A Republican secretary of state sent a letter this week to the Department of Justice (DOJ) alerting it to an executive order signed in 2021 that he says will allow felons and illegal aliens to register to vote in elections.
The order, which the White House described as an effort to promote “access to voting,” suggested that it was designed to eliminate racial discrimination at the polls. It told federal agencies, including the DOJ, to “consider ways to expand citizens’ opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process.”
Mr. Watson took issue with one provision that directed the DOJ to ensure that the U.S. Marshals Service change jail and “intergovernmental agreements” to mandate that the facilities “provide educational materials related to voter registration and voting,” and “facilitate voting by mail, to the extent practicable and appropriate.”
The problem, according to Mr. Watson, is that those materials may be given to people who can’t vote such as felons and illegal aliens. State officials are also essentially being forced to comply with the rules, he said.
The letter said that the secretary of state’s office believes that providing a form to illegal immigrants who are jailed to advise them of their right to vote “undoubtedly encourages them to illegally” do so and exposes them to “legal jeopardy.”
“Many outside groups performing voter registration and vote harvesting services are partisan entities with a history of being unreliable. There have been documented instances of these groups providing incorrect directions to voters,” the Republican official warned. “It is not proper for the Federal government to push partisan groups into the voting process in Mississippi or any other state.”
The Epoch Times contacted the DOJ for comment but didn’t receive a reply by press time.
Speaking to Fox News, Mr. Watson said the issue should be immediately considered because the 2024 election is just months away. Citing the significant number of illegal border crossings in recent years, the secretary said they could try to register to vote and cast ballots in the coming months, while other Republican officials in recent years have warned that illegal immigrants could register to vote and cast ballots in favor of Democratic candidates.
During President Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech to Congress, he made reference to an illegal immigrant who allegedly murdered a college student, using the term “illegal” to describe the individual.
But he later retracted his comments over the weekend, telling MSNBC that he “shouldn’t have used the term illegal.” Instead, the president said he would use the term “undocumented” immigrant—a term that has risen to prominence among Democratic politicians and legacy news outlets in recent years.
When asked the same question last week, the president replied, “Technically, he’s not supposed to be” in the United States.
The president also said on March 9 that “they built the country,” referring to illegal immigrants. “The reason our economy is growing. We have to control the border and more orderly flow,” he said.
Reprinted with permission from The Epoch Times by Jack Phillips.
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.
How can the president ignore the Constitution he swore to uphold and get away with it? Have we become such a lawless country that there are no consequences for deliberately destroying what makes America different and the country so many want to belong to? This is of course, the very reason that Biden has allowed hundreds of thousands of illegals to cross our border unhindered. They want their votes – legal or otherwise.
Are you kidding me? Mr. Watson is saying that “We HOPE they will respect our request to stop the program.” My dear God, this is still the United States, and we should not have to HOPE they’ll comply with the law. IT IS THE LAW and illegals are NOT allowed to vote. Period. Not “We hope.” It should be “No.” Period. Can we please get some serious pushback here???
It is sickening what Biden is doing to our country. He’s unable to get votes the right way. So he lies, cheats and steals ,(AGAIN!) to get them. Our once – beautiful country is gone…forever. God help us.
Soliciting, aiding, abetting, counselling and concealing criminality. Again. Obama 3.0
“If you can’t win legally cheat” The dem-o-rats first rule of elections.
So the “Great Election Steal of 2020” continues apace. The illegal, senile puppet in the WH is following his handlers (e.g. Obama) instructions and dancing/stumbling around to their tune. And We The People are oh, so slowly waking up to the widespread corruption and injustice. Where is the pushback? The Grassroots folks are doing their best. And so must we, to take our country back and undo all the damage done by the deep state.
The new election steal!
“… so it’s immediate and it’s something where we hope they will respect our request to stop the program.” Respect?? They have NONE. This is why biden has allowed illegals to pour into our beloved country and they only reason…TO GET THEM TO VOTE DEMOCRAT so they can stay in power. This is what I’ve said all along. This is the sole reason to let them in … NEW VOTERS for the democrats. Anyone who hasnt seen this is not watching!!
If this doesn’t turn out to be the death knell of the Democrat Party, then we have hopelessly ignorant and idiotic citizens.
Wake up it’s all about control of the masses people. The total disrespect of the laws of our country and Biden just flips off everyone like he is some kind of emperor. What a POS this man and his whole crew need to be in jail the sooner the better.
What I find upsetting is the democrats in the Senate and House support Biden on these issues and don’t do what is right for the USA. The welfare of America comes first over party affiliation.
Thank you Captain Obvious! Why do you think he is letting them All In? They know Biden cannot win unless they cheat. Democrats could never win unless they lie and cheat. It’s like grade school all over again they know they’re and yet we let them get away with it continuously. That’s all Democrats know how to do is lie and cheat. The really scary part is they have children and that is they’re how they are raising them teaching them how to lie and cheat
This is why we MUST have a convention of states gathering and put federal voting rules into the constitution! Each state has their own screwy systems plus….the national voter registration act already allows anyone who checks a box on a government form that says, I am an American citizen, MUST BE ALLOWED to vote and that same government form MUST be sent to the registration office where that person says they live with in TEN days of being filled out at a government office like a DMV office when you go for drivers licenses. Are you fed up enough NOW to sign the petition to get 34 states together to say ENOUGH to the federal government and Biden?
Garland and Wray are part of the problem. They are for this BS 100%. Im sure he is laughing at that letter this guy sent. Republicans need to grow a backbone up there and shut this crap down. They are planning to steal it again with the ballot boxes he approved last week. He made an announcement the DOJ has approved all ballot boxes, etc they used in the last election to steal by dumping fake ballots into the boxes. Its on video showing two people who dumped several thousand ballots, many times just in one day! Just think of all the other illegal dumping of ballots that didnt get recorded. This is how biden got more votes than obama. Th guy didnt even campaigned! He wouldn’t come out of his basement long enough and when he did, no one was at the places he was at. Covid was THE way to shut our booming economy down. Now look at now unimportant covid is. The center of diseases announced about two weeks ago covid is way less harmful than the flu. These bastards stoled the election in multiple ways, but covid and ballot boxes was their main tools.
How is it possible for an executive order to supersede the Congress in allowing illegal aliens snd felony criminals to vote? This would not be allowed by the constitution and any attempts by any state officials to promote registering these groups should be met with threat of imprisonment for violating the most sacrosanct component of our country’s laws.
That letter to the Garland-run corrupt DOJ was quickly and conveniently filed in the recycle bin. The Epoch Times won’t get a response. There’s still just under eight months until the general election. That’s plenty of time for the liberals to successfully steal the vote, or in this case manufacture illegal votes. Our country will surely be doomed if they succeed.
Biden thinks he is a “brave new world.” If what his administration has done were permanent, that would be true. I pray it is not.
How much more are we expected to give these ILLEGAL ALIENS, THEY ARE NOT IMMAGRANTS!!!!
If Biden had one ounce of integrity he would fail with honor rather than succeed by fraud. The loss of integrity and moral failures of our leaders will bring the country down. SAD beyond measure
No immigrant should be supplied with any voting documents until the day that they are actually sworn in as citizens of the United States.
why is he still there??? What the hell is wrong with congress? The left can beat up on Trump and every other Republican, but we can’t do anything about it?
Quite obviously, this is the reason we have a flood of illegals coming into the country.
The Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, Judges, States Legislatures, and Immigration Lawyers along with these so-called NGOs are selling America at a discount for your own sinister plans. Where in the Bible did God say that His believers must destroy a sovereign nation to accommodate migrants? The Catholic, Lutheran, Episcopal, Methodist are all willfully bringing people in at taxpayers’ expense. This is wrong. There are citizens living in object poverty while this administration along with multiple states (not only blue and purple), are allocating taxpayers funds, continuation of borrowing money from our enemies, while subjecting citizens to pay huge interest on debts incurred by their unsound financial policies for generations to come.
Biden is a criminal and traitor to his own government. I believe his is a communist puppet leader taking orders from George Soros and his associates to bring down the USA. He must be removed from office one way or another and denied a second term. Try him for treason, there is enough evidence.
Well is not the time for Constitutional Americans to stop at nothing to stop the radical left terrorism destroying our country?
Excellent article.
Thanks to Dictator Beijing biden his Communist China special ops military has been INVADING the United States since he took office (FACT).
Meanwhile, AMERICANS are being KILLED by his ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST INVASION and he apologizes to them over AMERICANS. NY just released an ILLEGAL ALIEN that had been arrested 76 times before Killing a Nurse. The list goes on and on of AMERICANS killed cause of his Open Borders.
Dictator Beijing biden has put criminals and Illegal Aliens before AMERICANS every time since in office. It’s ALL DOCUMENTED.
This guy,emporer joey,never heard of something called the Constitution.I think anyone with an ounce of common sense knew what this illegal alien thing was about.These criminals should be very careful about this illegal alien voting thing,it will create problems that even the corrupt democrats can’t imagine,and they do have a vivid imagination.
well, this is proof why our borders have not been secure and why 320,000 illegals have been flown over here to vote for the democratic socialist party. They will do anything to remain in power. Pray Trump 2024 that we can overcome another massive election fraud event like 2020.
I will be brief, we have a moe ron liar as a Resident of the WH. Honestly, I don’t think we are going to make it to November. Sadly, most people don’t have a plan B or C. It is time for the GOP to get this person out of the WH and away from the nuke codes! I am glad I moved to a rural area years ago.
Why is anyone surprised? Bidumb intends to have many millions of illegal immigrants vote for him and he has never let the Constitution get in the way of his agenda! This is the one and only reason Bidum invited the invasion of illegal immigrants, from all over the world, including nations that are our enemies and harbor many criminal gangs who continue their criminal activities on their first day on America. If you watch any real news, sadly you have seen many murders, rapes and mob robberies by illegals and so many deaths from the drugs they bring in. We will see many more before President Trump is able to put a stop to it!
It’s illegal,citizenship is required, isn’t it?
New York was proud to be one of the first to do this. Requirement for voting was Residing there for 30 days entitled everyone to vote. We know they gain full economical benefits over citizens.
I gotta remember that excuse when the IRS audits me: “technically, I’m not required to pay taxes” or if I get pulled over by police: “technically, the speed limit doesn’t apply to me”. Better yet: “technically, Biden is a loyal, trustworthy, competent American President worthy of our respect”.
You’re living in the wrong country.
You can’t “illegally” register to vote. It will be denied if you aren’t eligible. This article is so dumb
That is why an invasion has been occurring the last 3 years, Socialist Democrats will sacrifice America integrity to stay in power, Massive election fraud will occur again. Pray Trump can overcome this illegal action!!!!
Bring back voter ID and only one day of voting! Republicans..get some real backbone; throw out the Rhinos; JB is not too old to hold office…problem is that he and his cohorts have been selling out our freedom..for years. A lot of people on both sides are not using the brains God gave them to understand what is going on. Common sense is no where to be found!
This, coupled with “motor voter” laws – where they register people thru a state DMV -will aid dems theft of the election AGAIN!
Some of the communist running the country need to die. Period!
Giving them ‘stimulus checks” and registering them to vote is BUYING VOTES. I’m thinking that’s illegal??????
If Biden wins the presidential election in NOV, it will be the last election. They will rip up the constitution and the USA will not be a Democratic Republic anymore. That’s the plan. Prepare for another uncivil war.God help us!
When Biden says we must control the border- can you see he means we must proceed to let in millions more? You see when someone is proven to be a liar you have to properly interpret exactly what the lie is.
This tells me that the Democrat party is keenly aware of their losing battle in the court of public opinion. Hence, they need to recruit bribed voters to do their bidding. There is no limit to the Democrat party’s depravity in their quest for absolute power.
Rrr… don’t do drugs.
Can you say…..TROLL?
Move to Venezuela , Cuba, Russia, or China
Wow…are you a member of AMAC?