This week the World Health Organization (WHO) is meeting in Switzerland to advance a legally binding international accord on “pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response.” The Biden administration has been working with the WHO on this deal which would hand over public health policy to an unaccountable, unelected, and incompetent international bureaucracy.
This is cause for alarm. The agreement is being called an accord, even though it could have the effect of a treaty. The global bureaucrats realize two-thirds of the U.S. Senate would not approve the agreement. Thankfully, Congress can still act.
The American people didn’t elect a federal government so that they might hand over our nation’s sovereignty to the WHO. This is why we’re urging people to take action, we want our allies in Congress to understand the American people are awake to this attempt to circumvent the constitution.
Given the WHO’s inept response to the COVID-19 pandemic it is hard to imagine why anyone would think giving them more authority to direct global public health policy is a good idea, we certainly don’t. Without Congress having a direct way to vote for or against this treaty, we need to find another way to pressure the administration to ditch this horrible deal: defund the WHO.
The United States has funded the WHO for years. Just last year Congress awarded the WHO $434 million in taxpayer funding, despite the WHO’s commitment to abortion and gender ideology. Just as we shouldn’t be handing our taxpayer dollars to international organizations that support abortion and gender ideology, we shouldn’t allow unelected and unaccountable international organizations – like the WHO – to usurp our national sovereignty.
Click Here to Urge Congress to Withhold Funding from the WHO
PRESIDENT TRUMP did the right thing pulling the U.S. out of the WHO (Wuhan Health Organization) and NOT wasting our tax dollars on a Communist China agency.
WHO (Wuhan Health Organization) would NEVER have CONTROL of AMERICANS health care and treatment under PRESIDENT TRUMP.
ONLY a COMMUNIST would give them control over AMERICANS healthcare and treatment VIOLATING the U.S. CONSTITUTION by means of TREASON for political purposes.
DICTATOR Beijing biden has given them $Billions and now the U.S.
pays the most in funding the WHO (Wuhan Health Organization) while other countries don’t pay anything or very little at all.
At the same time the FAKE news continues to Lie and Protect the WHO (Wuhan Health Organization) and Fauci so you won’t know the TRUTH and how much Fauci and DICTATOR Beijing biden got in kickbacks.
Where’s Fauci and DICTATOR Beijing biden’s Tax Records?
I DEMAND to see them.
If congress can’t vote for or against this then how the hell does congress have the ability to award the WHO millions of American tax dollars?
If this is done then all governmental insurance should be the same as every other American citizen!
have all the scum of the earth Democrats including Dr. Fauci, left the country yet? after the denials of funding the Wuhan gain of function lab and all the other lies of masking etc. and killing millions of people with their countless lies. It is time for a deep cleansing in this country. If I were you scumbags I’d be getting the hell out of here before somebody caught up with me.
Talk about insanity. The United States funds the majority of WHO, and the WHO takes it’s marching orders from China.
The United States needs to get out of WHO, and while we’re at it the UN too.
Alot of good my letter will do going to Casey, Fetterman and Houlahan….sigh
Need further explanation on WHO, do not see where USA is handing over our sovereignty as article says. Also, doesn’t WHO have other functions than the ones mentioned in article. From what I remember, when Corona virus started in USA that WHO offered test kits… but we turned them down & decided to take months to invent our own kits.
Won’t defund WHO as long as Fauci is in politics and money gathering. Sorry. I meant to say Fauci is interested in world health.
Excellent article! In my opinion, WHO is overdue for being defunded and that goes for the UN too!
Thank you, AMAC! Signed and sent!
Defund the whole UN and charge the whole lot with the crimes against humanity
The U.S. needs to remove itself from the WHO. Without American bucks the organization would collapse along with it’s one world government ideology.
Defund WHO, BLM, liberals, democrats, and that cross-eyed Thunberg girl.
We do not pledge allegiance to the evil who!
Stop giving my money and liberty to The Who!!!
No more WHO. We need to keep our rights.
We need to defund the World Health Organization and the United Nations. We need to kick billionaire George Soros and Klaus Schwab out of the country. Joe Biden along with billionaires and corporate partners, the media the United Nations are trying to take away our sovereignty and our freedom. Joe Biden is a socialist and socialism should be banned in the United States there should be a law preventing the establishment of socialism in the United States. The United Nation crazy dictators Club needs to be defunded, along with the World Health Organization.
As far as I’m concerned they need to be defunded and the sooner the better!
Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES do I, a registered voter and American citizen, agree with giving the WHO control of American’s health policy, or anything else for that matter. They do not represent me
I agreed with Pam Z. Get us out of the WHO
Why do we need the WHO at all?
I don’t want who to know where I live, so I’m not going to fill this out and put my address on there. But I am in absolute favor of Defunding the World Health Organization. Send them to hell where they come from.
None of this action is Constitutional, so even if signed or agreed upon it would be unlawful. You should not comply with Unconstitutional acts.
Get us out now. !!!
The WHO is not longer what they were and are now doing things that are against what they claim. They’re led by China and we can no longer believe nor trust their edicts. Never should the USA give up any of its’ control to any other country or organization. I am totally against our president and his administration doing anything like this in any way, shape or form. Please get us away from this group!
Do not allow the government to hand over the control of us to over countries. It’s bad enough to have to fight our government.
We need to defund the WHO. They have NO business telling the people of the United States what to do. Biden should be impeached for even considering this.
Impeach Biden now , because what he is trying to do is treason plain and simple
Defund the WHO!
It called population control, has nothing to do with health!
Another incompetent fail !Withdraw from WHO asap!
Defend WHO now! Don’t give the USA Sovereignty away.
Wow so it begins , if waco Biden go’s thru with this mess , and congress let’s him then the one world order has begun. I never thought in my right mind that we would have a wanna be president stupid enough to sell out America like Biden has , I don’t understand how this man is still in office , he should have been impeached after the Afghanistan blunder and given away over 90 Billion in military equipment this is completely unbelievable. Welcom to the end times if this takes place.
It makes total sense to defund the WHO. Why would any sane American citizen give away their sovereignty to an organization out side the accountability of the US Congress?