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After San Antonio Blocks Chick-Fil-A, Texas Conservatives Reignite Fight for Religious Freedom

Posted on Thursday, April 18, 2019
by Outside Contributor

Chick-fil-a religious freedom conservativesChick-fil-A may cater, but not to the demands San Antonio liberals care about. Now, three weeks into the City Council’s decision to ban the restaurant from the local airport, Texas conservatives know: This case for their religious liberty bill was made to order.

“Everyone has a place here, and everyone should feel welcome when they walk through our airport,” City Councilman Roberto Treviño told the media after the council’s 6-4 vote to boot the chicken chain from opening a shop in the terminal. Why? Because the owners dare to donate to charities like the Salvation Army. “Ridiculous!” Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, responded on Twitter. “That’s not Texas,” he argued.

Unfortunately, the state’s conservatives worry, that will be Texas if something isn’t done to protect religious freedom.

“With this decision,” Treviño insisted, the council “reaffirmed the work [San Antonio] has done to become a champion of inclusion.” Until, of course, that “inclusion” applies to people who support natural marriage and sexuality. Where’s the equality for them? That’s a question the Lone Star State is trying to answer with the introduction of HB 1035, the Free to Believe Act, and the First Amendment Defense Act.

Chick-fil-A may be a private company, but that doesn’t mean it has to surrender its beliefs at the dining room door. And the same goes for any American trying to live out their faith in the public square.

The San Antonio City Council thinks it can’t, “in good conscience,” sign an airport agreement with a business owned by Christians. But isn’t that exactly what this debate is about—conscience? Just because the Cathy family owns a national restaurant chain doesn’t mean they’re excluded from the First Amendment.

Regardless of what liberals say, religious freedom isn’t just for churches. It’s for every business, wedding vendor, adoption agency, charity, doctor—every citizen. And that’s what HB 1035 is hoping to remind Texans.

“We’re waking up in an era where Christian faith, specifically, seems to be under attack,” said Republican state Sen. Charles Perry. In the current political climate, he’s worried Christians can’t practice their faith openly without facing consequences—including the loss of their jobs and livelihood.

Under the Free to Believe Act, government officials can’t punish Texans for thinking differently than the radical left. That’s just “a license to discriminate,” LGBT activists argue.

Not true, Republicans like Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick fired back. No one is trying to create a religious excuse for businesses to turn people away. No believer I know would want that—let alone lobby for it. As even Chick-fil-A has said, everyone should feel welcome at its restaurant.

This debate has never been about Christians discriminating against anyone—it’s about stopping the government from discriminating against them.

Even in some of the more high-profile wedding vendor cases, where the left is trying to paint Christians as intolerant monsters who want to slam the door shut on same-sex couples, you’ll find that—to a person—each shop owner was more than happy to sell the activists something off their shelves. In fact, Barronelle Stutzman of Arlene’s Flowers considered the man who sued her to be one of her best customers.

I knew he was in a relationship with a man and he knew I was a Christian. But that never clouded the friendship for either of us or threatened our shared creativity—until he asked me to design something special to celebrate his upcoming wedding. If all he’d asked for were prearranged flowers, I’d gladly have provided them. If the celebration were for his partner’s birthday, I’d have been delighted to pour my best into the challenge. But as a Christian, weddings have a particular significance.

In Chick-fil-A’s case, the left’s overreaction is almost comical. The Cathy family hasn’t done any overt lobbying on natural marriage for years. In fact, they’ve intentionally backed away from taking a stand on issues of biblical morality—yet still, they’re a target.

That ought to show everyone that there’s just no appeasing the left. Simply being a Christian in the workforce—even a polite and politically silent one—is enough to draw the liberals’ wrath.

But the Democrats’ new terrain, where your personal views disqualify you from participating in society, is a dangerous precedent.

If liberals choose not to eat Chick-fil-A, that’s their right. Just like it’s our right not to shop at Target until they stop putting women and children in danger with their bathroom policies. What isn’t our decision—or theirs—is to exclude these businesses from the market altogether.

Originally published in Tony Perkins’ Washington Update, which is written with the aid of Family Research Council senior writers.

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Frank S.
Frank S.
5 years ago

I went to Austin yesterday to testify in support of HB 1035. Unfortunately I had to leave at 6:30 PM and never had an opportunity to “say my piece.” I did hand my 2-minute testimony to the clerk…hopefully someone looked at it. If interested, here’s what I want to say:
In Defense of Chick-fil-A, or More Importantly, Our First Amendment Rights
I’m here today to specifically address the San Antonio Airport and Chick-fil-A conflict, caused by ill-guided decisions by some city council members.
As I read the United States Constitution, specifically the Preamble and the First Amendment, I’m of the strong opinion that Councilman Trevino and the five other council members who voted with him have demonstrated a failure to abide by the Rule of Law while in pursuit of their own politically correct agenda.
Clearly, this is yet another attempt by government—this time local government—to overstep their authority; it must be checked and reversed. In their effort to show their tolerance, they’ve actually demonstrated unconstitutional intolerance. Government should reflect the values of the people, particularly when there are laws to protect those values—again, I cite the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, part of our Bill of Rights. We cannot succumb to any variant of “mob rule,” where the rule of law is clearly violated in pursuit of someone’s or some group’s personal agenda.
I acknowledge the LGBTQ community has the lawful right to practice their lifestyle. For the record, I proudly gave over 32 years of my life serving in the U.S. military defending the Constitutional rights of every American, even those I may disagree with. But that does not mean I must agree with or celebrate something I may not approve of, nor have it thrown in my face at every turn. In other words, I DO NOT have to like it, but I DO have to tolerate it. But when you think about it, isn’t that the American way? It’s called “plurality”—some may even call it “diversity”—and up until recently it’s worked fairly well. Lately though, it appears Political Correctness is trumping that American tradition of plurality, much to our common detriment.
So, I have a simple and common sensical solution…let the Free-Market decide whether Chick-fil-A should continue to be a successful fast-food restaurant or not. What the owners of Chick-fil-A personally believe—or what cause they legally contribute to—should have no bearing; it’s not as if they refuse to serve or hire members of the LGBTQ community—that would be discrimination and that would be illegal. Let the public vote with their dollars. Interestingly, just this past weekend I read an article citing Chick-fil-A as McDonald’s newest and biggest competitor; I’m not surprised one bit. Government does not get to pick winners and losers, particularly when politics is the deciding factor. Councilman Trevino and the other five San Antonio City Council members should re-examine their own intolerance concerning Chick-fil-A.

Burton Pauly
Burton Pauly
5 years ago

I predict that the Chick-fil-A will win out in the San Antonio case . The left is always snubbing conservatives, and their businesses.

Bill TX3
Bill TX3
5 years ago

The left’s agenda to block anybody’s or any organizations’s right to have their own opinions, views, and beliefs that differ from the left/Democrats is the first step to Totalitarianism. All government elected officials (at all levels) and appointed government administrative officials violate their oaths to uphold the Constitution and law of the land when they act in such a manner. A bill/law must be passed which will remove those persons from their public position because of their violations of oath and law. They violate the trust of the people and the laws currently in place.

Gus Philpott
Gus Philpott
5 years ago

Heading to my nearest Chick-fil-A for lunch today. Thanks for the reminder.

5 years ago

If you’re a TRUE American that values our Constitutional Rights and Freedoms now is the time to stand tall with the Cathy Family and say NO to the Liberal Lefts incessant attempts to turn America into what Germany went through under Hitler. First the Gypsys, and the sick, then the Jews and now Her in American Christians and Jews are under attack.

Contact your Reps and Senators both locally and nationally and tell them they stand with us or they’re out!

5 years ago

Wish we had Chick -fil-A near my town. I keep hearing how good they are, like to try one.

Dr. Covert
Dr. Covert
5 years ago

I agree with you that this is Christian discrimination.

Judy Condon
Judy Condon
5 years ago

The next thing the city councilors will be doing is changing the name of the city from San Antonio (Saint Anthony) to Antonio. The left is attempting to turn us into a secular society! God help and bless this country.

5 years ago

I support Chik-Fil-A and their beliefs. Closing on Sunday may be part of the issue, but I support them to honor their sabbath. The food is wonderful, they hire seniors and teens alike, the restaurant is always clean and welcoming. I too wish we had one near us.

Susan LeVay
Susan LeVay
5 years ago

The left have become a very evil group. If they want to continue on this road, they will have to be prepared to accept God’s wrath.

5 years ago

Roberto Trevino, born and raised in Sunnyvale California, is another transplant that also brought his “blue state” ideology to Texas. In simple terms, if Chick-fil-A serves a chicken sandwich to all customers … that’s all that Roberto Trevino needs to know.

5 years ago

LBGT is wrong no matter how you slice that cake. I’m not condemning it. I’m not judging you. It’s against God’s laws and that’s all that matters. In God We Trust.

5 years ago

Chick needsctobsue these councilmen ll 5 and demand them Resign Immediately can’t allow such abuses anymore by any official including judges, congress, senate, Our CONSTITUTION as Written is the Law of the Land we must demand it is followed to the letter, can’t have Un-American people in our government anymore and remove those that are in there now. Have never seen such disgusting behavior by so called adults.

A wise observer
A wise observer
5 years ago

Per the Article, “This debate has never been about Christians discriminating against anyone—it’s about stopping the government from discriminating against them.” That is a perfect example of why the U.S. citizens of 1789 objected to the Adoption of the Constitution until they received promises that a “Bill of Rights” would be incorporated into it by having them as the first ten amendments to the new constitution. You will see that they are things to protect the citizens from an overbearing government. Today, the average citizen is most familiar with the First (Freedom of religion, speech, and the press; rights of assembly and petition) and the Second ( Right to bear arms) amendments, but less so with (3) Housing of soldiers in private residences, (4) Search and arrest warrants must be reasonable and through court orders based upon probable cause, (5) Rights in criminal cases [i.e. no double jeopardy, not testifying against yourself, not having your property taken away without proper compensation], (6) Rights to a fair trial [speedy trial by jury, to confront opposition witnesses and to subpoena defense witnesses and to have legal counsel], (7) Civil cases to be tried before a jury, (8) Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted, (9) Rights retained by the people
That these enumerated rights shall not be construed so as to exclude other rights not specifically named, (10) Any powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. You see, all these things are to limit government and keep it from being oppressive. We commonly take search warrants and jury trials for granted these days, but the colonists had first hand knowledge of living without these protections and they wisely preserved them for us today. But, as in the case of Chick-fil-A, you can see that there are constant pressures for the government to encroach beyond their constitutional limits.

5 years ago

The left seems to think that their thoughts and beliefs are what everyone should think. WRONG!! If there were a true and honest vote (one person, one vote) on this subject (or most leftist ideas) , they would lose in a landslide. Live and let live is the majority feeling. If you aren’t harming anyone, go for it. When you are looking to forcibly impose your beliefs, then there is a problem.

5 years ago

I’m so sick of these self righteous leftist screaming whenever they think someone is “judging” them, but they have no trouble judging or stereotyping those that disagree with them. If the left doesn’t like Chick-fil-A, then don’t eat there but they have NO RIGHT to stop others from going there! And how does the city elites get to determine who opens shop at the airport? Don’t the people have a say, after all, they are the ones who will use the airport? Tyranny everywhere! The left is NOT the party of compassion and inclusion but the party of conformity, tyranny, hypocrisy, perversion, and intolerance!!!! God help America!

Jon Gorman
Jon Gorman
5 years ago

Might be time for consideration of Muslim beliefs when approving applications to open any businesses. Woman’s rights, rights of gays and others are circumscribed under their belief system. Bet the cowards on that corrupt City Council would NEVER even consider acting against Islamic beliefs or their believers. Might be the end of their lives or careers. These disgusting radical liberals need to use the force of government to injure or destroy anyone NOT believing their NEWLY invented belief system. This case needs a personal law suit that will cost these criminals money from their personal accounts. Federal violations of civil rights under the color of law can be directed against elected officials PERSONALLY. Time to knock these Police State moralists out of the box.

Raymond Hudson
Raymond Hudson
5 years ago

Until I read this article, I had never had a chance to eat at Chic-fil-A.. In support of their rights, I decided to stop in and have a meal… I found that I enjoyed the food. Now I will take my wife and we will eat there more othen. Chic-fil-A we support your religious rights and you make excellent Chicken…. RH

Parker Lerew
Parker Lerew
5 years ago

Really weird system we have. Libturds take a vote for “FREE” and Conservative Christians must spend thousand$ if not million$ to fight these delusional idiots all the time. Why don’t the Conservatives hammer at the DimLib jerks the same way they do to us. We smile, fold our hands, and act saintly while they keep chanting their derangement syndrome messages all over the place.

5 years ago

The Chick FilA in Temple TX is always busy. Really long lines that move fast. Yesterday Texas Values asked that Texans support Chick FilA by eating there. My grandkids and I were there. Great service as always.

5 years ago

I’m so thankful this has been made public and everyone can see how the left is trying to change everything and take everything from us! Thank you Texas for standing for our freedoms! We can’t allow the evil left to take our constitutional freedoms! God Bless the Cathy Family!

5 years ago

Christians all over this country had better be ready for the battles to come including armed conflict. Fighting may seem to not be the “Christian” thing to do but let’s consider the Crusades and where would we be if Christian countries had not fought against evil. Consider WW1 and WW2 and what would have happened if imperialistic Japan or Nazi Germany had won. Consider the cold war and what would have happened if we had lost a war with Russia. Soviet Russia killed millions of their own people. Who would they be killing if they had conquered western countries? You can bet that Christians would have been on the list.

Georgia Womack
Georgia Womack
5 years ago

All I have to say is I have made my last trip to San Antonio!! I am a Christian and do NOT feel welcome there anymore?

5 years ago

And the “QUEER” community calls Christians intolerant? Why do straight and Christian folks have
to validate something that they believe is immoral and unnatural? It’s time to stop the twisting of
long and well defined words to meet a PC goal. Eg. Gay marriage

5 years ago

I recently moved to S.A. From Houston, everyday I’m here makes me want to return to the sanity. I should clarify by saying I lived outside of Houston proper. But if the people here would merely remove their head from their butts, my friends in Houston would certainly hear it

Archie Higgins
Archie Higgins
5 years ago

Will it be a Holy War or a war between right and wrong? There’s no black or white, there’s only right or wrong! The devilcrats are drawing a line in the sand. Maybe this
will bring out the truth about who and what has been cutting the throat of Christians. It’s time to stop riding the TAX gift and keeping the mouth shut? Giving up the right
to speak about politics was a sell out. Of course the looney left jump out of buildings if this were to happen.

Robert M McLeester
Robert M McLeester
5 years ago

If the LGBT etc etc and liberals don’t like chick-fil-a, it’s more for Christian’s! They will eat their hot chicken in hell!

5 years ago

This is another case like the ‘collusion’ B.S. and Trump. But the real aim is by the DNC’ommunist Party Putinistas who are trying to move the goal posts. They are raising hell over something they actually want, Communism! You do remember Bill’n’Billery’n’Odumer’n’Russia, right? They are heading toward Nazi’ism faster than those they are accusing of it. If a law can be passed on a local level that you are forced to believe a certain way, why can’t you pass a law leaning the opposite way! If this scam continues all over the country to undermine the Constitution you will get sued by someone everyday so they don’t have to work! If you don’t believe this just watch CAIR, SPLC, DNC, and the loons in San Antonio. Example in use today: Democrat politicians in Congress!

Rich Bower
Rich Bower
5 years ago

I have notified all of my professional & fraternal organizations I shall not be attending any Conference or Convention in San Antonio, TX if the City Council bans Chick-Fil-A.

5 years ago

I can’t figure why the lbtqrxzy crowd picks on Christians, We don’t hate any of them They have a right to do what they will. However, Islam is the religion that kills homosexuals but you don’t hear communities discriminating against Islam businesses in their towns. It’s only Christians who are discriminated against. As for me, people can do what they please as long as their “rights” don’t take away the “rights'” of others However, Liberals want us to accept their behavior no matter how warped it is. If they want to take a chance on eternal life by going against the Bible, that’s their choice and they must bear the consequences, not I. If I speak against an idea, that doesn’t mean I will not allow others to believe it. It only means that I don’t believe it and I believe I have the right to say so. No one has to agree with me………

5 years ago

Very well written, FRC. Thank you for your terse and concise comments.

Jim Celius
Jim Celius
5 years ago

Sounds like Texas has a bunch of spineless non- Christian officials. Shame on you. Frain the swamp Texas

Gail Coury
Gail Coury
5 years ago

This is truly getting ridiculous. It’s hard to believe this crap ( and I mean crap) is happening in America! Disgusting

5 years ago

Just crossed San Antonio off my travel list!

Thomas H
Thomas H
5 years ago

This is not unlike my workplace, where a pro-Trump or Christian remark could get you severely inconvenienced. On the other hand, hateful or violent remarks against Trump or Christianity are not only allowed, but celebrated.

John in Catonsville Maryland
John in Catonsville Maryland
5 years ago

Tale heed. Our constitution was written by white Christians for white Christians.

Greg Russell
Greg Russell
5 years ago

Clearly, those who claim to espouse tolerance and inclusion just cannot tolerate those who hold true to the Biblical plan for marriage and sexuality. The hypocrisy of the left is breathtaking in it’s scope and determination to spread their insidious, evil, liberal agenda. It amazes me still that we conservatives so rarely unite and show the same level of cohesiveness and organization to fight the left, as they obviously have when they assault our ethics and faith and values. This Republic in under direct attack by those who hate the very values that made the United States the great nation it is, and conservatives seemingly are too apathetic or distracted to notice or to take the time to organize any sort of response at all. This is troubling, and if not remedied, we’ll soon be wondering how we’ve lost any chance of turning things around.

Phyllis poole
Phyllis poole
5 years ago

They claim we are discriminating. Against them. Aren’t they doing the same by suing a Christian for
Upholding their beliefs ????!!!

5 years ago

When you see the words alternative life style add “of Sin”. A womans right “to sin” abortion, etc. Sin by any other name is still sin! Homosexual “sin” , transgender sin, live with my “forever fiancee” still sin.
We are all sinners, everyone, but to not acknowledge it as sin and wrong is to defies God.

Gerald caskey
Gerald caskey
5 years ago

I am disapponted that the wonderful state would be basis against anyone. We may not agree but that does not change your rights.

Donna Burleson
Donna Burleson
5 years ago

It seems if a christian stands up for thier belief and morals its awlful. We have a right in this country for our religious freedom. We are to compromise our beliefs to accomodate things that are against our morals. Our country was formed ONE NATION UNDER GOD WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.

5 years ago

I would like to know who the hell told these liberals they are god and they decide for everyone. Move out of the you idiots and let us live our lives the way we see fit.

Edward Curtis
Edward Curtis
5 years ago

Hmmmm, I don’t believe the Salvation Army asks about your sexual preferences before giving aid to those who need it. I Really don’t care if the Salvation Army is a Christian organization or not. I was a police officer for many years and have directed and/or taken people in need I found to the Salvation Army in 5 or 6 cities and have never known anyone being turned away. As far as Chick-fil-a is concerned, I don’t eat there because I am probably one in a hundred that just doesn’t like the food; but I may have to acquire a taste for it now. The far left has gone nuts. Personally I give to three charities every year. St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital (in my late wife’s name, she loved the work they do for children and their families – and never ask for a dime from them, nor do they preach religion at them.) The Salvation Army, and a Fallen Police Officer’s fund to help spouses and children through a difficult time.

The left needs to wake up and take a look at themselves – seems to me they are the discriminators

5 years ago

As long as we are allowed to vote with our wallets and pocketbooks, chi fil a is going to be wildly successful. Their stores are mobbed… not at 12:15, but at 11:15, yet they have a system in place to move customers quickly. They also have the friendliest staff in the fast food industry. I also suspect they protect their franchisees by not having stores on every block. Ive been going there ever since the incident several yrs ago and plan to continue. The core of this story is the c mmunist movement testing its strength, but hordes of us are committing small acts of defiance by eating there.

American Believer
American Believer
5 years ago

The “FREE MARKET” can indeed decide this issue. I for one have pledged to support Chick-Fil-A by patronizing a restaurant at least once per week.
This fabulous company has it right and I applaud ALL they do.

Dennis R
Dennis R
5 years ago

The Alamo is in San Antonio,TX, and is a money maker for the city. I guess the “Remember the Alamo” has to be changed to “Forget the Alamo”! Go to the beach instead of the desert on your next vacation! Boycott San Antonio until they live by the U.S.Constitution. I love Chick-fil-A!!

K.B. Zahler
K.B. Zahler
5 years ago

Think of the hypocrisy. Civil Rights laws would not permit a restaurant or a bus service to treat people differently based on race but this Texas city is denying a business a right to exist based on the owner’s ideas which are not overtly expressed. In D.C., our Capital, conservatives are refused restaurant service based on beliefs which are not apparent at the restaurant.
If one small minded restaurant owner does that it effects that patron and sends a message to the others present at the time. A municipality sends a powerful message their entire population. “Think like us or else.” In N. Y. governor Cuomo publicly stated a certain well known conservative has no place in N.Y. Intolerance, they name is Democrat.

Tanya Ward
Tanya Ward
5 years ago

This has got to be the most ignorant article I’ve read in a long time. I am a Christian and I am very proud of it. I am truly having a hard time putting up with businesses bowing down to every other religious entity. It was how our America was started. People need to believe in whatever they want and not fear. I thought religion and government were supposed to be seperate.

5 years ago

What is so inaugurating it that Government is trying to impose their beliefs on the general public! Last I read we still had a Constitution with Amendments that GUARANTEE freedom of religion! We ARE NOT asking for a “STATE” religion! We are only asking that the government not try and dictate what kinds of business can operate in their area. Doing hat IS IMPOSING a religion on ALL the people that live there!

Betty Harlan
Betty Harlan
5 years ago

Maybe we should boycott San Antonio. There are plenty of vacation spots that welcome all people without question.

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