
Elections , Newsline

SAVE Act Is Democrats’ Mask Off Moment on ‘Protecting Democracy’

Posted on Monday, July 29, 2024
by Rebecca Weber

The Democrat Party and media establishment have made “saving democracy” the central issue of their campaign to defeat former President Donald Trump, repeatedly insisting that a Trump victory would be an “existential threat” to the country and its governing institutions.

Yet the reality is precisely the reverse: it is the Democrats who have usurped the will of 14 million Democrat primary voters by forcing Mr. Biden out of the race at the eleventh hour. 

In addition to replacing their candidate in the least democratic way, now leaders of the Democrat Party are also openly refusing to pass the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act. This crucial measure passed by the House in early July would ensure that only eligible voters—not illegal aliens—can cast ballots in this fall’s elections.

Protecting the right to vote as a sacred privilege of citizenship is essential to preserving American democracy. Yet just five House Democrats crossed the aisle to vote with Republicans in favor of the legislation. Senate Democrats have thus far refused to allow the SAVE Act to come to the floor, and President Biden has already pledged to veto the bill.

By opposing the SAVE Act, Democrats are making clear their true intentions: instead of preserving democracy, they are aiding and abetting illegal aliens in voting in the upcoming elections. 

Not too long ago, Democrats and Republicans were united in the belief that American citizenship means something, and that elected officials have a solemn responsibility to protect the integrity of the ballot box. 

In 1996, for instance, Congress passed the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act. Among other provisions that today’s Democrat establishment would consider “far-right,” such as funding for border fencing and the establishment of civil penalties for attempting to cross the border illegally, that bill explicitly banned noncitizens from voting in federal elections. 

Out of 185 House Democrats, 105 voted with Republicans in favor of that legislation, and it was signed into law as part of an omnibus bill by Democrat President Bill Clinton.

However, Democrats have in recent years sought to systematically undermine the same electoral safeguards they once helped put in place. They decry voter ID requirements as “racist,” call efforts to clean up voter rolls “undemocratic,” and now refuse to even consider basic measures to ensure that the 10+ million individuals who have illegally entered our country over the past four years cannot gain access to the ballot box.

Democrats claim that the threat of illegal aliens voting is an imaginary crisis. But as a House report published this spring makes clear, not only are illegal aliens voting in substantial numbers, they likely influenced the outcome of several recent races and have been unlawfully casting ballots since at least 2008.

The alarming reality for Americans who care about the integrity of their elections is that decades of under-the-radar efforts by liberal politicians and left-wing interest groups have turned existing election integrity laws into a Swiss-cheese patchwork of carve-outs and caveats.

For instance, 19 states have passed bills allowing non-citizens to obtain driver’s licenses, which do not say whether the holder is a citizen. Driver’s licenses are, of course, valid forms of ID for voting purposes. 

Fourteen states don’t even require a photo ID to vote. Individuals simply have to sign a form alleging that they are eligible to vote, and they are granted access to the ballot box. In 28 states, including the critical swing states of Michigan, Georgia, and North Carolina, individuals can use a student ID to vote – which again does not distinguish between citizens and non-citizens.

The SAVE Act would close loopholes by amending the 1993 National Voter Registration Act to “require states to obtain documentary proof of U.S. citizenship and identity – in person – when registering an individual to vote in a federal election.” It would also empower citizens to sue election officials who fail to enforce citizenship requirements and enable states to use federal databases free of charge to confirm citizenship status.

Importantly, despite claims made by liberal politicians, the SAVE Act would also protect and enhance the ability of naturalized citizens to register and cast their ballots.

This bill could not come at a more crucial time. In addition to the massive influx of illegal aliens in our country, Americans are growing more anxious about the integrity of their elections. 

According to a University of South Florida poll conducted earlier this year, just 67 percent of voters from all parties said they were at least “somewhat confident” that the 2024 election will be conducted fairly. That’s an alarmingly low number. Americans should be overwhelmingly confident in the legitimacy of their leaders, even if they do not agree with them politically.

Senate Republicans have already made clear that they are ready to pass the SAVE Act. By refusing to even consider the bill, Senate Democrats are admitting that they have a vested interest in allowing illegal aliens to cast ballots, and that they will put illegal aliens ahead of American citizens.

It may be that the SAVE Act was dead upon arrival in the Senate. But at the very least, voters now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Democrats will sacrifice the integrity of our elections to cling to political power—and every Senate Democrat up for re-election should be held to account in November.

Rebecca Weber is the CEO of the Association of Mature American Citizens.

Reprinted with Permission from Townhall – By Rebecca Weber

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Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
7 months ago

getting illegal aliens to vote was the whole point of opening the border.

anna hubert
anna hubert
7 months ago

What really is disturbing or scary, those words do not describe the situation ,is the possibility that anyone would consider her as a presidential candidate. If she is “elected” that will prove beyond any doubt that elections are not clean. That will be the end of America we once knew. Every fool who should not have been allowed to vote in the first place will have lot of time to regret their ignorance. I wonder if after the new regime is in the party finally be renamed for what it truly stands for .Every hell hole on this planet is perversely called democratic republic.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
7 months ago

Well done with writing this important article Rebecca . This article makes clear what the intentions are of those who oppose the SAVE Act. It will help to strengthen this Constitutional Republic if the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act is passed because as you stated — ” Protecting the right to vote as a sacred privilege of citizenship is essential to preserving American democracy.” And this issue of the various states that have made it easier for illegal aliens to obtain acceptable identification. — I am thinking that matter would be fixed as it would connect to the SAVE Act . That in turn would help to fight against the crime that would benefit the illegal aliens by obtaining identification that overlooks the very important matter of whether someone is a legal citizen or not. These policies that do things to benefit illegal aliens are despicable. Let all of us who believe in the principles of Faith , Family and Freedom , believe in Truth and Liberty stand up for this Constitutional Republic,this United States of America and do whatever we can , whenever we can to have Honor, Honesty, Integrity, Courage and Loyalty a part of the foundation of our Nation.

7 months ago

When are people going to wake up and realize that we are not a Democracy, we are a REPUBLIC! A republic is for the people by the people, a democracy is for the people by the government.

7 months ago

Democrats have been out to make ours one party system, wherein eventually the state will dictate what we can and cannot do. It has been happening already in more areas than there is room to mention here. This is being funded and orchestrated by outside as well as internal actors who wish to see the USA destroyed from within.

7 months ago

The dems are not only ruling as tyrants they are destroying this country by letting the world vote in our election. Does any other country allow this? Of course not. Only the globalists want this to happen. That is why the SAVE Act will never come up for a vote under Obiden. Why should those who come or came here legally study for a citizenship test. Why did they need a sponsor the first 5 years after arriving in the US. Because the US did not want to support them. But now they see voters in these people. And they don’t know how much they should pay them to get that vote. They’ll ignore them soon after the election and turn the upkeep of these people over to the states till 2028 when the next election occurs and you see the federal support increasing, just to get these invaders votes. They don’t care if the real citizens and those who came here legally and studied to become citizens can’t vote. They don’t need us nor want us. We don’t listen to them. They can’t be bothered. They are ruling over their sheep and ordering the rest of Americans to obey or get out. The hatred of Obiden was bad but Kameltoe despises America and won’t stop till all opponents are either dead or moved out of the country. Racism anyone?

7 months ago

Harris is boasting that she will make illegals citizens (and she claims we are a threat to democracy). Obama started this “we will do whatever we want” with his “phone and pen” plan.

7 months ago

“Democrats”, as of late, have done nothing but sponsor a plasticized, cultural neurosis aimed at obscuring their inequities, and dulling the minds of American voters…. most especially, our young voters.
Kamala Harris seems to do a very nice job of showcasing those contradictions and immediately-verifiable untruths that reveal the mindlessness of their “philosophy leading to nowhere”. Yet, she, and they, persist in their apparent belief that, someday, their “null-set” of dystopian ideals will, somehow, be entirely fertilized by stifling American prosperity, personal freedoms, and what has long been our inspiration to keep improving our lives and those of our children.
The Democrats’ disdain for American individualism and accomplishments, and their “downplaying” of basic human nature, is not only their home-made justification to sieze total control, but, it also seems to resemble a feeble-minded “Prayer” by unrepentant controloholics to gain what they have never earned…. and to give nothing back. It’s the classic, Soviet, “OK for me, but not for thee” approach, full of all the requisite untruths and mischaracterizations that “justify” the same notion of “Equity” that they exhaustively claim to embrace.
At the core of all of it, naturally, is an endless capacity for self-forgiveness.

7 months ago

Ladies and gentlemen! We are in DEEP DO DO. Sorry to be a downer

7 months ago

Of course Krazy Kamala WANTS 11 million ILLEGALS to be allowed to vote because they ALL WILL SURELY VOTE FOR WHO ALLOWED THEM TO COME TO AMERICA. If this is allowed we can forget LAW and Order and Everyone WILL NEED TO CARRY A FIREARM TO BE SAFE!

7 months ago

How do you get your democrat-voting friends to understand this?!?

Allan Terry
Allan Terry
7 months ago

Joe Biden chose Kamala Harris as his VP running mate in part because her being his successor—something very few people wanted to happen—would discourage calls for his impeachment or his removal from office.
Despite Joe Biden’s accusations of Trump being an enemy of democracy, elitist Democrats anointed Kamala Harris his heir apparent without average voting Democrats’ participation. Is that democracy in action? No doubt, Republicans and their PACs will use VP Harris’ past actions and statements in their campaign ads against her.
The Federal Election Commission (FEC) Chairman recently stated that because Joe Biden hadn’t yet been officially designated the Democrats’ presidential nominee, he is obligated refund any unspent campaign contributions he received. Instead, Biden transferred that $91,500,000 sum to Kamala Harris (not yet their official nominee). Congressional Republicans have yet to formally protest.

Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
7 months ago

Allowing illegals to vote by not passing and signing the SAVE act is not only in violation of federal law but treason against the United States. Why are those who refuse to bring it to a vote and have pledged to Veto this act are committing treason and should be treated as such. It is up to us to demand that these individuals be removed from government and incarcerated for their acts of treason.

John Shipway
John Shipway
7 months ago

I’ve said it before, complacency regarding the outcome of our destroyed election system and the “reported” final vote count is completely not called for.
Our country is in such a horrid condition when looking at our voting system that it will take an almost too huge to be conceived turn out for President Trump to overcome the open and hidden fraud, the huge cash donations by fake private individuals and the literal mind control already well underway in silicone valley and its always complicit mainstream media.
We lose this one, and though I hate to say it, its likely we will, the nation will truly be forever lost if it isn’t already

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
7 months ago

Democrats “democracy” = Russia China

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

If “saving democracy” was really their goal, who better then “George Washington” Biden to do it? They’re a joke… a dangerous one…

lady j
lady j
7 months ago

In the state of Texas One must provide proof of citizenship (ie a birth cert or naturizen papers) too get a drivers license with a star on it. No star you can’t vote.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
7 months ago

The Democrats actually want to pass the old “For The People Act” of 2019, which is Obama’s favorite horse manure: “automatic registration,” whereby someone is automatically registered at any engagement with a government. If you register for welfare or any kind of government assistance, you are automatically registered to vote. In those states that give driver’s licenses to illegals, they would be automatically registered. The bill would also give the federal government control over all elections, local, state, or federal. A Voting Protection Act should also state that the ballot shall be in English only.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
7 months ago

Joe and his crew support democracy and legitimate voting about as much as his pal Maduro who just STOLE his election in Venezuela. Armed thugs stealing voting boxes so Maduro can “win.” Similar to DIMMs stuffing voter boxes so THEY can win!

Steven Alton
Steven Alton
7 months ago

The American people will never get their heads on straight and will continue to let liberalism, socialism, and the Democratic Party run rough shod over the until they have reduced the Republic that we live in and reduce democracy and the way of life have enjoyed for over 200 yrs. And they will put us in concentration camps, take our faith away , and they will tell us what can eat and what we can’t eat and what we can believe in and what we can’t believe inane if you don’t do what they say they will destroy you.And they will say it is is all in the name of DEMOCRACY !!!! And that is the truth about the Democratic Party !!!!!!

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
7 months ago

Whatever the dems say that they are doing, they are doing the opposite.

7 months ago

Requiring all voters to meet the statutory requirements to be eligible to vote is a must. Failure to do so destroys the value of citizenship and presenting an accurate view of the people’s wishes. Means making it hard to cheat are necessary because it is clear Democrats want to stuff ballot boxes to win with no remorse. People need to have confidence that votes count and there is no cheating.

7 months ago

Kind of like it being illegal to come across the border? Illegal to falsely declare asylum? Illegal to transport people across? Illegal to bring drugs across? Illegal to kidnap children for drug mules and sex slaves?

John Gasper
John Gasper
6 months ago

Everyone on Earth should READ and PAY VERY close attention to this!!!

7 months ago

No, I don’t BELIEVE that MOST VOTERS nor CITIZENS KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ‘The Save Act’, because it’s NOT EVEN MENTIONED on Fakenews!!! Repubs HAVE TO GET THIS WORD OUT IN PUBLIC! SOMEHOW!!! THE FAKENEWS MEDIA IS NOT REPORTING ON WHAT REPUBS do in Congress! You MUST use your $$$ to BUY Ads that talk about what this is on mainstream channels that people WATCH regularly for their favorite shows!!! C’mon guys! You can do this! Dems do it all the time!

7 months ago
  • World Atlas (as of 2024) says: 46.50 % of US is Protestant with the remaining religions (53.50%) scattered over 12 classifications; the largest of which is apparently, Roman Catholic 20.80%) with Muslim at less than 1% (.90%). If we lose our freedom we’ll know where to look. Please vote. It’s only a lost cause if you listen to the minority. Please vote.
Doug Craig
Doug Craig
7 months ago

Only those who don’t know the difference between democracy versus oligarchy fall for that. Democratic Republic governs thru elected representatives Oligarchys govern when One appoints Elite decision makers responsible to him, not the electors.

Julia M.
Julia M.
7 months ago

What the left lemmings fail to realize is that we are not now, nor were we ever a democracy – we ARE, and always were a REPUBLIC. It clearly states this fact in our Pledge of Allegiance (that they have managed to change to fit their agenda.

Stephen C.
Stephen C.
7 months ago

Well written

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
7 months ago

There is nothing “democratic” about the demoncraps currently calling themselves “democrats.” The Democratic Party has been dead for decades. It has been taken over by the vile cretins supporting communism and socialism. These creeps have aligned themselves with the united nations agenda 21 and the 2030 agenda, which mandates that the US be brought down to be “more in line with the rest of the world.” (redistribution of our wealth and turning us into a third-world cesspool) For crying out loud people, these fools don’t even know that we are NOT a democracy; we are a Constitutional Republic!
These idiots don’t believe in the rule of law, nor do they believe in the sanctity of borders. They are pushing us to hemorrhage our resources and ability to take care of our Citizens by giving our taxes to ILLEGAL ALIENS, criminals flooding, unfettered, across our borders. If we don’t stop them this year, our Country will be doomed. They are trying their damnest to disarm us, to steal our elections by allowing illegals to vote, and to contrive a one-party system of government. These cretins are only interested in their personal agenda of lining their own pockets. They could care less about what is good for the American Citizens or our Country. VOTE THEM OUT!!!

7 months ago

“Saving democracy” by destroying ….democracy. …and the Constitution. …and installing Marxist government. Democrats = evil, lying, hypocritical filth.

7 months ago

Mike Z might be an illegal alien? For sure he supports communism. Kick him out of this American venue.

Harold Williams
Harold Williams
7 months ago

effectively canceling the DNC Primaries, first locking other candidates out to guarantee their Dementia Patient the win, then ignoring the primaries to install the new candidate of their choice is really protecting democracy???
trying to weaponization the justice system to imprison the opposition candidate is really protecting democracy???
trying to assassinate the opposition is really protecting democracy???
Being the most corrupt party in history and installing a complete retarded communists dictator is really protecting democracy???

7 months ago


7 months ago

So, what are we DOING about it?

7 months ago

GOD save us from demorats this coming November!

7 months ago

Making something everyone already knows dead obvious: Democrats are traitors to US citizens and the US Constitutional Republic.

7 months ago

Ladies and gentlemen, some forget very quickly. How did Joe win in 2020 without really campaigning? He was in the basement and yet he won. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. How do you think they will win this November if they do? Wake up America. Why are borders open? They are open so illegals coming in will vote for them. That’s their only hope for winning.

Jim M.
Jim M.
7 months ago

The now Socialist Leftist Democrat Politicians will block the Save Act as long as they have a way. Accusing President Trump of being a threat to our Democracy is the Leftist Cheat and rig tactic of Deflection and Redirection. This is a low life form of self confession if you follow their words versus deeds.. Deflection and redirection is the tactic of accusing others of doing and/or saying what they themselves are actually doing and/or saying. We simply have to help everyone understand this tactic, and they will understand what the now Socialist Democrat Party actually represent. Then let us all go about voting them out of our We the people government.

David Millikan
David Millikan
7 months ago

The Communist liberals can’t have their Illegal Alien Terrorist vote Illegally if the SAVE Act was passed. How else can they cheat and rig elections without continuously violating the law and U.S. Constitution? It’s the only way they can win.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
7 months ago

WE all know why the Dems like Biden and Harris let the border open to win votes and destroy this country.All to stay in POWER.

7 months ago

Let’s get this straight: ONLY CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES ARE ALLOWED TO VOTE. it doesn’t matter if they have been here 30 minutes or 30 years, if they are not citizens, THEY CAN NOT VOTE

Dr.Sam Adams
Dr.Sam Adams
7 months ago

The founding Fathers did not want a “Democracy” they established a Constitutional Republic. look at Article 4, section 4 of the US Constitution. The false narrative for many years is that we are a democracy. We have become one with this present system started by Franklin Roosevelt. Democracy means majority rule, and Republice means rule by law.

Bruce A
Bruce A
7 months ago

Anyone that believes the democrats won’t figure a way to lie cheat and steal the election are fools. republicans get naive … This election has to be played by the RNC as though we’re 10 points down to the very end.
Kackles is having a temporary honeymoon which will take a huge dump post Labor Day. By then she’ll be totally exposed from both within and the public eye. She has mastered the art of taking a dump in her own hat. No President idiot bird brain!!!
We need to stay in attack mode to the very end. The ballet counting must be completely supervised 24/7 by our military or some such kick ass intimidating faction. No going to bed with a comfortable margin and waking to an overnight masquer.
Don’t get complacent and lazy.
God Bless America

Steven Alton
Steven Alton
7 months ago

If Americans ever wake up and stop letting the Democratic Party run rough shod over them and start opening their eyes as to what is happening in this country.As it is they are going to themselves being told what to do, what to eat and what not to eat, what to believe and what not to believe, and they will be put us in Concentration camps, and if we don’t do, eat and believe whey want us to believe they will destroy us or eliminate us and that is the truth about the liberal.socialist,Democratic Party !!!! And they will do it in the name of Democracy !!!! So our way of life that we have lived comfortably for over 200 yrs. Will go by the way side.Because the women who is running for Democrats for President has said,”Quote I will continue to let illegal aliens across the border and just because they are illegal doesn’t make them criminals. So all of you all who don’t like this country and want to live like do Communist China or Russia continue to vote for the Democratic Party !!!!!

Neil Gipson
Neil Gipson
7 months ago

The democrats do not care about protecting democracy, they only care about protecting their democracy cult!

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