
Elections , Newsline

OCTOBER SURPRISE: New Film Highlights Thousands of Commercial Addresses on Arizona’s Voter Roll

Posted on Wednesday, October 16, 2024
by Outside Contributor

(Alexandria, VA) – October 16, 2024: The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) traveled across Arizona inspecting hundreds of commercial addresses listed as voters’ residences on the voter roll.  Highlights of some of these commercial addresses included an abortion clinic, gas stations, liquor stores, vacant lots, schools, a smoke shop, a bank, fast-food chains, a strip club, golf courses, roller rinks, and bars.

This matters because, under Arizona law, people are required to register to vote where they “reside.” The voter registration form specifically prohibits listing a business address or a P.O. box as your residential address.

Since Arizona election officials failed to investigate these obvious commercial addresses on the voter roll, PILF did its own investigation to see if the registrant lived at the address. Watch the full film below to see what the Foundation found.

“We have been warning Arizona election officials about people registered to vote from commercial addresses since before the 2020 election,” said PILF President, J. Christian Adams. I hope this film will embarrass election officials into investigating the hundreds of commercial addresses on the voter roll. Arizona always comes down to a handful of votes which is why it’s so important this problem is fixed and why Arizonians need to go out and vote early this year.”

Commercial addresses are not the only problems in Arizona’s elections. The state has a history of controversies including:

Just this year, it was revealed that a so-called “glitch” incorrectly marked 98,000 registrants as having provided documentary proof of citizenship.

  • Arizona state law requires documentary proof of citizenship to vote in state and local races.
  • The state Supreme Court ruled these 98,000 registrants can still vote in the upcoming state and local elections.

In 2022, Maricopa County was the center of an election controversy as ballots that were too long and paper that was too heavy created major tabulation problems on Election Day.

  • This ballot-printing problem caused tabulators to reject some ballots and led to long lines.
  • These printer malfunctions occurred at 70 of Maricopa’s 229 voting centers.

Arizona Attorney General’s investigation into the 2020 election revealed that Maricopa County failed to follow the law when transporting early ballots from drop boxes to election headquarters.

  • The State estimates that up to 200,000 ballots were transported without the proper chain of custody, making these ballots vulnerable to fraud and abuse.
  • Maricopa County election officials also admitted that some ballots were scanned and tabulated twice.

 Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) is the nation’s only public interest law firm dedicated wholly to election integrity. The Foundation exists to assist states and others to aid the cause of election integrity and fight against lawlessness in American elections. Drawing on numerous experts in the field, PILF seeks to protect the right to vote and preserve the Constitutional framework of American elections. PILF has brought lawsuits and won victories in Texas, Mississippi, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and across the United States.

Reprinted with Permission by Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF)

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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4 months ago

I wonder what happened when Lauren (?) came across one of those names she was investigating in the video…and Billie or John was “home” (at the company address). That’s the Wild West, so I hope you’re packin’, girl!

I’m pretty sure every one of the 50 states needs to have a thorough cleaning of the voter rolls. The RNC sued North Carolina because Cooper wouldn’t do the job, won, and removed 747,000 names! A legal and secure vote is the most basic of privileges we have as citizens of this country, and to see it turn into a venue for criminal activity is shameful. Without a reliable rule of law…there is no law.


Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
4 months ago

Has anyone noticed that all this illegal voters are all voting for Democrats? Does that tell you anything, or make you sick that they actually erase your vote?Here we are America, supposedly advanced in technology yet our election is worse than a Banana Republic? Shame, shame on the party that love to cheat=Democrats.

4 months ago

Election tampering? By knowingly allowing people to vote who don’t provide the required documentation, the Secretary of State is tampering with elections. Does anyone else feel like their rights and freedoms are being eliminated? Time for class action lawsuit against the State of Arizona?

4 months ago

To start with, when Trump wins he needs to assign a major task force that involves every State governor to scrub ALL voter registration rosters ANNUALLY. Any governor that won’t do it, is penalized and a Federal task force will come in and do it. Any State caught registering non-citizens will loose all Federal funding and those involved will serve prison time.

4 months ago

Why is this not criminal behavior punishable by arrest and conviction? Proof that they KNEW back in 2020 and did nothing for 4 years is criminal!!

Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page
4 months ago

Maricopa County?… Are you surprised?… I’m Not! Remember when they pushed sheriff Arpaio out for doing an excellent job? “THE REVOLUTION WILL NOT BE TELEVISED.

kameltoe harris
kameltoe harris
4 months ago


4 months ago

It can be done! Texas just cleaned off over 1 million frauds off the voter rolls. You just have to have a good, serious Attorney General. An voting informed citizen can make a difference in most States.

4 months ago

PILF good name for what it stands for. Chasing down those pilfering the voter rolls. They have the fraud down pat since 2020-2022 and for 2024. Maricopa County in Arizona an example on how to win an election through fraudulent means. If you think the authorities who handle voting rolls, ballots etc are going to be ashamed or embarrassed by this expose and are going to do something about it. Forget that. These people have no conscious nor soul to follow the law. Are we going to have an honest election in 2024? I think the answer is a resounding no. If Harris Walz win is the proof that it was fraud. Right now they are manipulating more October surprises and preparing us for the uprising they have planned when Trump wins. They are already calling for a civil war. VOTE TRUMP VANCE he will be elected in spite of all the fraud and lies they throw at it.

4 months ago

WE KNEW ABOUT MOST OF THESE PROBLEMS IN REAL TIME. So now, 4 years later, NONE of these PROBLEMS WERE EVER RESOLVED FOR THE AZ VOTERS????? And I LOVE that note about their ‘ASC’ decision to STILL let those 98,000 illegal registrants Vote! HOW CORRUPT DOES IT GET!!! Remember, this was how Kari Lake LOST her election! Dem FRAUD! and Dem FRAUD Judges on its Supreme Court! Talk about Deplorable! This is IT!

Patriot Eric
Patriot Eric
4 months ago

They CHEAT, they have been cheating for decades! The Deep State Uni-Party includes both Dem & Rep criminals. They will cheat again but the good news is the Patriots are watching and it will not be allowed to fly this time around. Can’t wait to see the docket at GTMO!

4 months ago

Commie Katie Hobbs oversaw her own self appointment of puppet “governor” ensuring the rigged election in true Nazicrat form.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

Meanwhile, CNNs “October Surprise” Donald Trump’s Swiss watch… guess it wasn’t “Made in America”! I’m betting Nevada has its share of illegal/ineligible voters as well. In an election that could be decided by hundreds of votes, IT MATTERS… and Democrats damned well know it!

4 months ago

The democrats do not trust an actual election do they?? They try to fix them all. Like hunters lap-top was russian disinformation?? It CHANGED the results of the election…crooked joe and kackels would have LOST!! Vote them GONE!! VOTE ***Maga 2024***

4 months ago

Democrats say there is no voter fraud. But when voter registers are not culled as required by law, when no proof of citizenship is required to register, when commercial addresses are accepted as residences, when no ID is required to cast a ballot, you can bet there is a bunch of fraud goin’ on. Proving it is difficult. Applying common sense is difficult for liberals to comprehend. But my grandma doesn’t have government ID! Homeless people should be allowed to vote! Minorities, for some reason, can’t get legal ID! These are reasons people give, but the real reason is that voting fraud is easier to carry out when common sense is considered too difficult to apply.

4 months ago

Democrats cheating and lying? I’m shocked

Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
4 months ago

The current Secretary of State and the current governor and the majority of the current state Supreme Court justices lied when they took the oath of office. They are denying me having my vote count. This is treason most foul and a complete and absolute betrayal of the public!

4 months ago

“Too Big to Rig” is the ONLY thing we can do at this point…………ALL CITIZENS need to get out and vote for DJT, period. Time to put his “mean tweets” aside ladies, with all due respect. Our Republic is on the line. Good luck, and God Bless!

4 months ago

If they want to put an end to this Left-wing election cheating/stealing BS, which goes on in EVERY election nationwide, all they have to do is catch them and they get a mandatory 20-years in prison with NO possible chance of parole.

Dolores Pendergast
Dolores Pendergast
4 months ago

Sadly that is probably how Biden got in, McSally lost, and Lord have mercy, we got a Katie Hobbs Democrat as our Governor. Here in Tucson, we also Have Regina Romero a Dem. for our Mayor. All of these problems were contested, and will completely ignored for sure with the Dems in all of the leadership offices. But with the Dems being so hateful, we will probably not even be allowed to complain out loud. It will be biased here, even if we do succeed in getting Trump elected. We have too many people who were escaping Gavin Newsome move in, and now they have possibly unknowingly changed Arizona to what they were fleeing from.

4 months ago

This film shows again how easy it is to cheat on our election process. This is not new or rare, it is our typical election process all over America. It is why President Trump was so angry when he lost in 2020. There were many, many voting discrepancies all over the nation and yet his own Vice President refused to stop the certification so they could be investigated. I remember reports of thousands of phony ballots being delivered in the middle of night, not only in 2020 but other years as well. I also remember all the dead people who have voted in Cook County Illinois. This is a long standing sick joke! And it is a candidates right and duty to challenge election fraud, when it occurs!

4 months ago

Maricopa county is one of the most corrupt counties in the country. It got that way right after Wayne Fontes was somehow elected county registrar. That is truly when the vote delays, etc started. Now he is secretary of state, after the 2022 cheat, and in charge of all state elections. Our country does not verify signatures at the voting counting center on mail in ballots. no, they use a third party vendor 6 miles away. Then ballots are transported to the counting center, where any number of ballots could be injected into the system since they are never again checked for signatures and the like. What a complete and total joke.

4 months ago

We need voter ID! The people responsible need to be arrested, This proves 2020 was stolden!

4 months ago

Question needs to be WHY are they just now figuring this out. Should have been done 4 years ago.

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
4 months ago

I bet they won’t investigate this because the people in charge are also Democrats & these are their voters. If we still have laws, these people promoting this cheating must be thrown in jail. The problem is that there is no prosecution for these cheaters.

Katherine Murray Leisure
Katherine Murray Leisure
4 months ago

Great film and documentations. Nobel Prize Economics 2024 was timely, WHY NATIONS FAIL. When our institutions become deeply corrupted and dishonest. When law and order become secondary to tyrannical powers.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 months ago

Apply to other states

4 months ago

let the democrat cheating begin.

4 months ago

Whereelse is this happening???

4 months ago

And Trump is the the one who is going against the Constitution??? Yeah right. I am so sick and tired of Harris using that lie, among others. Sad part is, people are too deaf, dumb, and blind to know.

4 months ago

Any ballots from those locations should be declared invalid. Any persons showing up to vote from those addresses should be detained, investigated, and potentially arrested.

Joanne4 justic
Joanne4 justic
4 months ago

I’m not surprised about cheating info. The dirty Dems are at work. Lie cheat and steal !!!!

James DeBona
James DeBona
4 months ago

As soon as they affirm that the name provided on the voter registration form is employed at the commercial address in question on that registration, they should look to see if that person has also received a ballot at their home address. They can then be reported for election fraud, as you now have their name, address and workplace! It’s also against state law to use a commercial address for registering. Until there are serious repercussions for willfully cheating in elections, it will continue.

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
4 months ago

The only way illegal aliens will not vote is if you hit them where it hurts most…their ability to come here legally and to become a citizen. I still say that those caught voting in our elections illegally should be jailed and made to pay a huge fine. They should have all of their vital statistics taken, including DNA, and put into a database. After they’re released, they should be immediately deported along with their family and no one with their DNA should ever be allowed into the US legally, nor should they ever be given Citizenship. Maybe if their selfish, BS actions affect their entire family they’ll be more considerate of our laws.

4 months ago

I thought I had a really good headline with ‘thousands’ of voters using commercial addresses. Then the article says hundreds and then doesn’t actually give a number. Well so much for that idea. Come on folks, let’s not sensationalize like the left does, bad juju.

Herb S
Herb S
4 months ago

Maricopa county has more than half the Arizona population.

David Millikan
David Millikan
4 months ago

Excellent article telling the Truth.

4 months ago

The brilliant Victor David Hanson has written on what it means to be a citizen and why it matters. Our citizenship is being eroded and diminished every day. It must stop.

4 months ago

Any government official involved in scamming the voting process should be immediately removed from office, fined and placed in a hard-core prison for a very long time. A man walked on the moon in 1969, it seems the government should have this voting process in order. Legal US citizens mean just that.

Orion Bennett
Orion Bennett
4 months ago

How many of these people using their place of work for their residence address, are doing so, receiving perhaps a mail in ballot, and their home address for either an in person ballot or another mail in ballot. 2 votes one person. And it seems that a lot of these fraudulent persons, are voting democrat. I think I might just create some fake identities, and find vacant lots I can use as ‘residences’ to impact my conservative vote. I mentioned before, after a family member of mine served time in prison, and lost his civil rights …. he was repeatedly offered voting registration. He calmly said, that he lost the right to vote … and they said, no problem … we can still register you. Yes they were registering democrats.
That family member got his civil rights back, is legally registered, and 2024 he will be voting for the first time … along with his legal aged sibling …. both for Trump.

4 months ago

And you can safely bet every single one voted Democrat. What a coincidence? Also, child murderers, e.g., abortion supporters/Democrats, have no qualms about jailing, torturing, or murdering you if you inconvenience them.

John Shipway
John Shipway
4 months ago

Nothing to see here……….move on……..shut up.

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