
Elections , Newsline

The Coming Revolt of the Democrat Masses

Posted on Thursday, January 18, 2024
by AMAC Newsline
joe biden speaking, democrat party

The controlling establishment of the national Democrat Party, despite numerous alarm signals from its grassroots supporters and many of its older strategists, is insisting on re-nominating President Joe Biden for re-election in 2024.

It has become obvious that Mr. Biden, 81 years old, has become frail both physically and mentally, and since it is happening due to the natural process of aging, and not due to curable disease or condition, this frailty inevitably will continue its diminishing course.

Both Biden’s supporters and his opponents see this plainly, but the Democrat establishment, including those around the president in the White House, argue that Mr. Biden’s decline is not sufficient to prevent him from serving as president for another four years.

The power of this establishment has been able to prevent any major opponent from entering the contest for the nomination against him. There are two other candidates in the race, but they are polling in single digits.

The more serious of the two is Minnesota Congressman Dean Phillips, who is very rich and can self-fund his campaign. Despite receiving much media attention, he trails Mr. Biden by a large margin, including in New Hampshire where the president is not even on the ballot but is expected to win handily with write-in votes.

Virtually all opinion polling, however, indicates that Mr. Biden has historically low approval among all voters, and alarmingly low favorability among Democrats — most of whom want a younger and more active nominee.

The president also trails each of his three possible Republican opponents in most polls, which reflect the popular vote for president, and is behind in almost every swing state. Since the Democrats’ presidential nominee usually wins the popular vote, Biden would seem on course to lose the all-important Electoral College vote in a landslide in 2024.

Establishment Democrats appear to believe that the Republican nominee for president in 2024 will be Donald Trump. This expectation was just reinforced by Mr. Trump’s decisive victory in the Iowa Caucuses, and by his ongoing large lead in most upcoming primaries. Establishment Democrats argue that Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump in 2020, so he can do it again in 2024. They point out that Biden spent most of the campaign in his Delaware basement — although now he is president and presumably cannot hide from the voters.

Because Biden has appeared so unsteady in public and makes blunders when he speaks, his campaign advisors are already signaling he won’t participate in any debates with Mr. Trump or whomever is the GOP nominee. But this strategy will only magnify the president’s frailty in the autumn campaign leading to Election Day.

While the Democrat establishment has been successful so far in insisting on Joe Biden’s nomination and preventing major Democrats from running against him, there are serious questions about how Democrats’ base and Independent voters will respond to Biden come November. The latter, of course, are key to any presidential election win —a recent Gallup Poll indicates that as many as 43 percent of all voters self-identify as independents.

Other polling signals a notable drop in support for Mr. Biden among black, Hispanic, Jewish, and rank-and-file union member voters — groups which make up a significant part of the Democrats’ voter base.

This gradual voter revolt, begun before Mr. Biden became president in 2021, is likely only to intensify if he is his party’s nominee in 2024.

Most Democrats who will vote next November will vote for Joe Biden. Few Democrats would vote for Donald Trump or any Republican nominee. But insisting on the president’s re-nomination against the widespread opposition of many Democrats could well cause many liberal voters to stay home or vote for a third party candidate. This would be even more likely for moderates and independents who voted for Biden in 2020 but now see him as a weak figure.

Establishment Democrats argue that many Republicans and moderates will not vote for Mr. Trump in 2024, but as the Iowa caucus vote indicated, the GOP base continues to be enthusiastic about the former president. As well, as already cited, he is gaining voters among blacks, Hispanics, Jews and rank-and-file union members. And very importantly, he is not perceived as physically or mentally frail.

Should the upcoming criminal trials and the efforts to keep Mr. Trump off some state ballots succeed in preventing his nomination, voters  may become even more disenchanted with Biden, seeing these efforts as blatant partisan schemes to rig the election, and make it very likely they will elect a Republican president, whomever is the conservative nominee against him.

The Democrat establishment and its favored nominee Joe Biden are on a collision course with their own base of voters. In the coming weeks and months, this will become clearer and clearer.

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1 year ago

The Democrat Machine is grinding its gears and will realize at the last moment that keeping joe biden as their candidate is a losing proposition. Wouldn’t they love to claim to be the party that elected the first black woman to the highest office in the land? But no one will vote for Harris! Okay, they’ll recruit Newsom, who is working quietly, gathering support…just in case… Democrat-lite third party? Bring it on!

We, of course, know how they roll. Biden, Harris, and Newsom (think, Dickensian law firm)–each of them would usher in another disastrous 4 years. But you know the dems–they’ll do anything, anything to stay in power. And that “anything” includes fake charges against the principal competitor, lying over and over again about how they made everything better, falsely reporting economic statistics, and asking the media to block Republican coverage (they’d do it anyway). And they’ll pay some minor psychology professor to vouch for biden’s mental acuity.

No one can argue with the droves of minorities leaving the dem party. They’re losing their base. And that’s also why they will resort to what worked for them in 2020–corruption within the elections process on a massive scale. I like Trump’s promise (suggestion?) to go back to one Election Day and paper ballots.

1 year ago

Kamala Harris says she is scared as heck of having Trump re-elected as president. All these Democrats say they are scared! I haven’t had one of them explain what they’re afraid of. Are they afraid the middle class might be able to pay for is there gas and their groceries? Are they that the unabated flow of illegal immigrants and drugs might be stopped? Are they afraid that the average citizen can vote for who he wants to vote for? I think the Deep State’s going to get called out and shut down that’s what really scares them. They’re going to be responsible under the law for what they’re doing, the two-tiered system of justice is going to go away. Come to think of it every reason to be terrified. They are going down

1 year ago

Running Joe again is a Head-Fake! They may be anti-American, but they’re not stupid. No, this lie is intended to make Republicans complacent. To let down our guard!
At the last minute, Joe will be replaced by a viable candidate. This limits the oppositions ability to build a strong, targeted defense.
I have no idea who that “real” candidate might be. In truth, I’m not very optimistic the Left will allow this election to take place! Another pandemic or war or (perceived) alien invasion would immobilize America, and prevent a fair election! Remember who is in charge. Have Leftists EVER been honest and above-board? Not in my lifetime! We always expect dirty tricks. This time, due to Donald Trump’s remarkable popularity, I fully expect the disingenuous Democrats to go nuclear. We should be planning for every possibility.

1 year ago

Biden does not have the competency to be a President.

1 year ago

The Dems stole the last election and Biden is confident they will do it again. I’ve seen nothing substantial enough done to protect voting integrity to stop that from happening again. It does not matter how many votes Trump gets, Biden will ultimately get just enough more votes to win. Trunk-loads of ballots will mysteriously just show up at the last minute or even past the election dates. This is why Biden is so confident.

1 year ago

Another “Democrats will wake up” type article of sorts. The reality the so-called Democrat establishment is concerned with one thing and one thing only. The retention of near absolute power with the goal being able to achieve complete and absolute power permanently. That’s it folks. Everything else is noise as they say.

Biden was merely the most convenient means to justify the installation of a Democrat in 2020. His cognitive decline was already well evident back then and of course has only gotten worse as time passes. Physically is was already feeble in 2020 and has remained so. Yet, it has signed whatever he was told to sign and repeat speeches written for him to the best of his limited abilities as directed by those really running the show. That things have gone horribly downhill has less to do with the puppet in the White House and instead more with the Democrat policies and socialist ideology of the Party itself. Any Democrat chosen from the 2020 bunch would have done the exact same things, as they all were in complete lock-step in terms of agreeing with every policy the Democrat Party put forth.

Now Biden has very low favorability numbers, as would any Democrat who would have instituted the same policies in the same way as Biden. Which is all of them. So, the Party wants to swap out Biden for another “face” of the Democrat Party. Whether it be Newsom or anyone else, the result would be the same socialist policies would still be on the table to be enacted and the country would continue to decline at an accelerated pace. So, net change ZERO in terms of the direction of the country, which is downward.

Whether Biden stays on the ballot or is shoved aside at the Democrat convention, with Newsom or someone else selected in a back-room deal, the vast majority of Democrat voters will continue to mindlessly vote for whomever the Party nominee is and who the MSM tells them 24×7 to vote for. I hate to break it to the author, but the average Democrat voter isn’t what would be described as a deep thinker or someone even remotely aware of most issues and problems this country is facing. Calling them low information is being extremely kind. They know how to find the (D) column on the ballot and fill in the checkmark or box for every candidate below it. The millions of illegals that will casting votes only know their continued handouts are dependent on filling out their ballots the same way via the NGOs that are all being paid by the federal government.

1 year ago

The ONLY way Biden can get back in Office is by Cheating on the Voting System like in 2020 … Voting Machine Algorithms changed that Vote from Trump to Biden and the Whole World has seen it! We seen it change on National TV at 3am in the Morning in Michigan; what a Kick in the Balls with 81Million Votes for Biden?
Who are We Kidding!

William Hodge
William Hodge
1 year ago

It’s not just that Obiden is a frail, old, senile man, his policies are r*** nonsense and have been for his entire political life. That life being his entire working, debatable, life. He’s a sick little man that leads a criminal enterprise. As for Harris she would have to steal a wit to be a half-wit.

1 year ago

The Democrats are NOT revolting about their POLICY stuff,…JUST that their Convenient idiot ISN’T SELLING the crap they plan to FORCE on us all!
Make NO mistake..they are looking to JAM their agenda…Joe just isn’t doing it well !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scott Schmidt
Scott Schmidt
1 year ago

Whether obiden is the dem candidate or not is irrelevant. obiden hasn’t been president- obama is.
obama’s policies are killing this country – INTENTIONALLY.
Republicans need to run with an agenda, not that they are obiden. obiden is, and has been, irrelevant for the past 3 years.

Voter Ann
Voter Ann
1 year ago

The major issue in the next election is not all of the obvious signs of an incompetent and failing President at the top of the Dem ticket. It doesn’t matter HOW old and senile this man is, the Democrats have two LARGE advantages:

  1. They know how to cheat in the election process. That was a given in 2020, particularly in swing states. Dominion machines, mail-in ballot, ballot harvesting and sidelining GOP ballot counters (Georgia is a prime example) bought Biden a win he certainly did not deserve. Look to have the same thing happen again. [In case you didn’t know this, the 2020 presidential election was the first time since 1980 that Republicans were allowed to participate in ANY poll watching – which includes many activities which ensure accurate elections and ballot counting. This was accomplished by a Democrat accusation against the GOP of “voter intimidation” in a NJ gubernatorial election in 1981. The ruling of one Democrat judge in that year ensured that Republicans were unable to participate in the election process, and the judge renewed the ruling (even after he had gone into semi-retirement). He died in 2015, and a newly-appointed Obama judge let the ruling expire at the end of 2018. This is highlighted by Molly Hemingway in her book, RIGGED, pp. 20-21.] Apparently, the GOP can still be strong-armed out of the process even today.
  2. They own Big Business, Big Pharma, and, most of all the MEDIA. No matter how senile Joe Biden becomes, these powerhouses will be sure to keep him where they want him – (supposedly) in charge. The first two have the bottomless pockets to buy the election. The third is the most insidious – openly lying and misrepresenting everything that American voters comprehend to be TRUTH. Saddest of all is the ignorance of much of our country’s population. A recent man-on-the-street interview on NEWSMAX asked younger adults non-political questions, like “How many months/weeks in a year?” They know NOTHING! If these people pay ANY attention to current events, it’s through online leftist media sources.
1 year ago

I wish that people could get over the idea that Biden won the last election. The election was stolen for him. Desuza proved that with his movie 2000 mules. Anyone who hasn’t seen the movie should get it and watch it.

Brian Pannebecker
Brian Pannebecker
1 year ago

This all only goes to prove that Joe Biden is NOT running the country now, and the fact that the establishment (aka Deep State) wants to keep him in the White House in spite of his undeniable mental decline, proves that the CIA, FBI , Justice Dept. the Obama’s and the rest of the bureaucratic /administrative Deep State are running the show and fear Trump being elected and taking their power away.
Any questions?

Pat R
Pat R
1 year ago

Even Robert Kennedy, Jr. left the Dem party to run as an Independent. But there is absolutely NO coverage of his campaign by MSM. They are in lock-step with Dem establishment evidently. So there is a concerted effort on their part to even go against a lifetime Dem (Kennedy) because he (like his uncle & his father) does not stand with Establishment priorities or agenda.
I personally hope their plan(s) fail miserably and Donald J. Trump is re-elected in a landslide that even cheaters can’t beat. But they will try, doing what they got away with in 2020 and more. NO ballot boxes outside and no ‘extra’ boxes of votes brought out after polling staff is dismissed in the night.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 year ago

Another reason why Biden is at risk of losing in 2024 is that, unlike in 2020 (when he hid in his basement), Biden has a record to run on and it STINKS!

1 year ago

As a senior citizen I feel the sting of the ever rising costs of food, fuel and just about everything it takes to survive.
The only political party I have ever been Regis in was the Democrat party. That was until President Carter. I have always thought that President Carter was an honest man who was just not up to the job.
These days I will support President Trump but I will never join the Republican party. Ii believe that there is little if any difference between the Democrats and the Republicans.
The last two Democrat Presidents have been terrible. The United States is nowhere rven close to the same country I have lived in for 70 plus years. Their open border policies will forever change my / our country. That means that my middle aged children and my grandchildren have been cheated out of the country that the greatest generation saved during World War two.
Friends and family have expressed similar fears. I hope and pray that our country will correct the errors of its recent history and become the greatest country in the world that it has been.

1 year ago

I don’t buy the ‘Dems are waking up’ argument because like all good communists do, they march in lock-step and the great majority of them vote for whoever has the ‘D’ after their name. As Robert Gates said, ‘Biden has been wrong on virtually every major foreign policy decision’ and that includes domestic policy, but the Dem base doesn’t care. Further, his handlers and billionaire lefty oligarchs love what he’s doing (or not doing), so they are quite content to run him and not care what’s happening to the unwashed masses. With the Communists controlling media, judiciary and the electoral machine in urban areas where they can cheat, they will roll the chicken bones on this one, confident they can keep Trump locked in the courts and even off the ballot, and maintain power through their old playbook.

1 year ago

How is Biden going to win? 81 million votes is bs and everyone knows it. Trump 2024

1 year ago

Expect a bait and switch with Biden voluntarily dropping out as the Democrat convention nears. My guess would be they nominate someone that bring back some of the minority vote (black/female). Some say Michelle Obama and she is putting herself out more in the public but the Obama’s have strong negatives so I believe it will be someone else. Clearly Kamala Harris is not the heir apparent as she has as many verbal stumbles as Biden.
Conservatives need to start countering the DEI issue immediately. Claudine Gay should become the icon of the anti DEI campaign.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Joe Biden doesn’t like retaliating against Houthi attacks in the Red Sea because of possible collateral damage to the Blowfish.

1 year ago

He’ll never make it to the election they’re going to put someone else in place and it’s not because he’s old and fragile he’s a lunatic serial liar

zoe frost
zoe frost
1 year ago

There’s two puppets sitting in the POTUS seat, JoeBama. The one in favor today, the corrupt Chicom/Globalist-owned traitor who’s being pumped full of drugs to remain semi-cognizant, will be bolstered with fake ballots. We know the fix is in, more than one expletive has confidently stated the expletive will win…despite a shell of a person running, with pitiful turnout, even haranguing, when he finally leaves his basement. If somehow the fraud traitor is finally allowed to continue his decline out of the public eye, he will just be replaced with another handpicked compliant, handled, totalitarian-loving, Constitution-hating traitor D puppet.
For the sake of remaining a freedoms/opportunities Constitutional Republic, we must be able to overcome their felonious actions that succeeded in 2020 but thank God failed them and gave us a reprieve (from Commie Traitor Obamie’s “fundamental transformation” totalitarian hell) in 2016…if HELLary had won, by now we would be Amerikazuela, with our necks firmly under commie D traitor’s boots.

1 year ago

“I’m President Biden, I will be on vacation again for the next three weeks. If you need anything, please contact the rest of my staff who make all the decisions anyway” !!

Michael Frederick Kloppel
Michael Frederick Kloppel
1 year ago

This shouldn’t surprise anyone. The leadership of the democrat party isn’t electing a president, they want a puppet. They want a thing they can make look like a president but everything he says is what they want him to say. The democrat leadership is not the party of the working man any longer, instead they represent the globalists , the elite in society and the liberal rich. Just look at the wealth the democrat leadership has amassed. Every elected democrat uses their position to become wealthy by using their position. That in itself indicates they no longer work for the so-called common man, the worker.
The so-called working class needs to look closely at who the democrats work with. Corporate executives are no longer evil – they do an awful lot to support democrat causes that hurt the middle class who are the working class.
Thus Biden is going to be their nominee, no matter what. Even though the democrats know he may no longer be able to perform his ‘job’, they have his veep to take control and she will do their bidding. For the sake of our nation it is imperative that we elect Donald Trump or else we may be doomed to the ‘bravo sierra’ that they will spread over the nation during the duration of Biden’s presidency. Hopefully the ‘old’ traditional democrats will revolt and the new leftist democrats surrender to the will of their voters.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Will they??
Some go Indie
Some GOP
Some 3rd party??
Others Zero

1 year ago

Let’s be honest… Joe Biden didn’t beat Donald Trump in 2020…the Democrat Party’s illegal voting schemes beat Trump! Changing voting laws yo benefit Democrats at the last minute, ballot harvesting ( see Finest D’Souza’s 1000 mules), and who knows what else, conspired to overwhelm the American public. Well coordinated and stealthy, they are working hard to do it again.

Franklin Werkheiser
Franklin Werkheiser
1 year ago

This is how Obama got his third term and is how he’ll try getting his fourth. Biden was in this state back in 2020 so anyone that believes Biden in his state has been running this show from day 1 is only fooling themselves. Obama has been running this puppet and it all looks the same compared to when he was Illegally President for 8 years. I’m not surprised to see they are still pushing Biden for the white house.

1 year ago

Socialist have a backup called massive election fraud may occur again and let 12 million Illegal immigrant’s vote. Pray we win 2024 and not repeat 2020.

1 year ago

Quite honestly, anyone who votes for Joe Biden and his likes deserve what we’re witnessing in our ever disintegrating American culture. Without Trump, this country is doomed.

Uncle Bruce
Uncle Bruce
1 year ago

Why in the world the good people in Delaware kept voting that sorry SOB into office all these years is beyond me. They should been gotten rid of him after his first term. Why any “black” person would vote for him in the first place just boggles my mind. It’s all on film folks, you just have to go back and look at some of the things he said and supported all these years. Remember Joe and Robert Byrd (grand poo bah of the KKK was best buds). I don’t get it.

1 year ago

Biden at all cost. Why? The voting machines are still programmed for him to win, since 2020. That can’t be changed. Plus O is not done yet with the destruction of America. Why otherwise put ole Joe up for re-election. Democracy has got to go and the only way that can happen by brainwashing the American voter to vote for ole Joe. Anyone with a brain can see how this man has destroyed the country. Why would anyone democrat, independent, or even RINO vote for him. The rest of the world is laughing at us. And the rest of the world is putting their hope on Trump being the candidate. America has lost its standing in the world by ole Joe in the White House. He is treating the American people as pawns in his scheme to defeat Putin in the Ukraine and that is a failure. Negotiations to end the war in Ukraine is the talk this week in Davos with the WEF delegates from 100+ countries. Where is ole Joe, AWOL or hiding in the basement?

1 year ago

It is not who votes for who, it is who counts the votes as we saw in Arizona as well in Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Paper ballots is one sure way to ferret out this “fair elections” boondoggle.

Lloyd Grisham
Lloyd Grisham
1 year ago

I can’t imagine anyone with half a brain voting for Biden. He and his moron administration have done nothing but try to destroy this country. They should all be rounded up and charged with treason. A democratic vote in November is the end of this Republic as we know it.

Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
1 year ago

The author of this article is confused about the Democrat voter base. He probably relies on the various polls taken concerning Joe Biden’s re election efforts.
Let’s consider the Democrat base who answered these polls. A couple of them would be the taxsuckers, i.e. people who received some sort of taxpayer support. A few of them would be the mentally defective liberals who will vote for anybody, or anything running as a Democrat candidate. And in the 12-states that issue drivers licenses to known illegal aliens, these people will certainly vote for Biden. And you just know that the “dead voters” will vote for demented Joe.
The polls don’t take into consideration two more factors that will really increase Biden’s next vote counts. 1) The Dominion vote counting machines that can be programed to count anyway the Dominion employees set the machine’s instruction code. And the same machines can be re programed right after they report the vote totals. 2) the swing states are setting up the vote counters who are supposed to be equally registered in both major political parties. I’m pretty sure that the “Republican” registered vote counters are “ringers” who are liberals that registered as Republican party members.
To any casual observer it’s easy to see that Joe Biden will receive 101-million votes this November 5th. His vote count in 2020 was 81-million votes, (10-million more than Donald Trump received). Let’s face it, the swing states have not mounted a crusade to toughen their voting rules. The same “creative” votes will show up right after the polls close, just like they did in the last general election.
The people who write about our voting trends give the American voting model the benefit of the doubt. They want to believe that our voting system is the best in the free world.Psst! It’s the joke of the world.

Denise Murray
Denise Murray
1 year ago

BUT…Barack Hussein Obama must also go, forever….since he’s no doubt been “coaching” Joe from the get go, frequently seen “visiting”….Anyone who’s read his first two “books” has a good idea of where he is on a Constitutional Republic…. don’t forget Obama was the first one to obliterate our border.

James DeBona
James DeBona
1 year ago

They’re sticking with a dried-up old Biden because they really can’t find another Democrat candidate (dupe) to rubber stamp all their extreme left-wing BS!

1 year ago

The Dems will let joe be the candidate. Then the dnc will rig the election just like 2020. 2020 was a test run, the dems will do a better job this time around. With joe in the driver’s seat (being told what to do by his handlers, his wife and the dnc) we can all kiss this country good-by.

1 year ago

What scares me most about Biden running this November, is that he may choose Michelle Obama as a running mate. To ensure a winning ticket. After January 20, 2025, he will step down and let Barak have a 4th and potentially a 5th term. (We all know who is Sleepy Joe’s puppet master).

A Voter
A Voter
1 year ago

“but the Democrat establishment, including those around the president in the White House, argue that Mr. Biden’s decline is not sufficient to prevent him from serving as president for another four years.”
Of course the establishment doesn’t see a problem. Since Biden got elected he has made no decisions himself. He is just a parrot for the communist deep state. Biden could be dead as a door nail, stiff as a board and propped up in the corner and he would be just as useful to them.

1 year ago

Long time democrats in my town are rethinking which party will do anything they want.
Yes it is true that there is discomfort everywhere. What will happen is still up in the air.

Connie Gordon
Connie Gordon
1 year ago

Michelle Obama will be nstalled at the last minute, or before.

Raymond Baker
Raymond Baker
1 year ago

The problem for the DNC is that DimJoe is the perfect puppet, a near cadaver. They can do anything they want, never having been elected, by simply pulling his strings and getting him conscious enough to read (with difficulty) a teleprompter. This is cynical elder abuse of a man who never had any game to begin with. Bernie was unelectable, but Biden was the perfect proxy.

1 year ago

The coming revolt? It’s already here. The communist democrats are just waiting for the right time to pull the rabbit out of the hat.

Gordon S
Gordon S
1 year ago

Biden is going to get the nomination because Obama won’t pass on the chance for a fourth term.

1 year ago

The corruption of our government is the problem, not the health of a traitor..

1 year ago

No mention of STOLEN election? Why is that?

1 year ago

I think that all this talk about Biden is nothing. Dims don’t worry because they get voters to worry about NASTY ABORTION and DEMORACY.Which they abuse. Plus Voters don’t verify truth, so are lead like sheep.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article showing that they plan to use Newsom as replacement since they have nothing and nobody else. Why do you think that Newsom met with his new Communist leader buddy among others and campaigning in several states right now pushing his Socialist Communist agenda trying to turn the United States into Sanctuary California which is taxed to death and people leaving in droves to get away from the Socialist Fascist democrats insanity and election interference.

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
1 year ago

Biden couldn’t debate an orangutang.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Would be nice if a new upright marshal came to town to restore the law and order and villains would get what they deserve As for democrats waking up I am very skeptical Somehow I don’t see A miracle on 1600 Pennsylvania avenue happening

National Assessment of Educational Progress logo with image of report card
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (C) poses for photographs before sitting down to lunch with Senate Majority Leader John Thune (R-SD) (3rd R) and other senators, including (L-R) Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS), Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), at the U.S. Capitol on February 06, 2025 in Washington, DC.
Donald Trump new official portrait. The president of the United States of America displayed on the screen. January 20, 2025
ICE immigration agent; illegal immigrants

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