Should people in the United States illegally be eligible for taxpayer-funded healthcare benefits?
A group of 15 Republican attorneys general say no, and they’ve filed a multi-state lawsuit to prevent the Biden-Harris administration efforts to do just that.
The lawsuit is led by Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach.
“Illegal aliens shouldn’t get a free pass into our country. They shouldn’t receive taxpayer benefits when they arrive, and the Biden-Harris administration shouldn’t get a free pass to violate federal law. That’s why I am leading a multi-state lawsuit to stop this illegal regulation from going into effect,” Kobach said.
The lawsuit was joined by attorneys general from Alabama, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Virginia.
At issue is the White House’s attempt to allow illegal immigrants covered by DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) to get access to taxpayer-subsidized healthcare through Obamacare, aka the Affordable Care Act. Under the new rule, implemented by the Biden administration’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), DACA enrollees “will have access to insurance and related financial assistance such as tax credits and reduced out-of-pocket costs under the change,” Reuters reports.
The AGs say this is a clear violation of federal law that prohibits giving public benefits to people who lack legal immigration status.
“We believe this new CMS rule ignores the clear intent of Congress and threatens to misuse taxpayer money from New Hampshire and across the nation. It’s crucial that federal regulations follow legal limits established by Congress and don’t go beyond what the law allows to ensure that taxpayer funds are used properly,” said New Hampshire Attorney General John Formella.
DACA is a program that covers illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children, many brought here by their parents. As of December 31, 2023, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) reported more than 530,000 active (DACA) recipients. The Migration Policy Institute (MPI) estimates that, if the policy were fully implemented — an idea supported by Harris — 1,161,000 people would be eligible.
And under the new White House policy, they would be eligible for the same taxpayer-funded benefits as legal U.S. residents.

(CREDIT: Lorie Shaull via Flickr)
The debate over benefits for illegal aliens has heated up with Harris’ pick of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) as her running mate. As governor, Walz signed legislation making illegal immigrants eligible for taxpayer-subsidized state health care benefits starting in 2025, and at a cost of $109 million. He also expanded free tuition and fees at two- and four-year public colleges in the state to include illegal aliens whose families earn less than $80,000.
He signed a law letting people in Minnesota obtain driver’s licenses regardless of immigration status, and he implemented “sanctuary state” policies, making it easier for illegal immigrants to remain in his state and evade law enforcement.
The Trump campaign is targeting the Harris-Walz ticket over what it calls the “open borders” policies of Democrats, and New Hampshire Republicans are also making illegal immigration an issue in November’s elections for Congress and governor.
“The new Biden-Harris rule will worsen the disaster at the border,” Kobach wrote in a Wall Street Journal op-ed. “When word about taxpayer-subsidized healthcare reaches the home countries of would-be illegal aliens, many more will make the journey. When you reward illegal behavior, you get more of it.”
Michael Graham is Managing Editor at InsideSources.
Reprinted with Permission from DC Journal – By Michael Graham
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.
I don’t believe anyone in our country illegally should be able to vote, receive benefits, or get a driver’s license. There are plenty of legitimate avenues to come to the United States.
0f course not because U.S. citizens, especially vets, need to be taken care of. These people don’t even have a right to be here, they’re ILLEGALS and we literally owe them nothing, ????
And next, they will allow them to vote. I intend to continue to call these people illegal immigrants because that’s what they are. Did anyone stop to think that the Biden-Harris group know where large numbers of these people are and how easy it would be to let them vote? I am a senior citizen who’s on Medicare. I worked all my life for these benefits- seniors will get less coverage to help pay for the illegals. It’s bad enough that we already have to buy all kinds of supplements to cover what Medicare doesn’t cover.
How many babies are born here every year at tax payer expense and automatically receiving a citizenship ? Of course “immigrants” expect the benefits and more. Why else would they be here? Where else on earth would they have it so good? It is easy to be generous when it costs you nothing. Taxpayer has broad shoulders and bottomless pockets Politician has a bottomless mouth.
Nothing for illegals except deportation.
As long as there is a corrupt government that takes taxpayer funds and distributes to those they subsidize in exchange for votes nothing changes.
Absolutely abominable!!…meanwhile, retirees are being taxed on 85% of their social security if they earn too much income!!!
It seems some are finally waking up and realizing the corruption in this administration and it is our prayer that they will choose to vote in favor of the legal citizens of our country.
They are here ILLEGALLY and have ZERO rights in any way shape or form including government benefits.
What part of ILLEGAL do they not understand?
It is time for the American Taxpayer to stand up and speak out on this issue. First item on the agenda camping out at the politicians homes and demanding answers for all of this nonsense. Did ‘we’ the taxpayer authorize these actions? Of course not. Our country is being invaded and stripped of its wealth and resources. It is now time to fight back and hold these lame brained politicians accountable. ‘They’ want this… not the American Taxpayer. Action is what’s needed now. We’ve talked enough already.
Get these Disgusting Politicians out of Office, strip them of their Pay (then you’ll see some action) this is Treason to America from within!
American vet need should be first.
America Has enough Free loaders No work No Pay If Employers Paying For Healthcare Not Tax Payer!!!
When Obama managed to illegally get this through (even HE knew it was unconstitutional and he didn’t have the power!!), I knew it would only get worse. I really do NOT understand why sane people, of either party, refuse to face the fact that illegals are a serious threat to America. It boggles my mind, honestly. Heck, why not just offer health insurance and other benefits to people of any country living anywhere in the world?
Why not do what you want, marxist F’s… The press will cover for you. You know how to stop all the bad stuff from being enacted? Have Trump propose it! Dems and their press lackeys will automatically be against it!
They deserve nothing! In fact Article 3 Section III Paragraph 1 of the United States Constitution states that ANYONE giving aid, shelter, or comfort to an enemy is guilty of Treason. biden, harris, and the rest of the brainwashed fools need to be arrested for treason. The illegals have broken our laws, many are known terrorists yet harris who’s the border czar have only give. Aid, Comfort, food and shelter, plus more. Why are they not in prison? pea brain obiden should be locked up with his understudy. biden says NO ONE is above the law! Well, arrest his sorry ass.If Trump didn’t he would be in a dungeon.
Perhaps we should try giving some help to legitimate citizens. My son only makes $800 a week. He has no money for health insurance if he wants to keep a roof over his family’s head. He has three children and his wife babysits for two others to help the budget. They get food stamps but have to continually prove they need them, even under the current regime in DC.
A couple weeks ago our daughter-in-law was in severe pain and we thought she might have appendicitis. Their only recourse was to take her to the emergency room, especially since it was on a Sunday. After seven hours it was determined it was nothing serious and she was feeling better so they sent her home. Last week they received a bill for the emergency room treatment – $20,000. Now where are these young people already strapped to the limit financially to get that kind of money. The hospital wants $10,000 by the middle of August. If they don’t pay it, which they can’t and we can’t either being senior citizens and being largely on a fixed income, their credit which at the moment is very good will be destroyed.
We’re all getting sick and tired of getting the dregs our country has to offer while those who have infiltrated our country get the cream. My daughter-in-law has some form of Medicaid but it won’t pay a dime toward her emergency room care but it keeps her from being able to use the OB/GYN she has used for years in favor of the one they want her to use. Something really needs to be done about healthcare in this country and it’s not what’s been being done for the past several years. When I started working right after high school in 1965 I wasn’t making much but I had healthcare with the company I worked for. It cost me about $17 a month. It was catastrophic care and I paid for doctor visits out-of-pocket till I reached a deductible, which being young I never reached because I rarely went to the doctor. But back then doctors had their clinics in their homes and a visit to the doctor cost $10. Right now our health care is an industry that is all about the Benjamins and not much about the health and welfare of the citizens of this country. Well that is if you are a born citizen, otherwise it appears you get a free ride.
I see OUR money that WE’VE paid taxes on, continues to be given freely away by the Democrats. If Harris is voted in as President, she and Walz will continue to do so also. At this rate, the deficit will never come down.
Reminds me of the 1860 campaign. The Confederacy was importing slaves illegally for decades. Lincoln wanted to end slavery and repatriate them.
Word Choice Matters! We need to reclaim the TRUE meaning of words and language.
By definition – if you break the laws of a sovereign nation you have committed a CRIME.
If you cross over a sovereign nations borders any where except the legal ports of entry – you are by definition – an INVADER and have committed a CRIME.
If you ignore the legally passed immigration laws of a sovereign nation and cross the legally defined borders into that sovereign nation in violation of those constitutionally passed immigration laws – by definition you are an INVADER and have committed a CRIME.
Please start using the correct word choice and language – CRIMINIAL INVADER!
People who are illegally in this country should be removed and charged for any expenses incurred in their removal. They should have zero entitlements to the money earned by the citizens of the USA.
I choose for my tax dollars to help Americans, especially vets.
The SCOTUS has declared on at least two occasions that DACA is unconstitutional. That means that anyone in this country under the DACA Program is here illegally. No one in this country illegally should be entitled to anything other than the nearest jail cell until they are deported. Period.
The Democrats are spending My money faster then I can earn it !
Anyone in this country that is not a citizen should not get any benefits or vote or get drivers license, a lot of citizens here are in a world of hurt time to deport those that came here from the southern border we can not take care of that many people and not take care of those here that are homeless that includes out Vets as well.
The ILLEGALs of this country deserve one thing. A one-way ticket to the country of origin. I Welcome Legal Immigrants with open arms.
My God………..common sense. This rare act of governance should spread beyond the actions of states attorney generals into the entirety of governance.
But it wont.
People, in politics, love to spend other people’s money. They have no restraints.
I think the overturning of the Chevron Deference put a stop to agencies ability to enact new “laws”, mandates, policies, etc.