
Elections , Newsline

Joe Biden Is Now Chasing the ‘Death to America’ Voter

Posted on Friday, April 12, 2024
by Outside Contributor
President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the soul of the nation, Thursday, September 1, 2022, at Independence Square in Philadelphia. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

It was Al-Quds Day last Friday. To celebrate the occasion, protesters in Dearborn, Michigan, chanted “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” while a speaker named Tarek Bazzi declared the United States — a place that’s afforded him the liberty to openly support rapists, murderers and terrorists — one of the “rottenest countries” on the planet, quoting Malcolm X. “It’s the entire system that has to go,” he explained to cheers of, what I assume, were American citizens.

As commentator Seth Mandel noted on X (formerly Twitter), there’s Charlottesville every other day in America, and barely anyone on the Left cares. Most progressives, let’s face it, either tacitly or openly support these days of rage.

Al-Quds Day, a kind of international Islamic Nuremberg Rally, was conceived by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and his gang during the Iranian Revolution, only a few months before Iranians murdered eight U.S. servicemen and took 66 American hostages. I assure you participants aren’t merely “critical” of Israel’s housing policy in Judea or (historically low) civilian-to-commandant kill ratio in the war against Hamas; they want all 7 million Jews in that tiny country dead or scattered into dhimmi.

Where is the outrage from the folks who have fainting spells every time a Republican criticizes far-leftist moneybags George Soros? Cowering in deathly fear that a progressive podcaster bro might accuse them of being “Islamophobic,” one imagines.

Leftist and antisemitic pro-Hamas “activists” are vandalizing buildings, threatening Jews, cheering on martyrs, and shutting down events. Where are all the government officials who keep warning us that anyone wearing a MAGA baseball hat is probably the next Timothy McVeigh? It’s not like radicalized Muslims ever engage in terrorism, I guess. But if parents who are sick of school boards undermining their children’s education and futures are smeared as a “domestic terror” by this administration, surely those chanting “Death to America” deserve a look.

Granted it would be weird. The same Jew haters who attend Quds Day rallies or write for The Washington Post are the people Joe Biden is now cynically trying to mollify in his effort to win the 2024 presidential race and “save democracy.” Delegations of Democrats are sent to placate these defenders of barbarism and terror, sometimes quite literally.

There is bad news for Democrats, though: Until the United States launches a strike on Tel Aviv — which is what “ceasefire” proponents are chanting in New York — these people will not be placated.

To earn these votes, our president now spreads Hamas propaganda himself, as do most of the media, which have functionally or openly taken the side of the terror group. Indeed, no matter how many ceasefires Hamas rejects, Democrats still demand Israel unilaterally stop fighting the people who hold American hostages. It is a demand we would never make of any other nation — a demand we would never abide by ourselves.

Even that’s not enough. The Biden administration, which creates and spreads myths about Jewish extremism in the “West Bank” to create a fake moral equivalence, is reportedly preparing to force Israel to mark products imported from Judea and Samaria made by Jews with special labels. Vile, indeed. But Biden will not rest until there is a Judenrein West Bank or his “Death to America” constituents are happy. Whichever comes first.

Biden, it should be noted, is a vacuous political zombie who has never met a position he hasn’t dropped for a vote. Today, he is surrounded by Obama-era advisers and Hamas sympathizers — though I repeat myself — who have long wanted the U.S. to be aligned with mullahs of Iran, as a counterbalance to colonialist Western capitalists of Israel. And now that Democrats like Chuck Schumer have sold out the Jews to the vultures for a few votes in Dearborn, nothing holds back progressive Democrats from normalizing the antisemitism that already infects the hard Left.

This is not everyone’s fight, I realize. But remember, the same people who chant “Death to Israel” inevitably wish “Death to America,” as well.

David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist. Harsanyi is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of five books — the most recent, “Eurotrash: Why America Must Reject the Failed Ideas of a Dying Continent.” His work has appeared in National Review, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Reason, New York Post and numerous other publications. Follow him on Twitter @davidharsanyi.


The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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10 months ago

Unfortunately I reside in Dearbornistan (not for long) and every word is true. The mayor (who is a Palestinian sympathizer along with some other “leaders” here) has downplayed this incident to the residents. These people have no intention of now or ever assimilating into American culture and values. Most are good people but most Germans 90 years ago were too. Only took a few to destroy 6 million Jews and countless other nationalities who the Nazis despised. Wake up America and kick out all democrats in November. Chinese nationals are streaming through our southern border too. This will not bode well for your grandchildren to live in the America we grew up in.

10 months ago

Great article,every word true.Schumer reminds me of the Capos ,Jess in the nazi death camps who betrayed their own brethren A disgusting man..

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
10 months ago

Biden has really hit rock bottom morally and politically. He is brazenly sabotaging our friend Israel in order to court supporters of Hamas, death, and destruction. Biden deserves to be impeached for many reasons. He is openly betraying his country and the American people.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
10 months ago

someone ought to ask Bazzi and the rest of that bunch this question: if this country is so terrible, why are people so hell-bent on coming here?

Ken Flowers
Ken Flowers
10 months ago

Do the gate test. Open the gates of a country and then see if people come in or leave. It’s not hard to understand. Is anyone enjoying Obamas third term? Just thinking while it’s still legal to think.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
10 months ago

BLM… ANTIFAS… Marxusts chants of death to America… take your pick. As synonymous with Democrats as jack-booted skinheads are to Nazis.

anna hubert
anna hubert
10 months ago

Bazzi is a product of Islamism the culture of death What have they ever produced? In any field All they do is blindly unquestionably follow the word of the psychopath 21st century technology of destruction is allowed All else is not in accordance with the word of prophet They come here to destroy same as 14th cent Same mentality Women are no different They want us all in black rags but the white idiots do not realize that it’s not a halloween party

Henry D
Henry D
10 months ago

Why don’t these haters of American get up off there butts and go live in Iran, if they think their culture is so great. America is the home of citizens who love their country and the freedom to speak without (maybe until recently) fear of being stoned

10 months ago

‘Al quds day, a kind of international islamic nuremberg rally.’ Thats a great line. Like the national socialists of yesteryear , these people arent shy about saying what they will do if they get the power. That they vote dem overwhelmingly is quite telling.

10 months ago

If America is so bad, I would personally help any of them pack. IF they would promise to leave America and never come back. If any of the radical communist/democrats throw a tantrum about Trump becoming the president again and threaten to leave this country if he is elected, we should make sure their plane ticket is paid for along with all the illegals we can get on the plane.

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
10 months ago

biden has the integrity of a gutter snake.

10 months ago

“It’s the entire system that has to go”, states another “interesting” opponent of our United States, the greatest and most generous benefactor nation in world history.
Obviously, it’s no coincidence that the image of the US being reflected by it’s enemies is conspicuously out of focus… nor is it coincidence that the “wannabe revolutionaries” have a “need” to discredit our nation and all of its supporters. The reason they bear false witness is because that is how dishonorable people take control of what is not theirs.

Jeannie Huppert
Jeannie Huppert
10 months ago

Part of the “crowd” yelling death to America & Israel were big name OLDer Hollywood stars, at least 1 of whom was Jewish female. Secondly Joe Biden cannot chase himself, let alone anyone else. Said “chasers” of votes: barak, his girlfriend hilary, probably geo soros, etc. samo samo until God’s Vengeance Shows up & annihilates their plans, wiles, schemes, & the like. Better days are ahead Says God thru His prophets. AMOS 3:7. God Bless you all!

10 months ago

Obama’s running the country-dah!!! Obiden is his puppet!!! The policies are all the same as when Obamanation of desolation was in!!! Destroying America at every turn!!! The media, many companies, big pharma, big tech, public schools are all in with this wickedness!!!

10 months ago

Since Dementia Joe stumbled in to the White House, an average American family is $ 27,ooo poorer !! The “Black Vote” is feeling the pain and is leaving the Dems. LBJ bought them back in the ‘6o’s, but O’Biden blew that deal. He said ” If you don’t vote BIDEN, You ain’t black”. Well, now O’Biden thinks ? he can pick-up the Muslim vote by BETRAYING ISRAEL (no money no arms) !! Five decades in DC and NEVER a RIGHT DECISION.. O’BIDEN and Schumckie Chucky, Model Catholics and Jews, ain’t they ??

10 months ago

This guy is spot-on. The Democrats will go to any extreme to get votes…

10 months ago

As one muslim imam proudly put it several years ago; we are not here to integrate, we are here to dominate. And our PC approach over the years has led us to ignore this takeover, with lots of help from the America hating lying rock star thug, and one of the most dangerous people in the country, BHO.

D. Craig
D. Craig
10 months ago

I can’t understand why we Americans allow immigrants who openly display hate for America and the American beliefs to continue to stay here.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
10 months ago

What will happen will be decided this coming election do we want more of Biden and Harris or to vote for President Trump and who ever his running mate will be that will tell us what direction we are going to head.

10 months ago

Good post Lieutenant. I responded to your post, but unfortunately it was immediately blocked by the site censor yet again for no good reason. Anyway, your post was very timely given all the new “protestors” Team Biden has allowed into the country via the southern border along with the 10 million other unvetted “new citizens in waiting”.

10 months ago

Lets see now. The Democrat Party supports ANTIFA, BLM, Islamic Fundamentalists (those are who we just spent 20 years and trillions of taxpayer dollars fighting in the Middle East and are the same folks shouting in Dearborn), drug cartels, a broad array of domestic and foreign-based socialist and Marxist groups, and every authoritarian regime on the planet that hates and wants to destroy the United States. See any common theme running through all these groups? Hint: They all, including the Democrat politicians running cover for them, hate and want to destroy this country and its people. So why should anyone be surprised that along the way we imported a whole load of what amount to be Jihadists just waiting for their moment to strike living right here in plain sight into the United States during the Clinton through Obama years. All under the guise of providing compassionate care as the Democrats like to call it.

Well guess what? Team Biden has imported thousands upon thousands more of the same ilk into this country as part of the 10 million illegals that have been allowed to just stroll into the country completely unvetted. This is a mess that will take years to clean out, so your advice is is very timely.

10 months ago

Our current Totalitarian Communist Democrat Party Comrade’s are who need to GO!!!Timothy McVeigh in retrospect is a guy that was 20 years ahead of the times. While I don’t condone the Target and the unnecessary death of people. There are plenty of Targets that could cost millions and disrupt the elites PROFIT margins.The Maryland bridge would be a good example.The flag has fallen and it’s up to baby boomers to pick it up and fly it high Can we the direct (descendants) children of the Greatest Generation allow our Nation to fall to the very enemies they defeated in the name of humanity. Communist, Dictators, Nazis, Fanatics, Terrorist, Radicals.Like the song says! I would gladly stand up next to you and defend her till the end.God Bless us all

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
10 months ago

You could always offer them a “Snackable” as an alternative!

10 months ago

What won’t Joey Num-Nutz think of next to use to buy Donkey votes ?

Timothy Richardt
Timothy Richardt
10 months ago

I am convinced that Joe Biden and the Left are in a Catch 22 situation. The Left props him up as their president, as long as he does their bidding. They see the upcoming election as an increasingly likely electoral loss for Biden, but they cannot dump him. They realize that if they do, he may become bitter and speak out against their schemes, ploys, and ‘malarky’. So, they have to hold on to him and have him do their bidding… even as they see his chances for reelection slipping, skidding, and stumbling (as he often physically does) towards defeat in November. They’re stuck with this loser, but they don’t dare release him… he may expose them if they do.

Brenda G
Brenda G
10 months ago

My opinion is Joe Biden and he the current administration are complete traitors. They need to be arrested and put in the “Gulag” like they’ve done to the Amazing Patriots, MAGA’s supposed J6 rioters.The difference between them and the MAGA ‘s is intelligence, respect of fellow citizens and the United States Constitution, rule of law. My opinion has changed towards these traitors, they do not deserve respect in any form.Respect is earned.

Edwin Toro
Edwin Toro
10 months ago

joe biden is a tone deaf opportunist who has done nothing of merit his whole political career except getting elected! Now he does what he is told to do by his “staff”, takes in lots of money for himself and his family, not caring from where or why it comes and he does not care one whit about America or its’ citizens! The ultimate traitor!

'James carlyle
'James carlyle
10 months ago

People of the Faith cannot support both their faith and our Constitution according to my education in the Middle East. Why are such people of concern to the politicians and how do they become elected politicians?

DJ Wright
DJ Wright
10 months ago

Well stated and clearly exposing the dem’crat hypocritical position to pander for anti-American votes

10 months ago

He is despicable and corrupt.

Michael Lefort
Michael Lefort
10 months ago

I’m not Islamaphobic. That implies that I fear Islam. They’re no more a religion than the Girl Scouts. Which, by the way, couldn’t exist under Islam.

Joe American
Joe American
10 months ago

Joe for hospice 2024!

10 months ago

We MUST remove people like this from our country. They are here to destroy our country and culture. Shouting, “Death to America” should not be tolerated and dealt with.

Old timey diet
Old timey diet
10 months ago

Good thing you guys had a healthy diet as children. Good old fashioned healthy lead lol

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