
Elections , Newsline

Iran Helping Harris Campaign?

Posted on Tuesday, September 24, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

We just learned that a sitting vice president, formerly part of the Biden-Harris ticket, now leading the Harris-Walz ticket, received as-yet-undisclosed Trump campaign material hacked by Iran and sent to directly the Democrat campaign in June. No big deal? Wrong – big deal, for three reasons.

First, once you get something, read it, and understand what it is, you cannot unread it, or draw no conclusions from it. No matter how much they protest that it means nothing, they still get it.

Subsidiary questions: Why are we only learning about this now, in September? What exactly did the Iranians pass to the Biden-Harris campaign? No one will say. Did it change Harris’ approach?

Some will say, “Who cares,” “Hey, she did not ask for it,” or “It makes no difference.” Is that so? Imagine Richard Nixon had said, after learning a clandestine operative broke into Democrat headquarters at the Watergate, that he was just chagrined, sorry, and would not use what got found?

Would that let him off the hook, end the inquiry, and all tidy? Doubt it. When Trump, in 2016, noted Clinton destroyed 30,000 potentially criminal emails, and jestingly said he would welcome them from anyone, including Russia, he was skewered. Harris just got Trump material – no conversation?

Second, think about the timing, and the import of that Trump campaign material ending up in the Biden-Harris camp. When did Biden drop out, or get forced out by pro-Harris Democrats? Mid-July.

When was the Republican convention? Mid-July. What do we know about the material? Little, but part was tied to Trump picking JD Vance as VP. Significant? How fast did Democrats jump on Vance?

What else do we know about timing? Two Biden emissaries met indirectly with Iranian officials in May, Brett McGurk and Abram Paley. What did they discuss? No telling, unclear.

McGurk worked for multiple administrations and is a credible lawyer and negotiator on the Biden-Harris NSC, in the White House. He never served in the military and is not without controversy.

When Trump withdrew forces from Syria, McGurk resigned, writing: Trump “is not a Commander-in-Chief… makes impulsive decisions with no knowledge or deliberation… blusters and then leaves our allies exposed…” Ironic views for a Biden-Harris NSC member after the Afghanistan debacle.

If McGurk is anti-Trump, he is also a former media analyst for NBC and MSNBC. While no links to McGurk, the media did, according to the FBI, reportedly get copies of Trump material hacked by Iran.

What about Paley? Tied to negotiations with Iran that produced that highly expensive prisoner purchase (six billion dollars) a year ago, Paley worked for the US envoy to Iran under FBI investigation for mishandling classified data and … is a former Mideast advisor to Kamilla Harris.

So, did anything untoward happen in May that might have produced that hack in June, delivery of Trump campaign material to Biden-Harris, about which Harris now says she knew nothing? Maybe not, but the two Biden-Harris officials dealing with Iran are anti-Trump and close to Harris.

Third, even if nothing suggests an interest by Harris in Iran’s bad behavior or links between her campaign and Iran’s hacking of Trump’s campaign, her people are viewed as very friendly to Iran. She is viewed as far more likely to appease than confront Iran, which is why Iran wants her to win.

Is that good for Americans? You tell me. What should average voters think of all this, Biden-Harris’s closeness to Iran, and hostility to Israel? Just this: Harris, like Biden, is ready to appease. She is weak. Iran knows it. Iran hacked Trump to help Harris and shared their hack with Biden-Harris and the media.

How does that make you feel? It should make most feel highly uncomfortable. By all indications, Iran is trying to help the Harris campaign win, and whether they have or not, that is their intent. Whatever Iran wants, most Americans should not, because Iran is no friend of America.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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David Meyer
David Meyer
9 days ago

Many think Obama is the puppeteer. Why doesn’t anyone remember Obama’s Iranian influencer, Valerie Jarrett?

9 days ago

WOW! And they hid it from us again? The corrupt & biased MSM never reported it also. Have we been sold to our enemies, like what Obama did in giving Iran billions? How can we trust our untrustworthy officials nowadays. Pray people, we are being sold. Amen.

VLee Knutsen
VLee Knutsen
9 days ago

Because also Biden dropped the Trump $$$ sanction$$$ against Iran. And Iran now makes $$$ Billions again. And under Harris, Iran likely could continue to make$$$ Big Money from its oil.

9 days ago

The corruption and dishonesty of Democrats should surprise no one. Ever since Obama as president, this country has paid the price for nastiness, distortions, fabrications, incitements of violence, racial divisions — disharmony in general. That is obviously due to Obama’s “fundamental change” to wreak havoc and seize power via plants into the Deep State machines. With Iranian Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s “right hand” advisor and John Kerry who has family ties to Iran, with Obama’s multi $Billion payments to Iran and his absurd “Iran Deal” the situation has metastasized from bad to evil. Harris will do as she’s told and yes, she is the weakest candidate to come along in generations although Biden was bad bad bad. Iran knows that Harris is a puppet of the pro-Iranian camp/Obama cabal. She will do as she’s bidden even if it means bad things to come for America and Israel. She is an empty suit albeit a nasty one, with zero, expertise it takes to be a U.S. president. OMG, Harris in charge of the “free” world? Please everyone. Wake up! Vote Red!

Rob citizenship--
Rob citizenship--
9 days ago

Praise for the reasoning Robert Charles used in this article to explain why the information sent to the Democrat campaign by Iran is a big deal ! There is no place for mystery with this sort of situation – involving a country such as. Iran , if a friendly foreign country sent information to the Democrat campaign about Donald Trump that would possibly not be all that important – it has been a long,long time since Iran has been in the friendly foreign country category. In certain parts of the world at this time there are situations that are like open container of gasoline – and there is no justification for doing anything that would contribute to an explosion. This is a time to cultivate stability ,to develop strength in everything that pertains to the defense of America. It is a time to keep in mind the lessons of September 11 , 2001 attacks and December 7,1941 attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan. In the interest of respect for truth , integrity and National Security the Democrat campaign should make some comment about this information sent by Iran . With Respect for truth and Liberty , Well done RBC –this article helps to define the importance of loyalty and strength of qualities that can contribute to National Character

9 days ago

Biden & Obama (BO) gave tons of money to Iran and many of us hold them personally accountable for a lot of what is going on with terror. I suspect Harris is also in bed with Iran, don’t you? Yet these three stooges who have sold out our great country are collecting a paycheck from legal American citizens. I do not like traitors and our country has no room for them. We deserve better.

9 days ago

DC politicians have screwed up this country and the security of this country so badly that it may never be unscrewed without revolution 2.0. The only loyalty these politicians have is to their political career, not the people. DC seems to be the countrys largest day care center seeing that these politicians act like problem children. Term limits are needed to get rid of the bad apples. We are going to see more of this and if Trump get elected we will see it get even worse. Russian collusion, now Iran. Whats next? Are we tired of this BS yet?

Philp Simon
Philp Simon
9 days ago

Iran will hope for Kamala so they willget what they want.

heil biden
heil biden
9 days ago


Patriot Eric
Patriot Eric
9 days ago

Hmmmm, Russian collusion, ring a bell? It’s always 1-sided!

John Gilpin
John Gilpin
9 days ago

This seems to have some very interesting implications of election interference from a foreign government. Benefiting a candidate running for office that is a communist and a bold faced salad talking liar. This woman has one agenda and that’s to tear down the USA.

anna hubert
anna hubert
9 days ago

It is in Iran’s interest to have her in. She is very Iran friendly, but not even a whisper from the media. I guess Woodward and Bernstein are dead and only will come back when there is something to do with Republicans ,even if it is a hoax

Pat R
Pat R
9 days ago

Nor is China any friend of America. The alliance between Russia, China and Iran (all our known enemies) would all want Harris in the WH. To be honest I’m a tad surprised China hasn’t tried something with the US during Biden’s 4yrs.

9 days ago

Valerie Jarrett, born in Iran, influence.

9 days ago

The voting in the USA will be as corrupt as it was in 2020. Immigrants, Iran and all the manipulation of the Democrats. God Save Us!

9 days ago

As usual, foreign entities interfering with US politics and elections. Unfortunately, our nation’s leaders are just as guilty of the same interference during other nations elections. Despite vowing not to, our nation’s government does indeed break the law. Is there anything new here? Don’t think so.

Doug O.
Doug O.
9 days ago

Good afternoon, Mr. Charles:
Thank you, very much, for writing and publishing this article. It doesn’t surprise me in the least that Biden and Harris are supporters of Iran!! That’s why the United States has been ‘really’ slow in supporting Israel!!

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
9 days ago

RBC: You didn’t need the question mark in the title! It’s obvious that Iran, China, and Russia are ALL helping the Harris campaign. Harris will be another sycophantic pansy like “Crooked Joe.” If one were to check, she probably got money from the ChiComs like Joey. And cozying up to Iran pleases her Hamas-loving base like Presley, Omar, and AOC and their “comrades.”
We also know that Iran is planning to assassinate Trump. Notice, they aren’t bothering to do anything to the DIMMs who are allowing them free rein in the Middle East plus giving them billions of dollars!


9 days ago

Iran knows they got Joe and Kameltoe by the sh..t hairs. Joe has given them billions in dollars. Which resulted into a Middle East war between Hamas and Israel with 1200 people massacred and hostages taken. Iran is paying for all the missiles that have been shot at Israel. Ole Joe is calling for a cease fire only Hamas says no. Hamas is demonstrating all over America and Europe and anti semitism is rampant but that is alright. After all according to ole Joe there are good people on both side. Ole Joe said it. Trump never said it about the white supremacists in Charlottesville. Ole Joe keeps telling that lie while it has been proven by many many media outlets that he never said it. Appeasement toward Iran will continue under Kameltoe and comrade Timmy. Vote TRUMP/VANCE to keep world peace and save our husbands sons, daughters and fathers and mothers from certain death.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
9 days ago

Getting support fromIran and Zelensky- why am I NOT surprised?

9 days ago

Is everyone blind?? Can’t they see the link to the lies and illegal dealings with iran and hamas? The biden/harris connection cut off the necessary military needs of Israel just when they needed it the most. The don’t want that war to end. They have too many commitments to iran. Harris now says she knew nothing? Maybe not, but the two Biden-Harris officials dealing with Iran are anti-Trump and close to Harris. Lies Lies Lies….

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 days ago

Gee, remember “Russia, Russia, Russia-Trump Collusion”? Don’t suppose the FBI has a wiretap on Kumbuyas phone, though, eh? No emails between FBI lovers about “getting Harris” either? So… when’s the next trending podcast “Mullahs for Kamala” broadcasting? Better check… see if anyone with a Persian name donated hundreds of thousands to her campaign…

9 days ago

There is no reason for our government to cozy up to and appease Iran. Iran’s IRGC has the blood of our service members from tours in Afghanistan and Iraq on their hands, so there is no justification whatsoever for any member of the US government to seek to appease them; worse yet, to remove sanctions and give them billions that were frozen in accounts (like Barry and his circus of Communists did). Each time popular uprisings against the mullahs erupt over the past 15 years (I.e. the purple revolution in 2010), the Communist Democrats stay silent instead of giving just one speech supporting the uprising. Instead of neutralizing Iran as a threat through minimal displays of statesmanship, the Communists continue to try and establish dialogue with the mullahs in Tehran.

9 days ago

Rotten to the core!

Rick V
Rick V
9 days ago

Enough is enough, Stop the BS Scamula

9 days ago

Iran favors Kamala Harris and Tim Walz because they’re future Marxist dictators if elected.. Iran would love to see this country lose its freedoms including freedom of speech.

Old Silk
Old Silk
9 days ago

Is Valerie Jarrett an Iranian operative? Is owebama an Iranian operative? Are all the people who claim to know nothing about it Iranian operatives?

David P Nelson
David P Nelson
9 days ago

…what a mess.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
9 days ago


5 days ago

The US should strive to be friendly to all countries and allied to none of them.

5 days ago

If just one thing… maybe the ignorant would ignore it. But add this to the 100 of other things and you would think people would vote for Trump’s team just to give U.S. a chance to be an independent nation. But read the Bible and you know exactly what is happening.

V. S.
V. S.
5 days ago

I do agree with this article 120 percent, but unfortunately The Rhinos within the Republican party are gutless cowards and have done nothing to help President Trump while he was President and certainly proved my point going forward.
The Federal government officials and their schemes need a complete overhaul, both parties are responsible for The American demise We are in and this includes the last 5 US Presidents!

6 days ago


  1. Is it legal?
  2. What is being done?
  3. What must be done?

Solutions to indication is needed.

7 days ago

Excellent article as usual from Mr. Charles.

7 days ago

Anything to do with Iran is a threat to all Americans and our security to say the least. You cannot back down to bullies in anyway, shape or form or you are doomed.

8 days ago

Of course Iran is helping her, as is the CCP and Venezuela, etc. She makes them rich and powerful at the taxpayers’ expense and in turn, they make her wealthy and powerful. They couldn’t even begin to hide that fact in the Obama and Biden administrations. This snobbery will not bode well at the gates of heaven.

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