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JD Vance Becomes the Corporate Media’s Worst Nightmare

Posted on Friday, September 13, 2024
by Shane Harris

Since becoming Trump’s running mate, Ohio Senator JD Vance has become the bane of the corporate media, routinely appearing on liberal networks to spar with partisan journalists and dismantle the latest fake narratives about former President Donald Trump and his agenda. That pattern continued on Tuesday night following the debate between Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris on ABC.

Just moments after both candidates made closing arguments, one reporter attempted to ensnare Vance in a “gotcha” question about the viral story of Haitian migrants allegedly eating wild geese and even dogs and cats in Springfield, Ohio. “On immigrants eating dogs and cats, it was mentioned by Trump on national television. Do you truly believe those claims?” she asked.

“Whether they were eating geese or dogs, is that really what we are going to hang our hats on?” Vance responded. “The problem is that this small town in Ohio has been flooded with 20,000 migrants thanks to Kamala Harris’s policies. Now people can’t afford basic goods, they can’t afford food, they can’t afford housing in their communities and their public safety has been completely destroyed. It’s a disgrace, and Donald Trump was right to call it out.”

“Kamala Harris, like so many other issues, she has no way to explain why she is going to be better as president than she has been as vice president,” Vance continued. “It’s her policies that caused the problem, she should have to answer for that.”

CNN’s Kaitlan Collins attempted a similar maneuver on the same issue, which similarly backfired on her as well.

“This town has been ravaged by 20,000 migrants coming in,” Vance said. “Healthcare costs are up, housing costs are up, communicable diseases like HIV and TB have skyrocketed in this small Ohio town. This is what Kamala Harris’s border policies have done. And I think it’s interesting, Kaitlan, that the media didn’t care about the carnage wrought by these policies until we turned it into a meme about cats. And that’s speaks to the media’s failure to care about what’s going on in these communities.”

ABC’s Jon Karl was next up to bat against Vance following the debate, opting to go after Trump for his “mean words” describing Harris. “I heard Donald Trump before this debate describe Kamala Harris as a ‘low IQ individual,’ ‘someone who doesn’t have the mental capacity to be president,’ [and] ‘really dumb,’” Karl said. “Is that what you saw on stage tonight?”

“What I saw was a lot of slogans,” Vance responded. “I think the American people are smart and Kamala Harris talks to them like they’re children. She repeats these ridiculous platitudes, where if you actually think about what she said it doesn’t make any sense. The American people don’t get fed on plans. She has failed as vice president, and the fundamental question is, do we want to give her a promotion? I think the answer has to be no.”

Vance’s response in all three cases was a masterclass in how to not take the corporate media’s bait. He recognized that the media only wants to talk about issues that they believe they can frame in a way that makes Donald Trump look bad. Instead of playing their game, Vance blew up the entire narrative by shifting the focus back to the issues that voters care most about – the economy, crime, open borders – rather than made-up liberal attack lines.

Vance’s performance following the debate was a continuation of his battles with the media since becoming the vice presidential nominee in July.

During a string of appearances on Sunday talk shows in early August, Vance effectively neutralized the “weird” label that Harris and running mate Tim Walz were attempting to brand on him. “They can accuse me of whatever they want to accuse me of,” Vance told Dana Bash on CNN’s State of the Union. “I’m doing this because I think that me being vice president will help improve people’s lives, so I accept their attacks, but I think that it is a little bit of projection.”

Vance then proceeded to lay out how it is Walz who signed a bill putting feminine hygiene products in boys bathrooms in Minnesota public schools, Walz (and Harris) who supports child drag shows and transgender surgeries for children, and Walz who has evinced a bizarre obsession with communist China. Since then, the “weird” attacks have noticeably died down.

For an indication of just how effective Vance has been, just look at the media’s frenzied reaction to his combative style. “JD Vance has become Trump’s human bulldozer,” declared The Bulwark. The New York Times, meanwhile, acknowledged that Vance’s “combative style confounds Democrats,” while Politico christened him as “Trump’s attack dog,” suggesting that his media appearances were an attempt to “address criticism he’s faced for his bumpy rollout.”

But by all accounts, it is the media that has had a bumpy time since Vance entered the fray.

There was plenty of handwringing among the Republican consultant class when Trump chose Vance as his running mate. Many wanted Trump to pick someone who “balanced him out” – in other words, a milquetoast establishment type who would supposedly bring back disaffected Republicans. 

But Trump wisely recognized that what he needed was precisely the opposite. 2016 and 2020 were child’s play compared to 2024 in terms of the hoaxes and fake narratives that the corporate media-Democrat Party apparatus is rolling out against Trump. Vance is the perfect antidote to that. In addition to being highly intelligent and articulate, he understands the rigged game that the corporate media wants to play, and he refuses to be a participant in it.

Despite the declining viewership of legacy news networks, millions of Americans still tune in every day, including independent and on-the-fence voters. Vance’s ability to inject some truth into this programming is an enormous asset for Trump and the Republican Party.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. He previously served in the White House and the U.S. Senate. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.

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Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

Too late swap out Vance for Trump? I’m joking of course but maybe Vance should give Trump some debate & press management pointers? I say this because I both support and am voting for Trump but I need him to understand if he loses, WE LOSE!

Sharon K Danks
Sharon K Danks
5 months ago

Three weeks ago the Dems were asking Kamala to step aside because she was so unpopular. Now suddenly she is the second coming! If the electorate is this stupid we are finished.

5 months ago

Vance is a great choice and definitely an asset to Trump’s campaign. The ‘consultant class’ isn’t the best arbiter of campaign choices and is more Beltway than Main Street. More people can identify with Vance given his background and life experiences, so I believe the choice was a great one. The fact that he’s so eloquent and rational in his debate style just grates the nerves of the Communists so it’s a win win in my opinion.

5 months ago

I think an important point here that hasn’t been brought up is Mr. Vance is the perfect backup for Pres. Trump! We know what happened with Biden, they covered for him for YEARS simply because, at the time, Harris was a ridiculous choice to replace Biden! Now that they’ve had to groom and plot the course, she’s become a tool. Mr. Vance is no puppet and I think that’s another reason Pres. Trump selected him. Come what may, I am thankful we have the back up we need at this time!

5 months ago

Yes, he’s great at keeping on the target and not letting them drag him of the important issues. I hope he debates tampon Tim. That would be worth watching.

5 months ago

Trump should only agree to debate on television if NEWSMAX holds the debate. Everyone should be asking Harris if she would consent to a debate on NEWSMAX!!

5 months ago

JD Vance is willing to enter the dens of liberal media make cogent arguments to support Republican positions and to answer gotha questions with intelligent replies. I have yet to see Tim or Kamala brave the waters of Fox. Kamala does not defend her flips and flops, and were she to do so, the word salads would likely be incomprehensible. It is unfortunate that Trump couldn’t help tripping over his ego during the debate.

5 months ago

Vance is doing a great job of backing Trump 100%. He is quick and decisive in his answers to the “fake” media and I applaud him. If we want to continue to be the United States of America we will vote for Trump and Vance.

John Bass
John Bass
5 months ago

On a slightly different note, but NOT…The New York Post put out an article the day after the Trump, Harris debate showing pictures of Kamala’s earrings she wore on stage during the debate. They also showed pictures of earbuds you could buy that looked exactly the same as the earrings she wore. So basically Kamala was wearing a Bluetooth device during the debate, which explains why there were no word salads. Someone offstage was feeding her information telling her what to say and do.

It’s hard to tell truth from fiction and boys from girls now days, but none of this would surprise me, if true.

God bless America…Trump, Vance 2024

5 months ago

JD Vance is so good He can tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they would look forward to the trip!

John A Bird
John A Bird
5 months ago

I believe Trump should be utilizing our Constitution while debating Harris. This would definitely put Harris and the democraptic party in their place. Trump should also refer to this nation as our founding fathers fought so hard to retain, we are a “Constitutional Republic” not a democracy.

5 months ago

Good news about JD Vance and his ability to fight the ridiculous propaganda coming out of ABC and mainstream (lame-stream) news outlets. Vance might be able to articulate key national issues more effectively than Trump. Recent September “debates” consisted of 1 vs 3, Trump vs 2 leftist news lackies propping up a lame VP Harris. See excellent AMAC article on Fact Checks for ABC “news” vs Trump.

5 months ago

JD Vance – what a gift to Trump. I wish he were the one debating Harris because she wouldn’t have stood a chance.

5 months ago

The democrats attack Trump because they have no plans or projects to make America better. This election with the MSM right behind them is to eliminate Trump. He wants to bring the power back to the people. The debate was no debate. Kameltoe is an empty shell. Just keep attacking Trump but this time the voters rejected that after 4 years of dumping the country into an abyss. And a man at the helm that was hiding in his dacha in Delaware and when we did hear him we couldn’t understand what he said. But he was smart and alert. Yeah like as smart as Kameltoe. And that is not saying much. Trump has a plan. He talks today about the country like he did 40-45 years ago. He doesn’t waffle. Kameltoe changes her mind daily. Then we have Vance a smart man who can talk any of these talking heads under the table. A strong twosome to run America. They care about the people and want the best for America.

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
5 months ago

Yes! Thank goodness for someone like him!

5 months ago

Very good article. I am more impressed with Vance as time goes by. He is good at knocking down the left wing straw men as fast as they can set them up. Mrs. Lake out in Arizona is also very good at it.

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

Haitian refugees? Were there not 5 Billion dollars to rebuild the country and refugees that were here were to return ,only they sneaked into Canada instead. . And now there is a fresh contingent? What is going on, what happened to that money? Were the communities not rebuild? Were the money possibly redirected for different purposes and if so is that not a theft? Where did that money disappear to?

golden eagle
golden eagle
5 months ago

JD knows just what to do with snarky, whiny, American Marxist media hacks. Toss them out just like the garbage they are.

Dot whitley
Dot whitley
5 months ago

JD Vance is a real man, and many woman don’t like that, and many weak men don’t either. What a great answer he gave, but brain dead people will never admit the truth because they prefer a lie, and they also love to argue.

5 months ago

By handling this well, Vance has only guaranteed an unwell response from LameStreamMediAHoles.

Tim p
Tim p
5 months ago

Go Vance

5 months ago

No wonder the media hates him—he won’t play their game. I love it. He’s going to make a great President. He’s my next choice.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
5 months ago

JD gives the media clowns fits because he rebuts their false narratives! ALL Republicans who appear on TV “news” shows (especially ABC) should bring up their complicity with Kackler in the “debate.” LIE after lie with no “fact checking.” Now we learn that Linsey Davis is a sorority sister of Kamala!

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
5 months ago

JD Vance is successful because he is a strong principled man with a moral compass and ethical value system versus some made-up BS that he spews out of his mouth because he thinks he can trick people into buying it, believing the BS and thus he will win!! Bernie Sanders said that Kamala will say whatever to win! There you have it. If President Donald Trump and JD Vance do not get into the Whitehouse, America will become unrecognizable with Kamala and her Clown friend Timmy in charge. Enough said.

5 months ago

Good, corporate media has earned 24/7 nightmares.

David Phipps
David Phipps
5 months ago

Excellent! He cuts right to the core of the problem and leaves corrupt media staggering. Vance is a God send in our dark and ignorant world. Just hoping for a fair and uncorrupted vote this November.

5 months ago


Timothy Barstow
Timothy Barstow
5 months ago

This guy is the “real deal.”

Robert Chase
Robert Chase
5 months ago

Lame stream media is relevant only as long as we make them so. Refusing to play their games really irks them. Tese interrogators who pose as news personalities need compliant guests who will take a beating and agree to look bad. Vance is refreshing, taking the twisted questions and turning them into a positive campaign promotion.
Doing a great job!

5 months ago

Good characterization of Mr. Vance

Joanne4 justic
Joanne4 justic
5 months ago


5 months ago

For this election, Trump definitely does NOT need a milquetoast VP candidate like his VP choice in 2016. JD Vance is the articulate bulldog who continues to put attention on Trump’s POLICIES, which is what needs to be the focus in this campaign season, and which will win them the White House.

Ken Westenkirchner
Ken Westenkirchner
5 months ago

Trump is NOT a politician by any stretch. He is an easy target bc, I believe, is not an articulate communicator. He is a bulldog

5 months ago

Great article Shane. I hope and pray both Trump and Vance survive the onslaught of slathering beasts that are out of their cages. God is King of the world, but our nation is not honoring Him as such. In God we trust!? May He show us His great mercy once again and bring America back from the brink.

Mitch Donnenwerth
Mitch Donnenwerth
5 months ago

Great article offering advice for all of the readers on how to handle the negative questions from many of our friends or neighbors who listening to mainstream media. I really like JD Vance for these very reasons. I can’t wait for the VP debate.

Jimmy Dixon
Jimmy Dixon
5 months ago

Great article. JD for VP!

5 months ago

Ho ho Kamalallah O’Harris, is the epitome and the ” poster child” Of the “Peter Principle”.

5 months ago

I find it very comforting to see how informed and articulate Vance is.
I have no worries that if by some tragic action (God Forbid) he had to assume the duties of the President.
Please Pray for the safety of Our Leaders! God Bless the Trump/Vanco

5 months ago

Well written truth.

5 months ago

Thank you! That was GREAT! We didn’t know much about Vance, but we preferred him over the others based on hearing him speak! Of all the other candidates, he was the best at defending President Trump’s record, and he also had all the other ‘goods’ for the job. GREAT PICK for VP! And he’s not disappointed! They are a GREAT WINNING TEAM!

5 months ago

No, Sounds like “Lying Pieces of S—” to me – a citizen friend you haven’t met yet, but probably will at the polls soon.

5 months ago

I had my doubts about Vance but I’m starting to warm up to him. As we are still in the running for president/vp stage I still say only time will tell.

5 months ago

Does Vance really believe that Trump will give him very much latitude or responsibility if they win this election. We just need to look at four years of Mike Pence under Trump to have an idea. And Vance is a pretty good speaker , but has a quick answer for everything & he is totally wrong to say that a woman should stay in an abusive marriage!

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