
Elections , Newsline

The 2024 US Election: The Unity Party versus the Uniparty

Posted on Monday, September 16, 2024
by Matt Kane

Voters won’t be choosing between the Republican and Democrat parties in the general election, but rather between the “Unity” Party and the “Uniparty.” The tribal nature of American politics has led many to believe that each side is made up solely of party ideologues who prioritize the donkey or the elephant above all else. However, that is clearly not the case, as these two groups are not bound by traditional party lines. The Uniparty consists of those who support, and are responsible for the current anti-American governance, while the Unity Party is a diverse and growing coalition of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents united by their bipartisan love of country.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s recent endorsement of President Trump marked the official beginning of a long-brewing national desire for unity. RFK Jr., a direct descendant of arguably the most prominent Democrat family in history, had long identified with the party, even as it shifted away from the values embodied by his uncle, President John F. Kennedy. Just 17 months ago, he launched a primary bid for the Democrat nomination. Now, with the party’s extremism reaching an unprecedented level, Kennedy not only endorsed the Republican nominee but also suspended his own campaign to do so.

Kennedy and other former Democrats now backing Trump (such as Tulsi Gabbard) haven’t suddenly embraced traditional Republican ideology. He has criticized the NRA, while Trump proudly touts their endorsement. Kennedy sees climate change as an existential crisis, whereas Trump remains a skeptic of it. Kennedy advocated for banning fracking, as Trump pledges to “Drill, Baby, Drill.”

Instead, Democrats who are backing Trump held onto commonsense principles that were once considered bipartisan while their former party shifted toward Marxism. When Kennedy reached out to both major party nominees to find common ground on issues such as free speech, ending the forever wars that have claimed millions of lives globally, and improving overall health by removing toxins from our food supply and vaccines, President Trump responded enthusiastically. In contrast, Kamala Harris showed no interest, underscoring how far the Democrat Party has strayed from its roots.

The 1992 Democrat platform, introduced by then-nominee Bill Clinton, was more similar to today’s Republican platform than it was different. If Clinton had made remarks at this year’s Democrat National Convention resembling those from the 1992 platform—such as advocating for fair immigration policies, aggressively pursuing crime, and calling for abortion to be rare—he would have been booed off the stage. This overt shift in Democrat policy is significant, but the rise of the Unity Party can be most attributed to the Uniparty’s undemocratic abuses of power, particularly through efforts to eliminate those who dissent, resist, or challenge their ideology.

It was long suspected, though only recently confirmed, that the Democrat Party, federal agencies, and social media platforms conspired during the 2020 election to prevent a Trump victory. This has since escalated into four indictments, one conviction awaiting sentencing, ballot-removal schemes, and a nearly successful assassination attempt. Kennedy’s notable base of supporters sympathizes with these abuses because Kennedy has been similarly victimized. Despite being from a political family most known for its assassinations, Kennedy was denied Secret Service protection from the outset of his campaign. He was also barred from proper entry into the Democrat primary process, prompting him to run as an Independent. Now, as he attempts to withdraw his name from swing state ballots, Democrat lawmakers are fighting to keep him on to confuse his supporters after he urged them to back President Trump.

Further fueling the emerging Unity Party/Uniparty dynamic is the exodus of formerly prominent, now insignificant figures from the Republican Party. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, who made up the last Trump-less Republican ticket, have both declared they will not endorse Trump. Perhaps more notably, Trump’s former Vice President, Mike Pence, has also stated he will not offer his endorsement. Former President George W. Bush also recently announced he will not endorse anyone in this election, just years after his father, former President George H.W. Bush, voted for Hillary Clinton. Bush’s Vice President, Dick Cheney, plans to go even further by voting for Kamala Harris. The irony is that just as Democrat endorsements help Trump, so too do Republican non-endorsements, as they further highlight how Trump differs from the unpopular Republican platform of the past, one perpetually mired in forever wars.

For example, the Bush-Cheney administration is most remembered for invading the Middle East under false pretenses, a decision Cheney still shockingly defends despite it leading to millions of deaths worldwide. In more recent conflicts, Paul Ryan criticized Trump’s calls for a peaceful resolution to the Russia-Ukraine war, labeling them “pro-isolationist, pro-Russia, and pro-Putin.” Mike Pence stunned many when he stated that the needs of the U.S. were “not his concern,” prioritizing sending more aid to prolong the war in Ukraine, seemingly unfazed by the rising death toll. Meanwhile, Mitt Romney called Trump’s successful effort to pressure NATO allies to contribute more or face reduced U.S. support “outrageous,” even though this strategy proved effective in deterring future conflicts.

When the insistence of long-entrenched elites from both parties to abandon common sense in favor of doubling down on war and extremism is combined with the current Marxist agenda exemplified by Harris and Walz, a full-blown clash between the Unity Party and the Uniparty becomes inevitable.

Despite Kamala Harris’s policy flip-flopping, her reputation as a radical leftist Marxist persists. Long before becoming Vice President, she was ranked as the most liberal senator in Congress, positioned even farther left than Elizabeth Warren or Socialist

Bernie Sanders. Later, as “Border Czar,” Harris allowed the U.S. southern border to become a dumping ground for the world’s problems. Her recent tax proposal was shockingly communist, calling for a 25 percent unrealized capital gains tax—up from the current rate of zero. She further solidified her extremism by choosing Minnesota’s CCP-friendly Governor Tim Walz as her running mate. Walz’s record includes business-crushing lockdowns during COVID, the installation of tampons in men’s bathrooms, and an admitted openness to socialism—just a few examples of his anti-American, extremist views.

The track records of Harris and Walz prove that their extreme proposals are more than just political rhetoric—they are policies intended to be implemented. For those who believe otherwise, Kamala’s home state of California has served as the testing ground for numerous radical leftist policy proposals. California became the first state to ban school policies requiring parents to be notified of their child’s gender dysphoria. The state legislature has also flirted with other alarming bills, including those proposing Universal Basic Income (UBI) and granting $150,000 home loans to illegal immigrants.

It’s often said that every election is the most important in American history. President Trump echoed this sentiment in both 2016 and 2020, and unsurprisingly is once again now regarding 2024. He was right then, and he’s right now.

Had Hillary Clinton won in 2016, the continuation of Obama’s presidency—which we are living through now—would have rolled out immediately. Instead, Trump’s victory proved how great America could be. The 2020 election was even more critical, as a victory for the party that exhibited brazen signs of tyranny during COVID would have meant the end of Trump’s remarkable progress—which is exactly what happened and continues to unfold.

Now, the stakes of the 2024 election are even higher than the previous two. The Uniparty represents a radical Marxist agenda, composed of long-entrenched establishment members from both parties who prioritize lining their own pockets at the expense of the United States and its citizens. In contrast, the Unity Party champions an agenda of American exceptionalism and world peace—open to any citizen or politician who loves the America and wants to see it thrive. Even if only a fraction of this agenda were implemented, it would set America on a path to greatness, improving the quality of life for millions.

A Harris-Walz administration would be a tragedy in any era, but even more so if it meant passing up an alternative that could set America on the path to greatness for generations—a mistake so great that it may never be remedied. That is why the age-old “most important election ever” cliché is now true. Trump or Kamala? Unity or Uniparty? Freedom or Tyranny? Our choices couldn’t be clearer.

Matt Kane graduated from Stony Brook University with a bachelor’s degree in political science. His work has been posted by President Trump and published by Real Clear Politics, The Gateway Pundit, Human Events, American Thinker, and AMAC. Follow on X/Twitter: @MattKaneUSA, Truth Social: @MattKane

Reprinted with Permission from The Gateway Pundit – By Matt Kane

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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1 month ago

All I know is that despite the lousy track record of the Biden-Harris team during their term of office, the recent one-sided debate(?) and the corruption of the country, I have 2 daughters that are still blinded to the reality of The Harris-Walz team. Neither will listen to reason and blame everything on Trump. Unbelievable that they cannot see past their noses. It is sad to think how many more out there have fallen for this EVIL.

1 month ago

Biden used his oval office as a piggy bank and daytime nap room.

Dan W.
Dan W.
1 month ago

I wouldn’t lean too heavily on the “false pretenses” argument given the bomb threats that we have generated in Springfield, Ohio during the past week.

Dot whitley
Dot whitley
1 month ago

Do not put a democrat above the importance of our free country. What’s wrong with you that you are willing to give up our country, just to punish Trump? That’s mighty poor judgment.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 month ago

OMG I’m watching Kumalas 6 ABC Action News interview on TV… what an idiot.

1 month ago

Are you an American, or a democrat? Any more you CANT be both!

1 month ago

Excellent article by Mr.Kane, who recognizes the origins of despotism when he sees them.
With this much liklihood of a “Democrat”, who hates both democracy and adult morality, becoming our President… we have a lot of work to do in a very short time.

1 month ago

I think you meant to say their “trash records.”

1 month ago

I don’t see how an article like this one in an AMAC newsletter does anything but make leftists happy.
There is a difference between Trump/Vance and Harris/Walz. and it is in their policies. Harris is a Communist more sympathetic to the Muslim point of view than to the Israeli one. And Trump is the opposite.
Trump is a capitalist, Constitutionalist and I trust him far more than I trust the other side. And above all, most of those running for Congress are conservatives and would never be compared to leftists or uniparty people.
I don’t see how this article sheds any light on today’s coming election.

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kamala harris
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