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Was the Debate Rigged? Former Top Clinton Adviser Calls on ABC to Launch Internal Probe

Posted on Friday, September 13, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Mark Penn, a former top adviser to Bill and Hillary Clinton, called Thursday for ABC to launch a formal internal investigation into its news division’s planning and execution of this week’s presidential debate to determine if there was some effort at “rigging the outcome of this debate.”

ABC News came under significant bipartisan criticism because its moderators fact-checked some of Donald Trump’s statements but not a single pushback at any made by Kamala Harris.

Trump said Thursday that the debate was three-on-one and declined to participate in another one before the election. 

Anchors David Muir and Linsey Davis moderated the first debate between Harris and Trump, which drew 67.1 million viewers, making it the most watched presidential debate since 2008. But it has drawn scorn from both Republicans and Democrats for giving the appearance of bias.

“I actually think they should do a full internal investigation, hire an outside law firm. I don’t know how much of this was planned in advance,” Penn told the John Solomon Reports” podcast.

“I don’t know what they told the Harris campaign. I think the day after, suspicion here is really quite high, and I think a review of all their internal texts and emails really should be done by an independent party to find out to what extent they were planning on, in effect, you know, fact-checking just one candidate and in effect, rigging the outcome of this debate. I think the situation demands nothing less than that,” he added.

Penn, chairman of the Harvard CAPS Harris Poll, also said Harris has done a “good job” defining Trump as the incumbent and herself as the change candidate even though she’s the sitting vice president. But he described the mainstream media’s coverage of Harris’ campaign as laughable.

“It’s a 50-50, race. He’s [Trump] got more obvious tools to get across the finish line than she does and part of the thing here is that if the referees have their finger on the scale, it’s harder to, you know, break through and overcome. And certainly, general media coverage has been fairly laughable,” he said.

Penn, president and managing partner of The Stagwell Group, suggested the Trump campaign mail out to every voter the ACLU questionnaire that then-Sen. Harris, D-Calif., filled out and indicated she supports gender surgery for illegal immigrants and defunding Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Other publications have disclosed a questionable coziness between Harris and Dana Walden, co-chairman of Disney and who oversees ABC News. The New York Times quoted Harris as calling their relationship “extraordinary friends,” and disclosed that Walden and Harris are neighbors in Brentwood, a wealthy Los Angeles enclave where Ms. Harris and her husband also own a residence. The Times also pointed out that The Waldens have donated money to Ms. Harris’s political campaigns since at least 2003, when she ran for district attorney in San Francisco.

PJMedia’s Victoria Taft published yet more information about Harris’ connections with ABC News undisclosed by the network. ABC moderator Linsey Davis bragged in 2021 on ABC’s live coverage of the Biden Inauguration about being sorority sisters with Harris.

Mark Penn is not the only veteran Democratic pollster and advisor to criticize the moderation. In an editorial, Doug Schoen, an advisor to President Clinton and N.Y.C. Mayor Mike Bloomberg, lamented that Harris “was aided and abetted by two ABC News moderators who seemingly felt the need to fact-check virtually everything the former president said.”

Nicholas Ballasy has been breaking news for more than a decade in the nation’s capital and questioning political leaders about the most pressing issues facing the nation.

Reprinted with Permission from Just the News – By Nicholas Ballasy

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 month ago

FINGERS on the scale?! More like their ENTIRE BODIES! I turned the debate off after approximately 30 minutes because I was so disgusted with how the blatantly biased moderators conducted themselves.

1 month ago

if there is going to be a so called Debate between two Candidates from opposing Parties, there most certainly should be two Moderators, one from each side. The Debate on Tuesday was not a Debate but rather a show put on by the Democrats in Control of Harris and the Main Stream Media. It was a total sham. Interesting, however, is that Communist Kamala has already said she will not agree to a Debate that is Moderated by representatives from FOX or NEWSMAX. How telling of her and her Handlers.

1 month ago

Looks like all of the MSM outlets are battling to become the Propaganda Machine for the Communist Government. “Let us tell you what to think, do and say”.

1 month ago

Wouldn’t that be nice to hire an outside law firm to investigate. For those of us that pay attention we know what the MSM has been doing for many years. The debates that have been going on have not been real debates. Too many so-called moderators are in the bag for the democratic candidate.

Paul W
Paul W
1 month ago

If you believe that the “debate” wasn’t rigged and/or that abc will actually launch a completely unbiased investigation into that matter, then you must believe that a rabbit hops around the entire planet in a single night and leaves chocolates and jelly beans for good little boys and girls.

1 month ago

Any kind of internal investigation will be for naught. Remember the side that ABC and other MSM sites represent — to bring more evil into the nation that will lead to the downfall of our society. Nothing has changed — continue the false rhetoric and deceive the people before the election. WAKE UP THE VOTER.

Archangel Mikey
Archangel Mikey
1 month ago

Whose idea was it to give running the debates over to the media? I think it used to be done by an independent organization. This obviously is not fair, so why continue with this? I am happy that Trump has refused to do any more of these. He was treated like something scraped off the bottom of shoes. No need for him to do this. They can scrap the polls, too, because they are skewed as well. Who needs this crapolla? Didn’t change my mind. Still voting for Trump AND voting against every dem in office that I can. Don’t want my country taken over by the enemy of the people: “COMMUNISM”; not democracy by any stretch of the imagination.

1 month ago

they cheated, that’s what the democrats do.

1 month ago

Total hit job against President Trump. Just shows how far left the media has come.Total disgrace!

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 month ago

Yes let’s investigate if there was some effort to rig the spectacle. We all know what the findings will be . \

Dan W.
Dan W.
1 month ago

An investigation by the U.S. House would give one of those do-nothing House committees something to do.

(I already know what any internal investigation would show so no need to go through the motions of an internal investigation.)

1 month ago

Rigged or not. Trump totally redeemed himself with his closing statement. Harris = Popcorn fart !

Kathryn S Davis
Kathryn S Davis
1 month ago

Send them all out to pick up trash along our nation’s highways. Take away their mics forever.

1 month ago

Can you picture what would have happened if one of those ABC questioners said to Harris, “Actually, that Charlottesville comment is untrue and has been fact checked and proven untrue many times.”
”Actually the only one killed on January 6th was one unarmed former servicewoman who was shot in cold blood by a police officer. Not one officer was killed on January 6th.”
I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that they never worked for ABC again and that they became so blackballed that no one ever tried that again

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 month ago

NO = fact checking
Harris wore earring earpiece
Fact check Trump ONLY
Harris said Zero

1 month ago

Was Harris wearing radio Pearl earrings???

1 month ago

any fool could tell the “debate” was rigged and if an investigation is wanted why not someone who doesn’t draw a paycheck from ABC, the dumb as crap party or soros?
otherwise it is like asking congress to investigate itself. what wrong do you think they would find? well none of course

1 month ago

What? All of a sudden they they had an epiphany that the democrats/Marxists always cheat and lie. Let’s see: Moderators were friends with Harris & Hillary Clinton; Harris had been outa town being coached on how to debate, one of her coaches was from England; Did they check her for message receiving ear buds or receptors of any kind? The only fact checking was a done on Trump – which of course was always wrong – even when it was a the Truth. (Duh! Google is a communist platform) Kamala was taught how to trigger Trump – he got caught in that a few times. But if he would have called her names like she got away with calling him, it would have been a whole different story! I will say, he should have known, that would happen – Marxists don’t know how to play fair and don’t care as long as they win.Even when they don’t know anything, as proven for the last 4 years!!

1 month ago

For one: she said that there were something like 180 police officers killed on Jan 6th. Not a peep.

1 month ago

Yea, right. Let’s have the network that displayed flagrant bias during the debate, investigate itself! Who can’t guess that outcome?
I’ll save us the time. They’ll determine there was no bias, life at ABC will proceed as normal, the News Department executive (Kamala’s best friend) will get a big fat paycheck (covertly from the DNC), and the debate moderators will get big fat bonuses.

1 month ago

By now those emails,texts and voicemails have been erased. It was blatantly obvious that Muir and Davis were working for Kamala. Muir was sweating throughout and he has lost the respect of millions. His ratings will go down and NOTE: Davis is Kamala’s sorority sister! I hope Disney stock continues its downward spiral and Eiger is tossed out quickly. That is even better than they deserve.

1 month ago

When a former Clinton advisor is saying this; then we ALL KNOW THAT SOMETHING IS JUST NOT RIGHT. It was totally biased against Pres Trump; he was right it was 3 against him.

1 month ago

There is no limit to the deceit, lies, trickery, or out right propaganda that comes from the swamp made up of the socialist mass media and the liberal socialist democrat called party?? That week of prep kackels was doing was actually probably a rehearsal of the lies and personal attacks the commies could use. VOTE TRUMP….

1 month ago

The moderators fact checked Trump, made opinionated statements that had no place as a debate moderator. Whistle blower has come forward that ABC gave the questions to Harris. Question is on Harris earrings that they look like earbuds available on the open market. There is so much evidence like there was with Joe and his dementia failings to run this country which the MSM refused to air. All was well with Joe. They created legal cases to indict Trump where no other human being would be charged with. It is all coming apart since the truth is coming out and the judges are scared of losing the bench when Trump is back in the White House. People are waking up after being told lies for 4 years about ole Joe. And there are so many more. Ukraine for one. You never hear a word about advances or casualties. But we have to support Ukraine. No we don’t. I am with Trump stop the killing of innocent Ukrainians and Russians. While Zelensky and his oligarchs and the military industrial complex, with Dick Cheney at the helm, are getting rich. Please people educate yourself to the conspiracy that has been going on in this country for decades but is coming to a head in 2024. Our survival is at stake.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 month ago

“Was the debate rigged?” Is that a rhetorical question?

Lawrence Dean
Lawrence Dean
1 month ago

Biased as hell, just not fair in any respect.

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
1 month ago

Why did Kamala agree to a debate with the usage of ABC and the two chosen moderators? I have heard that she was given sample questions to practice with when in reality she actually had the real questions. This needs to be investigated. What about her relationship with Linsey Davis, female moderator. I came away from the debate with the following: 1-Her facial muscles must have been incredible sore after the debate was over. What was her motive for that? To entertain all of the viewers or try to intimidate Trump? Whatever it was juvenile behavior on her part. 2- Ninety plus minutes and no definitive policies. No none knows except we know what she has said in the past and what her record is currently as 3-3/4 years as our Vice-President. Her record to date is really un-American. Socialist policies, Marxist-Communist policies are not welcome in this country nor are any Middle Eastern policies. This country will be in a world of hurt if for some idiotic reason she gets into office. Heaven help us all!!! We need Trump and JD Vance in the White House and we need God back in our country!!

1 month ago

I have NO faith in the news media !!!
Satans journalists !!! Obviously rigged!! Do they think we are stupid ???

1 month ago

The debate was so apparent in the bias of the moderators it was almost impossible not to notice. Trump is wise not to agree to another sham debate. Make her get out and do some interviews and town halls to answer how her “Values “ haven’t changed. She’s terrified of being exposed as to what she really is.

1 month ago

Giving the media heads the opportunity to investigate won’t amount to anything. Their editors were involved in the preparations and knew what would be asked & how the debate would go: slam Trump and go soft on Dome. I’m sure that Disney & Bob Iger also gave instructions to ABC for the debate as well. Instead of an investigation for which there isn’t sufficient time before the vote, only point out the data: Trump fact checked by the moderators 7 times, Dome 0. That should tell anyone that the debate was biased against Trump.

1 month ago

It is about time our media are all investigated and shut down if necessary. Of course it was rigged. The disrespectful attitude is so apparent it is appalling. Some other media outlets are just as out of line as ABC and it has to stop or our country is no longer “the land of the free.” I can’t stand to watch any mainstream media because the attitude of the commentators is so biased,smug and hateful. Right out of the socialist/communist playbook. Control everything. Trump is absolutely right and should not participate in another “rigged’ debate. This has been going on for years and it is time to put a stop to traitors anywhere and everywhere in this country.

Maryanne D
Maryanne D
1 month ago

I turned it off when she didn’t answer her first question but instead started spewing out against Trump.

Al Wunsch
Al Wunsch
1 month ago

Harris won the debate from the viewpoint of putting Trump on the defensive. However, it was Trump’s fault that he chose to be baited. From the viewpoint of the audience, if their goal was to learn more about Harris and the democrat vision for America, it was a failure. She was polished, rehearsed but fake. We learned nothing. As for the moderators, sadly it continues to be a case of biased people that do not provide a professional job to shed some light on the views of the two debaters – debates are a waste of time.

Elizabeth Misa
Elizabeth Misa
1 month ago

The pollster that said it is a 50-50 chance is lying! I have heard many others saying she has about 10% approval rating. Nobody wants more of what is going on in our country today. She is just a cackling cow! How many of her staff have come and gone? Too many because nobody can work with her! ABC was so obvious with their bias. I quit watching after the first question was asked! Three against one debate is never fair! Moderators are supposed to ask questions not debate the ones who are answering questions. Leave your stupid remarks for after the debate when we turn the TV off!

Don Pajda
Don Pajda
1 month ago

I agree. The Debate was 3 against 1. One could sense the hostility from the moderators. There were incredibly important questions that they did not ask VP Harris.

1 month ago

I would have like Trump to just answer the questions with a short answer then go on to tell the truth about the illeglas, the rapes, crimes, etc. – here’s the thing, he economy isn’t great we all know why but i think the bigger issue is the illegals, they are taking our good tax dollars and we hard working Americans shouldn’t have to take that!! let’s drive home the illegals and the issues they bring. Trump should tell people to hold on tight to their kids and grand kids bc you never know when the illegals could strike. maybe those who hate Trump will understand the fact that he is trying to keep us safe – wth

1 month ago

Clearly it was a pre’plan̈ned 3 against 1 attack. Even the fact checks were lies. In MN, 8 Babies were executed immediately AFTER Birth.Fact Check those EVIL,EVIL PEOPLE.

Kenton Johnson
Kenton Johnson
1 month ago

Until the corrupton in our election system is fixed, this is at most interesting. Trump is Presidential, and Kamala is a puppet for whatever committee is running the country, and will control the election outsome no matter how we vote. Not make voting restricted to citizens, make COUNTING the votes accurate and uncorrupted.

Bob Pinaha
Bob Pinaha
1 month ago

Someone should check out that microphone on Harris’ lapel. The wire looks like it’s going up the inseam and while the left ear’s earring is always visible, the right ear’s earring is always visually obscured by her flattened down hair that did not flow whenever she moved her head. The second earring could be a wireless device.

1 month ago

knowing how much the left lies and cheats what do you think??? how would kac el la know what to mormorize

1 month ago

Wow! This is coming from the Democratic Advisors..shows us what we know to be true. Rigged by Democrats.

1 month ago

Republican candidates will never get a fair shake from the MSM. Never. Whoever agrees to these debates must demand a balanced team of moderators; otherwise, bias will thumb the scale, and not in the Republicans’ favor.

Harris’ answers included lie after lie, and yet she was never called out on them. Potential voters who don’t often listen to the news won’t know they’re lies. On one of our local talk radio stations (conservative), Harris has ads that, again, are filled with lies. Why the radio advertising department doesn’t refuse them, I’ll never know (well, money, of course).

I’d love to see real debates–open-ended, loud, question-and-answer from the candidates. Sit them down and let them talk it out. Moderators can ask questions or suggest topics, but let Harris and Trump duke it out.

1 month ago

That “debate” was a bad joke!

1 month ago

And what did any one think?

Bill R
Bill R
1 month ago

Everyone that posts on this site understands this debate was rigged and I believe most of us realize nothing will be done about it. The perpetrators also understand it because it’s the same old story. There are NEVER any consequences when it comes to this. When you combine a radical left party that will do anything to win with a complicit media and an uninformed electorate the result is preordained. How else can you explain a close race when there should be a walkover?

1 month ago

When 67.1 million viewers watch this ridiculous debate, is it no wonder the world laughs at us? The total disregard for questions about Policy or even why VP Harris has not changed a thing since she has been in office the entire time! This has managed to bring to light an important point however, U.S. News media is a puppet of government forces. No longer a trusted impartial source to average Americans.

Alice Gutierrez
Alice Gutierrez
1 month ago

I could not bear to continue watching. Yoo biased and no substance on policy/issues

Richard Irvin
Richard Irvin
1 month ago

Painfully obvious it was rigged but we have come to expect lies and 1/2 truths out of todays media

1 month ago

Yes, it was. And the only reason that Clinton would stick his nose into it would be to try to insert more lies to say that it wasn’t.

1 month ago

I hear Admiral Harris plans to meet the MAGA ship to do battle. At sea, the lookout in the crow’s nest shouts; Admiral Harris! A MAGA ship is on the horizon!

“Quick! Bring me my red shirt so if I am wounded the crew will not see my blood and keep on fighting for me!”

Moments later, the lookout shouts, “Admiral Harris! The entire horizon has MAGA ships!”

Admiral Harris commands, “Quick! Bring me my brown trousers!”

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