The fix is in. To “protect democracy,” democracy is already being canceled. We just haven’t admitted the implications of this to ourselves yet.
On Sunday, January 14th, NBC News ran an eye-catching story: “Fears grow that Trump will use the military in ‘dictatorial ways’ if he returns to the White House.”
The fix is in. 2020 proved it. When they say that ,”every vote counts,” they mean it. Every vote that they need counts. Democrats, for all there promotion of diversity and equality, are the consummate practitioners of inequality. The proof is in “unequal process.” There was every evidence of “unequal process” throughout the election of 2020. As soon as the Covid pandemic, (which was the result of “gain of function” research, financed by a liberal democrat in 2014 during the Obama administration), hit us in March of 2020, the Democrats proposed “mail-in ballotting” for all, and months of polling, all the time in the world to play with the mailed-in ballots. But the ultimate proof of the fraudulence of the election of 2020 is found in the fact of the consequences of the policies which Biden has allowed or implemented since he assumed the office of the president in January, 2021. The last three years have been a disaster, and not a few American citizens would agree. So, if Biden should “happen” to win the election of 2024, are you, really, going to believe that “the fix” was not “in?” There had to have been digital shenanigans, otherwise, Americans are, all, a bunch of fools and we deserve the misery that we have caused ourselves.
concerning the mainstream media I’ve watched the them all go to a leftist political agenda especially after walter retired.i was a Democrat till 1980. Conservative from then on.
The anti-Trump fix has been in for 3 years
Unfortunately, if WE dont find a way to get the far left to realize the truth, the only way is a full on revolution. They won’t (can’t) allow Trump’s reelection. And our country WON’T survive without. NO time for on the job training.
The fix is in. As it is in our Capital, Washington DC, the elimination of our country and our freedom is very near.
In a Word YES
The Dems are off the wall with their far flung accusations. I am quite disgusted with most of them. The last two years since Biden took office have been one bungling incident after another. It goes on and on ! My blood pressure has been elevated for a year now.Personally, I don’t believe we will see a democratic election ever again. I am so sorry to say this, and hope I am wrong.
When I tried using the click here to read the article it took me to a blank page. Trying to have create an account on their platform. I just wanted to finish up the article. In the future please do not send readers to websites that want you to sign up before you can read the article. I am an Amac member so provide the continued story with our ant additional hoops to hurdle.Thank you
With the wide open borders and the entry of 22 million illegal aliens, the uniparty will seek citizenship and voting rights for this permanent voter base.
Same ole same ole. The Dims created fear of Goldwater creating WWIII. They again used this old line on Trump like the old traditional 1. they will take away your social security and 2. The Repubs are engaged in a war on women. A dusty playbook
Since Trump did not blow us up between 2016-2020 they have problems coming up with new fears. But they will find them and they will lead their media orchestra to communicate them. They cannot depend on the courts to defeat Trump. They know they need new material and they will find it. It will be entertaining and all bs.
Just like when Harry Reid said that Romney didnt pay his taxes. Another bs line. After Romney was defeated ( not before) the media asked Reid why he spread this falsehood.Reid said: ” he didn’t win did he ?”. The media never bothered to ask this question before the election. They were part of the plot, It will be very organized and efficient. Stand back and learn.
You will now watch the masters manipulate their puppets.
Isn’t it amazing? . . . The so-called Democrats are accusing Republicans of what they themselves are guilty of! I’m disgusted in the Republican Party Leadership and fully expect another STOLEN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION!
Of course.
If you want communism vote for Biden! If you want government by the U S constitution and law.