
Elections , Newsline

Unprecedented Campaign-Style SOTU Outs Biden as Left-Wing Extremist

Posted on Friday, March 8, 2024
by Aaron Flanigan


President Joe Biden delivered his 2024 State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress.

Historically, it takes a few days for State of the Union addresses to crystalize in the eyes of American voters and the political media class. Viewers often need time to process what they have seen and heard. Biden’s 2024 State of the Union, however, may defy this trend.

Though State of the Union speeches have traditionally been used as opportunities to appeal to sentiments of bipartisanship and call forth a spirit of American unity rather than grind a political axe, this year, Joe Biden delivered an uncharacteristically fire-and-brimstone speech that can be only described as by far the most jarringly partisan State of the Union address in American history. In doing so, Biden has outed himself as a left-wing extremist desperate to reassure rank-and-file Democrat voters that he is up to the task of competing in the general election this November.

Despite having campaigned on themes of unity, bipartisanship, and decency in 2020, on Thursday evening, Biden spent his third—and potentially final—State of the Union address primarily taking flagrant partisan swings at Donald Trump.

Biden opened his remarks not with a unifying vision or a litany of his perceived accomplishments, but instead with bleak imagery and doomsday rhetoric about World War II and impending threats to “democracy” both at home and abroad.

“Not since President Lincoln and the Civil War have freedom and democracy been under assault here at home as they are today,” Biden warned. “What makes our moment rare is that freedom and democracy are under attack, both at home and overseas, at the very same time.”

The president then immediately pivoted to discussing the urgency of providing funding for Ukraine—a highly contentious national topic—before not-so-subtly suggesting that the prospect of a second Trump term is just as dangerous for the causes of “freedom” and “democracy” as Russia’s war in Ukraine and Adolf Hitler’s conquest of Europe.

Referring to Trump as his “predecessor” 13 times throughout the course of his hour-and-a-half speech, Biden accused the presumptive Republican nominee of cozying up to Vladimir Putin, supporting “insurrectionists”, conspiring with Republican elected officials to aggravate the border crisis, and failing to deliver on key promises on the economy, manufacturing, and China.

But Biden’s shots at Trump were far from the most partisan moments of his remarks. In a particularly grating part of the speech, Biden took the unprecedented step of addressing—and shrewdly threatening—the U.S. Supreme Court justices in attendance directly when discussing his support for a national right to abortion-on-demand.

“And with all due respect, justices, women are not without electoral power—excuse me, electoral or political power,” Biden said. “You’re about to realize just how much you were wrong about that.”

Biden spent the remainder of his remarks blatantly lying about Republican policy goals and preposterously embellishing his own record. He falsely stated, for instance, that Republicans in Congress want to put Social Security “on the chopping block” while giving “tax breaks to the wealthy”—an outright lie that elicited a chorus of boos from the Republican side of the chamber. He went on to cynically accuse the GOP of “playing politics” by derailing his border bill, which if passed, would have done nothing to stop the mounting influx of illegal aliens pouring across the southern border.

And despite Biden’s cumulative inflation rate of nearly 20 percent, plummeting wages, soaring mortgage rates, and rising energy prices, Biden deceptively doubled down on the supposed successes of “Bidenomics,” stating that America has the “best economy in the world”—even though the overwhelming majority of Americans feels differently.

To make matters worse for Biden, he had difficulty getting through much of the prepared remarks—often slurring his words and trailing off into incomprehensible rants. For instance, he stated that “The threat to democracy must be defended”—and later referred to Laken Riley, the woman recently murdered by an illegal alien in Georgia, as “Lincoln Riley.”

Though Joe Biden continues to flounder in national and state-level polling just eight months before the November election, his extraordinarily partisan remarks should be seen as a sign that he—and his handlers—are afraid that he could be dumped from the ticket in favor of a younger candidate with broader electoral appeal.

Though he may have succeeded in reassuring the Democrat base of his commitment to upholding the progressive agenda, most Americans almost certainly walked away from the speech with a newfound realization of Biden’s extremism.

Unfortunately for Biden and the Democrats, the mask is finally off—and voters can clearly see the radicalism of the Biden administration for what it truly is.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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6 months ago

I sincerely hope it didn’t take anyone this long to realize that Biden is simply a mouthpiece of the extreme far left. If so, where have these people been not only for the last 3 years, but also while Biden was serving as V.P. under Obama? No one should be surprised by the tone and message of the speech Biden read off the teleprompter last night. That he managed to remain upright and not run out of juice midway through his performance is a testament to the drug cocktail his physician pumped into him before the speech. No doubt Biden will NOT be seen for the next few days as needs to rest up and recover afterwards.

As for the content of the speech delivered, it’s simply what the Democrat Party, as a whole, has stood for in terms of policy for a number of years. Nothing new or positive for the future. Just more of the same old pure fear mongering, pushing the same tax and spend and let us regulate everything into the ground, followed by the usual blame someone else when they blow up something else up or people die as a result. If anyone seriously expected anything else, then you haven’t been paying attention for the last 30 years.

6 months ago

Obiden showed his true colors last night he hates America, Trump and his supporters. He stood there screaming at us for an hour and a half like we had kicked our football onto his lawn. Follow me people and we will free Ukraine. What you here in America are doing I don’t care, for Gods sake. He added for emphasis. Not one word about the migrants, sorry, newcomers are doing to America. Only that his opponents are racists for not allowing millions of his voters to come in. You are breaking his plan to be king of America forever. Half the time I could not understand him. Only Kameltoe did, I guess. She must have been attached to a Bungee cord the way she kept jumping up and down every second. All to make it look sloppy had said something important to say. I followed the comments on CBS and ABC and all of them were negative. Finally everyone wakes up and sees what sloppy is. A lying demented incapable of leadership. And those behind the scenes who are pulling the strings are pathetic in their leadership of sloppy. He must have had many shots of Adderall, caffeine and adrenalin to have him so wired. People who are screaming are losing their influence and they know it. They think by screaming you will obey. Only it had the opposite effect. Bye Joe I wish I had never known you.

6 months ago

Blaming the Republicans in Congress for the border crisis is just plain despicable. The Liar and Chief ended all of President Trump’s EO’s regarding the border. If he hadn’t done that we wouldn’t be where we are today. This buffoon has got to go.

6 months ago

I refused to watch the clown show, but I dropped into the speech momentarily to see if it was time for the Republican response. After hearing five seconds of Joebama’s shouting, I changed channels to a movie. When the Republican response finally came on. I was deeply disappointed in both the presenter and the message. The Republicans should have chosen someone more experienced and less emotional to deliver the rebuttal on national television. What a wasted opportunity to make Traitor Joe look like the fool that he is.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

“I taught two years of 2nd Amendment”? Really, Joke? When exactly was that? I didn’t listen to his angry tirade but unfortunately overheard his rant from my moms tv in the other room. Joke sounded like the proverbial angry old man, yelling at kids constantly playing on his lawn. Hopefully, this will be the last time this a-hole addresses anyone except his nurse to empty his bedpan and his “Predecessor” will take his place in January. Not soon enough.

6 months ago

I did not waste my time watching this brain-dead man’s speech, but reading the article above there is one thing that he said that he was correct about. He stated that “not since Lincoln and the civil war have freedom and democracy been under assault here at home as they are today.” This statement is true, but it is Brandon and the evil democrats that are assaulting our freedoms and our democracy. If these people cannot be stopped this country will be finished.

6 months ago

In one word I found Biden’s SOTU address “nauseating”.

David Millikan
David Millikan
6 months ago

The ravings of Hate, Division, and a Madman last night blaming President Trump and everyone else for his failures and continuous failed policies.

Fed Up
Fed Up
6 months ago

Many of us have been very well aware of Herr Biden’s near fascist beliefs for quite awhile.

6 months ago

I only watched the lie fest as Blaze Media was covering it. There were not enough Tums left in the bottle to get me through it. That wasn’t a Sate of the Union address, it was a campaign event. Apparently YouTube’s policy of deleting ‘misinformation’ only takes effect if one is telling the truth. God help us!

Thomas Powers, III
Thomas Powers, III
6 months ago

I have no kind words for the current president. His constant, angry scowl and speech are what I find anything but inspring. He is only 2 1/2 years older than myself and looks and acts like a Methuselah figure, compared to Donald Trump, who, being slightly less than a year younger than myself, appears vibrant and capable.
Yes, I am voting for Donald Trump, in case you didn’t notice. Everything under Trump was better, and I know I may be called “election denier”, but President Trump has been called many things he isn’t as well, and I really do believe the 2020 election was stolen, and remain unconvinced it wasn’t!
I found the current president’s “sotu” very partisan, and not based on a sound grasp of reality. He said very little about the border crisis and lied continually about the economy. The majority, from what I have seen, disagree with his policies and are having trouble making ends meet. His woke military, gay military, or whatever one chooses to call it, will fight itself much more than it will fight any enemy. I shudder to think of it fighting an actual enemy!
I served in the US Army, when we actually had a real army, for 9 years, half of which was during the Vietnam War. My youngest brother served in Vietnam from Oct 1969 till Nov 1970, and after 14 1/2 years of his return to civilian life, committed suicide in my apartment on March 6, 1985. It’s a very small consolation that he cannot see the state of this nation, about which the current president lied through his teeth, and how life in this country is now, especially for veterans.
I apologize for the strong emotions I have difficulty throttling at times, but I think very little of the current president, his corrupt regime, and what I believe is a vast system of dark money that props him & his supporters up in opposition to the American People. He doesn’t support this country and I hope and pray we get our rightful present, Donald John Trump, back into the office that was stolen from him at the earliest moment the Good Lord will allow it!

6 months ago

At least Biden consistently refers to our government as a democracy. It shows his ignorance of civics. The U.S. is a REPUBLIC not a democracy. Although he is trying to make it into a democracy. I just keep praying for his conversion.

6 months ago

I waited for biden to show up and then to take the long shuffle to the podium. Would he make it before his bedtime? At one point, he asked, “Am I going this way?” And then, at the end of the speech, it took another 15 minutes or longer for him to walk out of the chamber. Would I hear the rebuttal before my bedtime? “If I were smart, I’d go home now.” Chuckles from the right. Based on the support of half the crowd and on his relatively gaffe-free delivery, I’m now pretty sure he’ll be the candidate in November. I had my doubts.
Other notes I scribbled while enjoying some peanut M&M’s: When has he NOT said the Republicans want to put Social Security on the chopping block?
Lankford looked smugly satisfied that his co-sponsorship of the bad immigration/foreign aid bill was the right thing to do. I think most R’s disagree; at least it sounded that way.
The attack on the Supreme Court justices?! Doesn’t biden know they’re a co-equal branch of government? He refuses to recognize the authority of the SC and will try to reverse several of their decisions. And biden couldn’t even say the word “abortion”, instead calling it “health care”.
“I inherited an economy on the brink.” What a joke.
“Consumer confidence is soaring” ?! (What was that bit about title insurance…?)
“I cut the federal deficit a trillion dollars.” “No one making under $400,000 will pay a penny more in taxes.”
“Violent crime fell last year to the lowest level in 50 years.” But where are the statistics on crimes committed by illegal immigrants? How many hundreds of thousands of Americans have died because of the open border?

This is such a bad look for the once most powerful nation on earth.

A brief comment on Katie Britt’s rebuttal. I don’t disagree with anything she said, but if this was a test for Trump’s VP position, I wish she hadn’t sounded so dramatic and emotional. Of course, we’re all feeling the consequences of biden’s presidency, but a VP who might run with the baton in another 4 years needs to sound strong and hopeful. Just sayin’.

Jane Minnella
Jane Minnella
6 months ago

AMAC has the best writers. You articulated my sentiments exactly and didn’t miss a thing. Thank you!!!

6 months ago

Biden and democrats more dangerous than rattlesnakes!

Jim Halloran
Jim Halloran
6 months ago

I could not force myself to watch his sorry performance, but I dropped in occasionally to refresh my hatred of the worst president ever. I got a kick out of seeing Kamala pumping her head up and down, while Mike Johnson was turning his head side to side. That was the best part of Obiden’s speech.

James K. Keenum
James K. Keenum
6 months ago

Worst speech of a State of Union speech in my 52 years watching State of Union speeches.
My hope is that the American people wake up and throw these haters of America out of office in November. The speech was a total disgrace to the office of the Presidency and to every loving American.

6 months ago

I didn’t waste my time last night watching Lying Biden.

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
6 months ago

I watched the whole address. The bar is set so low for Joey that just the fact that he was able to stand for a hour and half is considered a win. Much of his speech was lame and filled with “misinformation” , like crime is down and cities are safer under his watch
I’m grateful that he didn’t actually bomb, like he was expected to. Remember when the President of the United States fails. America fails. We’ve had enough failures the last three years and two months.

Robert Marburger
Robert Marburger
6 months ago

Biden and his administration are similar to Hitler and the Nazis organization. They appear to destroy America and implement the scorched earth policy. Biden should be charged with multiple counts of treason for misconduct as Commander in Chief.

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
6 months ago

Didn’t Hitler used to scream at the German people? Biden is a true spectacle. The Putins and Xi Jinpings of this world must be quaking in their boots. If China invades Taiwan, Biden will scream at Xi. That will accomplish a lot, I am sure.

David Campbell
David Campbell
6 months ago

“…Biden has outed himself as a left-wing extremist…”
We already knew that.

Steven Coughlin
Steven Coughlin
6 months ago

The Republicans could have saved lots of time and effort in their response to Biden’s awful address by playing the clip from “My Cousin Vinny” where Joe Pesci said, “ Everything that guy just said is bull—-t.”

Nancy van Deusen
Nancy van Deusen
6 months ago

The only factor that saves us from intense humiliation over Mr. Biden’s SOTU performance is that we can be assured through mounting irrefutable evidence that Mr. Biden was installed in the presidency, not elected by the majority of voters.

Harry Roberts
Harry Roberts
6 months ago

Funny thing is, and boy is it ever lost on Biden and the Libs, it was the Democrats causing the threat to the nation back in 1860…just like today! Lincoln and the brand new Republican Party saved our Republic! SO looking forward to this demented fool being escorted out of the White House, either in cuffs or after his defeat in November. Hope we can survive until then!!

Eamonn Thomas Smyth
Eamonn Thomas Smyth
6 months ago

There’s a saying “The cow with the dirtiest tail roars the loudest’

6 months ago

Joe Biden was drugged. He was loud and aggressive. There was no cognition in what he was saying. He was all over the map. It was hard to follow. Based on that speech, Congress should have introduced the 25th Amendment, not impeach him. He was torture to watch. This is elder abuse not just his family but the rest of his Administration.

6 months ago

Yes we all know Joe’s agenda, but the Republicans dropped the ball on the rebuttal. K. Britt looked like an actress auditioning for a movie. Smiles were not needed in her speech to the Americans who were waiting for a great comeback. She should have taken a lesson from Sarah H. Sanders. This was a time to nail this so called commander and chief to the wall. Great job as usual Republicans!

6 months ago

I tried to watch, but finally turned it off after hearing lie after lie after lie (which was not a surprise; he does this everyday). Wonder why the Republicans even bother to show up and listen to such tripe? A couple of them did walk out I understand, but maybe the specter of a half-empty room would send the message of, “Why waste time submitting oneself to this man’s Obama-like lies and angry ranting?”

6 months ago

I did not watch this clown show. So my comments are based upon what this article has to say.
Joke Biden did not write the tirade he delivered. He doesn’t have that kind of cognitive ability anymore, actually doubtful that he ever did. So what was witnessed by those who watched was prepared by those controlling him. It was a total setup to make it clear to the world that he is not fit to be where he is. It reminds me of the image of the humanized mouse standing, looking up with his middle finger extended toward the hawk coming down with talons out and about to end the mouse. The image is labeled “Last great act of defiance!” This article describes what impresses me to be Joke Biden’s last great act of defiance.
I must wonder what the Democrat party, at the behest of the WEF, is going to do to make the ‘big switch’ to place their preferred candidate on the ballot for November. Or, maybe, Joke won’t be removed until after the votes are tallied and he is declared to have won a second term. Remember, it doesn’t matter who votes, what matters is who counts the votes.
All I’m saying is, something big is about to happen, between now and next inauguration day. I do not know what that something will be, possibly some human generated calamity, or possibly some divine intervention. But I am quite sure that Joke Biden was totally set up to take a major fall for ‘the cause’. Following which we will find out who our “savior”, as defined by the WEF, will be.

Wayne W.
Wayne W.
6 months ago

Very disappointed in the Republican senator’s rebuttal to Biden’s speech. She seemed timed, scared and weak. The Republican Party has got to do better to get the voters fired up to actually vote.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
6 months ago

To me that speech looked like a convention acceptance speech given by a grumpy old man looking to suck up to the far-left members of his party instead of someone looking to unify the country. Also, everything he said when he was blaming trump and the republicans for everything that has gone wrong in his administration is EXACTLY what I thought he would say.

corbin douthitt
corbin douthitt
6 months ago

Left Wing Extremist- well, consider this- Biden has always been what he was told to be..Right now, he is told to be a Left wing extremist- the only thing Biden does well, is what he is told and lie.I am more worried about WHO is pulling his strings- 0bama? Soros? Clinton?

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
6 months ago

biden has no successes to brag about, so instead he rants and raves about his opponent.

6 months ago

Biden said, “Not since President Lincoln and the Civil War have freedom and democracy been under assault here at home as they are today” He finally said something that wasn’t a lie. Yes, the socialist democrats and Biden are doing everything they can to destroy our freedoms. DOJ is corrupt and targeting political opponents like never before. Our borders are being invaded to get more votes for the left and wipe out the middle class. Soon we only have one party in control of our government and voting will mean nothing since it will be so rigged for the ruling socialist party. Communism!!!! Pray for our nation Trump 2024.

6 months ago

He is the most hateful, delusional, sick, incompetent, ungodly man that’s ever hell the office of POTUS! Should have been impeached and thrown out for stealing our election.

6 months ago

The so call State of the Union Address was nothing but a nation wide political speech that was broadcast by all the television networks.

6 months ago

Hey Joe, guess what? Supreme Court Justices hold their offices under life tenure and do not have to run or campaign for re-election, they are thought to be insulated from political pressure when deciding cases. Got that Joe? Your BS, “women are not without electoral power—excuse me, electoral or political power,” is a paper tiger.

temp mail
temp mail
6 months ago

My brother was absolutely right when he suggested that I would like this website. You have no idea how much time I spent looking for this information, but this post made my day.

A Voter
A Voter
6 months ago

This was no SOTU. This was Biden’s first re-election campaign rant.

6 months ago

The POTUS should be considered as a traitor. He is leaving our Southern borders wide open allowing ILLEGAL Aliens to walk right in without vetting. 2 MILLION got away’s

6 months ago

Trump doesn’t have to concede he didn’t lose.

6 months ago

“Spoken” like a true communist

6 months ago

Biden has long been an extremely dangerous Left wing radical. Even to his blind loyal followers, I pray they can finally see.
Communism’s 45 goals were read into the Congressional Record by Congressman Albert S. Herlong Jr., a Democrat from Florida in 1963. And 19 have already been fulfilled. We are well overdue for the Article Five Constitutional Convention. Congress will not fix the problems, only sincere patriots can thru the Constitutional Convention.
Let’s all unite to get this loon out of office!

6 months ago

Biden is a communist, everyone nows that.

Letts Brandon
Letts Brandon
6 months ago

One more thing, Biden and the networks that broadcasted this should be required to include the air time as a campaign contributions.

Letts Brandon
Letts Brandon
6 months ago

If anyone knows about attacks on freedom and democracy it would be the leader of those who are attacking it. When the sitting head of state gives a speech and can only attack all who don’t agree with his extreme politics and threaten them with retaliation is really showing everyone how out of touch with reality he truly is. Never have we had a leader (not to say Biden is a leader) that did not at least pretend to support all Americans. He not only has no respect for our countries past but shows his disdain for what we have created. Officials elected to government office are there to represent the wants and ideals of the electorate not to force his upon us.It’s quite obvious why they would feel the same way as I’m sure the convicts in prison and those committed to mental hospitals do also. It’s fairly easy for the sane to see that where the left wants to lead us is anarchy. Michael Savage said “liberalism is a mental disorder” a long time ago, how true that sentiment is becoming painfully obvious now. It’s time we bring our country back to sanity.

Glen A
Glen A
6 months ago

Who are you kidding? Everyone should be able to understand the 2020 election was rigged. STOLEN!

6 months ago

It is sad that a sitting president is using the SOTU platform, never in the history of this nation, to vent out divisive, hateful speech against his opponents, as well as all Americans that have a view contrary to his, the democrats, and the fascists within his party.

6 months ago


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