
Elections , Newsline

The Critical Race Theory May Help Republicans Win a Majority in the House of Representatives in 2022

Posted on Thursday, July 29, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi
Critical race Theory

WASHINGTON, DC, July 29 — The Critical Race Theory [CRT] is a significant political issue, but it is intended to foster racial division and anger in our country. It also casts progressive socialist candidates in a very unappealing light. As such, it has the potential of giving Republicans a chance to win back the House of Representatives come to the mid-term elections in 2022.

In a nutshell, the Heritage Foundation says the Critical Race Theory makes race the prism through which its proponents analyze all aspects of American life. And, CRT’s intolerance can be found in schools, the workplace, and the entertainment sector, “normalizing” belief in systemic racism for the average American.

As the Wall Street Journal points out: “Over time, Democrats have lost some working-class voters for cultural reasons, and the woke rhetoric among party progressives may exacerbate that problem. That’s why so many Republicans are using the spread of critical race theory—which advances the argument that America remains in the grip of systemic racism—as a cudgel against Democrats.”

The Washington Examiner reports that a recent Economist/YouGov poll “showed 58 percent of Americans polled find the controversial curriculum somewhat or very unfavorable.” Fifty-five percent of participants in the survey said they understood what the CRT curriculum suggests — that America is an unforgivably racist country and always has been, concluding that it is bad for the country.

The Examiner went on to note that 86% of Democrats had a favorable view of the CRT, compared to 6% of Republicans. In addition, “the poll revealed that independents were more likely to side with the GOP, with 20% expressing a favorable view of critical race theory, compared to 76% with an unfavorable view.”

Finally, a survey conducted by Parents Defending Education in May showed that political extremism in the classroom harms their kids, and they want it to stop. “Seventy-four percent said they were somewhat or strongly opposed to teaching students that white people are inherently privileged and black and other people of color are inherently oppressed. Similarly, only 6% of respondents favored schools assigning white students the status of ‘privileged’ and non-white students the status of ‘oppressed’ – versus 88% opposed, including 78% strongly opposed.”

Thus, as Republican strategist Ford O’Connell told The Hill just last week, the CRT is decidedly an issue that can motivate voters, whatever their party affiliations. He said it is, indeed, an issue with the ability to result in a “red wave” at the polls. Thus, it is likely that GOP candidates will use the CRT as a means of amassing bipartisan votes.

It’s a powerful message, perhaps so powerful, that Ra Shad Frazier-Gaines appears to be suggesting that Democratic candidates should try to steer clear of CRT discussions. As he told The Hill: “I don’t see the need for any member of Congress to address that in their platform. If they’re asked by [the] media, I personally think that they should divert that energy and attention to superintendents of education for their state and school board members. That is the easiest way for them to stay out of fire.”

The Critical Race Theory indoctrinates its adherents that they are right and that its opponents are wrong. However, polling continues to suggest that voters will reject it out of hand.

Critical Race Theory is simply based on false leftist assumptions that purposely ignore the overwhelming progress that has been made in our “melting pot” nation. However, voters have a taste for facts when deciding on a candidate, according to one observer, like the fact that “the most divisive war in which our country was engaged is unassailably the Civil War. If anything, that conflict was the deadliest war in which the U.S. has ever been involved, and it was fought to free black slaves and quash the most pernicious possible form of racism, slavery. And it is another fact that before the war over, Abraham Lincoln, America’s first Republican president, signed the Emancipation Proclamation, something for which America is and always will be proud.

Critical Race Theory needs to be put back into its twisted original academic and political obscurity from whence it came.

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Patrick Stephens
Patrick Stephens
3 years ago

Critical Race Theory…,more sucking up to the demoncrap voter group

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

We can WIN off the whole Biden Admin stuff since 1-20 to date

3 years ago

All may be true, but conservatives need to promote where the country is now in hands of Dems and not rely only on CRT. They need to bring forward their ideas.

All eggs in one basket are not going to win back the house.

Dottie Rodda
Dottie Rodda
3 years ago

Lincoln continued to maintain that he would not interfere with slavery where it existed. However, as a result of Union battlefield losses by July 1862, the President had decided that emancipation was a military necessity. Lincoln knew that many thousands of enslaved people were ready to fight for the Union.

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
3 years ago

This is really a no-brainer. If CRT insanity doesn’t cause at least one chamber to flip in 2022, then something is really out of whack in this country.
“CRT, the prism through which all aspects of American life are judged”?
That’s enough to scare the s*it out of any warm functioning body!

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
3 years ago

The Republicans aren’t going to win anything unless they can ensure voting/election integrity in states comprising at least half the population of the country. Unless something is done, the Democrats will continue to cheat at an ever-increasing rate until they are able to steal EVERY election in the country.

3 years ago

Critical Race Theory needs to canceled just as those who don’t agree with the Communist Democrat Party and it’s elites.

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
3 years ago

Critical Race Theory embedded in American curriculum is one part of the attack on America attempting to crash the country so its enemies can build back better using Marx to replace our Judeo-Christian religious roots. This model requires devastating destruction. God help us and that is a given. He who made us all is still here and will be until the end.

3 years ago

At the beginning of this year I had no idea what Critical Race Theory meant, or is. Since then I educated myself and found out that I, being a white male, hate people with a skin color darker than mine, I had no idea. I guess that Joe Biden (who is a white male) and every other white person in this nation are racist and should be apologizing to every person of color. This is absolutely crazy, yet ,this is being taught to the children as truth. How in the world will this stop the division and unite us, as Joe Biden promised in his inauguration speech, The democrats and MSM are Marxist on the path to divide and conquer the United States into a Communist nation, and by staying silent, the Republicans in office are allowing it. We THE PEOPLE need to speak up and wake up the brain dead people, to what they are allowing.

3 years ago

So many people try to put the fear of God in others by quoting select scriptures on forums like these. Let’s look at the big picture. Our country has totally divorced itself from our founding principles. The erosion of the family and lack of attending religious services is the main cause, in my opinion, of the current sorry state of our country. People fuss about clergy abuse in the Catholic church but sexual misconduct by our leaders just rolls off our shoulders. Corruption and moral degradation is everywhere in all aspects of society. Our country will not change until we drag our families, kicking and screaming if necessary, back into the pews of our sacred spaces.

Mary in WA
Mary in WA
3 years ago

The unethical and unAmerican actions of the current “President” and Congress will inspire US citizens to vote for Republicans for Congress in 2022 and for a Republican President in 2024. However, until the states repair and monitor their election systems to prevent cheating, Republicans have little chance of wining elections ever again.

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
3 years ago

Critical Race Theory was something drummed up in the Democratic/Communist: ‘Spin, Propaganda and Brainwashing Division’. The Morons in this department; just needed some lame cause; to instigate self-righteous indignation. You have to be thoroughly brain-washed to begin with; to even barely accept this malarkey. It helps the Republicans in that all political sectors are repelled by this cow manure; (pardon me, to all cows; your manure has a valuable function.) The Current Imbeciles in Communist Spin are far too obvious and contrived. They are as subtle as a freight train going down hill loaded with anvils. From their drummed up propaganda at the beginning of 2020; all to effect a coup, to the police demonization, to the checking in every Republican closet to look for some sensational smear; the Democrats/Communists are there at every turn. They don’t care about the equality, equity, or rights of anybody; they are the self-serving ‘Money Mafia’. They would make a deal with the devil himself if it meant profit. Our Founding Fathers would roll over in their graves; if they saw what has recently transpired in this country.
~ George’s Forever Friend ~

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
3 years ago

America was not a racist country until the left-wing, liberal democrats made it so within the past year. This critical race theory is promoting racism and is brainwashing our young people. We need to strip all liberal K-12 faculties and liberal college professors from their positions so that our young people will receive the eduction to which they are entitled. THEY ARE RUINING OUR CHILDREN WHO ARE OUR FUTURE.

Larry M. Binion
Larry M. Binion
3 years ago

Democrats believe in “Divide and Conquer,” by fostering hatred by way of “homophobia,” and “CRT” and anything else they can think of to divide us. They want the vote for promises that will never be kept. People have been slaves to the Democrat party for too many years. “Mainstream” News needs to be put out of business for real news their “opinion news.”

3 years ago

What a load of commie shit! obummer began this kind of shit!

3 years ago

Isn’t it amazing how this has happened? 15% of America’s population is African American yet they commit 50% of all crime! Yet my own life was affected by this racial discrimination back in 1974 and my life was greatly affected by this discrimination so that now at almost 74 years old, I have to work just to survive! Geezer, thanks LBJ!

3 years ago

This whole CRT garbage is a perversion of the Marxist Critical Theory. MCT sought to have the slugs of the world rise up and take over all of the businesses run by the ruling class. DIDN’T WORK. So now we have the new “class warfare”. Racism is easier to push than outright rebellion. Now as a consequence of your birth you are a labeled individual. If you are born white,you are responsible for the woes of every poor slob that couldn’t or wouldn’t try to get ahead and just sat around crying poor poor pitiful me. You are automatically born a RACIST or some poor oppressed individual and you’ll never get ahead. Pick one. Look in the mirror to get the answer.

David Brown
David Brown
3 years ago

They need to be hunted down, rounded up, isolated, and literally destroyed, like the vermin they are! Wait… that sounds like a Demonrat! Maybe they’re on to something?

3 years ago

Screw the morons that are further dividing our already divided nation by promoting CRT.

David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

People who promote CRT teachings are Marxists, plain and simple. It starts at the top with elected officials at the national level and goes all the way down to the teaching level in the schools. People who promote this in public and those in elected positions need to be soundly defeated in elections, and teachers who promote this garbage need to be shown the door. We need to teach the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic in schools without the political influence of these false narratives. To shame someone because of the color of their skin, for any reason, is just plain bullying. The people who promote this are racists themselves.

Steven Meisels
Steven Meisels
3 years ago

If the Marxists and all the other traitors who attach themselves to this ideology get their way, we will longer have a country and it will lead to the ultimate destruction of our nation.

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
3 years ago

Okay, I admit that I’m slow on the pickup, but it would seem that CRT in its purist form would suggest that any creation of a “white mind ” would by definition have a racial content.
Let’s see. Quantum Mechanics and Relativity Theory, two pillars of 20th century physics, were discovered by two white European guys. Sorry, but they gotta go. A clear example of racist science. I always knew there was some kind of anti black meaning behind all those complex equations!
The telephone? It was invented by a white American guy. Therefore it must have a hidden racist agenda.
Break all the phones!
I think I’m getting it now.

3 years ago

Nothing, and I mean ‘NOTHING’ is going to matter about elections or election integrity if the demons ‘being allowed’ to run this country in the ground ‘create’ another ‘CRISIS’ with the so called Coronavirus Varient to shut down the country!!
They already have it locked into play just before election time. All we hear are a lot of complaints from Republicans concerning what the demons are doing, but not enough action. They need to start really getting in the faces of these evil people and make them do their jobs they were ‘elected’,(by morons), to do, like showing up for House sessions! We only see those during House sessions who are calling out the Marxists, and never see who else is in the Chamber. I’m guessing they aren’t even there to listen to what’s being said. NOTHING IS GETTING DONE TO HOLD THE DEEP STATE CABAL ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR TREASON AGAINST THIS NATION!!!

3 years ago

The elections will only matter if we DO NOT repeat, as a nation, the same processes and procedures used in 2020 that the Democrats insisted be used because of the Covid-19 crisis. Given the fact that we are already being prepped for such a repeat by the recent call to mask up again, even if you are vaccinated, that scenario is NOT out of the question. Pay attention people!

The Dems found a perfect circumstance to justify a host of “emergency procedures”, that all just happened to loosen or eliminate most voter verification measures enacted by state legislatures and that the Dems want to make permanent. The Dems are NOT going to want to give up that advantage. So keep your eye on the larger game being played out, as the federal government continues to ramp up its fear campaign going into the election cycle.

Dennis Phillips
Dennis Phillips
3 years ago

Very much hoping we can get Republican majority. Democrats are pushing this country down the drain.

3 years ago

Praying it will help. The Democrats (for the most part) we have in DC have GOT to go! I don’t say that as a Republican but as a Conservative Patriotic American who loves her country, but I no longer trust it’s government!

John Bonds
John Bonds
3 years ago

The democrats, by putting Obama in the white house in 2008 and pushing “white guilt”, BLM, reparations and CRT down our throats for the last 13 years have set race relations back 50-60 years. I am in my mid 70’s, have never been prejudice, always judged people by their actions, not their color. I am afraid I can’t say that any longer.

3 years ago

It would be great to take miserable Nancy PeLOUSY’s gavel away from her. She has been a miserable dictator. She actually believes that she has some worth.

3 years ago

Someone has to explain to me the celebration of Juneteenth being added as a national holiday and how we are to reconcile that with the idea that this country is systematically racist. Either we have improved in this area enough o celebrate or we have not. You can’t have it both ways.

3 years ago

The other Gorilla in the room right along with CRT is the MASSIVE Crime Wave supported by the Democrat Socialists, not to mention ILLEGAL Immigration and the Economy! ALL in the name of Democrat CONTROL!

I Pray for Courage
I Pray for Courage
3 years ago

My god has this country gotten stupid. The left has really done it’s job well. How could anyone with an ounce of common sense or appreciation for the vast freedom and opportunity we have in America bash this country in any way? The idiots who hate this country (including Hollywood elites, sports figures, so called “thought leaders”, and even Olympians) should just get out. Apparently any country is better than this one in their eyes, so pick a spot on the globe and go there. Or, go back where you originally came from and fix that place, I dare you. Those loud-mouthed cowards wouldn’t dare open their ignorant pie-holes almost anywhere else in the world like they do here – they’d either be annihilated by the citizens of those countries or their governments. America is, for the time being, the most tolerant place on earth and it’s being used against us. There’s no end to the ignorance and stupidity of the knuckleheads who yell the loudest in our streets, on social media and in our classrooms. We really need to step up and fight them on their turf, wherever that might be, or we become the ignorant fools.

Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

CRT, Woke-ism, Cancel Culture, BLM, Antifa and assorted other divisive idiocies are nothing but nonsense with no redeeming value whatsoever. The sooner these cancers are excised from our nation’s consciousness, the better. It’s way past time to return to some sense of objective reality where rational thinking, identification of true facts, and respectful debate of the issues hold sway, if not dominate the public consciousness.

3 years ago

Yes this crt, criminal racist teaching ,supported by the useless,divisive democrat politicians and their communist left, is NOT what any normal thinking, pro- american, responsible parent or Citizen would ever allow.
Do a little research and you’ll discover this is the same old FAILED democrat
playbook under a new name.
The radical corrupt democrats use hatred,division,lies and diversions aimed at voters who blindly follow the rhetoric and who want to believe everyone elses owes them, ir prevents their success.
In Our Country, thats an outright LIE, spewed by the democrats. Its deliberate and intended to cover up their actions and intentions.
The statistics clearly show that people living in democrat cities,districts and states have more crime,more poverty,higher fees and taxes and democrats have failed to be accountable to Citizens.
Every week in Chicago there is crime,shootings and people are killed,yet the democrats in charge do nothing and support defunding police???
These democrats politician don’t care,lie and the willing media refuses to report the actions.
Where is the outrage, where are the groups who decry violence,where is the media to expose this failure???
Seems they only respond to the circumstances that fit their agenda and politics.
Yes, these democrats are failures and need to go.
All Citizens deserve better, ALL these failures need to be EXPOSED and REMOVED from office.

Joey Mize
Joey Mize
3 years ago

If a stout Hearted Leader doesn’t stand up and soon all this balony and mis-direction is going to be a permanent thing. The public has a short memory, and that is what they are counting on. The fraudulent media will insure that nothing is reported correctly or in a timely manner to insure that the real serious negative stuff is always swept under the rug.

Joey Mize
Joey Mize
3 years ago

In the film Network, The Old Guy News Anchor may be delusional, but he is actually speaking the truth. Odd that back then this was even allowed to be part of the film. He was criticizing the press and the way the media twists the news. The character saw it first hand and it went against his moral code of ethics. The history now of the demise of the newspaper business, and the takeover of that corner of the media world has allowed those who are hell bent on destroying the country in whatever way is the most expedient. The press, media, left dogs , now truly reveal that the tail is wagging the dog. What is amazing is that those oh so educated journalist who work so diligently at producing the GARBAGE we see each night and day in the media, believe they are safe and that they are doing the world a favor. They don’t know the truth from a lie anymore. We see nothing but talking heads.
My greatest concern is that the facts will soon cease to be important to anyone. Apathy will set in and the world will begin to spin down. Even the lies fraud and deceit will be nothing but mundane thought. Consider that in the very very very near future, the Hotel industry will begin to soften, and some realms will completely shutdown due to lack of clients. Why , who cares about vacations, who cares about travel, who cares about seeing some other sight in the country just for the pleasure of it. who cares about visiting relatives. Apathy, being tired of the hassle, the rules the regs, the lack of consideration, fear, complacency. just like inflation it is on the way. Ok , great get a 10 acre plot of ground out in the boonies and go off grid and ??? and ??? forget about the rest of the world. find safety, find an apathetic lifestyle to try to exist in. Might as well be on Mars alone for the rest of your life. The liberal left is attempting to turn our heads. They too believe in, turn the other cheek, but they have a different response, once down then they kick us, and deflate our initiative, all in an effort to put themselves in a better position of power so that they can implement ideas and rules that will perpetuate their style of life. ??? Ya know as an example. we buy alot of stuff !!!!! from China. All kinds of products. So much so that we can’t get car parts as quickly as we once did. because of the pandemic, and trade issues. Problem is China wants to swing the hammer, they want it all their way, well what happens when the US consumer no longer can afford to buy China’s products. what happens when the US consumer has been kicked to the curb by the liberal left so much that we can’t go another mile. Who will buy my Beautiful Flowers. A haunting tune that makes one wonder how much more can we AMERICANS endure. How much more are we going to be asked to accept before it is too much to bare. I see the hand writing on the wall folks. Someone has to stand up and push back, and it isn’t going to be the lip wristed , yellow dogs that stole the election. It has to be US. Yea YOU and ME and all the good people who are seeing what I am seeing. We can’t let the apathy take over. How about this not so sweet thought… ” Wow , remember when we used to go to the park and sling the frizbee and walk around the lake and get the gelato and watch the people doing so many fun things.” I hate to believe that we will lose that life. 246 years since the Declaration of Independence was signed. and we find ourselves looking at the light at the end of the tunnel and it is a train. and we are the ones about to be run over. DO NOT BELIVE FOR ONE SECOND THAT THE NEXT ELECTION WILL BE FAIR. Come on people they have figured out how to fix it and they will. Read my Lips “”” FOLLOW THE MONEY “”” !!! I for one am in the same mindset as the OLD NEWS ANCOR,,,IN THE FILM,, I’M MAD AS HELL AND I’M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE… SOMEONE HAS TO STAND UP AND PUSH BACK AND SOON. GOODBYE YELOW BRICK ROAD?

3 years ago

CTR fits into the Far left communists agenda. They have been dumbing down our children in schools for decades especially after Reagan went out of office. The Teachers Unions went totally corrupt, just like the Teamsters union. The Communists are doing everything they can to take over our Beautiful Free Country. The Liberal Dems in our Government have been bought out for money and power. We have to STOP them. Fauci was complicite in doing everything they could to destroy our economy.

3 years ago

Republicans will take back the House and Senate. A red wave. That’s nice. What are they going to do with that? Repeal Obamacare? Reign in the budget? Root out CRT in all of its forms from our schools? Go after tech companies censuring? Stop the political harasment of conservatives and relaese the Jan 6th protesters being held in solitary? etc. etc. etc.? I doubt it.

3 years ago

Of course it could lead to more Republican seats in Congress. That’s the whole reason the millionaire private jet consultant class has taken an issue that isn’t even an issue and elevated it to the most momentous thing in our national history. The actual story is: some academics think we should teach history a little differently than we have been.

Anyway, I remember when gay marriage was still a pipe dream for the left, but the fact that conservatives insisted on shouting it to the rooftops actually gave it more political fuel and led to it becoming a reality. So, go ahead and do what you’re doing with CRT; I’m sure it’ll work out great!

3 years ago

CRT, is right out of the handbook of cultural marxism on how to destroy a nation’s culture to bring it down.

3 years ago

It only took 57 years for the Democrats Civil Rights Bill to be turned around from preventing discrimination of blacks, to now being used to cancel, assault and frankly eliminate whites.

3 years ago

Oh please the Republicans are not going to win ANYTHING if voter fraud is not delt with.

Satan's minions
Satan's minions
3 years ago

The democrats don’t have any common sense policies, so they use the blacks like they have done all along with this phony race card mantra. Why do all these immigrants want to come to America? They know they would have the best opportunity to succeed. But not if these democrat buffoons are allowed to destroy us with this communist bs they’re shoving down our throats. They want this covid hoax to last forever so they can control us unabated-evil personified!!!

3 years ago

The media is totally for the Dems. Add all the “Democrat, No Matter What” voters and the Republicans don’t have a chance. When the two we have now got elected and will be reelected, say goodbye to the USA. It will become: DSA = Democrat States of America

3 years ago

Maybe it’s time for Red States to secede from the Union and just let the Blue States sink in their over taxation.
Every Red State should gather up and bus EVERY ILLEGAL to a one way ticket to a Blue State. Otherwise, Jackass Joe’s plan to seed Red States will succeed with planting ignorant Democrats to overwhelm us just like what they’ve done to California.

W. Evershave
W. Evershave
3 years ago

CRT is promoted to divide the country. The statement: “Critical Race Theory is simply based on false leftist assumptions that purposely ignore the overwhelming progress that has been made in our “melting pot” nation.” would be better served by replacing the words “false leftist assumptions” with ‘antagonistic leftist assumptions’. CRT is bad for the country and should not be found, as promoted, in any of our schools, public or private. Why indoctrinate our children to hate each other and our country, which is a learned trait, not one they were born with? Parents, and by delegation, school teachers, are those responsible for the children being anti-USA. As to our country, it’s a great place to live, love it or leave it.

3 years ago


Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 years ago

One if these days a boatload seeking freedom will arrive from Cuba but the joke will be on them: that they fled to a more Marxist society than the one they left!

Carolyn J. McClain
Carolyn J. McClain
3 years ago

This started back during the early years of the Obama Administration. People were encouraged to believe that America had become a racist nation. I grew up in the sixties and remember Dr. King and President Kennedy who were leaders and did not support racism, but supported equality for all according to the Constitution. Were they both alive they would be horrified at what is happening in America today. JMHO

3 years ago

CRT pits us against each other, and that serves the goal to divide us. Look at masking and “vaccination” as similar. These are indoctrinations so that you hate your fellow Americans and don’t notice that the marxists scum infesting our government are stripping away your freedoms.

Ron G Deere
Ron G Deere
3 years ago

The really bad aspect of CRT is that there is no redemption from whatever racisicity a person natively has. Has the CRT crowd ever known let’s say a white person who’s feeling is that racism is the LAST thing on their minds? They exist and should be applauded. Instead the CRT people accuse such people, who are REALLY trying, as liars and unredeemable bigots! This is a recipe for continual war between groups (who all have different “truths.”). These CRT people have no solution for their analysis – only their assessment. The America I have known is a country with solutions that WORK.

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