
National Security , Newsline

Americans Fed Up with Open Borders

Posted on Thursday, November 4, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Bidens’ disinterest in protecting the US border – may ironically be his undoing.  The undoing may come in several forms, but they are coming – if his team does not get serious about border protection.  While an influx of illegal aliens may seem like a fast track to illegal vote harvesting, the reverse may happen. 

In the first week of November 2021, we are watching an unprecedented breakdown of law – and law enforcement, which means respect for the law – by those governing and by those breaking the law. 

Border arrests have topped a million in 2021, not including missed and admitted. Some put the total closer to two million.  See, e.g., U.S. border arrests top 1 million in fiscal year 2021; U.S. officials come across nearly 2 million unauthorized migrants in FY 2021.

This has never happened before, and now we have “caravans” of South, Central, and globally attracted illegal aliens coming to the US, our southern border under siege, law enforcement disowned.  The Biden-Harris team is, candidly, a disgrace. 

But that is not the end of this discussion. 

Three outcomes are possible, and if the Biden crowd were watching – rather than trying to manipulate, intimidate, and socialize the nation, defund police, disarm citizens, diminish respect for parents, and destabilize political institutions – they would see the future.

First, as the border crisis becomes an interior public health and safety crisis, with midnight drops of aliens, crime soaring, concerns over COVID persisting, security rising, states are starting to move on their own to demand federal accountability and even test the constitutional limits of joint border protection.

While a concerted, lawful, and coordinated effort by concerned States to sue the federal government, deploy police, and protect their populations is admirable, the time, coordination, and funding are limited.  The threat to public health and safety is large enough; a federal response is likely critical.

Second, in consequence, the Biden team may come to their senses – and realize that, for whatever liberal, leftist, law-breaking benefits they imagined, this has become a boomerang.  The reality is that law-abiding citizens – in states blue, purple, and red – are getting fed up.  Border matter. Laws matter.

People are seeing schools, health care systems, public streets, health, and safety compromised.  They are watching an abdication of responsibility – by this president, vice president, cabinet, and Congress – and saying “enough.”  The penalty will be at the polls, and early signs are mounting.   See, e.g., New Harvard-Harris Poll Shows Broad Opposition to Biden’s Border Policies; It’s not just Republicans. Everyone’s mad at Biden over migration.; Mo Brooks: Biden should be impeached for allowing illegal alien ‘invasion’ of southern border.

The third option, while less likely, is worrisome.  It should keep Biden-Harris awake.  If they let go of this kite string and mass swarms of illegal aliens penetrate the border in numbers that overwhelm law enforcement – which is largely based on deterrence – things will not go well.

The lesson of history is that people protect their families, homes, communities, states, and the country.  The concern is that lawlessness, permitted and even encouraged by this Biden team, will redound to their overwhelming detriment – if Americans seek, for lack of a better phrase, vigilante justice.

The point is that laws must be enforced or public trust in their efficacy, and in leaders, slips.  Rather ironically, the word “vigilante” comes from Spanish, originally Latin.  It means “watchman” and derives from the Latin “vigliantem,” or “watchful, anxious, careful.” 

When vigilant, we are alert.  Attending a vigil, we are awake.  And historically, when the frontier got too wild, “vigilance committees” formed.

The upside was people care about their homes and lives – and will not allow them to be lost.  The downside was darker.  Vigilante violence, made heroic in comics, is lawlessness. It undermines lawful institutions and trust in-laws by society, a shift from the public trust to distrust of institutions and leaders.

When public distrust grows to a level when vigilantes appear, the reality is that law enforcement, the rule of law, and respect for the law – as well as for leaders and institutions on republics depend – have vanished. The risks incurred are high, and the failure of leadership is clear.

The prayer is that we will not get to that point, but Biden-Harris and their indifferent, ignoble behavior is chaffing, clearly straining the public trust.  Likely, people will exercise lawful, electoral, and constitutional prerogatives – using free speech, protests, demands, and their vote to put things right.

Fear is that Biden-Harris and their inept, leftist team – will not hear the public outcry, not understand how serious it is, do not want to hear the American people are fed up with open borders. 

An administration that can deploy coercive power of the Justice Department against parents at school board meetings that have tried to restrict First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Tenth Amendment rights is on thin ice, on the wrong path. 

Americans will not, in the end, put up with open borders.  To think so is a profound misjudgment.  Just as Americans will not put up forever with unconstitutional mandates, forced job loss, distorted public education, accelerating homicides, endless federal spending, runaway inflation, lack of accountability in other areas, the border is becoming a material concern for all Americans, not just those on the border. 

Optimally, as these mega–caravans approach, the Biden team will finally realize borders matter, and whatever gains they thought went with illegal migration, they are now dwarfed by public distrust. Whatever misconceived value in promoting lawlessness has all vanished. 

If Biden-Harris are smart, they will see Democrats are in trouble. Signs are everywhere.  Opening the border was a bad call.  Time exists to reverse course, protecting the interior from an unlawful onslaught.  If they do not, governors – and citizens – are about fed up.  2022 could be the biggest rout in decades.

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3 years ago


The Biden administration and the Democrat Party in general don’t look at their man-made border crisis the same way you or I would. To them, the plan is working beautifully regarding their ability to import millions of people a year into the country, that are already accustomed to living in a socialist environment the Democrats are striving to create here.

The Democrats view it as a political necessity to flood the country with as many illiterate, illegal aliens as humanly possible to permanently change the voting dynamics of the United States towards one that overwhelmingly favors socialism. It is the ONLY way, they can achieve their long-term goals. If anything after the recent election results, what I see from the Biden administration and the Democrat-controlled Congress is a sense of urgency to speed up the whole process at the southern border. All so the mid-terms will be rendered a basically a non-event in terms of the ability to undo the lasting damage.

ICE and the Border Patrol have both been essentially ordered to stand down by the White House. The entire focus at the southern border is now devoted to processing as many illegal aliens as possible and shipping them all over the country. We’re currently on track to have over 4 million new illegal aliens imported into this country by the time the mid-terms roll around. The Democrats are paying the long game. Added to the over 40 million illegals already living here, that would give the Democrats a lot of votes going into the mid-terms, which is their plan to blunt the will of the American people.

As for Congress, the response from this week’s election results is that the Democrats are now packing MORE items into their Build Back America Better reconciliation bill to institutionalize more social welfare programs into the federal budget ahead of the mid-terms. Again, with the goal of trying to render the mid-terms an almost non-event, as permanent damage would have already been done.

It may be nice to view the administration and the Democrat Party as simply misguided or unaware of what their policies would do, but that simply isn’t the case. There is simply too much evidence, both documented and verbal, over the last decade that points directly to their current policies being a strategic vision for them. They are just far more open about it as their end goal comes firmly into view.

3 years ago

Our so-called President is in full blown dereliction of duty to this country. He is breaking the law. He and Kamala both need to be marched out of the WH in shackles before we are taken over by drug cartels, human traffickers and crime running rampant in every Dem run city in America. Enough is enough, they have done so much damage already, and it is getting worse.

3 years ago

Absolutely correct!

Bob Carboni
Bob Carboni
3 years ago

There could come a point in the coming days when the border states populations say ‘enough’ and take things into their own hands. This could create vigilantes guarding borders and beating back illegals or shooting them before they get close to the borders.

3 years ago

Someone said A week or so ago that the cartels were firing live rounds into the US from the Mexico side. My response to Governor Abbott was: return fire and if innocents are killed as a result that’s just the way it goes. Then maybe some of those people would stay away from the border.

3 years ago

Biden administration is fearlessly ignoring the Supreme Court…at the beginning this crisis…I knew they were trying to buy voters at taxpayers’ expense…our government make up their own laws…Obama’s 3rd term…

3 years ago

BIden & Harris are doing NOTHING to help because they are the very people that caused it in the first place ! Along with soros that is funding the illegals & terrorists & 7/8 of Congress that are also criminal enemies of America .

3 years ago

Biden has opened the borders for one specific purpose. All those illegals will wind up on welfare and, once he provides a path to citizenship which he is sure to do, they will become democratic voters to continue the welfare/socialistic state. Biden is not dumb and anyone who believes he is is kidding him/herself.

G Mitchell
G Mitchell
3 years ago


3 years ago

Border States need to mobilize the National Guard. It has been obvious from the start that Traitors Bide, Harris, Pelosi and Schumer want to flood the country with undocumented Democrats.
Time to get very physical at the borders. Our country is being invaded.
Where the hell are the Republicans ? Where the hell are the marches and protests ?
Wake up people.. it is getting late !

3 years ago

The Biden administration has no intention of closing our borders. I’ve known that since the day Biden took office. Fortunately, based on the recent elections, we may be seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. TRUMP 2024 MAGA

3 years ago

Any person who employs any illegal must be fined very heavily . No benefits for any illegal. No free education, health care or stimulus money The illegals will move interior and take low paying jobs because many do not speak English or have any skills. This open borders for our country means we have no control of our country. biden/harris should be impeached from office and each State should immediately file a law suit against them.

Rosalee Cavanaugh
Rosalee Cavanaugh
3 years ago

So what are Citizens suppose to do? I agree that Vigilante law is lawlessness but the police and border control cannot handle the illegals. Now what? Wait for Congress? Why doesn’t Texas deputize men who want to protect our land, if not the National Guard? We cannot let that caravan pass into our country unvetted.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
3 years ago

I agree AMERICANS are fed up–the Biden fools don’t care!!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Been open since 1-20-21.
No change, No action taken by Feds

3 years ago

Why has not Congress asked WH what the plan is on Southern Border? And remember, Congress is made up of both Democrats & Republicans…………..

edgar fletcher
edgar fletcher
3 years ago

We are at a critical and dangerous point. I think people have had enough. I know I have. I believe the Biden Admin. has left the American people with no recourse. It is past time to take action.

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
3 years ago

Everything the Democrats do is to create chaos so people don’t care about right or wrong. That way when the real people start taking care of the problems the government will act like that is bad try to take everyone’s guns and then they won’t be able to stop the government and socialism takes over! It’s time to take Democrats to the wood shed either by ridicule or by making it extremely uncomfortable for them to show their face in public, kind of like what they are trying to do to us now.

Eddie Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen
3 years ago

And yet this ( D ) communist govt continues to exist. Blatantly they violate our Constitution and we can do NOTHING ? Vigilante rule must become the “law of the land.” When these invaders suddenly come up MISSING . . . . . . .
It’s up to us and the ranch owners to stop the INVASION.

R.J. from Arizona
R.J. from Arizona
3 years ago

Misfeasance, Malfeasance and Nonfeasance of office.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

The illegal boundary crossings are hurting America in so many ways, First: we don’t know the health status of any of these invaders, they are coming from country’s all over the world, many of these countries have disease’s that have been eradicated, in America, but will once again become epidemics once again. Second: we will see an increase in crime far beyond what we have seen so far (Rape, Murder, Theft, Drugs, Child molestation Gang violence, Human Trafficking). Third: Loss of jobs at the lower end of the economic scale will be done by people who don’t care and will not even try to learn English. Fourth: They will become a drag on an already stressed health system, health care denied you but will be paid for by Government. Fifth: Your voting will be useless because there will be so many of them that the numbers will be insurmountable to over came.
Uless big Government changes it polices we are in the last days of America!
God Save Our Great Nation!

3 years ago

We’ll written and spot on! The Biden administration is a disaster and they don’t give a tinkers damn what we think. I think that vigilance is much closer than we imagined. Republicans in office need to enact laws that will prevent this sitting illegal president from inflicting more damage upon its citizens and this country. We hear a lot of saber rattling but no action. Where are our congress and senate when we need them. They just sit by and watch. The tides are changing in our favor but I’m hoping it’s not too late. Impeaching the entire administration perhaps is a pipe dream but we may still have some hope. Invoke article V of the constitution may be a good start.

3 years ago

So when the dems ship illegals to our states/cities, where are they living, how are they eating, where are they getting money to survive? They aren’t just dropping them and saying fend for yourselves. Someone is supporting them with thousands and thousands of $$$$. Our tax dollars at work. I work d””” hard for every penny I get. And it’s going to support criminals, druggies, and terrorists. LGB!

bob jeffreys
bob jeffreys
3 years ago

this administration is a complete disgrace and Biden is an idiot

James Thompson
James Thompson
3 years ago

Laws are for everyone!ARREST THE ENTIRE DEMOCRATIC PARTY!! Then we’ll sort it out.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
3 years ago

Three worst presidents ever:
Senile Joe : 21st century
Jimmah Carter: 20th century
James Buchanan: 19th century
I guess DIMMs can achieve some recognition!

Nancy Langley
Nancy Langley
3 years ago

Biden gets a fence around his place. Who paid for it? But we cannot protect the American people. Open borders . He and his administration are idiots.

3 years ago

The three points cited in this article are accurate in their definitions. I have the same fear as the author…that, in light of the continued failure of the fed to do it’s duty and keep the border secure, and that states and cooperatives between states may not be sustained, and the everyday person begins to be more increasingly and directly affected by the influx of illegals (crime, costs on infrastructure, medical, housing schools, they will respond….either as individuals or groups…and that is where control will be lost. For me, it has to be the states united against the invasion….the federal government is failing all of us, and states (by citizen decree/vote) must man the ramparts. The communities closest to the border will be the first and most seriously affected…..others will follow as these people penetrate further into the cities, towns and burgs northward. No on wants vigilantism and lawlessness, but in some way we already have that, especially the lawlessness on the fed’s part. Law suits and the like do work, but I fear far too slowly ….and after it is all said and done, my last concern is what do we do with all the people who have made it in….and bring with them the multitude of accompanying problems already being felt. We need to know who they are….where they are….what they are doing…and how to remove them, if that is even possible in our present state. No enemy could have done a better job of bringing rack and ruin to the Republic than is now being done.

heil biden
heil biden
3 years ago


Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
3 years ago

When I pointed this out on another platform, that Acosta guy said, yeah, that one of the lowest news network responded, well, these people must all want, free baseball, nachos and apple pie! Can you believe it? Yes, I pointed out how this administration is ignoring our own laws and the only ones that are actually running from anything, are the ones coming from Venezuela. The only ones facing literal starvation and Communism.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

Where’s the K K K when you need them. ??? Kyle L.

3 years ago

Does anybody think that the blighten administration cares what we peons don’t like? Think again. This is an orchestrated move by obozo. It’s his 3rd term as “president”.

stewart love
stewart love
3 years ago

Biden and the Democrats don’t care one little bit!!

3 years ago

Meanwhile, sleepy Joe is having the government build a $500K wall around his private vacation home. Its funny how local officials will end up in jail for using public funds for personal gain. But not Joe!

Ron Howard
Ron Howard
3 years ago

Vigilante action may not lawful, but has been required at times in history to restore the law. I remember when many years ago in Chile or Brazil, that crime got so out of hand that some police and detectives there banded together to take vigilante action. As I recall, when a murder or serious crime happened they would round up all known criminals suspected of such crimes and execute them all, guilty or innocent. And crime suddenly diminished.

3 years ago

Do you want to stop the immigrant caravans? Napalm! You would only need to use it once. But that’s what you do when someone is invading your country. You kick them in the butt. Giving them each $450k is not going to deter anyone

Betsy t
Betsy t
3 years ago

He didn’t only bring in voters-these people are being instructed on how to get the many jobs that are opening as a result of brandon’s vaccine mandates. He’s replacing the Americans workers that were fired or resigned due to his mandates.

3 years ago

If the border’s open does this mean we can travel to Mexico at whim without having to go through any hoops and/or checkpoints much like those invaders from south of our border are doing when they enter our country illegally? Personally, I’d love to be spending a week or two on a Mexican beach somewhere along the Pacific coast right about now. I wonder if the guv’ment of mexico will toss me $450,000.00 (USD) much like biden’s doing for his new voters he’s rounded up for the liberals… the democrat party.

MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!

FJB! Let’s Go Brandon!

3 years ago

A fraudulent election will produce myriad of insanity. Venezuela is the poster-child for this kind of thing – it gutted their economy and removed any semblance of voice from the people. Virtually ANY political party that embraces anything proposed by a democratic administration are genuinely, criminally insane. . .and have been for quite some time – for everyone to see. The kicker is, they also KNOW full well that the election that put them in power was compromised and fraudulent. I find it mighty curious that we hear nothing but crickets from the Clinton’s and Obama’s these days.

Harry L. Mallory
Harry L. Mallory
3 years ago

Would love to see the Dems get totally blown out in the mid terms. If they do then maybe we won

Kathy Konradt
Kathy Konradt
3 years ago

I pray we have free and fair Midterm elections. So much unconstitutional, even traitorous behavior and policies, with no good thing having come from this administration, makes me wonder how they get away with trying to tear us and our nation’s best apart so chaos defines it.

Joanne 4 justice
Joanne 4 justice
3 years ago

The existing illegals have not assimilated and ALL illegals have not been appropriately vetted???? I’m reading chilling stories about illegals esp
those who have been previously deported, committing MURDERS, RAPE AND MOLESTING CHILDREN !!!!!!
This situation is glaringly WRONG !!!! ARE THE SOCIALIST DEMS SO

3 years ago

We do not live in the level of technology and public political awareness throughout the population of the pre DemocRat triggered depression of the 1930’s. The world is not the same an we must expect out politicians to realize that this Nation is reach much closer to population ideality in many ways. We can’t continue to absorb people from foreign nations that evacuate because their circumstances are not prosperous or even middle class in their home nation. I think the USA has been charitable to many Nations and peoples over the many past decades, especially post Civil War., People in foreign Nations need to tend to their own well being … and that depends on the system and administration of their governments for the most part. The many reasons that it is unwise to have an open door policy regarding immigration, especially unauthorized immigration are so numerous and important to our own Nation’s welfare, that it can not be tolerated .. as much as we might sympathy for the reasons people want to migrate to this Nation. Illegal mass immigration is no longer a plus for this Nation as it was a century or more ago. The only push for it now is by DemocRats trying to garner a group of people that they can control politically.

3 years ago

Only have to shoot a handful of these criminal invaders, and “Illegal Immigration” will stop! Of course, we are not Nazis or a Communist Block Country, well, not yet, anyway! I somehow doubt that when Americans are trying to LEAVE this country, because it isn’t the America we know any more, I’m willing to bet that the Socialists won’t have that compunction…

JJ Johnson-Smith
JJ Johnson-Smith
3 years ago

The American People have already passed the breaking point and are at the VIGILANTE Point. We are arming ourselves more every day, preparing to protect OUR families and interests from criminals crossing the border and over-reaching government entities. We have a CRIMINAL ADMINISTRATION in the White House and Congress, and we are NOT going to be still or silent. Not too many years ago, these officials would have been dragged from their offices and put on trial, then faced a firing squad. Today, Congressional Republicans just allow the Democrats to run wild at the cost of American’s lives and Freedoms. So what is left to the People but to enforce the laws themselves?

3 years ago

Joe Hidin’ Biden and the DemocRats handling of the Border Crisis and related issues is pure insanity. The only remedy available is to refuse to vote for ANY Democrat at any level of politics (city, state, school board, Naional, etc). It is now in a state of utter madness. It competes with anything I can think of that a political Constitutional Democracy might do and comes up as irrational, anti-American traditional, and just plumb nutty. I pray the Lord will help us.

3 years ago

Well, let’s see if we can recall what really got us in this nightmarish National position. Hmm. My nomination for the major flaw that caused the present situation: A rigged election that put a lying, crook, who has the brains of a rock, is running the government. Seems to me they major priority is to make all haste to design a voting .system that CANOT be rigged.

3 years ago

Yes we are fed up and we the people want something done. Trump would have been on the slaughter table had he done one tenth of what this idiot has done. This whole Administration has lost their minds. Get them OUT BEFORE THERE IS NO MORE AMERICA. Obama is on his 3rd term by advising and basically running this Country into poverty.

3 years ago

Why have the republicans not impeached Biden, Harris and pelosi for killing Americans and open border?Someone need to put a bullet between there eyes.wake up America .

3 years ago

Americans are “fed up” with Joe Hidin’ Biden. And the DemocRats are in disarray about how to go about fixing it. It is disturbing that “better Red than dead” might be on the DamnocRats list of options. I once heard a lawyer opine that a good prosecutor could convict a ham sandwich. Well, in this case, a good disguised political Party (DemonRats) has shown they can get an idiot elected to POTUS (by rigging an election). I’m getting the feeling that the Commie loving DemocRat Party has become the “better Red than dead” Party.

Abortion law in USA concept. Pregnancy termination ban. Judge gavel and Abortion Law book on US flag, close up view
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Flag of Maine USA state on a textured background. Concept collage.
WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 5: Jayanta Bhattacharya, U.S. President Donald Trump's nominee to be Director of the National Institutes of Health, speaks at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions on Capitol Hill on March 5, 2025 in Washington, DC. A Stanford University professor, Bhattacharya spoke out about shutdowns and vaccine policies during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)

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