
Elections , Newsline

POLL: Even Harris’s Voters Want Trump’s Immigration Policy

Posted on Monday, October 28, 2024
by Andrew Shirley

A new poll from Newsweek has revealed that even a majority of voters who say they plan to back Kamala Harris on November 5 support former President Donald Trump’s immigration and border security agenda.

According to the survey conducted earlier this month, 53 percent of Kamala Harris voters say they support a tougher approach to illegal immigration, along with 87 percent of Donald Trump voters. Overall, 68 percent of respondents said the federal government should take a more hardline stance, up from 62 percent in the same poll back in July 2023.

63 percent of respondents also answered “yes” when asked if the federal government had lost control of the border, while only 27 percent said no. Roughly half of Harris voters agreed the border was out of control.

Earlier this year, another poll from Gallup found that 55 percent of Americans want to see a reduction in all immigration – not just illegal immigration. That figure is the highest Gallup has measured since 2001 and the first time since 2005 that a majority of the country has supported lower legal immigration. Just 16 percent of respondents said they wanted to see an increase in immigration.

Notably, just 26 percent of Democrats said they wanted to see more immigration, while 28 percent said they wanted to see less, and 41 percent said they wanted immigration levels to remain about the same. Among Independents, those numbers were 17, 50, and 27 percent, respectively.

Given these results, it’s no surprise that Kamala Harris has radically shifted her rhetoric on immigration. During her 2020 campaign, she was one of the strongest proponents of open borders in the race, calling for healthcare for illegal aliens and suggesting that Immigration and Customs Enforcement should be entirely abolished.

Now Harris is promising to get tough on illegal border crossings and prosecute drug cartels and human traffickers. During a recent CNN Townhall, Harris even refused to rule out building more sections of the border wall, after calling Trump’s signature border security proposal a “medieval vanity project” in 2019.

Regardless of the outcome on November 5, Trump has clearly already won the debate over immigration and border security. Voters have seen four years of Trump’s immigration policy and four years of Joe Biden’s and Kamala Harris’s immigration policy, and they overwhelmingly want the former – so much so that Harris is now doing her best Trump impersonation on the issue.

But what voters shouldn’t forget is that Harris’s version of “border security” is just the same open borders policies the country has seen over the past four years dressed up in tough-on-illegal-immigration rhetoric.

A case in point of this fact is the supposedly “bipartisan” border bill that Harris loves to reference on the campaign trail. That measure, introduced in February of this year, died in committee following urgent warnings from former President Donald Trump and conservative Republicans that it was a Trojan Horse for Democrats’ mass amnesty schemes.

The bill would have cost American taxpayers $118 billion. However, only $20 billion would have been allocated to immigration issues. The overwhelming majority of the money was allocated to foreign aid, including $60 billion to Ukraine, an additional $14 billion for Israel, $10 billion for humanitarian assistance in Gaza, and $2 billion in welfare for illegal immigrants, as well as various other funding that had no relation to the border.

Moreover, much of the funding designated as “border security” would in fact be used to process illegal aliens and release them into the United States. The bill would have codified catch-and-release of migrants and mandated that the United States accept 5,000 illegal aliens per day – or 1.8 million per year.

As several Republican lawmakers noted when the bill was introduced, the legislation would have significantly expanded the president’s authority to quickly grant asylum claims, allowing a Democrat White House to claim that it has “solved” the border crisis merely by declaring that everyone who crossed the border illegally is now here legally.

Further, while the bill does call for building a border wall, no direct money is allocated. Instead, funding for the wall would come from whatever “unallocated funds” remain from other provisions.

A few Senate Republicans, even some who have reputations for being principled conservatives, fell for the ploy and backed the bill, allowing Harris and the media to claim the effort was “bipartisan.” But the reality – as both polls mentioned above show – is that a bipartisan majority of the American people are against the provisions of that legislation.

Nonetheless, Harris has made promises to revive and pass this disastrous bill a central theme of her immigration agenda. If that’s her idea of “tough on immigration,” voters can expect four more years of record illegal crossings, mass crime, and chaos in American communities.

The country has just a few days to wait to see if Harris’s cynical ploy to masquerade as a border hawk will pay off.

Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.

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4 months ago

Does not matter what VP Harris’s supporters want or desire, she will still follow the agenda of her superiors. Until these followers wake up to the truth, they will allow the enemy to distort the truth and when they finally realize their mistake, it will be too late.

4 months ago

Sorry for the cliche, but, DUH…who can honestly say they want more illegals and the diseases and drugs and human trafficking they bring with them? Who can honestly say raise my taxes, take away my medical and raise my taxes to accommodate illegals?

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
4 months ago

“Actions speak louder than words!” Kackler SAYS a lot of things[ she DOES EVIL things. Anyone wanting border security yet voting for Kackler is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders! Mark Levin had an EXCELLENT monologue last night laying out the racist and anti-Semitic roots of the DIMM party. It’s clearly documented for anyone interested in TRUTH!

4 months ago

I do not understand how anyone living in today’s world could back Harris. She’s a total idiot, wants to raise your taxes take more of your money and Implement a Marxist socialist government. The only people that could possibly support her are the ones that are living on government handouts. And those are only good till you run out of other people’s money.

Paul W
Paul W
4 months ago

Then voting for that marxist idiot would make you a moron. But…the fact that you’re in the harris camp has already made that blatantly obvious, anyhow.

4 months ago

America Vote Out the Tyrants democrats and liberals and progressives in November

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

If your Democrat congressmen are anything like Nevada’s and are running on the same empty Kamala’s “price-gouging corporations”, “conglomerates buying up housing” as the cause of inflation, or their equal justice “crime fighting bona fidas” and open border “pathways to citizenship” then they should lose too.

4 months ago

That’s when Harris/Walz supporters need to pose themselves the all important question “am I mentally ill, or just cognitively impaired?” Harris will never close our border because she wholeheartedly believes in the communist globalist mantra her Marxist minions in academia drilled into the impressionable minds of those we indiscriminately entrusted into their non-care at our institutions of “higher indoctrination”: “No Trump, no wall, no U.S.A. at all!” Their words, not mine! All she cares about is global communism, her “vice” of a president, “Tampon Tim” Walz, wants to make sure that this happens under Chinese communist overlordship. If you want to still have a U.S.A., hope, and a future for yourself, your kids, and your grandkids then there is only one choice: Trump/Vance 2024!

4 months ago

So…There You Go…There’s At Least then 30 to 40% Who Really Believe the BORDERS Just FINE….Know WHO THOSE ARE?? Either Those Too Stupid To Realize, YET, How Bad Things REALLY ARE….They Don’t Care Because IT HASN’T “”HIT”” Them, YET….BUT IT WILL…& Or…They’re Elitists Who Don’t Care Because…THEY’VE Got More than ENOUGH To Stay Away From Those AREAS…UGH HUH! But, Those AREAS Have Spread & THEY WILL CONTINUE…Plus…There Are Those Here ILLEGALLY, With Some Kind of I’m Sure EXPIRED Docs OR They have a “”COURT DATE”” 7+ Years From NOW….OR They’re Here ILLEGALLY & They’re Going to SEND FOR THE REST OF THEIR….FAMILIES & CHILDREN….Once THEY’VE Received ALL THEIR FREEBIES At OUR Expense Of Course, Then THEY ALWAYS BRING OVER THE …>REST….So, If THEY Came LIKE OUR….ANCESTORS DID….It Wouldn’t Be a PROBLEM…But IMPORTING THEM, Compensating THEM, ALL OF THEM…ABOVE & ONLY FIRST…With AMERICAN CITIZENS NOT BEING HELPED….That’s NOT….AMERICAN….That’s NEVER GOING TO BE….””AMERICA”” Again…AGAIN, ALL INTENTIONAL ALL THEIR….PLANS FROM THE BEGINNING More than 16+ YEARS AGO!! FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM/REPLACE US CITIZENS & ..Keep THOSE REPLACED….Americans DOWN & LAST!! Think Not? Go to ANY Demonrat RUN “”AREA”” & See For YOURSELF!

4 months ago

The problem with this claim by the Harris/Waltz team is that they tend to use rhetorical words but fail to see that Harris had almost 4 years to have done this. Promises of future changes after screwing it all up don’t sound like a true statement but just another word salad. If anything, the immigration policies will become more liberal against the policies in place and will most likely allow more people to enter the country undocumented. I for one am tired of rhetoric and want real action not words.

Rob citizenship--
Rob citizenship--
4 months ago

Very important article Andrew , it is great that you presented the truth about the latest less than honest proposal for border security. This County does not need any watered down border security strategy — it needs powerful, strong and effective measures to stop the invasion of despicable, criminal gangs from.entering this .Country. Legislation that would stop rental property owners from renting to illegal aliens may help matters. The idea of aiding and abetting a crime should be considered when rental property owners make it possible for people who should not be in this Country are able to be here because there are rental owners who obviously don’t care about criminal activity on there property. Let’s all get serious about this situation of. not letting criminal illegal aliens violate the law. Getting to the root causes will help. It is encouraging that there are more people in favor of doing what. makes sense about the border issue .

4 months ago

Reading that the people, citizens of this United States, are beginning to take the law into their own hands, so the U,S. Government threatens them,
This is the direct fault of one person, probably two, and all the hiding, shadow dwellers who are cowards to stand tall, direct the actions of the mindless – nonrepresentative of the people (Constitution) which is, in itself a tragedy of massive proportion’s . BS deeper than the worst snow storm ever!!!!!

Chris Baker
Chris Baker
4 months ago

Simple solution for those who like Trump’s policies over Harris’s. Vote for Trump and not for Harris.
The problem with many, even most democrats is that they believe what the news media tell them instead of researching what is being said versus what is being done.
Back when Murdock was still alive and running Fox News, I tried to tell my sister about something I’d seen on Fox News and she wouldn’t even give me a chance to tell her what it was or whether or not I disagreed with what was said. She interrupted me and vehemently said “I never watch them, they’re all a bunch of liars.” How would she know if they were lying if she never watched them and researched what was said? It’s a mystery…

4 months ago

The president and vice President Biden Harris can call us Fascists call Trump a Hitler but the opinion of these same people has to be approved. Go figure. In the land of the free and home of the Brave. What ever happened to our first amendment. It was written for the people in the country not for the rulers of the country to be used when they thought it necessary and do away with it when they decided your opinion was not allowed. That is not freedom of speech but a dictatorship.

michael hess
michael hess
4 months ago

the only way that happens is to vote for trump. frankly i do not think the run of the mill dumb as crap voter is smart enough to make that kind of choice. they are too afraid of losing their free ride. the real truth is they will lode their free ride a lot sooner by voting for harris than trump. trump want to keep the USA moving forward while harris wants to derail and destroy the USA. why she wants that is beyond reason when the USA id about the only county where a common hoe could attain what she has. vote trump be a winner.

4 months ago

I don’t blame Democs not supporting Kamala. She is a failure at her job, a flip-flopper depending on her audience and a liar. No policies but a word salad to deceive us. Our enemies will be emboldened to attack us if she wins. This election is a matter of Peace or WW111 if you know what is currently happening.

4 months ago

I want to know how these 13% of alleged republicans are that don’t want tougher border enforcement? They are just as UNIFORMED as any demoncrat voter.

4 months ago

Environmentalists hate immigration, as well as unionists.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 months ago

Its on them they seeded this Years ago Reap what U sow

Edmund Doyle
Edmund Doyle
4 months ago

I believe the country needs Trump to be President so the people can live the good life again and not what has been going on the last 3.5 years. Are you better off than you were 4 years ago? Do we need to continue sending $$$BBB overseas to fight wars that have nothing to do with us? Do you want higher taxes, men playing against women in sports, DEI hires destroying our military and corporations, etc? If you do vote for the drats.

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
4 months ago

If you plan to vote for harris but want the policies of Trump, you are a special kind of stupid.

4 months ago

Great read and good information. So if they want Trump’s border policies but still plan to vote for Kackles & Tampon Tim, as well as any Communist in this election, why? I know a lot of people don’t like Trump & the mean tweets, etc., or want to have a national right to abortion, but surely to God they can realize the totality of the stupidity of such a stance?

4 months ago

Harris is just applying lip service to the border disaster to get elected. She had 4 years to come up with a plan as border czar. They are busy with replacing the white race. It is happening all over Europe as well. It is the elite globalists plan. We had a population of 199 million in the 1950’s. We had quotas for each country to allow so many legal migrants into the country from each country. LEGAL IMMIGRANTS. you had to be healthy, speak the language, and knew a craft. Now every Tom Dick and Harry, sorry guys with those names, walk in, no papers, we don’t know their health, mental health, do they have a criminal background. So many come in the border patrol can’t vet them. It takes years to appear before a judge and Harris wants them to be made citizens with the stroke of a pen. She keeps saying we have to have a bill for these people becoming citizens, faster and sooner than the laws on the books now. Those laws have worked for years. But with the open insecure border under Biden Harris has made this impossible. We have close to 400 million people in this country. And to let foreigners vote who are here illegally. What does that say to all the citizens of this country? They don’t care about you. Harris lies about what Trump is for. He is for the people of America. Look how many billionaires have donated to her campaign to the tune of a billion plus dollars. Together with the elites and all the invaders she is weakening this country into bankruptcy and divided by destroying Trump and Maga by calling everyone fascists. She is the one that divides and dictates to this country. If she cared so much they would take care of the victims of hurricane Helene, the chemical disaster in East Palestine, the fire in Maui. How much did they do for them? Why are billions of dollars go to people here illegally. Even when you come here legally you can’t ask for a handout for the first 5 years, you can’t vote for 5 years. When you do get to be a citizen you really appreciate the citizenship. Now they demand it because Biden and Harris opened the border and promised them citizenship and taking care of them. I agree immigration should be stopped. We already had 11 million people here illegally. With 20 million more the past 4 years how safe do you feel. What stops them to organize and attack us from within. After all Harris is the general that urges them on by doing nothing and not enforcing the immigration laws on the books. She wants to eliminate ICE. She wants to buy the border agents by raising their income. She dismisses the crimes perpetrated by these invaders as not as many as are done by the citizens. No? These women and children are just as dead. That is nitpicking and forgiving these criminals. According to Harris the border is secure. They sold off all the equipment to finish the wall for cheap and now she talks she wants to finish the wall. Trump had a great idea but they couldn’t acknowledge it because everything Trump did they turned down. The devil hatred showed through from the Clinton’s to O. And that what she is still running on. How many people haven’t been killed under the dems because they were made enemy of the state. While the biggest criminals are sitting in the White House now and destroying America every day. VOTE TRUMP VANCE.

4 months ago

I doubt that most Americans voting Democrat have any idea how destructive their party is to the American way of life. They are ignorant of what it is they are voting for….Idiots.

4 months ago

It’s the blind following the evil one!

4 months ago

The danger in Harris’ wide-open immigration is not controllable, and it has done nothing but get innocent Americans killed and lower our country’s trajectory. It’s a shame, and entirely criminal. I can’t imagine voting for someone who supported that.

4 months ago

Won’t trust Harris, her record speak loud and clear, she is commie in many sense

Orion Bennett
Orion Bennett
4 months ago

None of this matters … the puppet masters pulling her strings, haven’t given her an agenda, because they don’t want anyone to know their plan. It involves more border crossings … it involves getting rid of guns, it involves getting rid of the middle class, and a lot of people dying. The WEF wants that, the political handlers want that … and kamala will say what she can to feel important … the 1st woman president, and likely the last president.

James DeBona
James DeBona
4 months ago

The very definition of “stupid”!!!

4 months ago

Then they better Vote for Trump or the USA will Not be Our Country anymore

4 months ago

I talked to a highly educated individual yesterday who truly believes that Trump will use the military to round up his political enemies. I’m not sure how he would do that – he may fire someof them – but this person believes it. (Maybe too much Morning Joe.or The View.) So nothing else matters. Kamala will get that vote. The fact that Biden’s supporters (Letitia James, Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis, and AG Garland) ganged up to do the same to Trump seems to be somehow cloaked in legitimacy since the bad actors are elected or appointed law enforcement officials. Biden can have classified documents in a box in his garage and that’s OK. Hillary can have classified documents on her home server (and Anthony Wiener’s laptop) and that’s OK. Trump supposedly lied about property values to lenders and insurers who do their own appraisals anyway and were happy to do business with Trump. James claims Trump thereby injured the people of NY State. I guess if the bank hadn’t loaned Trump they money they would have loaned it to someone else instead. Trump had a legal confidentiality agreement with a porn star in NY State which somehow violated federal election laws years later when the original charges of improper classification of expenses had expired. All of these folks were looking to take away huge amounts of his money and/or throw him in jail. They are actual state actors!

4 months ago

Harris &JB are patsies for Obama. We already have immigration laws in the books. These two bobble heads who have been in charge have lied and done nothing not enforcing our established laws for years What cost to the US legal citizens is this? Higher taxes, less medical care for us, diseases illegals are bringing in with them, crime etc. Where is OUR representation? Who the heck voted for a sanctuary state? WE in CO never had a voice in this. Not all of us in CO are corrupt Democrats. Harris is an outright liar!

Coach Terry
Coach Terry
4 months ago

So to be a new fangled Oxy-Moronic “progressive” demoncRAT you want more ignorant taxation, more US indebtedness, more IRS, more Infanticide, more Inflation, more Illegals to pay for… you want trans-boy defrauders, alphabet sodomites, and drags at our children’s Elementary Schools… you hate GOD Trump n FreeDom… you Swallow the propagandized pontificating poisonous press n must therefore adhere to a Godless SINister plantation-ist worldview. SHAMEFUL. Imho… Smh. #AnythingCeptAdemoncRat

Nola Krause
Nola Krause
4 months ago

Doesn’t matter what harris says, what matters is watching she will do which is absolutely nothing. Unfortunately her “supporters” don’t realize that or are to stupid to care!

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
4 months ago

It truly boggles my mind that Commielaw is given any consideration at all. What kind of stupidity is required not to see the reason we’re in this situation is the demonicrat party in general, and her directly! There is a dark force involved here!

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
4 months ago

The democrats policy since the obama biden shoe in,illegal shoe,in has been 180 degrees away from the real AMERICA,lets vote and correct this very sick and anti AMERICAN agenda.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
4 months ago

I do not believe Harris one bit she will go back to her old ways with the ones that really run this country if anyone thinks they trusted Biden with all the weapons and Harris you would be wrong I will still think Obama and others were in the background making sure it would never happen with them two and it will be the same with Harris and that Waltz there will be others running this country it never will be Harris she lied her way through this election her only platform is she hates President Trump she runs on nothing else because she knows nothing. We need Trump back in the White House.

4 months ago

Another example of the Democrat campaign protocol, which is campaign like a Republican and govern like a communist.

4 months ago

It’s easy for me to see why Kamalla supporters back abortion- they can’t tell when they’re being gaslit, so they are very likely to fall for a line.

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