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Virginia and New Jersey Election Results: What They Could Mean For 2022?

Posted on Friday, November 12, 2021
by AMAC, Alex Ayers

“It was a red wave,” stated Stephen M. Sweeney, the Democrat President of the New Jersey State Senate and the second most powerful man in the Garden State. The now-defeated Sweeney, who had served in the state legislature since 2002, lost the closely contested 3rd district seat to Edward Durr, a truck driver. “The man who is poised to topple one of New Jersey’s most feared political kingpins has never held public office, he has been a commercial truck driver for 25 years, and he claims to have spent a whopping $153 during the primary portion of his campaign,” reported. Durr bested Sweeney by about 2,000 votes. 

Statewide polls conducted in New Jersey leading up to election day had incumbent Governor Phil Murphy sitting on solid ground. One week before election day, a Monmouth University poll showed Murphy up 11% over Republican challenger Jack Ciattarelli, a former State Assemblymember. The Real Clear Politics average of polls on Election Day had Murphy up 7.8%. As of this writing, Murphy looks likely to retain his seat as he leads by about 65,500 votes with 70,000 provisional ballots yet to be counted, but Ciattarelli has yet to concede. While that may be the case, it’s a far cry from the 11% advantage Murphy thought he had.

Heading into Election Day, New Jersey Democrats held 25 of 40 seats in the Senate and 52 of 80 seats in the Assembly. This year, there were four open seats in the Senate and 11 in the Assembly. So far, Democrats have secured 23 seats in the Senate and 43 in the Assembly, enough to keep majorities. “But early results show Democrats will lose one seat in the Senate and from four to eight seats in the Assembly,” reported.

About 300 miles south of Trenton, things went even worse for Virginia Democrats. Former Governor Terry McAuliffe (D-VA) had comfortably led Republican challenger Glenn Youngkin in the polls for months. But the tide was beginning to turn as Election Day approached. Youngkin, a businessman who hasn’t held office before, ended up defeating McAuliffe 51%-49%. While it can be argued that Youngkin’s win was slim, it was a 12-point net improvement over Trump’s 10-point loss in Virginia one year ago.

Throughout the campaign, McAuliffe chose not to talk about issues facing Virginians, instead made the race about Donald Trump. McAuliffe failed to convince voters that Youngkin was Donald Trump; meanwhile, Youngkin, to his credit, ran a disciplined campaign focused on jobs, the economy, and education. What children are taught in schools and the role of parents in their children’s education has now made Loudoun County, a suburban area on the outskirts of Washington, DC, the national epicenter of an emerging political issue. During the last debate between the two Governor hopefuls, McAuliffe stated, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach,” what political analysts now refer to as his famous last words. McAuliffe championed President Biden’s agenda to his detriment, whereas Youngkin, astutely aware of the impact of rising inflation under Biden, vowed to suspend the state’s gas tax. 

The impact of the 2021 Republican red wave in Virginia reverberated down to the statehouse as well, with Republicans on the verge of taking control of the lower chamber. Two races have yet to be called, but both Republicans are leading, and even if only one wins, the chamber will flip, giving national Republicans hope as they look at the 2022 map.

If history is any guide, the dramatic underperformance by Democrats in Virginia means a red wave in November of next year. In every election over the last 20 years (except for the 2001 Virginia race right after 9/11), the worse a Democrat performed compared to the previous year’s Democratic candidate for president has predicted the switch and margin of seats in the following midterm election. With a negative 12% swing from President Biden to former Governor McAuliffe in this election, the historical math tells us 2022 has the potential to mean Republicans will beat Democrats in house races by a larger margin nationally than in 2010’s wave election year.

“If you’re a Democrat and President Biden won your seat by 16 points, you’re in a competitive race next year,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said on the heels of Tuesday’s results.

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2 years ago

Here’s a serious suggestion for the Republican leadership like McCarthy, McConnell and the RNC, who think they can just sit back, do nothing and coast to victory in the 2022 midterms: Don’t get ahead of yourselves and instead focus on providing real, tangible commitments to the People to give them a reason to vote FOR you. No vague generalities, but some real specific deliverables the party is wiling to commit to, if the American people put the Congress back under GOP control.

Right now, a lot of establishment Republicans think they can just count on victory next year by saying how bad Biden is. While Biden is easily the most unfit and dangerous President in our history and the Democrat agenda is essentially just pure socialism, some of the “uniformed” (I’m trying to be nice here) electorate out there needs a reason to actually vote FOR YOU. As opposed to simply being against Biden and Dems at the moment. I know this may seem an obvious point, but after listening to a number of Republican politicians post last week’s election results, I’m getting the clear sense that many think they don’t have to do a thing and just sit back and wait for the midterms to roll around. That kind of bad strategy, which the Republican Party has used more than once over the last 50 years, has produced some truly disastrous results. So please put a little more effort into it this time around. Again, this meant as constructive criticism to help the GOP. Actually put some effort into it.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Red Tsunami for the nation like Reagen did in 1980 & Trump in 2017

2 years ago

At this point in our History?
I see no reason to have politicians.
At all.
These are useless, self-enriching pigs. At our expense, doing nothing FOR us. Let’s call it good and get them ALL gone.

2 years ago

With or without President Trump a good honest conservative will destroy any of these idiot socialists, IF it is a fair an honest election. That remains to be seen, millions of dollars will be spent to see that they are not.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

We need TRump back in there period. Kyle L.

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