
Elections , Newsline

Kamala Harris – Dangerously Immature

Posted on Wednesday, October 16, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

The donkey in the room is not our open border, drug overdoses, a failing economy, high inflation, massive debt, global disrespect, or gradual approach to world war. It is simpler: Kamala Harris is, as a candidate – even without her untruthful, self-aggrandizing sidekick – dangerously immature.

Simple as that: To be president, you must have a bit of circumspection, must have lived a bit, learned by a lifetime of doing hard things, making mistakes for sure but also learning from them, and now you are ready to assume power with a degree of solemnity, sobriety, calm, strength.

Even Biden, who has likely forgotten much of what he once said, did, and lived, false statements he made, speeches taken from others, how he promoted himself by shamelessly savaging good men, like Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas, recently leaving 100,000 allies to die in Afghanistan while inviting 10 million non-citizens to trade in drugs, girls, and death here, actually … knew the idea of maturity, even if it was an act, just something he had to do so that he could look the part.

Kamala Harris is Biden without any pretense of maturity, without the ability to suppress giggles, cackles, a kind of second-grade laughter, even when talking about enormous loss, military casualties, children at risk, drugs killing people, a border that is wide open, death, loss and cost.

She seems to have no understanding of what being serious, deadly serious, clear and historically grounded, honest and respectful, not smiling as you talk about people’s deep pain, not rolling your eyes, snickering, looking snide or like a 14-year-old rich Valley Girl, is all about.

The latest reality check for Americans, going beyond pretending she has done something, that she did not get to the top in questionable ways, laughing strangely out of turn, giggling at things that warrant seriousness, and insulting people with fake empathy, is the way she reacted to the hurricanes that have decimated millions in the south, left a trillion dollars’ worth of damage.

In a poorly staged video press conference, one that a high school drama club could have rolled out better, she first appeared lost, seemed utterly unready, then offensively, weirdly, bizarrely, had to cover her face with her hands – because she was uncontrollably laughing, behind her hands – at what? The heartbreaking devastation of American lives, her own celebrity, something. Inexcusable.

Truth is, the reason that Russia, Iran, China, and most of America’s undeclared enemies want Kamala Harris to be the next President of the United States is not what many suspect – not exactly.

Yes, the world genuinely respects, and many fear, Donald Trump. They do not all like him, do not all understand him. Some see him as focused on himself, not as deep – apparently – as they obviously think they are, not as well read, sophisticated, urbane, politic, or polite – but he is real.

You are right that this is one reason Xi, Putin, and Iran do not like Trump, even if they respect and fear him: He says what he thinks, does what he says, tolerates fools poorly, and has lived enough of life to know their game, see through their lies, false promises, and fictions, knows their weaknesses, and calls them out. They do not like that, because his instincts are often dead on.

But that is not the biggest reason they do not want him to win. The biggest is that they see in Kamala Harris a patsy, an emotionally underdeveloped, transparently childish, obviously inexperienced, unprepared, and fundamentally immature foe, easy to manipulate, if necessary to overrun.

If America were ever in danger of electing a leader so out of sync she cannot do the job, not just morally, mentally, or experientially, but emotionally, it is now. Kamala Harris is not prepared. When you laugh at death, loss, and destruction, something is wrong. Harris is dangerously immature.  

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC. Robert Charles has also just released an uplifting new book, “Cherish America: Stories of Courage, Character, and Kindness” (Tower Publishing, 2024).

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3 months ago


I wouldn’t describe Harris as simply immature. That is being far too kind and not very accurate. She is you proto-typical hard core socialist / Marxist, that has lived her entire life marinading in a political ideology built around turning one group against another for personal political gain. She has no command of any of the critical skills necessary to execute the job of POTUS in anything approaching a competent fashion. No knowledge or interest in the areas of economics, foreign policy, national defense, domestic issues, or anything else. To her, they are all items to simply be leveraged to turn one group against another to further her political career in some fashion. If she encounters pushback at any point along the way, she either falls back on whipping out the race card to deflect attention away from her own incompetence or she uses the very well-worn line of “I grew up in a middle-class family” followed by a long string of incoherent word salad until she runs out the clock.

Like most of her ilk, she has no depth. Most socialists / Marxists are very transactional in nature and don’t think through any issue beyond how to achieve the immediate political objective. So, she has to mask her many deficiencies via the tactics used by most of her fellow socialists / Marxists. She relies on both deflection, to try and change the subject to one that favors her, or projection by claiming her opponent is actually the one posing the greater danger to the country or the one lacking solutions to any issue being discussed.

Harris being installed as POTUS would indeed be giving Putin, Xi, the Iranian ayatollah and others a green light to do whatever they wish without consequence from the United States. What few true allies we have left would abandon us, because there would be no value to them supporting someone who would NOT support them other than to continue the open money spigot. As for domestic issues, the sole focus of a Harris administration would be on quickly finishing to kill off what remains of the constitutional republic and ushering in the transformational new United States of America under socialist / Marxist principles. With the Democrat Party’s major financial backers calling all the shots, as they already do under Biden today, Harris would simply need to do the occasional bill signing and 2-minute pronouncement from the WH. No heavy lifting or real decision making. Just pure theater for the masses and the global media.

3 months ago

I really want to print this article out and put it in the teacher’s room. I am constantly amazed at how ignorant (by choice) educators are to this game. It’s not funny – and not even sad. It’s scary that people can be so duped – just because they hate Trump. What about the country? It’s mind boggling.

3 months ago

Harris has a bit more in common with Biden than I once thought. Though her memory is intact, her messaging is so sub-par, that only those with no grasp of current issues would consider supporting her. Sadly, the country is tanking because of these ignorant voters.

3 months ago

she is a mere puppet for hussein obama’s 4th term

3 months ago

RBC, how right you are, but remember it is the “DEEP SHADOW GOVERNMENT” that is calling all the shots at this time. They obviously have more tricks up their sleeve. There is no dispute about the lack of qualities of VP Harris. Interesting, there was a religious man who made several prophecies about the nation in the 1930s and 40s. Most of his predictions have come through over the years. The ONE THAT TRULY SCARES ME that could come about this election cycle — The nation would elect a female president who would be unable to handle the office against the nation’s adversaries leading to the nation’s demise on the world scene. THIS WOMAN FITS THE BILL!!!

3 months ago

In reality, it doesn’t matter if faux vp is immature, a half-wit or a complete idiot… she will not be running the country. The same unelected tyrants who run the country now, will be doing so under any (D). That will leave Mrs. D. Emhoff to party 24/7.

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
3 months ago

All komrade kacklin’ kammy knows how to do is lie. She didn’t even tell the truth in her book. She loves to proclaim she’s black when in fact, she’s of Hindu, Indian ancestry. She has no black in her, and that’s according to her own family. What is she trying to hide? Why lie about your family? Everyone should be suspicious of any individual like this. Candace Owens is digging into her in a big way. Go out on youtube and look for her videos. They’re straight up and very informative.

3 months ago

You are way too kind…dangerously immature? I think not…dumber than a brick is the proper terminology…

3 months ago

The interesting thing to me which few it seems realize, is that Harris is not a good person or even a nice one. She is a liar and a fraud. She had staff turnover of 92% because she was so terrible to work for, berating them for her own mistakes as all ex-staffers fun for cover from her vicious temper.She is lazy and rarely reads her briefings or does her homework. She failed at every responsibility she was given as VP, including Border Czar, a title she embraced as important until it became a liability because she failed to do anything, and her role as head of handling AI issues as examples. She is a woman, like Hillary, who swears and screams at others behind closed doors while she giggles and pretends to care in front of cameras. She is the epitome of the Peter Principle, rising to the level of iher incompetence, not via merit but through her relationships such as they were. All the Democrats disliked and disrespected her until Biden’s failed debate with Pres. Trump. Then they had to choose her to take his place (without a single vote in a mini-primary — she was simply appointed). Reason: the Dems were so afraid of being called racist and sexist if the didn’t uphold her candidacy (the worst things Dems can call anyone) which the world knows as a DEI, no choice candidacy…and then they had to image-build and gaslight America as to how wonderful she is, never mentioning how they really feel, of course! Can you envision her as Commander-in-Chief? She knows nothing about the military, nor management, nor foreign affairs, nor negotiation, nor economy…in fact, what does she know? Imagine her as the first female president in U.S. history. OMG!
I want some interviewer, if she does any more, to ask this simple question: Why do you want to be President? The answer should be very revealing.
She is power-hungry without the expertise or skills to wield power. She will finish Obama’s takedown of OUR country (his “fundamental change”) because she is not very smart or sophisticated or well-read and will do what she’s told as a malleable idiot for Obama’s 4th term. Proof: she released a list of those she would appoint to offices and staff. All are Obama people and each one is horrible for a variety of reasons. We cannot allow this to happen!!

3 months ago

The Kackler is an admitted pot smoker. That has been shown to bring about the “Giggles”. What kind of country would we have with this person running the country.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

Someone should have counseled her a long time ago to keep her McDonald’s job… but it’s not too late to re-apply! I hear they’re hiring in Sacramento and at $20/hour and up!

3 months ago

Kudos to Mr. Charles. He HIT THE BULLSEYE when he so accurately described and defined Harris. She is without question, the most unqualified, incompetent, truly not ready for ‘Prime Time’, and dangerous puppet ANY party has ever dumped (unconstitutionally I might add) in front of the American people. Both she and her bumbling sidekick Stolen Valor Tampon Tim are the political Duo from Hell. Both are monumentally unqualified. Both are way, WAY out of their league. And both get the Insanity Award for moving the extreme radical left-wing’s needle even farther left. I’m not sure if that makes Bernie Sanders happy of pissed with jealousy???

3 months ago

Many were already voting as the credibility tanked. We can’t know now. There is every reason to work hard to get every American to vote. This article is an accurate report of the history of this critical battle. I hope Howie Carr will write a book about this campaign.

3 months ago

harris acts like the high school punch trying to get the football’s attention.

Rick M.
Rick M.
3 months ago

Well said. I have always said the reason that there were no wars and all of our adversaries “behaved themselves”, was because they had no idea how President Trump would have responded to any given stimulus. Our adversaries want to have Harris as our next president, because they know they can manipulate her They can “pull the wall over her eyes”. Have y’all ever heard of something called the “Peter Principle”? That is exactly where Kamala Harris is today….

3 months ago

Please everyone…. Vote early. Don’t let life or over confidence get in your way to voting immediately. Encourage others to do the same.
The evil Dems have an unlimited menu of dirty tricks they will use. I expect to see power grid failures, internet outages, created traffic jams, water leaks, cell phone and communication jamming, terrorists attacks, fire alarms and even more assassination attempts in the future as the election approaches and on the day itself. Think of the most despicable acts and schemes possible….they are planning them and will do them. I am certain.
Be vigilant. Protect yourself, and protect this country with an early vote.

3 months ago

Kamala Harris – Dangerously Brainless!

3 months ago

With Harris, the Dems are well aware she’s a buffoon groomed by Brown, Obama, and the radicals within their party. They knowingly allowed this egotistical, power-driven, and willing to sell this country to the highest bidder with evil strategies to lead this country to ruins. The deeply induced mindless must know that not seeing, smelling or comprehending the times will also be impacted by their false gods stupid destructive policies this country and them. Power and Greed are two dysfunctional crevices. This is where we are. So, those who are uninformed, go ahead vote unwisely. The malignant results of their policies will not exclude the deceived.

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 months ago

Communist harris -Dangerously Immature is an understatement.

3 months ago

You nailed it Charles!!

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

Not immature, only molded and shaped into the desired marxist image.I think women are more susceptible to brain wash, emotional rather than rational. It is easier to manipulate emotion than reason. If you vote with emotion rather than reason ,results are all around us. Chaos.

Linda Mcmahon
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