
Elections , Newsline

Kamala Harris’s Disastrous No-Good Media Tour Debacle

Posted on Thursday, October 10, 2024
by Shane Harris

Kamala Harris’s media tour has effectively become an in-kind contribution to Donald Trump’s campaign.

Amid pressure from Republicans and normally friendly corporate media outlets over her unprecedented refusal to give unscripted interviews, Kamala Harris finally took to the airwaves this week for what should have been a series of softball-laden appearances with friendly faces. Instead, the vice president has ignited one controversy after another, creating a gold mine of content for Republican attack ads in the final weeks of the race.

Perhaps the most astounding unforced error came on Tuesday from the unlikeliest of sources – the ladies of The View. “If anything,” asked host Sunny Hostin, “would you have done something differently than President Biden during the past four years?”

“There is not a single thing that comes to mind,” Harris replied.

In just 10 words, Harris unequivocally and voluntarily tied herself to every failure of the past four years – vaccine mandates, draconian lockdowns, the Afghanistan debacle, 20 percent cumulative inflation, 10 million illegal aliens, war in Ukraine, weaponization of government, and so much more. Joe Biden broke records as the most unpopular president in modern American history, and Kamala Harris just admitted that she would have taken all of the same actions that made Biden so unpopular.

In essence, Harris told the American people what Republicans have been saying all along: that electing her would be a continuation of the failed Biden administration. She is not the “change” candidate Democrats and the media have so desperately tried to portray her as.

Harris doubled down (or tried to) during an appearance on Stephen Colbert’s show on Wednesday night when he gave her another chance to answer the same question. “I’m obviously not Joe Biden, and so that would be one change,” Harris said, touching off another of her famous word salads. “But also I think it’s important to say with 28 days to go that I’m not Donald Trump. And so when we think about the significance of what this next generation of leadership looks like, were I to be elected president, it is about, frankly, I love the American people and I believe in our country – I love that it is our character and nature to be an ambitious people…” Harris continued on in this manner for 30 more seconds before Colbert finally stepped in to save her.

Those comments are just two of many from this week that will likely come back to haunt Harris and Democrats. Things got off to a rough start on Sunday when Harris appeared on an episode of “Call Her Daddy,” a raunchy, X-rated podcast that more commonly features celebrities and social media influencers.

Harris recorded the interview in the hours after Hurricane Helene devastated vast swaths of the southeast, a move that came across as callous and out of touch. “I’m sorry, but I don’t give a f*** about Kamala Harris going on Call Her Daddy – a podcast about women and women’s sex health, when we have states LITERALLY UNDER WATER,” one X user wrote.

“I think you and your listeners have really got this thing right, which is one of the best ways to communicate with people is to be real, you know, and to talk about the things that people really care about,” Harris told Cooper. Yet the podcast focused heavily on abortion with virtually no mention of the economy or the border, consistently rated as the two most important issues to voters.

Critics also slammed Harris’s claim that there are “no laws governing men’s bodies” – apparently forgetting or ignoring the existence of the military draft.

Shortly after the podcast was posted online, the Trump campaign responded with a devastating video overlaying Harris’s smug comments about “the things that people really care about” with footage of Hurricane Helene destruction. The video amassed more than three million views on TikTok alone in just 14 hours and has been viewed millions more times on other platforms.

The public relations disaster continued with Harris’s appearance on CBS’s “60 minutes.” Even an obviously sympathetic Bill Whitaker, who pressed her on a few points but largely lofted up seemingly simple and predictable questions, couldn’t save Harris from herself.

When asked how she proposes to pay for her economic plan, which economists estimate would cost somewhere around $5 trillion, Harris responded, “My economic plan would strengthen America’s economy,” prompting Whitaker to retort, “But pardon me Madam Vice President, the question was, how are you going to pay for it?”

On immigration, Harris completely melted down when asked if she believed it was a mistake to loosen immigration policy over the past four years, refusing to even acknowledge that border crossings had skyrocketed under her watch.

CBS tried to salvage the appearance by heavily editing Harris’s responses – but that only backfired further when many users on social media pointed out the fraud. In one case CBS appears to have replaced a confused and disjointed answer from Harris on Israel with one of her responses from earlier in the interview. The Trump campaign has since called on the network to release the full unedited interview.

Ultimately, Harris showed this week why her campaign has worked so hard to shield the vice president from any unscripted media appearances. The first time Harris has faced any consistent scrutiny, even from media allies, it has devolved into an all-out crisis.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.

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4 months ago

LOL. Honestly, this ignorant woman would have been better off trying the sleepy joe technique of 2020 and hiding until after election day. But I’m glad she did not. She is the gift that keeps on giving. Vote and vote early Trump 2024. MAGA

Michael J
Michael J
4 months ago

The problem when you elect stupid people is you get their stupid friends. Now apply that to their ethics or values and you get disastrous consequences.

4 months ago

Harris STILL has yet to speak directly about her intentions THIS far into her candidacy. Not being forthright evidently agrees with her, and she feels that her empty platitudes are enough to sell her ZERO successful experience at governing.
Clearly, she can’t further alienate Republicans, because THEY ALREADY KNOW she’s sneaking past half of the electorate by remaining silent. It’s those who choose to support her that know nothing about her.
How odd it is that they are her “dupes”, and that she never dares to be honest with her own party constituents.

Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
4 months ago

CBS (Communist Bull Sh*t) should have its broadcasting license revoked. They do not broadcast news, but only CCP propaganda.

Buddy Eoc
Buddy Eoc
4 months ago

Stupid is as stupid does-“Forest Gump”

anna hubert
anna hubert
4 months ago

Even the press that tries to coddle her and hide her incompetency and ignorance is limited in it’s powers Truth has a way of coming out.

Judy Ross
Judy Ross
4 months ago

Written by Charlie Spiering, the book “Amateur Hour” explains how Kamala slept her way to the White House. Not that you need any more info than what you see and hear to decide to vote for President Trump.

4 months ago

I am stunned that ANYONE with more than ONE WORKING BRAIN CELL would or could even bring themselves to vote for Harris. I have NEVER SEEN OR HEARD ANY politician that is so completely unqualified, incompetent, and incapable of doing anything without a script, a teleprompter, or that spends days rehearsing what she tries, but consistently fails to communicate to the public, Nor have I ever seen any politician that displays such a complete lack of intelligence, or even have the ability to convey anything resembling coherent thought.
Even her closest ally, the EXTREMELY CORRRUPT Fake News media, is overwhelmed and working 24/7 trying to repair the damage every time she opens her mouth. They make excuses for her, lying and editing her constant screwups, and twisting and correcting what she said, desperately hoping to repair the damage and make her look good, let alone even salvageable.
WAKE THE HELL UP HARRIS SUPPORTERS. Your candidate is the perfect example mindless, completely inept, but well controlled puppet.

4 months ago

in the words of former house speaker newt gingrich, ” she’s a doofus”.

4 months ago

I posted 2 of the vids above to other social media sites, trying to convince folks never to vote for another Democrat.

4 months ago

If voters cannot see what the Democrats are doing to us, then voting for them again will lead to our own demise as a Republic. Hello, Socialism with Marxist Kamala mentored by her Marxist father as reported many times.

4 months ago

Trump put the captioned “The View” footage on the Jumbotron during his Reading, PA rally yesterday, along with a montage of other comrade Commy-la gaffes. It was great to watch and a nice addition to his rallies that got the crowd fired up, but I really would like to see the same production on TV commercials for the general public to see. That’s of course if ABC, NBC, CBS etc. will accept the advertising dollars to air it. Perhaps fellow posters have seen the Trump ad on social media? Conversely, I’m disappointed to have seen conservative news outlets airing political commercials for liberal candidates.

4 months ago

How I love it when kh loses her way (I won’t say loses her train of thought because she evidently doesn’t have one) and goes on to make herself look completely ignorant and out of touch with our reality. Her word salads get her in trouble with conservatives but her fellow leftist commie demoncrats can’t see it to know they are backing a lunatic who has NO CLUE what she’s doing as vp and Heaven help us if she becomes President! I hope she continues her stupid word salads and interviews where she hangs herself and obiden for their past and present records and policies. I hope every day Americans, whatever their race, sees her and tw for who and what they really are, how they lie about everything AND that voting them into the White House is voting for obummer’s third term and America’s total destruction! MAGA. MASA. MAHA ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

She’s had a week of T-ball questions the size of a beachball and still has no hits. At least Joe has an excuse for being so stupid…

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
4 months ago

It is actually quite frightening that she has any support. With today’s rigged search engines and censorship it’s hard to know the truth. I would think the support a lie but on one of the last bastions of free speech X I’m seeing a vast array of support for the communist and the coward. It’s mind boggling, but it is, nevertheless.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
4 months ago

She just does not care about nothing and she has the media that covers her up to try to make her look good she knows nothing and everyone knows it, she cannot answer one question and most times she never will answer them at all just goes around the question. She does not know the first think about running this country and she has the media that lies for her and these late night people and Hollywood also lie for her and her super packs just promote lies for her more that do not care about the people of this country and that goes for more Dems up in Washington.

James DeBona
James DeBona
4 months ago

Those that choose to support Harris are either lazy and/or are totally uninformed.
Those that consider themselves informed and still choose to support her should be 100% ashamed of themselves! Period!

James DeBona
James DeBona
4 months ago

I have always believed that this is the #1 reason for not invoking the 25th amendment on Joe Biden, even with his obvious mental decline! After having him removed via the 25th, they would have had to move Harris into the oval office. At that point she would also be able to run as an incumbent in this election, maybe giving her some advantage! As president, she would never have been able to avoid media interviews, even hard interviews, or foreign heads of state for that matter. She would have absolutely been exposed for the whole world to see for about three months before the election. Keeping her hidden until this election WAS the plan!

George Kamburoff
George Kamburoff
4 months ago

Silly and hateful lies below.

Logo of world health organization WHO on mobile phone screen. Blurred flag of USA background
California Governor Gavin Newsom speaks during a press conference at Raleigh Studios unveiling a vast expansion of California’s Film and Television Credit Program on October 27, 2024 in Los Angeles, California.
President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama walk together, Tuesday, June 27, 2023, in the Center Hall of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

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