Federal law is clear – protests at or near homes of Supreme Court Justices are illegal, punishable by a year in prison. Why? To protect justices and prevent intimidation. Biden’s pro-abortion Attorney General Merrick Garland refuses to enforce the law – even after a protestor tried to kill a justice. The time has come to fish or cut bait – He must either enforce the law or resign.
18 USC 1507 is not ambiguous. It reads: “Whoever, with the intent of … influencing any judge … in the discharge of his duty, pickets … in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge … or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.”
Supporting cases are clear. In Grace, et al, v. Burger (1981), the DC Circuit held: “We emphasize that expressive conduct designed to disrupt the Supreme Court or to in any way influence the administration of justice is not protected by our opinion today,” adding “Such conduct is properly prohibited by 18 U.S.C. § 1507.”
Can the law be any clearer? We do not want judges and justices intimidated, threatened, placed in fear for their lives or the lives of their children – full stop. We do not tolerate that behavior in a nation premised on rulings by an independent judiciary.
AG Garland is not ignorant, he is willful – and willfully choosing not to enforce this critical federal law. He sat on the DC circuit in the decade after that ruling. He knows the law.
Not only have we seen extreme protests at the homes of five Supreme Court Justices – whose names are on an illegally leaked draft opinion reversing Roe v. Wade, but these justices have been personally threatened, as have their children. This is a clear attempt at intimidation.
Justice Kavanaugh escaped death by swift action of two US Marshalls. This fact alone changes the lives of justices, their families, and the notion of respect for a judiciary independent of politics – forever.
If he had been killed, or if any justice is harmed, we face a national crisis of untold proportions – the unprecedented killing of a sitting justice, presumably a conservative, who would then be replaced by a Democrat president and congress, would thoroughly undermine civic respect, civil order, and would likely lead to mass violence across the country. History teaches, we must learn.
That Biden did nothing – and continues to do nothing – to discourage such violence, just as he did nothing during violent 2020 race riots, is a disgrace. That a Democrat Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer, threatened justices reversing Roe “would pay” is abhorrent, utterly irresponsible That Speaker Pelosi has gone so far as to encourage violence, pushing “righteous anger,” is an abomination.
But the abdication of responsibility that warrants reversal, impeachment, or resignation is by AG Garland. This AG was ten when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, lived through killings of former AG and candidate Robert Kennedy, civil rights leader Martin Luther King.
If any generation – any person – should understand the horrifying and destabilizing effects of political violence against any leader, president, candidate, former AG, civil rights leader – or Supreme Court justice – with nerves raw, Democrats in charge – it is AG Garland.
To be blunt, there is no excuse – absolutely none – for not enforcing laws written to protect the Supreme Court, sitting Justices, their families, and Republic itself. Not to do so is more than bad judgment, more than e triumph of dirty politics over our independent judiciary, more than wrongheaded, narrow-minded, or simply irresponsible.
Not to pull all stops, get the president, vice president, all congressional leaders, cabinet members, and national voices to plead for no violence – is to invite it. Not to prosecute those in clear violation of federal law intended to protect our judiciary, is to be complicit in potential violence.
The time is now to step up, to arrest and prosecute ALL those violating federal law, seeking to intimidate, threaten, and otherwise impair the independence of our federal judiciary. Ironically, AG Garland is a former judge himself – who knows that this is essential to protect the nation.
Putting a fine point on this abdication of responsibility and defiance of his sworn duty, the present moment must trigger one of three actions – either a swift reversal by AG Garland resulting in prosecutions that deter future violence, his resignation, or impeachment.
Given that AG Garland seems unwilling to enforce federal law, thus puts justices in fear and at risk; given that Democrats in House and Senate are not going to impeach him but cheer his abdication of constitutional responsibility – reality is this. If AG Garland will not enforce laws to prevent and deter violence, protect the High Court and justices, he should resign.
Great article and they all should be held accountable with the main one to be punished is Shumer.
This administration continues to ignore the law, ignore judges’ rulings, and cater to a radical agenda by hook or crook. Joe, Pelosi, Schumer, et al are repugnant, reptilian, loathsome, lower than snakes creatures. Their recklessness is a wretched, gagging, stink to all Americans.
The AG needs to start with UpChuck since he first stirred this witches brew and UpChuck needs to be barred from holding any further gov’t position.
No one in Washington is held accountable regardless of their office
How about this.
Article V Convention of States
Could this be our out to saving our country?
He should actually face charges of treason along with this entire administration.
He won’t resign because he’s in favor of all the Dumbocrats agendas. If a Supreme Court Justice is killed that allows Joe BiteMe to nominate some lineral nutcase to the bench.
Schumer is a treasonous SOB and Garland is a bigger one!! Garland heads the DOJ (Dodgers of Justice) and Schumer leads a constituency that has almost never voted with their brains or Schumer would have been history a long time ago!
I agree totally, AG Garland should resign in disgrace for completely failing at his responsibilities.
The Democrats defy their sworn duty to uphold the law frequently, whenever it suits them. This started with Obama and now is Democrat culture. If they willfully choose to not enforce the law then they are complicit criminals and should be prosecuted. Civilization itself demands the Rule of Law or we begin creating anarchy. Resigning is not enough – Punishment is required or nothing will change. ENFORCE THE LAW!
The criminals are running and ruining this great country. Even if the GOP takes over Congress in November there are so many RINOS that we will still not have accountability and justice. Our country will never recover, and that is so sad.
Democrats choose politics over law too often!
Send Marshall’s to arrest him dereliction of duty
This is why most of us think that the Democrat party is the works of evil. They like people to suffer to get there own way. Pretty soon people will wake up and there might be a war against the leftists that history won’t forget. Even with to much steam it will explode
Demacrats are not Real Americans anymore their on the road to Communist!
Garland, his day will come without all those pretorian guards around him, enough said.
Phaq Garland his day is coming, enough said.
Garland must take corrective action in accordance with federal statutes to protect all justices.
Sadly RBC, the prospect of AG Garland either upholding the law in this matter or resigning is something that is NOT going to happen. His boss, President Biden, doesn’t seem to have a problem with the way AG Garland is doing or should I say NOT DOING his job. As a matter of fact, AG Garland seems to be doing exactly what his boss wants in terms of selective prosecution and arrests. There isn’t even the attempt to appear anything but completely biased and partisan. If the intended target is a Republican individual or group or even just conservative principles, then it is open season for whatever sort of illegal or violent activity a perpetrator wants to carry out.
As for Congress, neither Nancy Pelosi nor Chuck Schumer seem terribly concerned about the way AG Garland is doing his job. If anything, they both seem quite pleased that AG Garland as been so willing to go after anyone who speaks up at school board meetings or voices an opposing point of view from Democrat progressive policy as “domestic terrorists”. So don’t expect any sort of backlash from the Democrat controlled Congress on the way AG Garland is doing his job. Just be thankful he isn’t sitting on the Supreme Court these days as a Justice. He would make Justice Sotomayor look downright moderate in some ways.
As of said before, this is the sort of activity you see in third world despotic regimes or Russia or China. Where the rule of law is whatever the top guy says it is and if you are arrested, you are assumed to be guilty and the trial is just a formality.
Resignation starts with Garland. Interpretation of law his way, WRONG. And would have been a Supreme Court Justice under Obama appointment. Yeah!
They won’t execute the law because all the protesters are Democrats as was the guy who attempted to kill Kavanaugh. Same with the media as usual. Remember all they got away with the last few years. Because we need to take our turn damn soon!
They don’t enforce the law because they do not care what you and I think, what they care about is the power and money that gets them what they want. They’re not interested in the legal part just in the part that fits their particular agenda and what makes them the biggest payday!!!
You know that this Nazi, Garland, isn’t going to prosecute his good comrade that threatened Kavanagh. That’s what “useful idiots” are for
Senator smuck should be held accountable for what has happened
Since he hasn’t done anything already, he should be fired by “We the People”….help, Patriots by doing your part in standing for our laws!! You will be next if you don’t!! Demand action from your representatives!!
ARE IN .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ILLEGIT!
Can you imagine, This guy was supposed to be a Supreme Court Nominee, Thankfully his nomination was blocked
AG Garland -ENFORCE THE LAW! That’s your JOB!
Democrats are allowed to do whatever they want. Democrats want conservative judges killed so the poop your pants. president can appoint liberal judges.
Peaceful as a qualifier? Democrats keep saying the protests have been peaceful, the law does not use that qualifier, I would interpret that any protest would be unlawful.
How about: “Enforce the Law or be brought up on a charge of Treason”
News flash,demorats only resign when arrested.Then they will take there time.So do not hold your breath as you will pass out before he resigns..
They’re hoping that one or more of the conservative justices will be killed so that they can continue killing the babies.
As Joe Biden’s “wingman”, Garland will not resign.
Thank Mitch McConnell for keeping him off the SC.
Garland should definitely resign BUT Slow Joe is the “chief executive;” meaning HE swore to enforce the law (as the Constitution requires). That’s a lot worse than making a phone call to someone!
Congress is busy passing a new law to protect justices while a useless attorney general refuses to enforce the current law to protect them. Really stupid.
If only the tried and true laws that already exist were actually applied, one might be surprised at how well and peaceful life would be.
He never should have been appointed to AG in the first place. He is just as corrupt as Holder was as we now all see. He is part of the progressive movement which makes him unable to apply justice and fairness equally to all citizens .For the sake of equal justice under the law, which he refuses to apply, he must resign or be fired. He took an oath and falsely agreed to it. Shame on him.
Exactly right. Some of us were not far away when a hit man killed Judge John Wood in San Antonio. There is no rational defense for the refusal to enforce this very clear law. And Obama wanted to put the man on the Supreme Court?!
This man is a disgrace and should be removed immediately. he is not enforcing the border or forcing bail reform. What has he done? NOTHING
I Thank God He Wasn’t Appointed A Supreme Court Judge. I Feel He Is Doing All That He Hasn’t Done In Spite Like a Spoiled Child. ( getting even)
I agree with the article whole hardheartedly, but with this justice department we have now, I’d be surprised if the two marshals that thwarted the attempted murder of Justice Kavanaugh and fulfilled their oath of office don’t get reprimanded and reassigned to some remote posting like Death Valley or Nome Alaska.
It is unheard of in this administration to demand of their staff and cabinet to uphold their oath of office as they swore when taking office.
Completely agree. He needs to DO HIS JOB OR RESIGN!!!!!@
Since this criminal, corrupt, treasonous, illegitimate administration assumed control, I have been asking the same question: Where do you go, to whom do you turn, when those whose job and responsibility it is to enforce our laws (the AG and the DOJ) not only are not interested in doing their job, but are themselves involved in breaking laws? Where do you go?
Totally agree!
They have weaponised our government branches and bureaus against their political enemies (which are American Citizens). The entire cabal that continues with this cancerous corruption has played a very dangerous game.
It’s not just shameful hypocrisy, hideous commie tactics, but totally illegal on its face. Accountability, Equality, FAIR and Balanced, that’s gone now.
What does AMAC believe the American Citizens should do with this? If you say vote their butts out of office – we’ve been doing that since 2010 but they figured out how to cheat, steal, lie, conceal and totally cover up their crimes in elections and grafts. Instead, they blame their political enemies of the criminal activities they’re doing, done and will do.
So, there’s a clock that is counting down. It’s their game and they are good at it. Can we beat them? Poll Challengers, Election Inspectors, Workers, and Vote. If everyone is involved and not just for 1 election, maybe we can make a difference.
I’m afraid that 4 decades of yelling about the stupid debts the UNIPARTY in DC has put on our future generations has UNIPOTTIED THEIR PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS
This sounds the same as the AG refusing to prosecute border regulations.He needs to go now and a lot of the AG’s across the country need to go with him!!!
Now that the congress passed the judicial protection bill I say someone like local law enforcement or the FBI should make an arrest and see what the AG does.
I guess we know he is going to do neither. We sure dodged that bullet when he wasn’t appointed to the Supreme Court.
Could it be a streak of jealousy? After all, AG Garland was nominated for the Supreme Court but was soundly denied the seat. Perhaps he just can’t stand to see the justices going about their business without him as an associate…so a threat against the office that he was denied may be, in his view, justice. How sad that those sworn to follow, uphold and protect the United States Constitution can so casually and cavalierly toss their oath aside for petty partisan politics…and he is a stunning example of that. Once you give up your integrity you can never quite recover it.
The continued lack of application of the law will be the cause for far too many troubles to count for this nation. AG’s are supposed to be the champion of the law and stand firm, but they are now no more than political hands puppeted by those who occupy the seats of power. This applies on every level…federal, state, and even locally when judges and magistrates foot around and let law breakers walk. Anarchy is the goal……and it seems they are succeeding.
Who will Make This Happen?