
Americans are distressed at how 2024’s presidential election is shaping up. Three unprecedented events are afoot, the most serious being election interference by prosecutors.
Major felonies – violations of federal bribery laws (18 USC 201), the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (15 USC 78), and federal RICO (18 USC 96) – are credibly alleged against President Biden, yet his attorney general does nothing. That is stunning, event number one.
Event number two, within discretion of the Democrat Party, is the odd demise – fading mental and physical condition – of their presumptive candidate. Americans re worried about that.
Event three is the four political indictments – two state, two federal – launched against the leading Republican candidate. On their face, all four are an extraordinary stretch of the law.
Studied from the view of history, state and federal caselaw, how laws are applied, and their impact on constitutional rights – the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and 14th Amendments – they are all plainly political.
Supporting that view, the New York indictment misinterprets federal election law, seeks to turn a state misdemeanor into a federal violation, apparently to disqualify the Republican candidate. The New York prosecutor won on a platform of finding a way to indict the Republican.
The Georgia indictment is also brought by a politically motivated prosecutor who wildly overreached, indicting 19 Republicans and lawyers for the Republican candidate, inferring criminality from traditional politics, emasculating state and federal constitutional rights.
At the federal level, as if actors were colluding, the aim seems to be preventing the Republican from campaigning, while intimidating lawyers and likely voters. The federal prosecutor brought indictments that would effectively eviscerate the First and Fourth Amendments.
In short, his first indictment involves raiding the former president’s home with impunity, using excessive force, excessive time, an illegal “general warrant” in violation of the Fourth Amendment, for administrative violations also committed by the sitting president.
His second indictment requires proof the former president did not believe his election was marred by irregularities around COVID, and if he can prove that, making a political speech the proximate cause of specific crimes, in effect criminalizing future political speeches.
What is more, the federal and state prosecutors are established political actors, known for Democrat activism and animus toward the indicted Republican candidate. The federal prosecutor was even reprimanded by the US Supreme Court 9-0 for a similar case against a Republican.
In cases like these, where prosecutors jump the rails, more likely than not motivated by wanting to do damage to a person, property, or reputation of the party indicted, two actions lie.
The first is a claim of prosecutorial misconduct, second for malicious prosecution. Unfortunately, both are involved, the first usually resulting in a slap on the wrist, second only possible when a defendant prevails on the merits, then looks to recover some of the lost reputation.
However, in this case, something else is afoot – transparent election interference, with the briefing and trial dates conspicuously opposite presidential primary dates. Perhaps not coincidentally, the indictments appeared on news days featuring alleged Biden infractions.
So, what is the remedy for audacious election interference by prosecutors, in effect abusing judicial process to interfere with a campaign of their political rival, their number one rival?
The answer is in the federal criminal code, 18 USC 595, which can be used by any federal prosecutor against anyone, including another federal or state prosecutor, for election interference.
The statute is perfectly fitted to cases against these prosecutors, based on what is known of their motivations, reputations, affiliations, and the half-baked indictments hustled through pliant grand juries, in some cases perhaps without witnesses.
The obvious nature of this triple-teaming, election interference gambit is an invitation to federal prosecutors – and perhaps states attorneys general on state laws – to end this bizarre chapter in American history, an attempt by Democrat prosecutors, a bitter Attorney General, and a worried, corrupt President, to throw an election.
In short, if federal and state prosecutors take a close look, causes of action appear to exist for bringing to justice the those abusing prosecutorial power to effect political ends.
This is the time for those of integrity to use these laws on the books to protect against a prosecutorial abomination – unconstitutional, facially criminal election interference.
Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.
Obviously, the sole intent of all the indictments brought against Trump to date are nonsensical in nature and would NOT stand up under close legal scrutiny. Many of the charges are absurd and fly in the face of both the Constitution and legal precedent. Of course, this all amounts to election interference by both the DOJ, the POTUS who overseas and controls the DOJ, and the state and federal prosecutors, all Democrats, involved in all 4 indictments.
The problem is when both the federal justice system and the justice systems of some states has been so thoroughly and openly corrupted, to the point where all the players on the prosecution side are no longer concerned with appearances of political bias and actively demonstrate distain for the rule of law itself, traditional responses within the avenues of such a corrupted system are useless. First the integrity of the system has to be restored, before one can expect to operate within the framework of the system to get justice again. That brings up the issue no one wants to acknowledge, because that would mean acknowledging our justice system has been corrupted, which the rest of the world already knows by these and other actions of this administration.
Democrats have NO INTENTION of relinquishing their control of the federal government this time around. Just like every other authoritarian regime, this regime will utilize whatever means are at its disposal to ensure Biden wins against whomever is the challenger. This regime will be using other means as well, as we get closer to what used to be referred to as election day. Look for some new crisis to emerge within 6 to 9 months of election days to allow for a repeat of lax ballot counting standards once again. That is how all socialist and Marxist regimes operate around the world. In this particular tactic of lawfare, the opposition is brought up on bogus charges to either frighten the opposition off or, if necessary, falsely imprison the opposition. Either result achieves the desired result of getting the opposition off the field. The whole world is watching whether the American people will tolerate, yet again, more of the same tactics used in China, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Venezuela, Argentina, Zimbabwe, etc., etc.
Harvard Grad you make claims about Trump that he is a horrible person and did things wrong but give no specifics. The one thing he did wrong was to keep Dr. Fauci, who continued to lie to the American people during the Covid time frame. Yes I don’t like how Trump may belittle people but he is constantly bullied by everyone else and he is a fighter that keeps on fighting for us.
The Judicial Oversight Committee needs to chit or get off the pot! If Trump was accused of what quid pro quo as Biden has been he would have been impeached 6 months ago. The Committee needs to get it DONE. No need to wait for that biased selective Special Prosecutor to finish his investigation. You have the right to Impeach Biden NOW. You have the emails, you have the bank records now PLEASE SHOW SOME BACKBONE, and GET IT DONE! Impeach Mayrokas, impeach Merit Garlin for not doing their jobs!!!
If Trump drops out, or people choose someone else because of the indictments, the Democrats win..Then they know they can do it again, and people will give Democrats the benefit of doubt, and they will do it to any Republican. Anyone who does not want Democrats to win, needs to support Trump,or any other Republican that is nominated. I would vote for Trump, if I wouldn’t otherwise, just because of what the Democrats have done to him. Remember “resist” and “impeach” ?? The Democrats are not good people. Maybe Trump was not the best president ever, but he sure did the most for this country and the people of this country.
If we do not have an impartial DOJ, FBI or media what do we have? The military? The CIA? Our kids are being brainwashed like the Hitler youth. The educational system and libraries are corrupt. Our elections have been bought by a handful of the world’s richest, most morally corrupt men. How many were involved in Epstein’s pedo island, the names have been swept under the rug. Lord Jesus help us.
I don’t see this as a bunch of crimes that Trump actually committed but, rather, that it’s the Democrats who are actually committing crimes by their actions!! They are corrupt in engineering their actions to their best outcome by pushing every possible button to get Trump out of the 2024 race and they will do that whatever the cost!! That the wicked, evil part of Democrats!! They conspire to keep him from campaigning or debating with their projected trial dates! They are consciously trying to run him out of money with all of these Democrat instigated legal troubles!! I am hoping that the cost of handing Trump all of this legal troubles is that they lose the Senate by a large margin, the Republicans keep the house by a larger margin and that they don’t win the White House again for a long time!!! They are asking to be taught a lesson so let’s teach them a lesson – don’t vote for a single Democrat ever again!!!
The Democrats and some Republicans are so scared of Trump , they will do anything to hurt him . Real Americans know the truth . Trump is loud, arrogant and tells the truth . He does not want to be part of the Washington elite . Like our enemies, China, Russia, Iran, N. Korea, etc. our present Communist Administration fears him . Trump in 2024 .
We are moving towards a one party system which nobody wants except the people in power. These people have forgotten a government for the people, it is now a government for those in power. A one party system is essentially Communism!
Trump is being indicted by the left interpretation of the law and constitution. They see a crime even if ole Joe does the same thing. Only they say then ole Joe “ain’t” no crook. Nixon said that too. But he was. Ole Joe has been crooked for 50 years. He has lied, plagiarized, and aggrandized himself all his life. But having feeling for the American people or America don’t look to him for that. After all we are a cult not Americans to him. Ole Joe is president for ole Joe.
All prosecutors and judges have been compromised and bought by Soros. No political opponent has a chance in the courts.
go back to harvard, the clowns forgot to teach you how to observe the obvious, only to watch hos on cnn and to listen to hos on the view ..
I think Trump did everything, except Covid response, right. Tariffs on imports for government funding to be able to lower the tax burden on mid and lower income families was good, and also gave US businesses a fair chance in the retail market. The tax cuts were good. The southern border regulation was good, allowing legal immigrants to come in, and restricting criminals taking unfair advantage of other illegal immigrants. Doing what could be done to avoid war, and Nuclear war, with countries like China, North Korea, and Russia was excellent. Some people just don’t know that nuclear war would ruin the planet for all life, not just people, and that their climate agenda would be nothing in the wake of nuclear fallout. Updating Veteran services and medical care was good. As far as Covid response, he tried to listen to his advisors. Any president does that. He just didn’t know that his advisors were not the impartial experts they claimed to be. The only thing I did not like was the continual drama that surrounded him, and most of that came from his opponents. He just knew how to take advantage of their frenzy.
Biden on the other hand has done much harm to our nation and people. Cutting off our own fuel pipeline, increasing taxes on mid and lower income families, inflation, sending our money to the Ukraine instead of helping our own people in need, opening the borders wide to illegal immigration, and forcing people to conform to environmentalist ideas that are not as environmentally sound as they claim. He has lied since his days as a law student, and they thought he should be a candidate for any public office?
My wise grandmother used to say, “there is good and bad in all”. Is Trump perfect…no but I’d rather have a man who donated his salary and worked his tail off than one who lies, who was briefed of the “Russian collusion” and yet went along with it instead of telling the American people the TRUTH!!!. Trump worked harder in 1 day than Pres OBiden does in a month of Sundays!
I would not let the world know you are a Harvard grad. Your mind has been wasted there.
If the Democrats manage to steal the 2024 elections cycle and keep the Presidency and Senate. Along with stealing enough Congressional sets. Our country as we know it now will not be the same ever again. Right now they are trying to spread fear and control with the CCP-19-VIRUS again. If they can get even more unregulated mail-in balloting they will pull it off again like 2022
After 4 years of staged impeachments based on what they all knew was manufactured evidence exploiting the legislative system, I’m supposed to believe there is no interference in this election by exploitation of the justice system? We live on a banana boat and Joe Briben is the captain!
Our representative form of government is on the line, when we vote in 2024. We do not have a free republic if we allow dishonest prosecutors to high jack the electoral process. Prosecuting Trump, the leading candidate in the GOP primary, is downright prosecutorial misconduct and outright campaign interference! Trump has done nothing wrong except get in the way of the liberal left trying to hold on to power, while at the same time destroying America. People of upstanding character must standup between now and November 2024, and fight with all their might for freedom and liberty and vote the unethical liberal left bums out of office! Go Trump, MAGA!
The article is a good summary of where we are and why. The real question is WHAT CAN THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ACTUALLY DO ABOUT IT?? Have been asking this since the system failed us by not investigation all the known and documented issues and irregularities concerning the 2020 and possibly the 2022 elections.
Have argued that we need to start again at the level of local and stae government and elect people who will support the law and the Constitution.
You are full of schiff
This done in purpose to bring down our country an weaken us not but accident !
Tired of hearing about all the allegations of the Biden crime family and his tyrannical depts so what’s next? More talk, so much evidence if it were the other way around they would of had the whole Trump family in jail n thrown away the key. Not to mention gutting these 3 letter organizations. Throw the Rhinos out and start playing hard ball people…it’s that simple. You can’t tell me their that powerful….it’s only the fake news that makes it seem that way… just like corrupt Joe got eighty million votes….stop playing conservative people like fools. Look at what happened in Germany…..nobody took them seriously or turned a blind eye and all of a sudden the Nazis were in charge. This country was founded on Judeo-Christian values and their takin away our freedoms a lil at a time till no one notices then just like that you have a Marxist take over….Wake up people your children’s future is at stake and you probably won’t be around to witness it’s tragedy
Joe is trying to prosecute his way back to the White House.
Actions speak louder than words and the actions by the corrupt federal and state prosecutors are thinly veiled attempts to prevent Donald Trump from running for President again. Biden, the DOJ, FBI and the whole Democratic Party are prime examples of corruption of the highest order. None are fit to hold any government office. Trump said it best 6 years ago: “Drain the Swamp!” Maybe this cannot be accomplished without a second American Revolution, but we MUST take back our country. Patrick Henry said it best: “Give me liberty or give me death! “
We all better plant some banana trees because we are quickly becoming a banana republic.
What is being done is so obvious that people who were not on Trump’s side are now fed up and are coming over.
Ok so they’re crooked all of them. The JD CIA FBI military are all in on this. So the question is who can do anything. Nothing short of civil war will work? And let’s say five million men march on DC. Right, that will work? No they will kill them all. Just talking about it online like this the weaponized IRS will take us out. So let’s keep it simple. We are f*cked
We all know what the remedy for all the ills is There is no mechanism in place to apply it and no body to implement it Threshing the empty straw to powder will not work
My thoughts exactly. Why doesn’t the Trump defense team use conspiracy to commit 18usc 595, Interference by administrative employees of Federal, State or Territorial Governments, against these 3 prosecutors that are conspiring together to interfere in an election? “Whoever….uses his official authority for the purpose of interfering with, or affecting, the nomination or the election of any candidate for the office of President or Vice President….”
These so-called-prosecutors .. Inquisistion-ists might be a better term .. are obviously .. lawless.
Our’s is the time of the lawless-one .. it seems .. and perhaps he being preceded by a lawless generation .. and here we are .. in those times .. it seeming.
Seems the Democrats operate under the idea that the means justify the end, whatever it takes. And the Republicans haven’t determined to stop them. Probably because they are also benefitting from the corruption. So they can talk all they want about the bad democrats, but they aren’t doing much to stop this, either. Makes me wonder why? We need new representatives, and we definitely need to get the entrenched members out of there.
In the third paragraph: “Americans re worried about that.” should read “Americans are worried about that.”
Doesn’t anyone do proof reading anymore?
Good there is a remedy to hold these corrupt prosecutors accountable for the crimes they are committing. It remains to be seen if anyone will do it, because it has only gotten this bad because bad actors were allowed to steal both 2020 and 2022.
Well, the Hillary cow calls are in session. Money Brings unity and Barack and Joey B
Keep the unity and collusion going and the multiethnic giggling VP for historical signature. Whoot Whoot‼️‼️What historical and hysterical ways to run the best ever Nation????????????????????????????????????????????????
The phone call to Georgia AG asking him to find 11 thousand votes by Trump was a very bad judgement call & Trump needs to explain just how this was “Perfect Phone Call” as he claims. And sending lawyers to Georgia was the 2nd mistake. He might have been POTUS , abut as he has said “No one is above the law”. This is not political, this is act of bullying to get what you want & that is not what our Founding Fathers want us to do.
Donald Trump should step out of the residential race for the good of the country. It is now getting close to two years since he left the oval and the left are still looking for ways to legally harass him. Right or not, it shows what he ill be if for if re-elected. He doesn’t seem to see that his age, his lack of understanding the difference between government and business, his inability to navigate through the system of government and his self aggrandizing are only a few of the issues that we will have to face should he succeed.
We need new blood in our government. With the average age in government pushing close to 70, we are in trouble. The un-elected are currently making the laws and running the asylum, and executive orders are only temporary changes to the way we live which, as January 2021 proved, can be overturned by the stroke of a pen,
Promises made on the campaign trail can only become permanent changes if there is enough support among elected official to turn them into law. There are only a few who have a proven record of getting this done. What we need is a younger person who has shown that campaign promises have been kept, and is young enough to thrive under the pressures of the job without spending us into the third world. Even Obama left the White House wih snow on the roof.