The way the 2024 presidential election is proceeding, if the Democrats have their way, the November contest would take place almost entirely without input from voters.
First, Democrats have initiated four criminal trials against the 2024 Republican frontrunner and former President Donald Trump, hoping that at least some of the numerous indictments produce convictions that would either disqualify Trump as his party’s nominee or else mortally wound his campaign if he is nominated.
Second, the Democrat-controlled Supreme Court in Colorado and the Democrat Secretary of State in Maine have ruled that Trump, even if he is the nominee, cannot appear on their state’s presidential ballot. As reasoning for their decision, they have alleged that Trump’s actions in January 2021 violate the 14th Amendment’s ban on anyone serving in elected office who had “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the United States – a clause that was intended to keep former Confederates out of the government after the Civil War.
Mr. Trump has not been indicted or convicted of this offense, nor does the language of the obscure passage, even if he had been, clearly make him eligible for exclusion.
Ultimately, the question of whether or not Democrat officials in states can unilaterally remove Trump from the ballot will be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court. While many legal scholars suggest the Court will not allow exclusion from the ballot, others suggest it might let each state decide the issue.
Should the latter happen, two outcomes are likely.
First, in states where Democrats control their supreme court, Mr. Trump, even if the GOP nominee, could be excluded from the ballot. This possibility has already caused some Republicans (in Texas, for example) to begin efforts to have President Biden, assuming he is the Democrat nominee, excluded from the presidential ballot in those states where Republicans control the supreme courts on the grounds that Biden’s border immigration policy amounts to an insurrection against the U.S. government.
This could mean that, except in a handful of states, one of the two major party nominees would not be on the ballot — and thus there would not be a true choice for voters in the presidential election.
In those states where both nominees would appear on the ballot, it is very likely they would be battleground states where the results would be very close. With all the new rules for early and mail-in voting and ballot harvesting, it is almost certain that the campaign of the candidate who is narrowly behind will go to court to dispute the election.
Thus, court rulings, and not voters, would decide the election. Should anyone think this would not be possible, it should be remembered that it was a court ruling that ultimately decided the 2000 presidential election.
A second distinct possibility is that, with significant third party candidates on the ballot, and many states with only one major party nominee on the ballot, frustrated voters would enable third party candidates to win a few states, resulting in no candidate having the necessary 270 electoral votes to be elected president.
This would then throw the 2024 presidential election into the U.S. House of Representatives, where the winner would be decided by each state, regardless of their population, having only one vote. In that case, the result might not reflect the popular vote at all.
Even if, because some congressional delegations are tied, the U.S. House fails to give one candidate the majority, the election would then go to the U.S. Senate, where the party with a majority would decide the presidential election, again not reflecting the will of the voters.
If that body, too, is tied, the very final decision would be made by the Supreme Court, which enabled this electoral crisis in the first place by allowing the states to decide who can appear on the ballot.
The above scenario is, of course, speculative, but if it appears to be only a pundit fantasy, it is only necessary to remember the aftermaths of the recent 2000, 2016, and 2020 presidential elections to see that a 2024 courtroom-decided election might take place if a major political party’s nominee is excluded from state presidential ballots.
Even if the Supreme Court does finally decide that a state cannot exclude a candidate or nominee from their presidential ballot, this national election cycle is already in very uncharted political territory, and its ultimate destination is very much in doubt.
Political seat belts will now be required until next November.
The author takes a very roundabout way to avoid stating the obvious. That the Democrat Party has simply and finally decided, after decades of trying to mask their true nature from an American public that has been too apathetic for their own good, to act like every other repressive authoritarian regime around the world.
The Democrat Party has come to the conclusion, thanks ln part to said wide spread apathy and also the incredibly successful job the left done in dumbing down two whole generations to Americans to prefer socialism / Marxism over freedom and self-determination, that it is now safe for the Democrats to drop any pretense of what they have always been and just openly adopt, in nearly identical fashion, the authoritarian playbook practiced in such Utopian socialist or Marxist sh*tholes around the world like China, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Venezuela, etc., etc., the same tactics used in those countries for their regimes to eliminate any viable political opposition. All one has to do is compare the strategy and tactics used in recent elections in all those countries over the last 24 months to see how what the Democrats are currently doing here aligns so well with those of other authoritarian regimes. Of course, most people are even too lazy to do even that level of research on their own these days. Everything has to be spoon fed to them in neat, little bites that involve little effort.
All that is missing to date from the current Democrat effort is the final tool of repression of the masses and that is of course the use of overt military force to suppress the population to ensure the regime maintains its power. On our current speed and direction, it is not inconceivable that that option will likely be brought to bear should the Democrats succeed in 2024. Then our “transformation” will be complete. On a somewhat happier note, to end things, you can always tell your grandkids the republic of the United States almost made it to its 250th anniversary.
The real insurrection are the acts of the Democrats (and RINO’s), preventing our democracy from working. They change the rules at every opportunity to benefit themselves. We are becomming a Communist nation at their hands.
It is beyond reason that President Trump can be blamed for the fictitious insurrection on January 6th when both Pelosi and the Mayor of DC refused to use the National Guard as a precautionary measure in case things got out of hand. Also, most of the evidence as related to January 6th has been destroyed. The lengthy films of January 6th show very little actual violence, and make it very obvious that the Americans who trespassed were encouraged by law enforcement to go where they were not supposed to go. There is also growing testimony and evidence that FBI and police operatives were illegally encouraging naive patriots to act inappropriately. The Republicans in Congress need to step up to the plate. They need to spread the truth and work for the release of Biden’s political prisoners. We are still a supposed Constitutional Republic, not a Banana Republic.
Why is it that no one ever defines the term “insurrection”? No one was declaring their wanting to change their allegiance to the United States. Trump asked the demonstrators to move “Peaceably”. He incited nothing. Multiple demonstrators forcibly entered the Capitol, but that did not qualify them as insurrectionists. Did it?
We are now very close to the place this nation was in 1860, if Red and Blue states are only allowed to vote for their candidate, we are effectively two opposing nations and the United Stated is history, but I believe this is by design, we are being deliberately destroyed because we are a stumbling block to globalist, read China, world take over.
Seeds for riots IF done or how Court decides
Bad Optics
Have to see Trump charges overturned & those on Hunter proceed
isn’t that what has happened in Palestine, Argentina, and other countries? Leaders taking over without voting? Maybe we are more communistic than socialistic
Democrats won’t be happy until the ballots list Democrats only. I am just now reading 1984. Too busy when it came out. Hmmm sounds a lot like what is happening now if we are not very careful.
If Dems don’t like Trump, then campaign on why Biden should be re-elected without the scare stuff….it gets old and is full of lies! Reps don’t like Biden, then campaign on why Trump or who ever wins the primary should be elected without the scare stuff. Give us the people a reason TO VOTE FOR instead of against! Positive campaign instead of negative might go along way to helping us all be Americans again!!! Can we get adults back into the White House, I’m sick of the children and their very dangerous games! This country was founded on WE THE PEOPLE…LET US THE PEOPLE VOTE! And whomever wins, fair and square, gets to to their job for 4 years without lies, interference, and games!!! Once again… can we get the adults back into the White House?
I wouldn’t call it the first election without voters. That was in 2020 when all kinds of stuff went on to make Biden president… The “votes” at that time were very questionable on the Democrat side of the aisle. Looks like we’ll be in for just more of the same this time. That’s why Biden doesn’t campaign at all while Trump sits in courtroom after courtroom trying to defend himself…
The 2024 election will be won by the Democrats even if it takes running Michelle Obama. Barack is not going to stop until he destroys this country.
I don’t think, I know for a fact the last election was rigged because I had two extended family members directly involved in the rigging of it.
I’m sorry but me thinketh it’s time for a revolution!
They keep referring to Jan. 6th as an insurrection when it wasn’t! If it had been, wouldn’t they all have been armed to the teeth, especially given our 2nd amendment meant for that purpose? The only gun used was by a White House Security guard that shot and killed an unarmed female veteran! No business broken into and robbed; no cars set afire, etc. For the most part it was very peaceful, esp. given the tens of thousands that were there. A few broke a window to gain access into the building. Nothing inside was destroyed. W.H. security cameras bear this out. Guards inside even led many of the demonstrators.
If it’s accurate that texas is moving to exclude sniffy from the ballot owing to the insurrection he’s caused at the border it might be the first sign the feckless Rs are growing a spine. Ive been waiting for them to hit back harder for years. Could this be it?
In Russia, anyone opposing Putin winds up drugged, dead or in prison. In the United States, we are more refined and nuanced. We created a generation of indoctrinated voters who believe that extreme liberal values of the Democratic Party are sane, wise and just. We use the legal system to harass, punish and disqualify opposition to Democrats. We repeat ad nauseam myths like the glorious impact of Bidenomics when anyone who looks at his (sorry, his/her/their) financial situation knows they are in a world of hurt. We deny the necessity for people to be responsible and reward irresponsibility by relieving them of debts they have incurred and by not punishing them for crimes they commit. Once trusted institutions’ DEI executives preach that white, Christian, English speaking men have privilege because of these factors and that they need to bow to all others and atone for their whiteness, faith and language. Acceptance of this garbage by too many people has turned us into a banana republic where “voting” could become a meaningless act. And this is what I joined the military for and defended? I guess I wasted a few years.
Pretty dystopian outlook. If these ppl were as truthfully concerned about “democracy” as they say, they’d stop trying to circumvent it by exploiting the Judicial Branch of government. Should Trump be prevented from state ballots, I don’t want to hear Democrats whine about “insurrection” because they’d have stoked one! (We’re all relying on SCOTUS to do the right thing and rule favorably. This is possible thanks to Trump and Congress: there would not be “hope” if Democrats installed three Marxist/activist/DEI-CRT loving judges instead of the three Trump appointees)
The Demoncrats will win. They cannot afford to lose. Unlike the republicans, they spend many hours planning scenarios for the unlikely. The only time they have been caught off guard in recent years is when Trump’s popularity overwhelmed their computer fix in 2016. They knew ahead of time that they had it because they had rigged the computers. In 2020 they included stuffing ballots to overcome the already computer fix. So, they had to cheat in both ways to win. That should tell you how unlikely it is for them to ever win an election. So, this time it is all the above and bought off judicial system plants in all key states. The part of the 7 trillion bailout money that went into the Soros Hedge Fund coffers just before it went private so that no one could see where the money went is being used against us.
Furthermore, just as JFK Jr pointed out recently, Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street have the majority of the Military industrial complex sown up. Therefore, all the money being given to Ukraine ends up in their coffers so that Joe receives their financial backing. Our new military leadership is in bed with these groups, much like the medical community is with big pharma.
There is no win even if a responsible republican leader did get into office. They have no authority to remove the 90% of the embedded Demoncrat controlled federal bureaucracy.
Since there is no way to centralize a leadership group outside the state, as our forefathers did when they created the continental congress, the possibility of pulling together a united front against this internal terrorist organization is close to impossible. And if we did they would just ask the Chinese to invade and put us down.
The God we serve is our only solution. Pray!
Again, the left blatantly and hypocritically guilty of what they accuse the Republicans. In this case, violation of the 14th Amendment…and more. There have been undertones of violence threatened against President Trump if he is reelected, and as expected from the DOJ: crickets. Whatever underhanded cheating and crimes necessary to steal another election, the Marxist elite will do. The question is becoming ever more clear: will America’s cultural cold war start “heating” up? What is it going to take to retrieve our Republic? Curious what will come from SCOTUS in this matter, if anything. National elections are a federal matter, as the 14th Amendment states. So that blue states removing anyone from the ballot is in itself unconstitutional, but this fact has become simple rhetoric, first to the elitists and now swallowed by their mindless useful blue idiots.
Instead of being the leader that America has been and can be, the powers that be are willing to be second rate and follow the leader of countries that are subversive and dominate and rule the peole without the ability of the people to speak for themselves. Those powers that be are afraid of the people and what they wan
Odd that they toss around the term “insurrection” until it becomes some accepted fact (like carbon dioxide causing “climate change”, but I digress).
It’s obvious to me that an “insurrection” in America would involve lots and lots and lots of firearms. How many did these supposed insurrectionists carry? Zero.
Meanwhile, George Floyd riots burned government buildings, involved lots of shootings…and were described as “mostly peaceful”.
God save America. He is our only hope.
Until every State makes the ability to vote only with a government issued ID, and in person unless personal circumstances can be proved necessary for an absentee ballot, “as it used to be”! I don’t trust the outcome. Sadly, although there is enough evidence the last Presidential vote was a manipulated fraud, the Republican party accepted that fraud, and did nothing. I’ll still vote hoping the voter turn-out is so overwhelmingly in favor of Trump “this time” that nothing can over-ride the will of the people!!
Morning Gary, 12 Jan 2024
This is interesting; if history is correct, he will contribute well. What lies in one’s head is often unknown, but in 15 weeks, we will see into some of that.
Prior prison inmates or those released have been good students.
Back soon, Richard
Democrats and their antics are disgusting, unAmerican, power-hungry incompetence, etc.
Why democrat voters do not stop this, as they suffer, is beyond me. Falling into the TV junk about A, B, or C is your weakness, not the system. VOTE, YES, VOTE.
Stop pontificating and get off the couch, vote Republican, and end this hell hole America has become. Do not continue to complain; instead, focus on ensuring you will get to the polls and vote.
It is not the person but the actions, the programs, the outcomes that matter. Who does the job and ensures that the asshats around the world are held in check, that the illegals and dangers are going to be removed, and that the chaos of drugs, crime, and unruly and damaging behaviors is addressed. Look at what the disconnected have done in the DC House; an outside force is ruining the country for their purposes, and unless voting takes place, it will get messier.
It is WAY past time for the massive American society to chuck politics and party (look at this crock, and you realize it is all asunder! So vote for the person who will get it done, stop the BS, and restore your quality of life. To those idiots who like the chaos, well, get a grip on your butt and haul the hell out of here!
Your graphic displays a red 20 and a blue 24, subtly implying victory for team-blue. Somebody who had a hand in choosing those colors is trying to influence voter expectation. I don’t suppose you’d be willing to flip those colors (blue 20 and red 24)?
I swear this is like watching a Twighlightzone show. Totally against the constitution taking a presidential candidate who WAS our President off the table. It truly go smacks of Adolph Hitler stealing the chancellors yet they proceed. THATS PROOF the democrats aren’t a real political party but a gang that’s usurping our Country and our way of life. This could lead to Civil War and although I’m 71 I must join the war as it’s our duty. Trump 2024
Well stated, Mr. Boas. This has all been brought about because of the left’s evil, tyrannical lust for power as well as there complicity with the globalist cabal to tear down the United States and its Constitutional Republic foundation. No hyperbole; the left is truly demonic and a great many of those that sport an “R” in front of their names are covertly part of the left and its anti-America plans.
There is no doubt that Progressive Democrats are abusing the U.S. Justice System as a political tool to prevent a candidate they know will be elected from being able to be voted for by American citizens. This is a Socialist/Communist coup!
This issue is truly an indicator of how deep into the mire of lawlessness, immorality, and selfishness our nation and the world have fallen. Lawyers have complicated our system of justice for so long, we can’t just look at the simplicity of truth.
Let’s quit defending our President, Donald J. Trump, on the despicable nature of the democrats in seeking new ways to secure political power. It does show that American values have upended the democrats’ use of voter fraud to end democracy. Now their desperation has forced them to abandon covert attacks for the ease of just not giving a damn who knows the game plan. Yes, I said it. The democrats won 2020 by egregious fraud. Now indict me as a co-conspirator (I actually held to this even before DJT mentioned it).
Now from a simple, retired, country lawyer. Law 101. You aren’t supposed to be able to put a person in prison for life unless they have been CONVICTED of a crime. Had President Trump rode a quarter horse into the rotunda waiving an AK-47, he has yet to face a fair and impartial trier of facts. Gee, the basics of our rule of law truly work. Of course, it requires men and women of integrity willing to seek justice, not media approval, or pandering to every pervert’s demands.
Let’s stop putting the cart before the donkey. Innocent until proven guilty needs to represent something. Oh, and for all the Ivy League lawyers. It is true, less is more.
Donald J. Trump, for 47th president of the Unted States!
Interesting. A government not of the ppl. by the ppl and for the ppl. but a government of by and for the government. Why not. We pretty much see that now but with a pinch of fascism. Happy New year…
The last time we had this much divide, we elected Abraham Lincoln. Not saying in this political climate we should try for that again though ; !
We are in for a bumpy ride. This election will be only one candidate on the ballot in the blue states and fraud in the red States by the dems. Or no election for the dem candidate falls ill or dies. War has broken out. Trump is assasinated. A huge possibility if they can’t get him convicted through the weaponized courts. Or the voters boycott the election and start a Civil war. We are sitting in a roller coaster that is about to crash
more examples of the democrats destroying democracy.
If you vote democrat you are a criminal because you are aiding and abetting criminals.
Do all the states still offer write in candidates?
So what can we do about this??????? AMAC as a large organization of people should be able to put pressure in areas bad things are happening, shouldn’t it??????
Vote for President Trump to END the MADNESS of democrats and their Communist agenda intentionally destroying the United States.
Colorado and Maine have NOT said Trump cannot be on the Ballot. They said if he appealed it to the Supreme Court he would be left on the Ballot. Trump DID appeal it to the Supreme Court so he IS currently on the Ballot in both states
We have only to recall the Presidential election of 1876, coming on the heels of Reconstruction. This was ultimately decided by the Supreme Court. GOP President Rutherford Hayes, as a gesture to the South, withdrew the last Federal troops from the South in early 1877, easing the crisis.
Assassination without spilling one drop of blood Those who screeched the loudest for it to happen are in for a rude awakening
What the democrats want to do is one of two things,and both would benefit only the soros flavored democrats.First give the illegal aliens amnesty which would probably give them the right to vote,and they would vote for santa claus,and in this case it would be the democrats.If that didn’t work the leftist democrats would enact martial law and decide which democrat would rule and that would make them more marxist than they already are.Either one would cause out of control problems which would further destroy AMERICA.We are very,very close to the end now.
There are so many good responses to this article. Particularly regarding this comment from PaulE: “Of course, most people are even too lazy to do even that level of research on their own these days. Everything has to be spoon fed to them in neat, little bites that involve little effort.” I feel that the root, the base, the beginning of the problem IS “lazy” people; particularly and simply the laziness of vocabulary. So, so, many use many words for which they are fully ignorant of meaning (primarily a problem with the population under 30). It is likely that more than 80% that use terms such as misogyny, apathy, racist, white supremacy, socialism, authoritarian, etc are unable to define these words. If you do not know the beginning (the words) how can you define the ending (a sound decision).
How about a real civil war to decides who controls this country, the conservatives against the leftist evil filthy demoncrats. That way we can take them all out and put the surviving filth in concentration camps in the Nevada deserts!!!
Then put in a new Congress which does not allow US haters like the squad and most of the democrats to even participate, oh yeah I forgot they will either be dead or in concentration camps.
Long live the USA
When are people understand, if Donald Trump is nominated, we will , if elected have four more years of congress wasting tax dollars on indictments and impeachments of a sitting president who already wasted four years of our time and did nothing to permanently back up his executive orders with laws. More than half of the conservative voters can’t stand Trump, think his age is too advanced to effectively serve, or are worried that his attitude and self aggrandizing will alienate the US further than before. We, as a country, need a young Conservative to lead us back from the brink not only in the White House but in the senate and the house. Mitch McConnell must go along with all other septuagenarians and octogenarians in government. Congress in not the place to go to die. We must rid ourselves of the lunatic fringe candidates including the likes of A.O.C, Matt Gates et all. We must never elect those who make their service to our country about them when it should be about us or vote for someone because of their race, creed, sex or color. Our vote should be based on who is the best equipped to do the job assigned to them. Delivery is more important than promises. Ask the right questions, look at the individuals track record and for the love of Pete, don’t vote based on the the fictions pushed by the talking heads.
As long as Repubs keep sending out emails n texts asking for money, for zilch re demoncRATic treasonous actions, blah blah, DONT STAND UP FIERCLY FOR 45, allow cnn n the like to spread narratives AND the shallow skin melanin CON-struct plus Not doing their 6 Figure Salary jobs – yesumdedee, our Republic will soon fail. Then where do we go…
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
Revolution is is in the air… the Demonrats are our National enemy.
There is the write in section on all ballots, no state an prevent anyone from writing in any name on that line and they have to count those votes or find a way to destroy them or count everything but the presidential part.
The Justices’s on the Supreme Court had best “nip this problem in the bud” once and for all, before it becomes a major problem! The dirty secret of the far left socialist’s is a secret no longer. They want to rig elections and pack the Court! This goal can and will have unintended consequences!
Like it or not these socialist are still in the minority albeit they have made strides in becoming the majority! From the Founding Fathers to the present American’s have gone to war to be free and crushed despots who would impose their will, on others who take issue with them! Why have they ignored the lessons of history? The answer is staring them in the face but they refuse to see it! In the words of “Patrick Henry”, Give me Liberty or give me death. These words became the battle cry of the Revolution!
Are we going to be f**ked again?
The last sentence is all we needed to know!
No voters..complete nonsense. How did this article ever get past the editors? This may be an election without candidates, but it won’t be an election without voters…If democrats don’t have enough voters they will create some.
The left now has to pull out all of its wickedness. Its now longer suitable to state the old lines of the past such as “They’re going to take away your Social Security ” or ” Conservatives are engaged in a war on women”. Those lines of bs never worked in the past but the left did not feel desperate then. Now they do. We will now see attempts to give Biden 3 terms ( even while he is in his grave), shut down the Supreme Court, and take away the right of each state to control federal elections.