
Elections , Newsline

My Fellow Latter-Day Saints Should Vote for Trump

Posted on Wednesday, October 30, 2024
by AMAC Newsline

Presidential election polls predict next week’s election to be close. RealClearPolitics’ polling averages show former President Donald Trump running ahead of Vice President Kamala Harris by roughly one percent in top battleground state averages, and Harris ahead in national averages by the same amount.

What this means is that every group of voters is important – including my fellow Latter-day Saints (LDS) in battleground states like Arizona, where they make up six percent of the population. As numerous media outlets have reported, the LDS vote in swing states is critical to both candidates.

As a result, voices in the liberal media have attempted for months to drive a wedge between Trump and LDS voters by citing out-of-context quotes and pushing false narratives. They’ve argued LDS voters’ reputation for being “nice” means they should care more about getting along than enacting policy aligned with their values.

Take, for instance, one recent opinion piece in The Washington Post which declared, “Mormon voters in the West can save the GOP from Trump.” The New York Times similarly reported that Trump is “dividing Arizona’s crucial [LDS] vote.”

But LDS voters shouldn’t fall for these bald-faced manipulation efforts.

Liberal voices make these arguments because they know that Trump’s policy accomplishments align with LDS principles far more than Harris’s record. As an active LDS church member – and former Trump administration staffer – I am voting for Trump because of what I’ve seen him accomplish, and what I know he will accomplish in his second term.

A review of Trump and Harris’s records side-by-side is a more intellectually honest evaluation than the political theater recently perpetrated by malicious voices in the media.

In the years that I worked for the Trump administration, I was impressed most by the former president’s unceasing determination to keep his promises to the American people. His senior political advisors kept large whiteboards in the West Wing listing all of Trump’s campaign promises and his plans to fulfill them.

One of those promises that meant a great deal to me and many religious Americans was Trump’s pledge to appoint originalist and textualist justices to the Supreme Court to correct the legal fiction that was Roe v. Wade. This case burdened America for nearly five decades, mandating all states allow elective abortion rather than empowering the voters to decide on abortion policy themselves.

Despite enormous pressure against him, Trump kept his promise, and the power to legislate on abortion has now been returned to the people, where it always belonged.

Contrast this with Harris’s record of broken oaths. In 2008, many people of faith—including Latter-day Saints—worked to pass Proposition 8 in California, a state constitutional ballot initiative defining marriage as the union between a man and a woman. Regardless of one’s personal feelings toward the issue, the fact is that a majority of voters supported this initiative.

But federal courts struck it down. Why? Because then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris ignored the will of the voters and refused to defend Proposition 8, even though that was her sworn duty. She could have recused herself. But instead, she left Proposition 8—which is part of the California Constitution—defenseless.

How can religious Americans trust Harris to faithfully fulfill the presidential oath of office to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States – including the First Amendment’s religious liberty clause – to “the best of (her) ability,” when in the past she’s willfully abandoned her promises and obligations to her constituents?

Harris and Trump’s records also sharply contrast on the economy. Working parents are struggling to put food on the table because of crushing inflation.

Harris played a prominent role in passing enormous government spending packages which contributed to persistent inflation. As vice president, she was the tie-breaking vote in the Senate for both the American Rescue Plan Act and the Inflation Reduction Act. This sky-high amount of government spending is the primary cause of the increased inflation which, consequently, is burdening American family budgets.

Harris said that if she is elected she will build an “opportunity economy” focused on lowering grocery prices for families. But why hasn’t she done this already as vice president?

So far, Harris’s role in Bidenomics has produced compounding inflation. The cost of eggs has gone up by 53 percent, baby food has increased by 30 percent, milk is up 17 percent, and gas is up 35 percent. Prices in nearly every sector of American life have increased by double digits as a result of this mismanagement by Harris and Biden

Conversely, Trump unleashed an economic boom during his time in office that broke records. Unemployment reached 3.5 percent, the lowest in a half-century. He signed into law the largest tax reform package in history, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Unemployment for women reached a 70-year low and an all-time low for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and those without a high school diploma.

Deregulation efforts by Trump further unleashed American oil and natural gas production to achieve energy independence for the first time since the 1950s. The data shows our economy better helped everyday Americans under Trump’s leadership.

Serious voters will ask themselves: Is my family budget better off now or four years ago under the Trump administration?

A second Trump administration would be aligned with most Americans’ values and priorities for the country. The majority of undecided voters I’ve talked to agree with Trump’s policies when I present them without mentioning his name.

Try it yourself: Do you agree that America should avoid starting new wars through a foreign policy of peace through strength? Would you support a ban on biological males competing in women’s sports? Is our country safer if we incentivize immigrants to come here legally by ensuring unlawful border crossing is not an option?

Many more Americans would vote for Trump if it wasn’t for false media-driven narratives. In 2017, left-leaning news anchors edited Trump’s comments on the Charlottesville protests. They incessantly played a short clip of Trump saying, “You also had people that were very fine people, on both sides,” suggesting he supported those who turned violent.

Biden used this narrative against Trump in a 2019 video announcing his presidential campaign. However, the media reporting was intentionally deceptive. A full review of the transcript shows Trump condemning the violence and expressing concern for those who were there peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights.

This media narrative has been discredited for years. But this didn’t stop Harris from repeating it in last month’s presidential debate.

Why would she inflame tensions by repeating a long-ago debunked media narrative? Because Harris’s policy record pales in comparison to the accomplishments and objective results of Trump’s leadership as president.

Elections have consequences, as one president was apt to remind the country. In the end, politicians are public servants. That’s it.

Policy is the fundamental work of politicians as they exercise the powers of your government. A candidate’s bid for office should be evaluated on whether their record of action serves you, the American people.

Trump has demonstrated his dogged persistence to fulfill his policy promises to the people. As a president should.

I’ll be voting for him and, if you agree with his policy record, you should too.

Joshua Lee is a writer and communications consultant. He has served in the White House, NASA, and in nearly all levels of state and local government. His work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Houston Chronicle, Deseret News, and AMAC among other publications.

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Leon Jones
Leon Jones
4 months ago

I agree! If we want to maintain the God inspired Constitution and keep the Bill of Rights intact, it is critical to vote for Pres. Trump. I have already!! Please join me.

4 months ago

I am glad to see this. There’s quite a bit of discussion about the Catholic vote, which is often split down the middle.

4 months ago

For 4 years, President Trump demonstrated outstanding leadership that lowered costs for all Americans. And he earned the respect of World leaders while stopping our involvement in a war. Cakala Harris has demonstrated 4 years of lazy incompetence, lack of any understanding, and embarrassing awkward cackling and word salad as she speaks to America or World leaders. It is therefore impossible to understand how any American could vote for Harris for President and Tampon Tim Walz, the clown, for VP!  Harris is the laughing stock of World’s leaders who know she has no clue, and will be easy to maneuver for their plans. For anyone who has been asleep, America and the World has never been in more dangerous times than today, with Bidum and Harris. Vote Trump 2024 to have a future and Make America Great Again. 

4 months ago

His last sentence sums it up for me. That’s who I voted for.

Kimberly Call
Kimberly Call
3 months ago

Sadly, a dishonest media has an undue influence over the vast majority of LDS voters. It’s disappointing.
Utah ranks highest in the US among the states for affinity fraud. Why is that? Are members apathetic and have forgotten how to think for themselves?
Just a bit of honest, open minded research exposes the Harris regime for the evil that it is. It cannot be perpetuated.
A proper course would be to elect Trump because he loves America and Americans. Then be alert and keep him accountable.

4 months ago

IMO many if not most Mormons who pick camel-ah over President Trump are sour grapes over Mitt Romney’s loss as a candidate previously. Any Mormon who votes for her are not honest about their religion. They should admit to their bishop or branch president that they support abortion, same sex marriage, boys in girls bathrooms, men in women’s sports, sex changes, etc. the list goes on.

4 months ago

Beware of voter fraud

4 months ago

trump to save the usa

Nancy Stull
Nancy Stull
3 months ago

Very well written article. Very sensible. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I agree with all of them that this is the way an elected official should be elected.

Jim Bills
Jim Bills
4 months ago

You can’t be LDS if you support the lefts priorities. Can’t happen.

Jess Mee
Jess Mee
4 months ago

You’re calling for LDS to vote for a man who has spent his entire existence making a mockery of their faith and values?

Margaret Magness
Margaret Magness
4 months ago

Trump has continually proven himself unfit for the Presidency, it’s insulting that you would ask any American to trust him again. He is unable to be truthful about even the smallest things–he has never truly kept a promise in his life–he couldn’t keep his marital vows or his oath of office.

4 months ago

Donald Trump violated his oath to protect and defend the constitution. Rather than simply owning up to the fact that he did not win reelection in 2020, he came up with a web of falsehoods. He then dismissed officials including experts such as the head of elections security and the attorney general who told him the truth, that he didn’t win. He tried to pressure the VP to go along with his lies and concocted a scheme to overturn the results. When a crowd gathered to hear him speak about it, they went and attacked the capitol building, vandalizing it, fighting with security, and disrupting the constitutionally mandated process which had to be delayed. Rather than calling them off immediately he reveled in how much they were supported him and were willing to risk for him. Then when he was called to task for it he blamed it on the FBI and “antifa.” He then left all these supporters out to dry and they suffered prosecution and prison sentences for trespassing and rioting. Despite his lies being debunked multiple times, people continue to follow him. As far as his accomplshments go, some of them are fine. His tariffs would be a disaster on the economy. Unemployment has been mostly lower over the last decade with the exception of the COVID time. The US is producing more oil now than it did under Trump. The man is a well established womanizer, racist, liar, cheat, and scoundrel. 90% of his cabinet members have refused to endorse him and several of them have called attention to the danger he poses to American democracy. For some reason though so many people are glad to listen to him and him alone as he tells people to ignore the experts, the historians, the seasoned journalists, those who have given their entire professional lives to serving this country with honor and distinction. There is very little to align his policies or ideology with religious belief.

Dan W.
Dan W.
4 months ago

AMAC needs to be more selective when posting an endorsement from this type of organization.

4 months ago

The left is desperate and we shouldn’t be the least surprised at their lies, duplicity and treason. Democrats and rino’s…those who’re traitors to what the Republican Party was built on. Our nation is under attack almost as if a hostile nation was firing on us. They will stop at nothing to stop Trump. Remember the attack on President Reagan…the murder of JFK, tho’ a democrat I truly believe he loved this nation, he may have been “in the way” of what his party was pushing. Lyndon Johnson became president after his assassination. The shooter Lee Harvey Oswald was nothing but a scape goat who was shot to death while being led to jail…anyone who actually saw the assassination saw the truth. Oswald didn’t kill Kennedy. Maybe the members of his own “party” did…?

4 months ago

Don’t count on Mitt Romney to vote for Trump

4 months ago

Can’t stand bald face lies ! I live in the State of Utah, I will say that most LDS will vote Gods way!!!????????

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