MSM also screwed up the reporting of 6 JAN 2021 incident about missing information they reported that Pres. Trump’s administration had purposely hid from the public. OOPS !! NOTHING WAS MISSED OR HIDDEN but MSM will not issue any retraction for their misinformation of any 6 JAN 2021 issues. IMAGINE THAT.

2 years ago

I believe, Biden has been lying for 50+ years. He lacks credibility and certainly honest and integrity. I tend to believe Lt Bobulinski statements on these criminals. And who in the FBI withheld Hunters laptop information during the 2020 election? Couple that corruption with the fake news is a major travesty for the American people. The truth is defiantly being withheld from us. We the American people already know the Biden crime family is guilty. I think all the data on HB laptop should be shown to the American people in its entirety and unedited, so We can decide for ourselves about The Biden Crime Family They along with the sellout FBI leads and fake news CEOs and bobble heads need to be in Prison They all betrayed the American people and walked on our great Constitution. All in all, I suspect if it gets hotter in the kitchen, Biden may pardon his son-what a scam! Who the heck voted for these criminals? 81M people. Are you kidding me!

Sean Richman
Sean Richman
2 years ago

The current administration is corrupt and anti AMERICAN from president pelosi,vice president soros and all the way down to every last liberal progressive democRAT and rino.They ARE destroying AMERICA.

2 years ago

America does not need, nor will she ever get, real and honest answers to the Biden corruption clan and the depths of the clan’s skullduggery. Any real American with 1/4th a brain knows they are more corrupt than any of their predecessors, with the exception of maybe King Obama. These people are traitors to their country in every sense of the word.

PJ Thom
PJ Thom
2 years ago

We are still waiting for charges to be brought against some body, any body, for the fake dossier. Clinton, corrupt FBI, Schiff, committed an atrocity against Trump. No ones has been held accountable. The Bidens’ will get by with their corruption also. They all need to go! I believe DC has sold us out for their own personal gain.

2 years ago

We need the flying cars popular mechanics magazine promised by 1990 too. Theres about the same chance of either happening.

2 years ago

all these illegal aliens entering with this Democrat open border policy is China Bidens Mass Murder of American Citizens.

Hey Hey Joe How Many Americans have you Murdered Today

2 years ago

Bejing-Biden, dedicated to punishing America, making China great, again.

2 years ago

Biden and his family will never be brought to justice. He a Demorat and sooo corrupt.
Too corrupt; too sneaky!

2 years ago

If America had a government which loved its people? You wouldn’t have a policy community lying through its teeth, insulting your intelligence with fake news and a biased mainstream media name-calling you asunder, who insists you be muzzled and strangled by high price inflation, Jabbed with God knows what, who sits on its hands allowing you to be looted by hostile radicals,overrun by sick, desperate illegal immigrants. Painfully evident, no room for argument, sad truth be told, the government in Washington DC hates us. Not just a little.

inflation down arrow with inflation blocks
Free Palestine Gaza Rally. “Emergency rally for Palestine” taken place in light of the recent ongoing escalating events between taking place in Gaza and Israel. Photographed in Midtown New York, NY USA on May 11th, 2021
Life moves fast
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