
Elections , Newsline

The Harris Campaign Runs into Reality

Posted on Wednesday, October 16, 2024
by Walter Samuel

From the moment Joe Biden announced his departure from the race on July 21, the American public was subjected to a political science experiment on an unprecedented scale. The liberal establishment set out to determine whether a combination of near-infinite financial resources, broad media complicity, and a relentless branding operation backed by leading figures within popular culture could gaslight voters into believing that up is down, left is right, and Kamala Harris, California Attorney General, U.S. Senator, and Joe Biden’s vice president had a record entirely unburdened by what had been.

That experiment has failed, and its failure has left Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party struggling to put together a coherent campaign and message with less than a month left, hoping to run out the clock as their support slips away.

The election is by no means over, and it would be a mistake for anyone, especially Republicans, to mistake a trajectory for the final result. Harris currently leads by 1.7 points in the latest RealClearPolitics average and has remained locked in a tight race all summer. That number is a reflection of the totality of polling, which ranges from ties to single-digit leads, as well as demographic trends, and where recent election results indicate the floor for any viable Democratic candidate lies. If the election were held this Tuesday, Harris would stand a very real chance of winning a narrow victory.

However, it is clear that victory, if it was a victory at all, would be substantially narrower than if the election had been held a week ago, and narrower still than if it had been held two, much less three weeks before that. Democrats are able to see the trend lines. When that line is almost straight and has been heading in the same direction for weeks, they know there is a problem, which explains the anxiety that has gripped many left-leaning outlets. When the reasons for that line pointing in the direction it is are inherent to the candidate and the path she chose, the panic and erratic efforts to test out new messaging from the Harris campaign make more sense.

The 2024 Harris campaign inherited both liabilities and assets from the Biden administration. On the liability side of the ledger, there was the legacy of years of high inflation, a foreign record of disaster (Afghanistan), failure (the Middle East), and stalemate (Ukraine), and Harris’s own record both as Biden’s vice president and as a California politician.

On the asset side, Harris had access to nearly limitless resources, could contrast her age with Biden, and most importantly, had unchallenged dominance within her own party. What is impressive is the degree to which Harris and her campaign managed to squander their assets, while assuming they could will their liabilities out of existence.

The first error was Harris’s belief that she could erase Biden’s record from the memory of the electorate. There was no effort to frame Harris’s own view of Afghanistan, and Harris seemed to assume that the sacrifice of Joe Biden should, on its own, have been enough to satisfy pro-Palestinian voices, while her husband’s Jewish background would somehow appease those concerned about Israel’s security. She never outlined what her plans were with Ukraine. Inflation was ignored.

Perhaps the most striking illustration of this approach lay with immigration, where Harris supporters tried to wipe her status as Border Czar right off of Wikipedia.

The problem with this approach is that it meant the Harris campaign neither felt the need to defend Biden’s record nor to differentiate her from it. The former in effect conceded that Biden was a failed president. If Biden’s border policies were effective, why would Harris be so eager to deny ever having been his Border Czar?

In August, it would have been costlier for Harris to have clearly decided to defend Biden’s record on some issues while breaking with it on others, but it would have left her with a clear message in October. By implicitly breaking with Biden’s record with her rhetorical pivots to the center, she condemned Biden’s presidency, increasing the costs when she ultimately decided not to break with it at all in October. That is what made the interview response where she could not name a single thing she would have done differently from Biden both inevitable and so damaging.

Worse, this risk-averse strategy led Harris to neutralize many of her other assets. Harris inherited a party in a state of desperation after Joe Biden’s withdrawal. It needed her more than she needed it. She could have broken with Biden on any combination of issues, and most importantly picked whomever she wanted for vice president.

Doing so, however, would have required making choices. Whatever she might have said at the debate, Harris declined to change the Democratic Party’s position on the Second Amendment, crime, the economy, or the border at the Democratic Convention. Most importantly, in her desperation to avoid taking any position on the Middle East, she passed over Governor Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania for her vice presidential pick, instead going for Tim Walz.

Like many of Harris’s decisions in August, the choice of Tim Walz over Josh Shapiro provided a short-term political payoff but was rapidly revealed to be a political loan that came due in October with a ruinously high rate of interest.

Choosing Walz avoided a showdown with the left when Harris could have easily afforded it in August at a time when it might even have produced long-term benefits. It left her with an individual who ceased to be a credible national surrogate following his debate smack-down at the hands of JD Vance and without Shapiro’s network in Pennsylvania.

Two weeks into October, Harris, for all practical purposes, no longer has a vice presidential surrogate at the national level. Worse, Vance’s easy victory over Walz removed Democrats’ ability to use Vance to attack Trump.

Harris therefore finds herself burdened by Biden’s legacy and with a pointless running mate in October, at the very moment she has triangulated her credibility into the dustbin.

It was common to observe in August that Harris appeared to have learned the right lessons from her failed 2020 primary campaign, namely the dangers of pandering to the left. The problem is that this was not the lesson she needed to learn, and she has in fact repeated the primary error of her earlier bid. The problem with her 2020 campaign was not that she pandered to the left, but rather the manner in which she did so, something which revealed the contempt Harris and her inner circle appear to have for the wider electorate.

In 2020, Kamala Harris could credibly have posed as one of the most liberal candidates in the race. As Attorney General, she had followed California’s liberal orthodoxy religiously, and been ranked the most liberal member of the Senate. Had she wished to run as a young, establishment, down-the-line liberal it would have been credible.

However, what pushed credulity beyond the breaking point was her efforts to position herself as some sort of ally of the activist left against the establishment powers that be. People could believe that Harris was a loyal left-wing apparatchik. No one believed the protege of Willie Brown and Gavin Newsom was somehow an ally of those calling to abolish the police and borders. It came off not just as fake, but insulting, transforming her into a figure of mockery on the left while destroying her credibility with more ideologically centrist liberals.

Rather than learning from this experience, Harris has repeated the exact same approach in 2024. It might be credible, at least to militantly anti-Trump voters who are desperate to be told what they want to hear, for Harris to claim to have learned from the “mistakes” of the Biden administration; that excess spending can produce inflation, and that is why she no longer favors single-payer healthcare, or that open borders do not work.

This is not what Harris has done. Rather, Harris has tried to rewrite history, and in an implausible way to boot.

While voters would happily believe Harris believes Biden failed (after all, almost everyone believes that) the idea that Kamala Harris is some sort of Glock-carrying conservative who idealized John McCain and admires the “statesmanship” of Dick Cheney is laughable. It is insulting to those involved.

While Liz Cheney’s appetite for self-humiliation is expansive enough to allow her to campaign with Harris while praising her long neoconservative credentials, it was too much for Meghan McCain, who recently exploded on X, threatening to reveal what her father actually thought about Harris if the campaign continued using his name and image. After an initial spell in which anti-Trump former Republicans enjoyed the attention, Meghan McCain’s reaction is becoming typical.

At the same time, Harris has begun facing anger on the left. Ironically, this anger comes from both breaking too much from Biden (her appearances with the Cheneys and gestures to the center are clearly intended to win over those voters by insulting the left) and too little (Harris has overcompensated for not picking Shapiro by desperately trying to ratchet up her rhetoric on Israel). There is widespread concern that she intends to fire FTC head Lina Khan to appease her Silicon Valley supporters, while Silicon Valley believes she intends to censor them as she did Wikipedia’s references to her status as Border Czar.

Harris now finds herself in a situation where her outreach to the right is failing while she is also alienating the left, having sacrificed much of her political capital to avoid confronting Joe Biden’s legacy – only to be saddled with it nonetheless. She is now forced to run on continuing Joe Biden’s legacy having spent two months treating it as a record of failure. She also now must mobilize the left after having pandered to the right, while holding onto center-right swing voters. It is no wonder she is losing support from everyone.

Harris appears to be in the process of defeating herself. The question we should be asking is not whether she can turn this around, but whether, with early voting ongoing, her support has already been deflated too much for a recovery.

If the election were held on October 5, it seems likely Harris would have won. Were it held on December 5, it now seems almost certain Harris would lose. The question now is whether, on November 5, that crucial tipping point will have been reached.

Walter Samuel is the pseudonym of a prolific international affairs writer and academic. He has worked in Washington as well as in London and Asia, and holds a Doctorate in International History.

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9 days ago

In my lifetime I have never seen a presidential candidate for the presidency that is so unqualified it is just unbelievable. Sadly, Kamala will get millions of votes from voters who have different issues and don’t really understand what is at stake for the USA.

9 days ago

To say that the globalist push to make Harris the next puppet POTUS has failed is a bit of an overstatement by the author. When half the country is literally dumb enough to just robotically accept a last-minute substitute, in the form of empty-suited, DEI hire Harris with a long record of failed progressive stances, for the dementia patient that has been finally been cast aside by the Party’s financial backers because they can’t maintain the illusion of a “moderate competency narrative” anymore, that’s not exactly the same as outright failure. The election is unfortunately still a coin toss, because half the country can no longer think or reason properly in order to make decisions on any basis other than manipulated emotional responses to leftist educational and MSM programming queues.

9 days ago

A vote for Harris is a vote for Obama’s 4th term.
Trump 2024❤️

9 days ago

I do not believe polling, I am a maga supporter and have never been polled, I believe the polling is stacked and believe Trump will win by a landslide but, especially my Christian community needs to wake up and understand your vote counts, if you love your freedom VOTE!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 days ago

It helps to have a MSM of self-proclaimed “journalists” who will take a snippet of what Trump says and turn it into something else. There’s the “few good people” to “bloodbath” lies and more recently his comments at the Chicago economic forum on “J6” calling it a “love-in of 100,000” that I just heard ABC not 5 minutes ago pervert into something else. These tools are so concerned about “peaceful transitions”… if Trump wins, wait and see what happens. It won’t be peaceful and it won’t be “MAGA” doing it. It will be these torch-bearers of “Democracy”! And afterwards, watch how the press lies and covers that up as well…

9 days ago

How in hell did a two-bit California whore ever get to the point of running for our presidency? It tells me there are a lot of very stupid voters in America and even more in California. The jerk Newsom and his knucklehead cronies in Sacramento, California have ruined what once was a great state: Harris was right in there with them with her insane ideas on criminals and letting most off “scott-free”.
I also wonder how she ever got a JD degree and license to practice law.
America’s problems run much deeper than the political crap going on right now
God Bless The United States. Without the USA this world would not be a nice place to live.

9 days ago

The substitute candidate, Kamala Harris, can’t articulate much of her agenda beyond “joy.” She says she is a candidate for the “future,” while at the same time saying she wouldn’t change a thing that President Biden did. And amazingly, she is supported by half the nation. Conclusion: Half the nation would vote for anyone claiming to be a Democrat. Runaway inflation? A porous border bringing criminals, former mental institutions inmates, drugs and gangs who apparently take over a few, and therefore not significant, number of apartment complexes is OK as long as it is ushered in by a liberal Democrat. Wow! I’m wondering how we survive this.

9 days ago

Harris’s campaign may be failing, and it’s obvious that she and AWOL Walz couldn’t win an election for the office of dog catcher. BUT the recent GA ruling (presumably by another liberal judge) blocking the hand-count-ballot rule, and the corrupt DOJ suing VA for removing unqualified individuals from its voter rolls, proves clearly that the election steal is underway. VOTE EARLY FOR TRUMP and PRAY that the election becomes too big to rig!

9 days ago

Harris campaign is run on the premise she was not the incumbent but Trump was. Only we the people know better. Afghanistan, the border, inflation, lawlessness which evolved into the citizens feeling unsafe. The invaders were treated as citizens and the citizens as the invaders. This was when Harris was VP. And now we see the damage these Biden Harris policies have brought. Hunger, feeling unsafe. Seniors will not go out after dark. Shootings are the norm. It is not even reported and crime statistic are a joke because they leave off the big cities in their counts. The whole Biden Harris administration was smoke and mirrors and demonize those that opposed them. Harris was part of that. She would not change anything that occurred the past 4 years. We can’t have 4 more years of this. VOTE TRUMP VANCE. The world awaits.

9 days ago

The overwhelming stupidity of anyone voting for this cackling, incompetent, and who is incapable of answering a question without repeating undefined talking points, reading from a a script, using a teleprompter, or repeats her ‘word salad ramble’ (which ALWAYS begs the question “What the hell did she just say?”) is simply mind boggling.
In the past four years as VP, the American people still know nothing about her EXCEPT that: 1. She has failed miserably every task she has been responsible for. 2. She wants to defund the police 3. She will force taxpayers to pay for perverted trans operations for convicts 4. She continue to allow and encourage the UN-vetted and UN-restricted flow of drugs, rapists, gangs, murderers, terrorists, and other scum coming across our borders 5. She knowingly and willfully continues to shred The Constitution by allowing, encouraging, and helping ILLEGALS VOTE across the country (this is NOTHING SHORT OF TREASON), 6. She is fully responsible for the hundreds of thousands of drug deaths, rapes, murders, and sex and human trafficking of innocent Americans. 7. IF she is promoted to POTUS, her rain of misery, hardship, and death for millions of Americans will continue at a much faster pace. 8. And with the world already on fire, thanks to the spineless and ignorantly arrogant Biden/Harris ticket, Americans MUST NOT IGNORE the most sickening and terrifying possibility of all – increased major conflicts around the world involving American military, TO INCLUDE NUCLEAR WAR.
Harris and Walz are so far OUT OF THEIR LEAGUE it is beyond imaginable. And the horror of knowing this, and when one imagines about the unthinkable nightmare should she get assassinated or just croak, her incapable, bumbling, Valor-Stealing and completely unqualified “knucklehead” VP Tampon Tim would become President, would simply and tragically be THE END OF AMERICA.
But because of THE LEFT’S (AND TREASONOUS RINOs) hatred for Trump and America (because their feeling were bruised) so many ignorantly arrogant voters will back this damning duo from hell is simply well beyond comprehension. MAY GOD PLEASE HELP US!!!!!

Bill R
Bill R
9 days ago

Unfortunately, we have an uneducated electorate who will mindlessly vote Democratic based on soundbites or their superficial impression of a candidate. People don’t understand that even the most powerful country can rot from within. Like the Titanic there comes a time when you can’t turn the US ship away from disaster. Have we reached it?

9 days ago

DO NOT forget. REMEMBER the last 4 years. The biden mandate covid lockdown, the forced school shut down by the teachers union, Ihe surrender to the taliban, the horrific 2 bills the democrat controlled senate with the harris tie breakers that caused horrible damage with the planned inflation, the increase in CRIME in the blue cities and the socialist teachers pushing gender change in elementary school??? There and thousand more like WHERE are the 350.000 children harris lost?? Just REMEMBER all this when you VOTE!! God save us if kackels and tampon tim wins, save our children, please.

9 days ago

If the 34% Christian community who NEVER VOTE would get up from their blessed assurances and vote this time around for the candidate with the best policies and track record, Trump would win this election in another landslide! (The first landslide was the 2020 election, that was stolen…) I do not understand so-named “Christians” who do not understand that God put us here to govern – and that includes being involved in politics and yes, the “government.” Good grief.

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
9 days ago

The first error was Harris’s belief that she could erase Biden’s record from the memory of the electorate.” Oh, come on!!! Good ol’ beijing biden’s record is komrade kacklin’ kammy’s record. She was on board with everything he did. She supported it and sanctioned it wholeheartedly. If she disagreed, she should have shown some backbone, stood up, and said “NO!” She didn’t because she believed in everything he did and stood for. For four years she cackled her way into position to stab biden in the back. She’s a liar, a hypocrite, and a traitor. She should be impeached for her border-czar inactivity. She deliberately allowed millions of illegal aliens to cross our border. Hell, she lured them here with promises of “free” stuff. She allowed them to be bussed all around the Country and provided them “sanctuary,” against the US Constitution. She a traitor! She should be arrested and tried as such.

Dawna Fransk
Dawna Fransk
9 days ago

Harris should never have been able to run. She didn’t run in the primaries. Biden did. They should have held a special primary for Dems. Not sure w=she would have gotten the nomination if she had.

9 days ago

If musk, rfk and tulsi cant put T over the top then this country is over. It will then become a matter of whether theres a quick implosion or an accelerated slide a la Rome 450ad.

9 days ago

Who in the name of God would vote for “a pretender to the throne” named Kamala, a liar, a farce, a woman with zero expertise in anything it takes to be U.S. president?! I have a very hard time believing that more than half the country will vote for her…she is a failed VP, was a lazy and careless AG and prosecutor and is only a candidate because the Democrat Party had to honor her DEI status or face being called racist (the most dreaded label in their party). This is an exercise I image-making and gaslighting, things the Dems have down to a since. It is disgusting to even consider her as president, esp. with the idiot she selected to run with her. Harris will be the final straw that takes our nation down — Obama’s goal will be realized.

9 days ago

The bright side for Harris is that, if our electorate is collectively stupid enough to vote for her, they’ll never recognize any of her post-election scandals. None of her in-office misconduct will matter.

9 days ago

Kamala Harris has been the VP for 3 1/2 years, and it that time period I haven’t seen any positive things she’s done. The Afghanistan was a disaster when 13 of our brave solders died due the the negligence of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. They also left millions of our jeeps, tanks and other machines behind giving the Taliban a early present. Biden and Harris are responsible for those 13 deaths along with leaving folks who helped our Military with Interpreters for our folks. When they’re out of office they should be tried with a Military Trial for those deaths.
She also has done nothing to slow the Illegal immigrants from coming across the border, Fentanyl is still killing people, groceries, gas, mortgages, renters paying more, none of these things have addressed by this Administration. They are putting Illegal Migrants on planes and sending them to cities across the Nation. When she’s asked a hard question, she goes into “word salad” communication, and never answers the question.
Trump, we know from his first term, that some great things happened. Lowest unemployment for folks of every color/creed and gender, 1st Step Act that freed people who were subject to long sentences (some no doubt by Kamala Harris), the stock market was great right up to Covid, things were, as Tony the tiger would say, GREAT! Even when Covid came, he rallied companies to make more gloves, ventilators, he sent 2 Navy ships to LA and NYC (they were not ever used much due to Democrat Governors,) and he got a working vaccine in place in months, not years.
When 2020 came along, he was outed as President, and the DemocRATs started to use Lawfare by Harassing him endlessly, filing numerous lawsuits and keeping him too busy to do politics.
I know he can be harsh and short, but I think about how good things were in 2017, and I know he can duplicate that time. I’m voting for Trump!

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
9 days ago

Who to believe? Polls are all over the map–which ones [if any] are accurate? Trump SHOULD be way ahead based on any semblance of intelligence of voters. Kackler has ZERO record of anything positive. Got her start by sleeping with a “queenmaker” and steadily rose because she was in a deep blue state where only party matters! Tampon Tim is a total FAKE; pretending to be a man’s man but cannot even load “his” own gun correctly! I just hope that the DIMM cheating is held to a minimum!!

Richard hollingshead
Richard hollingshead
9 days ago

there are a lot of democrats will vote for any one that is a democrat, they have no clue what’s going on and they will vote for her and ruin this country.

Paul W
Paul W
9 days ago

A lot of people seem to forget that in addition to having zero qualifications to hold the office of POTUS, lacking vision, savvy and yes…intelligence, she isn’t constitutionally eligible to hold the office (Article II Sect.1), nor was she eligible to be vice president (Amendment XII). The left continues to trample the Constitution; in most cases completely ignoring it when it doesn’t fit their tyrannical agenda. This country has strayed SO FAR from what the Founders and Framers intended that they wouldn’t have a prayer of recognizing this part of the continent as the independent nation that they intended; nor would they approve.
PS To be fair, neither Ted Cruz nor Marco Rubio are eligible to hold the office.

Pat R
Pat R
9 days ago

To be honest, I’ve been thinking it would be the best thing all around if both the Democrat and Republican Parties were done away with and start over. Trump is and has been the only candidate in decades who was not bought and paid for by their party establishment and donors (who then just about dictate what that president and administration will do).
Trump not only paid for his campaigning in 2016 but never took a dime of president’s pay while in office but had it sent to a charity of his choice. Talk about remaining independent of outside influence. BUT the ‘plants’ in his staff worked at bringing him down or making him less effective because he was not answering to the establishment. Didn’t work though because Trump is his own person. And that’s what we need again — and that’s why the Dem and some in the GOP establishment are doing all they can to promote Harris to keep Trump out of the WH.
Now it is even international elites/cabals, etc., also working to keep Trump out of the WH. His win will truly be a miracle. But God just may put him back there once again. I pray that is the case.

9 days ago

I don’t put a lot of faith in the polls myself, but if they are anywhere close to accurate, we have a society in serious decline. If half of the country is so against Donald Trump after what we’ve seen for the past 4 years, to lead them to vote for Kackles simply to vote against DJT, then the rot is becoming terminal. We are at the point where we must win this and the next several election cycles to correct the political course, while we also have to work on the cultural and societal issues. I am confident that the improvements can be made but we need a lot of help from the Lord and the right people in elected office to implement them. Trump/Vance 2024

9 days ago

How in the real world can the empty headed pantsuit possibly lead Trump? It is literally inconceivable. The people supporting that loser are also the types that have TDS, believe we did not land on the moon and think Devils Tower is a tree stump. There is no rationalizing these supporters when they are all that profoundly stupid.

9 days ago

“Harris… most importantly, had unchallenged dominance within her own party.”
Are you joking? Please provide the name of one person who voted for her outside the “Elites” who run the uniparty. And how about RFK Jr.?
I’ll wait.

Ed M
Ed M
9 days ago

Solid article but pretending that she ever had momentum and would have fared better 4 weeks ago in an election is farcical. The “enthusiasm” was manufactured and simply the corrupt news outlets telling people that it existed. The manufactured polls were quickly diagnosed as wildly under sampling likely Trump supporters. It is a key reason why the people behind these polls stopped providing sampling data. The only element that makes anyone doubt the outcome is the very real possibility that the dems have another steal strategy lined up. There has been enough evidence finally presented as to voting irregularities (all in dems favor) in key counties across the electoral map. The current storm response is directly tied to the dems election interference efforts.

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
9 days ago

What can you say about people who supports liars, flip-floppers and someone who steals other people’s ideas to exalt themselves? Brainwashed or blind loyalists?

9 days ago

Clearly 90% of the mindless Democrat voters are not voting for The Kackler. They are voting against Trump. The Left-Wing media has done their jobs.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
9 days ago

Been denying reality day 1

9 days ago

Protect democracy, protect free speech, and protect freedom in America. Vote anti-Democrat.

lothar baier
lothar baier
9 days ago

picking walz over shapiro was a very calculated move ,sure having a popular PA governor as a running made could have tipped the scales in the state in favor of harris but the benefit wasnt assured so they decided that shapiro would be much more valuable as a governor in PA as he could work some magic to “find” some votes for harris should the race be tied or refuse to certify the results , in essence doing what democrats accused trump of pushing kemp to do back in 2020 !

Bob Olden
Bob Olden
8 days ago

Well Vivek says that the Democrat candidate is not the issue. There is a machine running the government and it will run Kamala. Ignorant voters who don’t look at the issues and policies may outnumber the people who take voting seriously and know the long list of failures of Kamala’s party. Then there are the inexplicably stupid people who just hate Trump and never question the competence of their Democrat elected officials. Take California for example.
All up and down the ballot we have to kick the Democrats out! At every level they all back the same failed policies! On almost every vote in congress, they fold to party pressure and forget about what their constituents want. If they did we wouldn’t have had wide open borders for 4 years!! And bloated bureaucracy all over the place!! And failure to back law enforcement!! I could go on but you know the list.

David Baker
David Baker
9 days ago

All the liberal policies Kamala Harris promotes run contrary to reason and common sense and reflect a condition of insanity. If she is elected as President it will be the Biden economic plans on steroids and an increase in illegal invaders, which will bankrupt the country.

9 days ago

The only thing Kamalhair (Harris) is known for is her ability to spend a lot of time on her knees. No way would I ever vote for that cacklin’ idiot.

9 days ago


Mich Band
Mich Band
8 days ago

Shes a failure. A liar, she has no substance when pressed for answers she immediately turns an attack to trump blaming him for all their failures
That the last 16 years have been a disaster hmmm 12 years of of that time were dem ran country and failures
The only 4 years of saftey better economy was the 4 years trump was president and out of spite the day they took office they reversed 32 declarations that trump put in place and look at us now! She has no substance or plan she can only blame and attack trump because that’s what she has been program to deflect too. Wake up America before it’s too late!
#montelssidepiece she will destroy this country and the ones to blame will have to look in the mirror. She’s terrible on every level .

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
8 days ago

Mad dame kamala,timmy the clown and the whole democ ratic party lie like an old warehouse full of moldy old rugs and both will continue to lie.

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
9 days ago

Kamala is qualified for nothing more than cleaning toilets at Grand Central.

Dan marini
Dan marini
9 days ago

Sadly there are millions of stupid Americans

9 days ago

And yet, the race is tied.
A race where one of the candidates couldn’t even pass the first round of primaries, got the VP appointment 100% based on identity politics, it’s automatically delegated the presidential nomination without moving a finger and gets 90% msm support.
A race where the other candidate swept and won over 15 competitors, wins the general election, governs for four years even when a trifecta circus was mounted to destroy him (Russiagate-BLM-COVID), come very close in the next election (assuming he really lost), comes for a third round and wins the primaries,, still with the hatred, derision, and 24/7 demonization from the press, and is still tied or ahead.
it’s either KH is too awful on her own that couldn’t be where she is without the 100% pampering and all the free gifts she is gotten, or DT is too good that with the world against him still manage to be in a tied.
And yet is DT the one called “unfit”. If with all he is done he is still considered “unfit”, while KH is considered “fit” , then I don’t know what those terms mean.

9 days ago

We will find Ms Harris at the bottom of the Marianas trench in the Pacific Ocean when the elections are complete. She will be the unrecognizable pile of slime there.

7 days ago

None of this takes into account voter fraud and ongoing opponent persecution. This will not be a fair election and Trump has a huge hill to get over to really win.

7 days ago

I’m surprised Madonna didn’t want to blow up the White House these last few years.

David Millikan
David Millikan
7 days ago

Reality, Communist harris maintains close relationship with democrat who wants to Soften Child Pornography Laws. NO BS.

8 days ago

”If the election were held this Tuesday, Harris would stand a very real chance of winning a narrow victory”. A totally inaccurate misleading article statement, which is based on her 1.7% national polling lead. 4-5% I’d agree. Thank the mostly liberal polling for the 1.7. VP won’t answer basic important questions voters have, why? She is “left” of Bernie Sanders, but at least he lets you know he’s a major Progressive. The VP attempts to hide her CA Woke Progressive Liberal Bias, hoping peps don’t notice.

anna hubert
anna hubert
8 days ago

Every sports team picks the best of the best to win. If those two are the best the party has to offer they are in a very serious trouble .

C Boyle
C Boyle
8 days ago

It’s amazing to me how many people will vote for Harris in November. I guess there’s too many yellow dog democrats. That’s what my mother and father used to call folks in the South that would vote for a yellow dog for dog catcher as long as the pup had a D next to his name on the ballot.

Ed M
Ed M
9 days ago

For those that question harris’s blatant moves to change positions quickly forget that it is that talent alone that helped her climb the ladder early in her career.

5 days ago

Harris NOT qualified to be president. She isn’t even qualified to be vice president. What she is known best for is being on her knees a lot. Just ask Willie Brown.

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