
Elections , Newsline

The Greatest Scandal in Modern American History That No One Cares About

Posted on Tuesday, September 24, 2024
by Outside Contributor

A little over eight weeks ago, President Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential race, despite being the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee and only true primary vote recipient. He was forced out by the party elite, who watched his debate with Donald Trump and saw what most of America already knew: that Biden is senile. Biden was promptly replaced by Kamala Harris, his vice president, who has since solidified Democratic turnout and is running neck-and-neck with Trump.

But something strange has happened since Biden’s ouster: the country went back to ignoring Joe Biden’s senility. Photographs and footage of Biden asleep at the beach in Delaware have filled X feeds for weeks since he dropped out of the race. Just last week, Biden turned over a full Cabinet meeting to his wife, Jill, who sat herself at the head of the table and proceeded to lecture Constitutional appointees on women’s health issues. Within 48 hours, Biden completely forgot the world leader he was supposed to introduce at a Quad summit, snarling at his aides, “Thank you all for being here and now, uhh, who am I introducing next? Who’s next?” The leader, as it turns out, was Narendra Modi, prime minister of the most populous country on earth, India.

So, why isn’t it something of an issue that the most powerful seat on the planet — the presidency of the United States — is being currently held as a sort of emeritus position by a doddering old fool? Why has an office once held by George Washington and Abraham Lincoln been treated as a sort of throwaway gift to a career corrupt politician, like a gold-plated watch or a set of steak knives handed to a past-his-prime salesman at a Motel 6 retirement reception?

The answer is simple: the person tasked with invoking the 25th Amendment so as to protect the presidency is Kamala Harris. And Harris cannot oust Biden. Were she to do so, that would lead to a pitched battle with Biden himself — and Biden is already fighting mad, during his waking hours, at his defenestration at her hands. But more importantly, Harris cannot oust Biden because were she to do so, she would make explicit that which has remained implicit: she is the sitting vice president of the United States and thus responsible for the actions of the Biden-Harris administration.

The entire Democratic Party gambit — their sleight-of-hand shell game — relies on Biden as the red herring. Were the American people to tie Harris to Biden’s record, she would lose the presidency. She has been, instead, proclaiming that she “isn’t Joe Biden” while at the same time dissociating from zero of his policies. It’s quite the trick. And it could only work with a compliant media and with Joe Biden still retaining the title of acting president. The minute she takes over, she becomes responsible for all of it. And Biden’s record is the shoddiest of any president of our lifetimes.

And so the presidency will be sacrificed in order to advance the ambitions of Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party. The world will continue to spiral into chaos thanks to the leadership vacuum at the helm of the United States. And the Democrat-media human centipede will continue to ignore the absolute scandal that takes place every day at the White House, where a clearly befuddled octogenarian staggers from his living quarters to make unintelligible sounds before the cameras as the world burns.

Ben Shapiro‘s new collection, “Facts and Furious: The Facts About America and Why They Make Leftists Furious,” is available now. Shapiro is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and co-founder of Daily Wire+. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author. To find out more about Ben Shapiro and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website.


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Dee M
Dee M
5 months ago

Did John D really call this a “made up scandal?”. I’m also a Conservative Republican, the absolute truth of this article should piss off every American. Republican or not! We the people are being played for fools. Because of this administration our country is being EXPLOITED on a level never before seen. God Wake America!

5 months ago

Either whether or not Biden is pushed out Kamala is responsible for the crappy job they did these horrible 4 years. She is an awful VP BorderCzar did nothing to stop the invasion of our Country. Giving the illegals our hard earned money, housing in top rated hotels, free everything. Americans are busting their asses to give these illegals freebies is not right. I’m not happy that our own people are homeless n addicted, veterans homeless n most suffering from mental disease they recieved from serving for this nation. If they come here w nothing, make them work, arrest the criminals n send them back! The illegals don’t belong on American soil. And for heaven sakes they have No Right voting in our election. What this administration is doing is Treason!

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

Right she only follows in his footsteps just as he followed in Obama’s

David Millikan
David Millikan
5 months ago

Communist harris record is tied to Dictator Beijing bidens administration record.

Joy jardine
Joy jardine
5 months ago

I was under the impression that the mother and father of a United States of America President had to be born in USA, have the rules been changed?

5 months ago

This latest play by Democrats shows how stupid those people really are these days.

5 months ago

The demokrats control the press. You don’t think that the press will say anything against harris or any demokraut do you?

John D
John D
5 months ago

I’m a conservative republican who believes in limited government. There is no scandal though. This isn’t a conservative site. It’s a hate site where aknots every article says how rotten democrats are. Democrats aren’t rotten but misguided on some issues. Conservatives should spend more time talking about the economy and far less about made up scandals.

Seal of the United States Department of Education. The seal was introduced on May 7, 1980, and is described in law as: Standing upon a mound, an oak tree with black trunk and limbs and green foliage in front of a gold rising sun, issuing gold rays on a light blue disc, enclosed by a dark blue border with gold edges bearing the inscription "DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION" above a star at either side of the words "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" in smaller letters in the base; letters and stars in white. More information here and 34 CFR Part 3.
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